ION Drum Rocker Premium Drum Set for Rock Band 1 & 2 (Xbox 360) $299 shipped @ Amazon

Does anyone know if this kit will be compatable with the new Guitar Hero game coming out this fall? I hadn't heard confirmation either way.
[quote name='mgreig']Does anyone know if this kit will be compatable with the new Guitar Hero game coming out this fall? I hadn't heard confirmation either way.[/quote]

Yeah it will. Guitar Hero World Tour will adjust itself automatically from a 5 note track to a 4 note track if you are using any Rock Band drum set.

[quote name='Cmosfm']So it only comes with 2 cymbols despite every picture we've seen that shows 3?


It does only come with two cymbals. If you want the third one you have to purchase it separately for $50. Also if you want it to become an actual electronic drum set you have to purchase the "drum brain" separately as well. The one ION recommends is $350. Effectively making this fully functional will cost you $700. That kinda made my mind up that I'm not getting this. Too bad, it seems pretty bad ass.
[quote name='Vlad Impaler7']Yeah it will. Guitar Hero World Tour will adjust itself automatically from a 5 note track to a 4 note track if you are using any Rock Band drum set.[/quote]

This is the number one reason I'll probably just get the GHWT drums. I've had the full bundle for GHWT on preorder from Gamestop since the day they started taking preorders. I'll probably just hang on to that preorder.
From dealing with alot of musical equipment, I can say Ion is not the most durable brand of products. Not exactly quality.
[quote name='Vlad Impaler7']Also if you want it to become an actual electronic drum set you have to purchase the "drum brain" separately as well. The one ION recommends is $350. Effectively making this fully functional will cost you $700. That kinda made my mind up that I'm not getting this.[/QUOTE]

And that made my mind up, so I guess I'll pass on it. Eesh!
Does anyone know if you can use an existing electric drum kit with RB2? I would love to use my existing DTXplorer set to interface with the game instead of hitting the plastic drum heads ... that "tinking" noise is what has held me back from buying the original RB.
i saw the video for this last year when it was still in the prototype stages (the drums were red before). i thought it looked hot. but for $300? only the those who has the money to burn can get them. i hope target carries them eventually. they carry ION electronic drum kits.
I'm in for one. Free shipping and no tax sounds good to me. I can always cancel prior to shipping if something changes my mind.
300 Is way too much for a video game peripheral IMO. I don't mean to troll this thread, but the pricing is too much for the casual user. I am sure it is targeting hard core rock band players, but is that market large enough?
this is pretty bad ass, but way out of my price range. Totally wouldn't mind getting one if I had $700. i'd have to make it a functional set, i can't really drum in my apartment, so my set is collecting dust back with my parents..... if only if only.

Maybe once i get a nice job come this January after I gradute with my BS.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Does anyone know if you can use an existing electric drum kit with RB2? I would love to use my existing DTXplorer set to interface with the game instead of hitting the plastic drum heads ... that "tinking" noise is what has held me back from buying the original RB.[/quote]

There are some instructions here that talks about an adapter that some guy on the RB forum makes and sells. I would imagine it will work with RB2 as well. The downside is that it's only for PS2, PS3, and Wii.
I just realized something, this kit has the possibility to be used for both rock band 1/2 and guitar hero 4. I mean, it has all the equipment needed, what is to stop them from releasing another controller (the "brain", not the actual drumset) that would be compatable with GH?
You can plug in the standard drum set into your USB port on a PC and use a program called 'Drum Machine'. It allows you to assign specific sounds to each pad. I think you can record too(not sure though).

I want it. But I think I would rather use that money to buy the bundle with the new drums and guitar.
In a year when the RB3 or GH5 comes out, I hope this set will be discounted enough to be within reach for me. But right now, $300 is excessive.
Hey it's cheaper than the manufacturer's website so that's cool.

The kick pedal is a large step up from the plastic RB1 pedal. I bought the same exact one they show in the picture. However, it's not like a real kick pedal which if you wanted you can build pretty easily for under $50 or so.

I'm thinking about picking this up, but would rather get a real e-kit that would work with RB/GH. I guess I'll wait until there is an ultimate solution... E-kit makers listening? Why $300, is my question...I mean its not that much better is it? You might as well save money and use the old drums sets you bought with the first RB.

Btw the cymbols are optional right? Cause I read somewhere that they were only used to activate the star power during the freestyle sections.
[quote name='Crazyglitcher'] Why $300, is my question...I mean its not that much better is it? You might as well save money and use the old drums sets you bought with the first RB.

Btw the cymbols are optional right? Cause I read somewhere that they were only used to activate the star power during the freestyle sections.[/quote]
You still activate "Overdrive" like you usually do in Rock Band 2 i.e. freestyle section ending with hitting the green note in the end. The hitting of both cymbals is how you activate starpower in Guitar Hero: World Tour.
Its amazing that you can use this with either Rock Band or Guitar Hero, but I still can't use my Guitar Hero Guitar for Rock Band or visa versa on my PS3.

As of right now, from how I understand it, this is only useable for RB/RB2 (4 pad pad input system, and you can assign the cymbals to act as the other pads, ie. green can be the far right tom AND the far right cymbal), but because it has a exchangeable controller ("brain"), i don't see why this couldn't be used for GH:WT, if they release a controller that sets the kit's inputs for that (5 pad input system)

And you can totally use your current guitar hero guitar for Rock band, i do all the time. You can't, however, use your Rock Band guitar (i don't even own one) on GH
[quote name='Vlad Impaler7'] Also if you want it to become an actual electronic drum set you have to purchase the "drum brain" separately as well. The one ION recommends is $350. Effectively making this fully functional will cost you $700. That kinda made my mind up that I'm not getting this. Too bad, it seems pretty bad ass.[/QUOTE]
Are you saying that as it comes, out of the box, it is not a MIDI controller?
Or are you saying that it does not produce it's own drum sounds?

If it can act as a MIDI controller out-of-the-box, then you can just plug it into your computer and use software like Reason or EZ Drummer. If that were the case, then it probably would be a good value.
In case anyone is in the same position I was in, here's my little "Ion drumkit isn't right for me" story:

I was very much considering picking this thing up for it's ability to convert into a real electronic drum kit, but once I researched it and priced everything out I realized that the Alesis Ion kits are on the low end of the quality spectrum, and I could nearly get a nice quality name brand Roland kit for the same price.

Not wanting to spend so much, but wanting an electronic drum kit that I can play in my condo without being attacked by neighbors, I decided to build my own DIY kit. For under $400 total, I have a fully functioning 5 piece kit with Hats, two Crashes, and a Ride running through a Roland TD-3 module. All pads have mesh heads (which is the expensive professional option) instead of being just rubber blocks. Real kick pedal, real high hat pedal... the works.

I know it's not the same as being able to hit in-game notes, but yesterday I was setting Rock Band on Training Mode and playing my DIY kit along with that. Because the game doesn't play the drum part unless it registers hits, it basically makes it a Drum Karaeoke machine for me to practice and play along with. And when I wanna kick some butt online, I just saddle up to the ol' 4 colored pads.

Just another option for those who wanna get into real drums but aren't sold on the Ion.
I'm glad this was picked up by Amazon...with my Prime account it'll save me $45.00 in shipping if I decide to get it. I'll wait for the reviews.
Waaah..waaah....waah....costs too much. Damn, what a bunch of cheap ass gamers on this site.....oh wait a minute.
[quote name='MuzykMann']I decided to build my own DIY kit. For under $400 total, I have a fully functioning 5 piece kit with Hats, two Crashes, and a Ride running through a Roland TD-3 module. All pads have mesh heads (which is the expensive professional option) instead of being just rubber blocks. Real kick pedal, real high hat pedal... the works.[/quote]

It's a great deal, but I canceled my order for this reason. After looking into the quality and cost of the full kit (with brain) against a Roland kit I figure I'll just do the same. It's probably better than a normal Rock Band kit, and definitely better than a MadCatz kit, but I really want to move toward a decent "real" kit at some point.
I recently tried out ion drum set at a tech demo this week. The response time was very good. They had a 3 cymbol set up. The symbols were red, yellow and green they work in the sam way the regular drum pads work. You can choose to either hit the cymbol or the pad, whichever you prefer. It was a tech deeomo, so I only got to play on song. They did feel solid and could take a beating. I am not a professional drummer, my only comparison is to the regular rock band drums. Overall, I like the feel of hitting the cymbols and it does feel like a solid well built kit (I only played one song), but at $300 it is way overpriced. I would probably buy it at $120, if it will work with Guitar Hero too.
I was actually considering this, but due to the all of the negative responses, I guess I'll have to skip, too. And I'm not down with the "drum brain" price of $350 extra.

You can hook up any of the Guitar Hero or Rock Band peripherals to a Mac and use USB Overdrive to setup the controls. Then play in Garage Band. I tried the drums out like that. It worked out okay.

I was intending on doing that with the Ion kit, but it's a bit pricey. I'll wait and see how much the Rock Band and Guitar Hero drums have improved over the original.
well I was seriously looking forward to this kit, but the brain being extra is going to put this out of my range, too bad cause I already sold my RB SE in hopes of getting this. GHWT package for me.
If you're in New York City, J and R world in lower Manhattan had the drums setup outside their music store as part of some expo, so you can try em out.
Someone already mentioned this, but if you have a computer you can use common sampling and sequencing software to act as the "drum brain." Buying the $350+ standalone module is not required to get these to work outside of Rock Band.
bread's done