iPhone 4s=pos?

Slightly off topic, but can anyone tell me what the appeal of a "4G phone" is? From my understanding--and please correct me if I'm wrong--current phones on the market can't deliver according to 4G standards (or at least still transferring data within the ratings of 3G). Is it just a marketing buzz word? Because I can totally see years down the line an advertisement exclaiming "4G: For real this time." :roll:
[quote name='Dendaman']Slightly off topic, but can anyone tell me what the appeal of a "4G phone" is? From my understanding--and please correct me if I'm wrong--current phones on the market can't deliver according to 4G standards (or at least still transferring data within the ratings of 3G). Is it just a marketing buzz word? Because I can totally see years down the line an advertisement exclaiming "4G: For real this time." :roll:[/QUOTE]

On Verizon, in areas with 4G, it's about as fast as my home connection, at about 15mbps down ( ~2MB a second). It's actually faster than my cable's upload speeds, by a ton.

Sprint's is nowhere near that fast, and will likely be doing the "for real this time" thing.
I would been happy it they just changed the case some. I know that's damn picky but it's been a year and a half since the 4 came out and this is what they end up with, revamped 4s. ppffffttttttt
[quote name='Dr.Zoidberg']I would been happy it they just changed the case some. I know that's damn picky but it's been a year and a half since the 4 came out and this is what they end up with, revamped 4s. ppffffttttttt[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. I've got a 3gs with a contract that expired in July. I'd been expecting a new iPhone in June like they'd done in the past, but figured I'd wait until October to see what they've come up with.
I didn't figure it'd be a faster processor(s) and a slightly better camera.
Woo hoo!
I'd at least have liked a change to the body. A bigger screen or thinner phone, but nope. Lame.

Looks like I waited around for nothing.

I'll be switching to a Samsung Galaxy S II or maybe the rumored Nexus Prime that's supposed to be announced in six days.
[quote name='JJSP']Poof! It's now called the iPhone 52. Happy now?

It's just a name.[/QUOTE]

exactly, if they called this phone iPhone 5, the reaction would have been totally different. it's retarded.
[quote name='nattybohman']I completely agree. I've got a 3gs with a contract that expired in July. I'd been expecting a new iPhone in June like they'd done in the past, but figured I'd wait until October to see what they've come up with.
I didn't figure it'd be a faster processor(s) and a slightly better camera.
Woo hoo!
I'd at least have liked a change to the body. A bigger screen or thinner phone, but nope. Lame.

Looks like I waited around for nothing.

I'll be switching to a Samsung Galaxy S II or maybe the rumored Nexus Prime that's supposed to be announced in six days.[/QUOTE]

If the Prime has 4G, I might actually drop full price to upgrade, sadly.
[quote name='nasum']# of iPhones in last 10 years? 7 or 8 right?
# of Android phones in last 10 months? 15?

Yeah, Apple gouges on new hardware SO MUCH!!!

Since you're so allergic to reality, let me guess, you regularly vote republican don't you?[/QUOTE]
Android is an OS not a phone. I never understood the argument iPhone vs Android. All apple products are ridiculously over priced. It's all in the name.
[quote name='DestroVega']exactly, if they called this phone iPhone 5, the reaction would have been totally different. it's retarded.[/QUOTE]

You guys aren't getting it. It has nothing to do with a name. It's almost the same phone in features and exactly the same phone in body style. Not slimmer, not a bigger screen. It's a negligible improvement over the iPhone 4, when people were hoping for a lot more.

That's why people and the media in general have greeted this with a big old 'meh'.

They could've gone backwards and called it an iPhone 2.7 and I'd have happily snapped it up if it had any real improvements.

As it stands I'm going to make the switch to an android phone with a bigger screen and a slimmer body design.
perfect opportunity for me to get an iphone 4 or 4s. my ipod touch 2g battery wont charge at times and ive been wanting an iphone/droid.
[quote name='DestroVega']^how small do you want the phone, invisible?[/QUOTE]

Yes. Yes. I want the phone to be invisible.

Seriously though. Why ask questions like this that make no sense?
Wanting the phone to be slimmer with a BIGGER screen somehow gets taken to the extreme to mean I want it to be invisible.

My experience with the iPhone 3G and its poor performance following my iOS4 update is the reason the 3G iPhone is my first and last Apple purchase. I'm not down with manufactured obsolescence.
[quote name='nattybohman']Yes. Yes. I want the phone to be invisible.

Seriously though. Why ask questions like this that make no sense?
Wanting the phone to be slimmer with a BIGGER screen somehow gets taken to the extreme to mean I want it to be invisible.


I was honestly being sarcastic. IMO the iPhone 4 is slim enough. the screen we can debate on.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']My experience with the iPhone 3G and its poor performance following my iOS4 update is the reason the 3G iPhone is my first and last Apple purchase. I'm not down with manufactured obsolescence.[/QUOTE]

How many android phones can you name that are still getting software updates 2 years after they release? If you think the grass is greener when it comes to software updates, you're sorely mistaken.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']My experience with the iPhone 3G and its poor performance following my iOS4 update is the reason the 3G iPhone is my first and last Apple purchase. I'm not down with manufactured obsolescence.[/QUOTE]

That's basically blaming a Dell computer you bought 5 years ago loaded with Windows XP and stating it is a POS because today Windows 7 runs slow on it.

Smartphones work the same way. More advanced operating systems require more power.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']My experience with the iPhone 3G and its poor performance following my iOS4 update is the reason the 3G iPhone is my first and last Apple purchase. I'm not down with manufactured obsolescence.[/QUOTE]

Totally dude. I had a Motorollla Razr I bought for $400 and it won't run android at all. WTF Motorolla? fucking manufactured obsolescene. They KNEW what kind of power I needed to run android. Why didn't they build it in? I mean, I spent $400 bucks! I'm never gonna buy them again. I currently use only burner phones cause they don't become obsolete.
"manufactured obsolescence" is taking it a little too far but I do think apple's OS updates are too frequent/leave models that are just a few years old out.

I had a first gen touch and not only did you have to pay for OS updates, a few months after that it stopped being able to be updated. They know people will just buy a new one, so why bother supporting the old ones?

I don't think with android you ever get locked out of apps on the store because your OS version isn't new enough, do you? I don't have an android. You might get poorer performance, but I don't think it outright says "oh sorry you need to buy a newer device to use this app" like apple does.
[quote name='keithp']Just read that Apple named it 4s instead of 5 in honor of Steve Jobs.. 4s="For Steve"...[/QUOTE]

That seems like the kind of thing Steve would never allow.
[quote name='keithp']Just read that Apple named it 4s instead of 5 in honor of Steve Jobs.. 4s="For Steve"...[/QUOTE]

Apple is full of shit... why not call it the "Iphone Steve Jobs (limited)Edition".
talk about cashing on his death.

I dunno but it seems like Apple is slowly going down hill with the Iphone and it feels like ever since Job's health was declining, so was the company. Now that he is dead and Android devices are becoming more and more popular, do you think the Iphone brand will survive another 2 years or 2 product upgrades?
[quote name='ITDEFX']Apple is full of shit... why not call it the "Iphone Steve Jobs (limited)Edition".
talk about cashing on his death.

I dunno but it seems like Apple is slowly going down hill with the Iphone and it feels like ever since Job's health was declining, so was the company. Now that he is dead and Android devices are becoming more and more popular, do you think the Iphone brand will survive another 2 years or 2 product upgrades?[/QUOTE]

Ummm... before you criticize Apple for "cashing in on his death", do you even have a definitive source on that tidbit of info?

Also, if you don't think the iphone will survive 2 years, you're ... insane.

edit: oh wait, i just saw keithp's signature. Now I understand you're just a dumb hater. Nevermind.
The 4s/For Steve thing is just a meme that's going to be an urban legend.

I preordered a 32GB 4S. After playing with iOS5, I'm eagerly awaiting the replacement of my 3GS.
[quote name='DestroVega']^link?[/QUOTE]

It's all over the 'nets, just do a search "4s for Steve". I doubt Apple really planned it that way, but it's a nice thought.
I find it funny that people think iPhones are coming out TOO fast. The same is true for ALL phones. The technology changes SO fast, and they just keep putting out new products. I love my ANDROID phone, but I would consider an iPhone if they would get a 4.3" or bigger screen. I think the iPHONE 4s is ridiculous though. They are touting features that Android had for a while now. The 4S basically seems like a software update with a better camera.
It is amusing how apple portrays the figures also. Of course a cellphone camera will be the most used on Flickr over a DSLR camera. I don't see pro photographers using a camera-phone though.
[quote name='doubledown']It is amusing how apple portrays the figures also. Of course a cellphone camera will be the most used on Flickr over a DSLR camera. I don't see pro photographers using a camera-phone though.[/QUOTE]


You'd be surprised. Lauren's a friend of mine, and many of the well-known Instagram users are participating in a mobile photography conference in San Francisco at the end of the month.

[quote name='JJSP']http://mashable.com/2011/06/30/instagram-most-followed/#18225laurenlemon-Photographers-Choice


You'd be surprised. Lauren's a friend of mine, and many of the well-known Instagram users are participating in a mobile photography conference in San Francisco at the end of the month.


I don't get the point here. I'm looking at small photos on the web.....is Instagram like some 3rd party software? Most photographers shouldn't have to touch up photos if done right. I won't argue though...I agree that the camera is better than most cell phone cameras.
Instagram is a social media photo site built for the iPhone. It's got a bunch of filters thrown in to add some basic editing (and there's a lot of shit photos on there because of it), but there's a lot of really cool stuff on there as well. A lot of professional photographers using the iPhone's camera as a secondary (yet still highly capable) camera with plenty of photographers using the iPhone 4, and presumably the 4S, as their main camera of choice.



Supposedly un-retouched from the 4S.
A few years ago before all the smartphones, I seem to remember phones getting smaller and smaller. The biggest thing right before them were phones like the razor because of how thin they were. Now it seems the phones are just getting bigger and bigger.
Ugh, Instagram is like the hipster of photography. No need for mundane pictures to have some retro fade to them.
Put in my pre-order last Friday and have it set for delivery this Friday. Can't wait since my 3GS is starting to lag.

And to those that complain about the lack of a redesign, Apple only refreshes their designs every few years for their major products (iMac, Mac Pro, MacBook Pro). Similar to automobiles. Changing a design means changing supplies, changing factories to keep up with the new specifications, etc. It isn't as easy as you think when it comes to producing millions of units.

Apple only shot themselves in the foot because with the iPhone 4 upgrade, they hit a grand slam instead of a home run but are they really to blame for that?
[quote name='VAL@CAG']Argh!!!![/QUOTE]

Were you born stupid? Or did you work your way up to it? iPhone 4S = iPhone 5. Ever notice Apple's trend in regards to naming iPhones?

iPhone 3G (iPhone 2)
iPhone 3GS (iPhone 3)
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S (iPhone 5)

Also, their redesign for the 4S is pretty subtle, but was mostly based on customer feedback. Universal SIM card tray regardless of CDMS or GSM and also the volume control and ring/silent buttons were moved down a little bit. I think Apple is banking on the 3 major upgrades (Siri, Processor, Digital Camera) to compensate for lack of aesthetic changes and other subtle things.
The next iPhone will likely be out around the same time next year. Then a smaller, more power efficient all-in-one LTE radio will be ready to include.
Went to pick up my iPhone at the UPS service center since I had missed delivery in the morning but when I got there, they told me it was delivered later in the day. There were maybe 25 people at UPS all waiting to pick up their iPhones. Plenty were pissed too because it was about 8:00 at night and many of them were quoted that their packages would be available at 7:30 but the truck still hadn't returned back to the center.

I've read some nightmare threads about the activation problems (because everyone and their mother is trying to activate today and AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon all had record sales and activations) so I'm going to wait till tomorrow afternoon.
bread's done