Is it worth it to upgrade to an SP?


CAG Veteran
I have a regular GBA right now(I got it very close to its launch) and Ive been wanting an SP but I don't know if its worth it. I really like the backlit feature, the fact that its easily half the regular size, and that you can charge it. Still, its 100 dollars, so I was wondering if the upgrade is worth it or not, and if there are any trade-in deals(old gba for new).

Well, I personally prefer the feel of the original GBA, but if you want the official front-lit GBA, which also has a rechargeable battery, built-in screen protector, and can fit easier in a pocket, then get the GBA SP. Otherwise, just get someone to install an Afterburner into your GBA. Whenever I play GBA games on my Gameboy Player, I usually use my GBA as the controller because it's so comfy!
If I had a GBA before buying the SP...then I never would have upgraded. The latest Game Boy system I had was GBC, so it was an obvious choice. That being said, if you have an extra 100 bucks, the SP is the way to go.
If I were you I'd go to Best Buy or some such store and actually hold the SP in your hands.

To me it feels very strange and uncomfortable. It's impossible to reach the top shoulder buttons without my fingers cramping. I wouldn't spend $2 on it let alone $99. To me, the best GBA option is the original with an afterburner installed.
If you really want to be a cheap ass, I'd get a third-party light for the GBA. I've got a GlowGuard (was made by Interact, which is apparently no longer producing'd have to get it used) and it works great, and I've heard the Pelican LightShield is even better. Yes, there's some glare. It's not perfect, but it's better than no light. Most GameStop stores in my area sell used lights for five bucks or less.
I believe EB will give you $50 credit towards a SP if you trad in your regular GBA.

Thanks I can get it for half price, which is good. I have held the SP in my hand and I think its comfortable. I agree the shoulder buttons are a little awkward but its not enough of a nuiscance that I wouldn't want one. Also, I have tried 3rd party lights(3 of them in fact) and none of them worked for me real well. Most of the time they light the center of the screen really well and the rest not good at all, plus the part they do light is usually glared. The best one I have used was the NyKo WormLight which doesn't have real intense light so it doesnt glare, but it only lights the middle of the screen.
Exactly. There are new colors coming out on the 9th (Black and Red) in addition to the existing colors (Silver and Blue). Just when you get it, open it up and check it over. Ive heard of dead pixles is some, along with tons with small dust particales on the inside on the unit. And nearly all of them have a ghost effect on the image. Check that, but dont be surprized if all are like that.
You can also get the special orange Pokemon Torchic GBASP. It is only available at the Pokemon Center in NY ( and is available online for $99.95. I know it isn't a deal, but it is an interesting looking SP.
As for upgrading, I love my SP and recommend it.
[quote name='Uvopsychosis']
I believe EB will give you $50 credit towards a SP if you trad in your regular GBA.

Thanks I can get it for half price, which is good. I have held the SP in my hand and I think its comfortable. I agree the shoulder buttons are a little awkward but its not enough of a nuiscance that I wouldn't want one. Also, I have tried 3rd party lights(3 of them in fact) and none of them worked for me real well. Most of the time they light the center of the screen really well and the rest not good at all, plus the part they do light is usually glared. The best one I have used was the NyKo WormLight which doesn't have real intense light so it doesnt glare, but it only lights the middle of the screen.[/quote]

yeah thnx Cheapy :wink: now i can get a GBA too :? right after i find an EBgames store
Okay, Im pretty sure Im gonna upgrade, but I still have one question. Does EB do trade-ins on lights? As I said above I have 3 of them and once I trade my old GBA in I will have no use for them anymore...

I was just wondering about the lights. They probably won't take them but if anyone knows I would appreciate it if you let me know.
Take them down there and give it a shot. If they don't take it back in, no big deal.

Or call them. That's probably the easiest way to get an answer to your question.
[quote name='Uvopsychosis']I have a regular GBA right now(I got it very close to its launch) and Ive been wanting an SP but I don't know if its worth it. I really like the backlit feature, the fact that its easily half the regular size, and that you can charge it. Still, its 100 dollars, so I was wondering if the upgrade is worth it or not, and if there are any trade-in deals(old gba for new).


Ummm... it's not back lit ya know. It's front lit. The quality is different. I would prefer a back lit screen though,
[quote name='Uvopsychosis']I have a regular GBA right now(I got it very close to its launch) and Ive been wanting an SP but I don't know if its worth it. I really like the backlit feature, the fact that its easily half the regular size, and that you can charge it. Still, its 100 dollars, so I was wondering if the upgrade is worth it or not, and if there are any trade-in deals(old gba for new).


its way woth it
I think the deal is that you have to trade in your cherished old GBA, AND 2 of your most precious games on the GBA and you'll get a 50$ off coupon. Games running at 30$ a pop, doesn't sound like a good deal to me.
I completely agree with the other guy who said his fingers cramped. I played it in the store and it took me a full 10 seconds to even find the buttons, and I was looking all around for the start button and after being with my GBA and learning to love it so much, the GBA SP is too big of a change for me, i'd be uncomfortable for months (plus i dont have 100$ to shell out)
I wouldn't call that a lot less after shipping it would be about 40-45 bucks. Besides, he'd then have to go through the hassle of installing it himself and soldering and all that which can mess up the system somehting bad if you don't know what you are doing. Plus it is not like the afterburner kit is a backlit's frontlit just like the SP and in my opinion it distorts games worse than the SP. The SP may be a bit uncomfortable but when you are playing games like Castlevania it is nice to be able to see the enemys and not battling lighting issues.

I would either do the trade in (they don't have to be great games , I traded GT Advance and ESPN Final Round Golf, both of which i didn't care for) especialy if you don't mind the feel of the SP, or stick with what you have and maybe get a gameboy player for playing when you're at home for $5-10 more, but pass on the afterburner
The extra portability that the SP provides is a big plus to me. I recognize its probably not as comfortable for long stretches of play, but for someone like myself, I'd much rather have the portability.
If you play portable games at all, there's really no reason to suffer without an SP. It just makes things so much easier (in terms of size, lighting and everything else).

Once you get one, try turning off the back-light and'll wonder how you ever got along without it.
i just snagged one today. my god. my god. get it. upgrade, now! The light, the handling, it's wonderful. I snagged Sword of Mana, Legend of Zelda w/4Swords, and Harvest Moon. I still wanna get Metroid ZM, Advance Wars 2, and FFTacticsAdvance.
[quote name='"suprsaiyanMAX"']I wouldn't call that a lot less after shipping it would be about 40-45 bucks. Besides, he'd then have to go through the hassle of installing it himself and soldering and all that which can mess up the system somehting bad if you don't know what you are doing. Plus it is not like the afterburner kit is a backlit's frontlit just like the SP and in my opinion it distorts games worse than the SP. The SP may be a bit uncomfortable but when you are playing games like Castlevania it is nice to be able to see the enemys and not battling lighting issues.

I installed my light guide parallel to the screen, and there is no distortion, and it actually looks BETTER than the SP. Only electronic newbies have to worry about problems with the Afterburner. And with the Afterburner you can get a brightness dial.
When its dark it's easier to see when the brightness is turned down because you pupil are wide, but when you are in a medium-lit or well-lit area you need full brightness to comphensate for you pupil size.

AND, total with shipping would cost $40, while a new SP would cost $100 or trading in an old one for an SP will cost $50.

Plus, nothing says "1337 313(7|20|\|1( 3|\|61|\|33|2" like a modded Gameboy.
And when people ask me to play I turn it on and discreetely dim the light and turn it [the light] off and tell them it just broke.
I don't know if I would have bought a SP if I had a GBA, but the SP is great and I can't stand my brothers GBA without the backlit screen.
On the plus side, its nice playing strategy games with one hand while you are driving.


I love my SP.
The afterburner was awesome, but batteries got to be too expensive.
If you have big hands like me, at least keep your old GBA for fighting games. Fighting games on the SP give me serious cramps because of the L an R triggers. Other than that I like the SP for other games where you don't have to go to the triggers as much.
I greatly prefer the SP over the original GBA. I got the SP on its release - at the time, I managed to sell my old GBA for around $60, so I went for it. Since then, I probably quadrupled the amount of time I spend playing my gameboy.
I like that I can just put it in my pocket and not worry about getting it scratched. I also like that I'm no longer trying to balance glare vs. visibility from an outside light source.
To me, it's only worth if it you've got money to blow.

The original GBA is far more comfortable, you can swap out the batteries if they die on you, rechargeable batteries are cheap nowadays, and you can get third party lights that work just fine.

Then again, I'm definitely in a minority...
if u play ur GBA all the time- then u really should get the SP. Its an excellent system with almost no flaws. i could go on forever stating how good it is. EB and GameStop let u trade in your old one for a lot of credit.
[quote name='CheapyD']I believe EB will give you $50 credit towards a SP if you trad in your regular GBA.[/quote]

I hope they keep that around. I'd happily trade in the extra GBA I got at Gamecrazy for buying 100 dollars in used GBA games... and then trade in that one so that I could get one of the nifty NES ones... I think that would be worth 50 dollars to me.
[quote name='NintendoFanGirl']You can also get the special orange Pokemon Torchic GBASP. It is only available at the Pokemon Center in NY ( and is available online for $99.95. I know it isn't a deal, but it is an interesting looking SP.
As for upgrading, I love my SP and recommend it.[/quote]

I only see the Groudon and Kyroge GBASP's on the pokemon center website.

I really want the Venussaur Green and Torchic orange ones. But I'm not paying 200 bucks for either. Damn.
I recently traded in 2 GBA's for 2 SP's at EBgames. I did the system plus 2 advance games and $49. Sounds expensive but has been well worth it! Getting lots more playtime and really easy to see.

I did get some hand cramping so I went out and bought the Datel Power Grip SP at Best Buy for $4.99. Now I can play for very long periods with no cramping. I highly recommend these. They come in an assortment of colors so you're sure to find one to match your SP.

[quote name='BrenC888']if u play ur GBA all the time- then u really should get the SP. Its an excellent system with almost no flaws.[/quote]

Well, there is one glaring omission...
7 bucks gets you a pair of head phones that works in an SP or the adaptor cable.

Oh by the way i tried the GBA Halo light... sure it lights the screen up but the visibility is horrible. Everything turns gray.
You know, it's funny because a few months ago I would've definitely said yes to the upgrade. However, the Nintendo DS, to probably be released later this year, will be backwards compatible with all GBA games. Sucks for me, because I just bought an SP around Christmas.
bread's done