Industry Rumor - DS Redesign to be Announced at E3

I'm happy with the DS Lite right now but if they were to release a newer version I'd probably buy it eventually just because my DS has gotten so much use that it's bound to need to be replaced at some point anyway.

I don't think a redesign will include 90% of what has been suggested. I don't see internal storage, bigger screens, etc, this is Nintendo we're talking about. I'd bet a new version would be lighter, maybe a tiny bit smaller but not much, I think it's at a good size right now. Better battery life would be almost definite. Better image quality on the touch screen maybe. Support for WPA maybe, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Possibly a more durable feeling hinge, I love the DS Lite but it feels so fragile compared to the original.
The only reason a redesign could be coming - which I'm still not convinced of - would be to combat the PSP, which has really come of age in Japan and found a good following in the USA as well. So it makes sense for the Japanese market, since they are gadget loving crazies who would snap it up simply because it is new and the DS.

Meanwhile, the US market - as has been demonstrated by this thread - would feel cheated unless there was a host of new features. Again, candy dispension, erotic arts, etc.

As for new features, I would like to see some kind of virtual console in the portable realm, but I don't think Nintendo would be hot on it. They already know the DS is littered with piracy left and right, so I can't imagine they want to encourage it with things like onboard memory. So let's say they had specialized flash cards to do it. Well, barring that the security on those would be cracked in about 2 days, can you imagine how the DRM would work? I'm guessing you'd have to fly to Nintendo HQ just to get a new game each time.

Really all you can do in the portable realm - barring some crazy new input/control scheme that I am not in the mood to imagine, or perhaps am not smart enough to imagine - is continue the arms race. Meaning the DS2 will be more powerful, have bigger screens, and a host of media features to take on the PSP head-on. It might sport a multitouch interface, it might have some kind of motion input (see MagKid), and perhaps integrate further with their home system by providing more usage as a controller/demo downloader/etc.

Otherwise it is completely not worth it. I've heard talk the DS sales in Japan are slowing, but the popular opinion is that everyone has one, so the market is saturated. A redesign would revitalize sales for maybe a year at the most in my opinion. Would be better to bring out the DS2 at this point.

I guess we'll see if Nintendo is going for the no-show trifecta this year.
[quote name='sfriedlander']i don't see the point in this, the lite is hella dope[/QUOTE]

Every time Nintendo releases a new color or a re-design, it's a goldmine for them. That's why they've done it in the past and that's why they keep doing it.
As mentioned before, the very idea of dropping the GBA port sounds really bogus since quite a few DS games make use of it (such as games that use GBA titles to unlock content, such as Pokémon). The DS already has a rumble cart, the web browser's Memory Expansion Pak, and the currently Japan-only camera.
This is the news I have been waiting for. I hope it comes with a good game or 2.
Time to upgrade my blue phatty!!! Never like the buttons on the light.
Now if they would just have some good wii interconnectivity.
[quote name='dmaul1114'][quote name='yayece']*yawn*
Adding in onboard memory now dooms it to being poorly supported and I'm pretty sure Nintendo knows that.[/quote]
I imagine they could just add storage to the DS Lite/Phat using an DS memory card or a memory device that plugs into the GBA slot to give it the same functionality as the new model.

That would help with support I'd think. But then again they probably care more about selling any redesign and such a move would cut sales so that probably won't happen.[/quote]

Well... They *could* release a memory card for the current DS's, but it still wouldn't be supported well. It would because only a subset of DS owners would have this memory card. If you're a developer, would you want to spend your efforts developing something that all 65M DS owners could enjoy? Or just the 10% that have this extra memory thing?

We can look historically at just about any add-on, or piece of hardware "not everyone has." None of them were really widespread or well supported. Compare the DS vs GBA's multiplayer connectivity. It's built-in to the DS, so everyone has it, and it's fairly widely supported. The GBA, you had to buy extra hardware (the link cable). I can only think of 2-3 games other than Pokemon that use it. Or consider the multi-player (>2 people) support for PS2 vs Gamecube/Dreamcast. PS2 was virtually non-existent since you had to buy that multi-tap thing. Both the DC and GCN had a good number of 4-player games.
I agree, add ons never get much support. I was just saying they could put out a mem card for the DS in that scenario so at least people could use whatever features that required storage without buying a whole new DS.

That would at least up support some, but like I said I don't see that happening. If they want to make those kind of changes, then put out the DS2 with on board storage, bigger screens, and nice analog stick etc. etc.
Wake up, whoever was disagreeing. The GBA is dead. Nintendo's "The DS is not a succesor...." thing is bullshit and everyone knows it.
It'd be nice if they unveiled the DS 2 at E3 rather than just a retooling of the existing system. I'd like better graphics and sound...

eh, but whatever. I can deal as long as we keep getting so many good games.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Nintendo's "The DS is not a succesor...." thing is bullshit and everyone knows it.[/QUOTE]

That was just them covering their ass incase their touch screen gimmick etc. failed. Then they could have just stuck with the GBA and put out a GBA2 pretty quickly if the DS hadn't taken off.
[quote name='dmaul1114']That was just them covering their ass incase their touch screen gimmick etc. failed. Then they could have just stuck with the GBA and put out a GBA2 pretty quickly if the DS hadn't taken off.[/QUOTE]

This is correct.

The DS was an experiment that execs themselves said "we hope it reaches 10% of the available audience."

Then it came out and destroyed that estimate.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Wake up, whoever was disagreeing. The GBA is dead. Nintendo's "The DS is not a succesor...." thing is bullshit and everyone knows it.[/quote]

The GBA, yes, is dead.

The Game Boy line of handhelds however, is not.
[quote name='SL4IN']
The Game Boy line of handhelds however, is not.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. The DS brand name has taken over. I doubt they'll put out another portable under the GB label.
[quote name='Cao Cao']Why assume that they'll expand the touchscreen? If their goal was something like a media-enabled DS, then they would only need to expand one screen for playing movies (DS software would be played at the normal resolution). The top screen would be the obvious choice; not only does it have a better quality and position than the touchscreen, expanding it would not cause any of the problems you mentioned.[/QUOTE]

Even that would cause problems. What about games like Contra that use both screens as part of the same playing field?
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Even that would cause problems. What about games like Contra that use both screens as part of the same playing field?[/QUOTE]

They could avoid that issue by just using the portion of the screen that is representative of the original screen size, with black bars on either side. Having said that, I don't think they'd actually do that (larger top screen). The main change I could see coming is support for downloadable content (virtual portable and DLC for games), because that adds a new revenue stream without affecting anything else. New games could have support for DLC if run on a new DS. Aside from DLC being a cash cow itself, while games will continue to work fine on older DS's, the DLC option will give incentive to buy a new DS, and that's more money as well. DLC is a key feature of the current generation of gaming systems, and one that the DS is essentially missing out on as it stands.
Yeah, I could see storage added for DLC and it only being used to save DS demos and for some VC games.

That way it's not used for actual DS games and the support issue doesn't matter for developers.

Still not something I'd buy a new DS for. Would be a nice feature, but not so useful given I ditched my Wii. Unless they make it so you can log into a VC store and buy games and get demos directly from the DS.... But still, I wouldn't' shell out the money for that. Those would be nice features, but ones I could wait for on the eventually DS2 or whatever they call it.
[quote name='crunchewy']The main change I could see coming is support for downloadable content (virtual portable and DLC for games), because that adds a new revenue stream without affecting anything else. New games could have support for DLC if run on a new DS. Aside from DLC being a cash cow itself, while games will continue to work fine on older DS's, the DLC option will give incentive to buy a new DS, and that's more money as well. DLC is a key feature of the current generation of gaming systems, and one that the DS is essentially missing out on as it stands.[/quote]

Nintendo needs add WPA2 support unless they expect WEP is secure enough to be doing credit card transactions.
[quote name='laaj']Nintendo needs add WPA2 support unless they expect WEP is secure enough to be doing credit card transactions.[/QUOTE]

Such transactions don't rely on wep. They use, what is it called, SSL? The thing they use on banking sites, amzon and such. It doesn't have anything to do with WEP or WPA and is independent of it. You can go to your bank account on a wide open wireless network and you are a-ok, because the connection with the bank is handled securely, in fact far more securely then WPA2.

Anyway, another option they have is to do all the DLC and virtual portable stuff through the Wii, with the files transfered to your DS once on the Wii. That wouldn't do me any good as I don't have a Wii, but for a lot of people that would work, at least for getting stuff onto the DS when at home. It wouldn't do any good when on the road.
Do you guys really want two of the main gripes of current gen gaming brought into the DS?

PS3- no backwards compatibility
XBOX360- division of the audience into those that have a hard drive and those that don't

The DS lite is perfect as is. Redesigning it is a waste of time and money that should be spent on it's successor, which has an incredibly tough act to follow.
As good as the DS lite is, I haven't picked it up to play in soooooooooo long. I don't see how people are going to want to BUY a whole new one unless it's vastly improved to where it has a lot more functionality people want in portable devices. My idea is something like an iPod Touch (OS features) that's able to play games.

With that said I still don't plan to sell my DS lite anytime soon.
[quote name='VipFREAK']As good as the DS lite is, I haven't picked it up to play in soooooooooo long. I don't see how people are going to want to BUY a whole new one unless it's vastly improved to where it has a lot more functionality people want in portable devices. My idea is something like an iPod Touch (OS features) that's able to play games.

With that said I still don't plan to sell my DS lite anytime soon.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't want all that in the DS. I have an iPod Touch and that is what I carry everywhere. My DS is too big to carry everywhere and I wouldn't want a DS that was so much smaller that it was uncomfortable to play. Anyway, I play my DS all the time and I would definitely consider a new and improved one if it was new and improved in the right ways.

Also, with regard to dividing the audience into those with DLC support and those without, this could be somewhat alleviated by making an inexpensive GBA slot add-on for current DS Lites that adds support for DLC, either via built-in storage, or an SD card slot. I say this not knowing, of course, if that would actually work. If it did, then this would be a solution, and would offer an upgrade option that would be cheaper than buying a new DS (though I'd probably sell my DS Lite and buy the new one anyway.)
While the GBA may be dead, developers still use that slot for accessories.

Guitar Hero on DS is using that exact port for an accessory needed to play.
[quote name='crunchewy']Also, with regard to dividing the audience into those with DLC support and those without, this could be somewhat alleviated by making an inexpensive GBA slot add-on for current DS Lites that adds support for DLC, either via built-in storage, or an SD card slot. I say this not knowing, of course, if that would actually work. If it did, then this would be a solution, and would offer an upgrade option that would be cheaper than buying a new DS (though I'd probably sell my DS Lite and buy the new one anyway.)[/QUOTE]

Unless my understanding of the DS hardware is completely wrong, there's almost no way that wouldn't work. It'd be a bit limited in scope, though - the DS doesn't have enough buttons for the N64 controller mapping.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus'] - the DS doesn't have enough buttons for the N64 controller mapping.[/QUOTE]

I'd imagine it would be limited to the 2D games on the VC, if it ever comes to fruition.
Wait, are people talking about running current VC games on the DS, or more accurately, as a "new" feature of a DS redesign?

And when you say VC, do you mean VC as the games are now or do you mean previous GB/GBC/GBA games?

Because there is no way the DS could properly emulate N64 games. Remember, an emulator is a piece of software that has to be run concurrently as the game is running, meaning a system must be substantially more powerful than the system it is emulating. The DS can handle N64 type games, but they have to be ported. There's no way it could run an emulator of an N64 game.
I would miss the GBA port based solely on the fact that right now, my brand new DS can still play the Castlevania Adventure cartridge I bought in 89, and no other system can claim to have 20 years of games without DLC.
i still say the only thing the ds needs is an analog stick. and mybe a direction stick or nub of some kind. that way you could port more n64 games. or maybe the new ds will alow you to connect your ds to the internet on your pc through a usb port.
[quote name='Strell']Wait, are people talking about running current VC games on the DS, or more accurately, as a "new" feature of a DS redesign?

And when you say VC, do you mean VC as the games are now or do you mean previous GB/GBC/GBA games?

It could be either or IMO, just not for N64 games as you stated (and I excluded above).

I'd imagine it would just use current VC games, with any thing but the N64 among whats out being available. That would be the easiest way for them to get a lot of games on the DS right away and make money in sales.

All they'd have to do is redesign the VC store a bit for the DS and have it access the same NES, NES, Genesis and TG-16 games.

That said, I'm not optimistic of that happening this gen. Seems like a feature better left to the real DS2 which will have a much larger user base than any redesign DS would get.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
That said, I'm not optimistic of that happening this gen. Seems like a feature better left to the real DS2 which will have a much larger user base than any redesign DS would get.[/quote]

That's kind of what I was trying to get at. This rumor has been floating around for quite a while and is nothing new. None of the features of this "redesign" make much sense. I figured it was bullshit back then, and haven't changed my mind.
[quote name='SeanNOLA']I would miss the GBA port based solely on the fact that right now, my brand new DS can still play the Castlevania Adventure cartridge I bought in 89, and no other system can claim to have 20 years of games without DLC.[/quote]

Um, can't the DS only play GBA games in Slot-2?
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Um, can't the DS only play GBA games in Slot-2?[/quote]
This is correct. The only way one could possibly play old GB and GBC games on a DS is via emulation or by screwing with the inside of your DS.
I think the new ds might be able to be used as a contoller for the wii, and maybe even have a port to be connected to the wiimote.
Glad I didn't waste my money on a lite.
[quote name='HuppSav']Glad I didn't waste my money on a lite.[/quote]

With that kind of logic how do you manage to buy anything? Even if new Nintendo portable system is coming out, there'll always be a new one years after that.
[quote name='HuppSav']I think the new ds might be able to be used as a contoller for the wii, and maybe even have a port to be connected to the wiimote.
Glad I didn't waste my money on a lite.[/QUOTE]

*memories of being forced to use GBAs with Crystal Chronicles multiplayer comes back*

[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']Nintendo's going to do what Nintendo always does- offer new colors.


Sometime ago, consoles and potables became fashion conscious. That day I loved gaming just a bit less.[/QUOTE]

Oh wow, I had forgotten about that. I'm a sucker for different colors, and I like cute stuff, but geez, that was too much even for me :lol: Even so I love the ridiculousness of it.

[quote name='DarkKnightCecil']I could see a DS without the GBA slot but does it REALLY need larger screens?[/QUOTE]

I'd like the reverse. I'm always up for bigger screens, but I do NOT want to lose GBA compatibility (in fact I'd buy another DS if they added back in GB/GBC compatibility-hell, I'd buy two).

[quote name='SL4IN']I'm more concerned about nintendo's new Game Boy model, which since 2005 has been in development. It was given the name "Game Boy Evolution" but we haven't heard anything about it since E3 2006 when nintendo was supposedly to give more information on it.[/QUOTE]

I guess others have talked about how they've probably canned it...but I bet it's still in development, or at least sitting around somewhere. The GBA "Atlantis" was in development at least before the GBC launched-in fact the first rumors I think were in '96. The DS "Nitro" was originally an N64 class system, that they threw a second screen on and a touch screen on to try to get it out before the PSP. So I bet there's another one waiting in the wings.

[quote name='utopianmachine']I think that's a dead subject. Back then we still had the so-called "three tiers" Nintendo envisioned: the Wii, DS, and GBA. Over time, it just became obvious interest in the Advance was declining and the DS was dominating the marketplace. I doubt we'll see a return to an Advance concept. As evidenced in cell phones and iPods, the future is in direct media interaction, ala the DS, iPod Touch, and similar cell phones and PDAs.[/quote]

If by that you mean having a touch screen, I have yet to see any evidence that that's the best way to interact with a game. The standard control pad is still king as far as I'm concerned. I love my DS DESPITE the touch screen, not because of it. Even genres I thought it might be neat for (RTS, etc.) turn out to control worse IMO.

Anyway, this'll be fun to see if anything really materializes. Nintendo has flat out said there's not a new DS coming, if I'm remembering right.

I wouldn't mind a larger screen, and clean up some of the "cheapness" of the DS. Fix the yucky menu screens, fix the charge indicator so it can go off without being turned off, etc. (in comparison to the PSP it's always seemed cheap...even more silly now that they're almost the same price). And...add GB/GBC backwards compatibility-maybe even through software, and the ability to run VC downloads from SNES or below. Oh well, I can dream :D
[quote name='Wolfpup']
I love my DS DESPITE the touch screen, not because of it.[/QUOTE]

I agree whole heartedly. Most of my favorite DS games are stuff that hardly uses the touch screen--stuff like NSMB, the castlevanias and so on.

The touch stuff is ok in games like brain age, some puzzle games etc. but it just doesn't work for traditional genres (just like the motion controls on the Wii did little for them as well IMO).

Maybe I'm just stuck in my ways, but I'll take traditional controls any day.
^ I would have to agree with dmaul. I don't mind the stylus controls, unless they deter the "flow" of the game. A good example would be Diddy Kong Racing. I loved the game on n64, but when they added the stylus input for pre-race speed boosts, it just killed it.

To be more specific, I would be fine with games where the touch screen acts like an extra set of buttons, or where the stylus is used almost all the time. But when I have to switch between stylus and button inputs, it starts to become a hassle.

As of late though, I've been spending most of my time playing gba games compared to my time on the NDS slot. I probably wouldn't invest in a new model without the GBA slot. Plus I think they already hit the size and button layout sweetspot. Any smaller, and my fairly large hands might have some difficulty wielding a thinner handheld.
[quote name='option.iv']^ I would have to agree with dmaul. I don't mind the stylus controls, unless they deter the "flow" of the game. A good example would be Diddy Kong Racing. I loved the game on n64, but when they added the stylus input for pre-race speed boosts, it just killed it.[/quote]

I really liked the N64 game (one of my favorite racing games), but having to use the touch screen and blow into the mike is actually the main reason I never bought the remake.
bread's done