Inter-racial dating/marriage - Would you?


128 (100%)
I'm a 21-year old white male and I am constantly shocked and amazed by the response that I get from my friends, co-workers, and co-students in regards to the following question:

"Would you ever date/marry a person of another race?"

To me, race isn't a big deal. I could see religion being something that keeps 2 people apart, but I don't see how skin color can do so. Some claim they aren't attracted to ANYONE but their own race, which seems preposterus to me because there are definately beautiful people in all races...

Please share your thoughts. I took a class on "Experiencing Difference" last semester and am thoroughly intrigued w/ different racial outlooks on issues...
I couldent do it, with no disrespect to any of the other races. Im a white male also, and as far as dating outside my race, well nothing to dramastic(maybe just date asian, latina). Yes I find some girls out of my race attractive, but I tend to not get along with some personalties as well as I do with White girls.
[quote name='jlarlee']Hey you get folks who only chase woman with a certain hair color some folks are weird that way[/QUOTE]


"Damn girl your toes look luciouse, Can I suck them?"

But yea their are weird people out there
Ideally I'd be fantastically wealthy and I'd keep a harem with as many ethnicities as I could find, with whom I'd sire numerous offspring, all in the spirit of racial deconstruction.
don't white males love going out with asian chicks? thats like the most common inter-racial couple i see on the streets here in new york. I've found myself attracted to women of another race before but I've never done anything about it.
I've done the dating thing already too, don't know what the big deal is. I will say I was intimidated by her 300 lb older brother though.
Been there, done that. Didn't work out, mainly because of her parents. Sucks, but it's the world we live in.

I'd definitely do it again, though... Love is colorblind.
That's how I can love my purple Gamecube to pieces.
Doing it now, GF is white (Italian) and I'm latino (Puetro Rican) working fine for me. She's happy, I'm happy win, win. Only her parents don't know about me, maybe looking at problems in the future.

Absolutely, I would, and have!
I'm American (white), and have been married to a Vietnamese woman for 5+ years.
There are beautiful women of every race!
Sucks, but it's the world we live in.

people that care what their parents think (to the point of changing their lives for them) past the age of 12 really need to grow up.

its not "the world we live in" its the world you accept and refuse to change.

cut the cord.
[quote name='magikman']Absolutely, I would, and have!
I'm American (white), and have been married to a Vietnamese woman for 5+ years.
There are beautiful women of every race![/QUOTE]

Ooh. I know your heart is in the right place, but to say "I'm American (white)" is horribly rascist. There are many, many non-white people whose families have been in the States longer than if not yours at least a lot of other white people's , so to say that being American = being white is horribly misguided.

On that note, I take offense with the terms Asian-American and African-American. If they are first generation and a citizen then it is a proper description. Otherwise, they are just American of Asian (African) descent, but no less American.
Yeap i totally would, i went out with an asian girl for a few months... i think that women are beautiful no matter what race, all have something unique to them that makes them beautiful
[quote name='Tromack']Ooh. I know your heart is in the right place, but to say "I'm American (white)" is horribly rascist. There are many, many non-white people whose families have been in the States longer than if not yours at least a lot of other white people's , so to say that being American = being white is horribly misguided.

On that note, I take offense with the terms Asian-American and African-American. If they are first generation and a citizen then it is a proper description. Otherwise, they are just American of Asian (African) descent, but no less American.[/QUOTE]
i do believe he said (white) to distinguish that he was white, since as you pointed out, america is diverse, and simply saying american isnt very descriptive.
Sure I would, why not? You getting shitty personalities no matter what race you date or marry, no ethnicity is more predisposed to a certain type of personality than another.
I don't see a reason why not, I have done it before. In the end it's all the same no matter what race. Women of all races are beautiful no point in limiting yourself.
[quote name='punqsux']people that care what their parents think (to the point of changing their lives for them) past the age of 12 really need to grow up.

its not "the world we live in" its the world you accept and refuse to change.

cut the cord.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kill3r7']I don't see a reason why not, I have done it before. In the end it's all the same no matter what race. Women of all races are beautiful no point in limiting yourself.[/QUOTE]

What if through years of breeding someone created a race for the specific purpose of being ugly? Would you change your mind then?
[quote name='Tromack']What if through years of breeding someone created a race for the specific purpose of being ugly? Would you change your mind then?[/QUOTE]

No one wants to date/marry ugly people - no matter the race.
I jump pass all of this for the fact that I date someone that was born out of a interracial relationship. So, she is all kinds of different races. I am a whole bunch of different races mix together too. I am part Native American, Asian, African, and Irish. It is funny because I don't care what race my woman is as long as she makes me happy and can help out when I need her to.
[quote name='Tromack']What if through years of breeding someone created a race for the specific purpose of being ugly? Would you change your mind then?[/QUOTE]

Well, by that point I would be dead so I could care less.:rofl:

To really answer your question though, I would say it's impossible as of right now to create a race of just ugly people because you would have to eliminate genetic mutations and genetic variability. This is hard to do unless you are cloning people and even then you can't determine free will so that fat woman you cloned might just decide to work out and have an amazing body.
I asked this one Arab girl out that I had a crush on in middle school, but she said no and even laughed.

Now I am 18 and I have never been on a date, with a fear of rejection and emotional scars that never went away.
[quote name='r1s3n']Doing it now, GF is white (Italian) and I'm latino (Puetro Rican) working fine for me. She's happy, I'm happy win, win. Only her parents don't know about me, maybe looking at problems in the future.[/QUOTE]

If you're 100% Spanish like many Puerto Ricans are you're white too.
I have dated girls from all races and still would if the wife would let me :).
I'm actually Mexican and my wife is Native American.
I think dating an marriage are very different. I know many people that would date outside their race but would never consider them for marriage.
[quote name='62t']I think dating an marriage are very different. I know many people that would date outside their race but would never consider them for marriage.[/QUOTE]

That makes no sense. What's the point of dating then? If all you want to do is have some sex you don't need a relationship to do that. What's the train of thought there? "I'm willing to spend a lot of my free time with you, get to know each other intimately, share thoughts, feelings and dreams, blah, blah, blah but there's no way I'm signing that piece of paper printed on the state's letterhead!" :rofl:
for an asian from a small town in Texas, there is very little other option.

Case in point:

There were 7 asians in our high school graduating class. 4 guys, 3 girls. All 3 girls were dating white guys exclusively the entire 4 years, all 4 guys were chronically single.

White male/Asian female couples outnumber the alternative by a ridiculous sum. I'll see at least 3 of the former on my way from any one class to any other class, regardless of distance. I've seen exactly 14 of the latter in my entire life. 11 in Austin, 1 in Wichita Falls, 2 in Thailand, where there are entire coastal cities full of nothing but rows of bars where white men pick up thai women. It burns a scar into my memory everytime I see one.
I'd definitely sleep with someone of a different race, but I wouldn't even thing of marrying someone of another race. I want a white, preferably blonde, preferably Italian girl who can cook. If she can't cook, then fuck her.
I'm married but if I wasn't, I would have no problem dating/marrying someone that is a different race. I dated outside my race throughout high school and college. I don't see the big deal.
[quote name='Tromack']What if through years of breeding someone created a race for the specific purpose of being ugly? Would you change your mind then?[/QUOTE]

I believe that experiment is being conducted in parts of Kansas and Nebraska.
I voted "Yes - With no Qualms"

Don't have any problems dating or marrying a women outside of my race. To me women are women, if their hot, I could care less of their race.

Only issue I can see would be a culture clash of the two families, but I'm sure that won't be too big of a deal.
[quote name='Zer0X1999']Only issue I can see would be a culture clash of the two families, but I'm sure that won't be too big of a deal.[/QUOTE]

No big deal?!?!?!? Did you not see My Big Fat Greek Wedding?
[quote name='Rich']I'd definitely sleep with someone of a different race, but I wouldn't even thing of marrying someone of another race. I want a white, preferably blonde, preferably Italian girl who can cook. If she can't cook, then fuck her.[/QUOTE]
im white, blonde, italian, and can cook, 4 outta 5 aint bad :wink:
[quote name='javeryh']No big deal?!?!?!? Did you not see My Big Fat Greek Wedding?[/QUOTE]

No I didn't. But my family (immediate and extended) is open-minded about these things, so that's why I said it wasn't a big deal to me.
Hell yes I'll date outside of my "race". My dad is half German/black (but passes for white) and my mom is black. They are intelligent and never had any qualms about who I went out with. I have dated blue-eyed blondes, black, and Panamanian before. To me it's not that big a deal. Certain races have qualities that people may find more appealing. That shouldn't be any less valid than someone who likes a person for their height, weight, or status.
[quote name='punqsux']im white, blonde, italian, and can cook, 4 outta 5 aint bad :wink:[/QUOTE]

Get a sex change and I'll propose next week.
[quote name='usickenme'] [quote name='[b']Tromack][/b] What if through years of breeding someone created a race for the specific purpose of being ugly? Would you change your mind then?[/quote]

I believe that experiment is being conducted in parts of Kansas and Nebraska.I believe that experiment is being conducted in parts of Kansas and Nebraska.[/QUOTE]

I was going to say politicians. :lol:

My first girlfriend was Puerto Rican... I don't mind different colors as long as I get along with the person. The only color I don't find attractive is really really dark people.
Of course I would. I happen to be the product of an interracial union, and I'll tell you right now, anyone who wants to tell me there's something wrong with my mother or father (or with the love they gave me) because of the color of their skin had better be ready to step outside with me and "talk" about it.
I agree many people would date but not marry outside of their race. Personally I'm only interested in actual relationships that I think have the potential to be long term, though many people (at least at the college age) are perfectly content to have a relationship for a month or so, but no interest in anything more.

The last girl I was really interested in had a german father and a filipino mother, she was really nice in person, but I couldn't really tell if she was a jerk and playing games or really absent minded. For example (we were in a class together) she'd ask me for notes for a class, we'd arrange a time to meet but she'd never show up. She'd usually apologize excessively after, and once she remembered she couldn't make it and called before. She didn't get the notes from anyone else either, since in class she always sat next to me and she didn't have the lectures she missed. I really liked her personality, she was tough and a tomboy (even coached soccer and wrestling), but wasn't worth my time in the end.

Thinking back, only one girl I ever really liked was white (well there was another white girl, but I don't know if a crush I had from 2nd-5th grade counts, since I was so young). Lately I've developed a real thing for arab women, and a fetish for hijabs (mainly due to their abundance in toronto). Though, in reality, an arab women with a hijab would probably be among the least likely to date a white atheist.

Someone also described themselves as american (white), I wouldn't say that's racist, just the way people think of themselves (and I do think he was clarifying american, not making a point of americans being white). When people ask me what am I, I usually say polish (sometimes european), even though I'm 4th generation and no one alive in my family has ever been there, and I don't really care at all (and besides some polish dishes at family gatherings, no one is all that concerned in my family) about my heritage. The only time I ever said I was american is when I'm was in canada and I do something strange or stupid. Also, I just think of white people as europeans in my head, don't really apply the american label to them. Though if I had to say the people I'm most likely to think of as american, I'd say whites and blacks equally, unless they have non u.s. accents.
I'm not interested in dating/marriage in general, but if I were race would not play a part in my decision ... as long as she's thin, pale, and has dark hair. Oh, and green eyes if possible but that's not a requirement. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I'm not interested in dating/marriage in general, but if I were race would not play a part in my decision ... as long as she's thin, pale, and has dark hair. Oh, and green eyes if possible but that's not a requirement. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Doesn't that pale kind of rule out every non white/east asian girl?
bread's done