Is re-using vendor boxes on ebay tacky?

Hello, I'm hoping to unload some of the things I've collected over the years: sealed video games and dvds primarily as well as some other electronics and things on ebay this holiday season.

I've actually saved a few boxes from sites like Amazon and Deep Discount DVD over the years and was wondering if re-using some those boxes to ship items that I'm selling would be tacky or not?

I'm leaning towards yes, but I'm hoping for some feedback here, or maybe someone who has either sent or received a package through ebay with vendor labeling on it.
I always reuse packaging when possible. no sense in going out to buy a bunch of new bubble mailers when you can reuse old ones.

just cross out the vendor names and icons. it'll look ghetto but I think people care about stuff more than the packaging...
I reuse everything that doesn't look too crappy upon arrival at my house. I'm totally from the school of if it gets there in one peice in good condition who cares what it came in. No one has complained so far...

I've actually recieved stuff from people either on ebay or here in the bubble mailers before, so its not just me doing it.
As long as it's in good condition, I don't see why you shouldn't reuse boxes. If you don't want it to "look" like an Amazon box, you can wrap it in a cut down grocery bag.
I reuse just about everything I get through the mail. I got one game from ebay in a cardboard envelope the guy made from a 12 pack of Budweiser, it was brown side out of course. I didn't care as long as he got it to me in 1 piece.
[quote name='Zen Davis']What're you selling... stranger?[/quote]

Well for starters my old truck :lol:

Thanks for the insight guys, I think I've been swayed to just re-use all these folded up (in 1 piece mind you) boxes I've kept.
Dude, at my work we will reuse ANY box we can, even if it only has 4 sides. We will find another box with 2+ sides and make a new box!

Cheap bastards...
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Well for starters my old truck :lol:

Thanks for the insight guys, I think I've been swayed to just re-use all these folded up (in 1 piece mind you) boxes I've kept.[/QUOTE]

how's a truck gonna fit in a box?
I don't think it's tacky. I reuse mailers and boxes. It is cheaper and more importantly better for the environment.
Nothing wrong with it as long as the box is in good condition. I've never had a complaint myself. I sometimes marker over the company logo.

I used to reuse bubble mailers too, but now I just buy a bunch at a time to get a good price and don't have to fool with cutting them carefully and resealing with a bunch of packing tape, etc.

Have you priced out buying boxes? They aren't cheap. (Although my opinion of 'not cheap' might differ from the general consensus. :) )
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Unless you have a small business with a brand you are trying to promote, re-using boxes is fine IMO.[/QUOTE]

This would be the only downside. If you want to market yourself on ebay, this isn't going to help, and will actually hurt it. But, most people on ebay just want to unload a few things, and they really don't plan on finding "repeat" customers. If you are the latter, then reusing boxes is definitely ok. The only way it wouldn't be ok is if you were trying to give someone the idea that your package is from Amazon. But, when your buying from Ebay, you don't have that idea anyway.
Tell them if they want a new box it will cost extra for shipping, I'm sure they won't mind a used box then.
I'd rather get something in an box than wrapped in a brown paper bag. (Which has happened even though the postal service is not supposed to accept something packaged in that way.)
A year or two ago I sold some old books.
When I shipped them I securely wrapped them in brown shipping paper.
They were very sturdy (they didn't bind or warp, I think they were all hardbacks actually) so I figured it'd be okay to ship them that way.
One of the buyers left feedback saying "Superb packaging..." another left feedback saying "Packaging was poor..."

My point is some buyers might not like the fact that you are reusing boxes, others might love it.

Oh and yeah, I always reuse (boxes and bubble mailers) if I can.
Last year I bought a Wii at launch through Amazon and presold it on Ebay. When I received it, I just pulled out the receipt with my address, resealed the box, and sent it to the buyer.
I always try to reuse boxes whenever I sell things on ebay. I hate having to go to the store to buy a box to ship something...feels like a waste of money.

If you're reusing a box, just make sure to rip off any old labels (addresses, tracking barcodes etc.). For the most part, you don't really have to worry about scratching out any writings on the box (such as etc.) as long as the writing doesn't interfere with the actual shipping of the item.

I also use old newspapers/grocery ads for padding :D.

The one thing I don't reuse are bubble mailers. I usually just tear them open when I get things in the mail. Plus I buy them for 50 cents a piece at Target.
I'm wary of using old newspapers/grocery ads because once upon a time, I read a neg on someone's account saying that the item was good, but they used those ads and it was unprofessional. It might just be a onetime thing, but I'm still pretty worried.
I always try to reuse boxes, bubble mailer, and bubble wrap. Not only does in save me some money but it is also good for the environment.

EDIT: If the box I'm using has any writing (a company or whatnot) I use white butcher paper to cover it. Brown paper bags cut up work too.
the post office might give you a hassle if there are company logos on a box, i had to go buy some brown paper to wrap some boxes. they were nice enough to let me use their tape though.
I order a lot from Amazon, so I re-use the boxes when needed. Just scratch out the logos with a magic marker. I don't need a bunch of boxes around the house all the time, plus I don't see the point in screwing the enviroment more. (sorry box makers)

If you really wanted, you could make logo stickers for youself and slap them over any Amazon markings I suppose. lol
[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']If you're going to ship using priority mail, you can get free boxes/envelopes through the Postal Service.[/QUOTE]

Good point.
i do this all the time. but the only problem i have is with my local po. they wont take anything with barcodes, logos, anything. so what i do is i turn the box inside out so you have a nice clean surface with nothing on it. im using a clorox box to ship out the FFXI ps2 bundle i sold on ebay. i also re-use the bubble mailers people send to me.

i have over 75 brand new bubble mailers and used only 2 in a past 6 months since ive been re-using anything but the stamps. less garbage i have to deal with and its green friendly. i had a seller sent me an item once and the mailer was used over about 3 times before i received it. as long as its in good condition, and you cover up all the holes, its all good.
Tacky? No

Environmentally conscious? Absolutely

If you're worried, include a note on your packing slip that says something to the effect of:

A note about our packaging: we re-use all packing materials as long as they are structurally sound to reduce the impact on the environment.
[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']If you're going to ship using priority mail, you can get free boxes/envelopes through the Postal Service.[/quote]

But not every post office stocks an assortment of boxes -- some may have only one size -- and the boxes might not be the right size.

I reuse boxes and packaging materials all the time. I've never had complaints, but then I charge only costs for shipping. Most buyers appreciate not having to buy boxes. Also, most buyers are very appreciative that I use appropriately sized boxes with lots of packing material. It doesn't matter that it's reused. It would be tacky to reuse boxes and then charge buyers for them.

My PO lets me reuse Amazon and other boxes without having to black out everything. Anything that lists grocery or industrial items I do have to black out.
If your PO doesn't stock the priority boxes the USPS will deliver them to your door for free. If you ony ship once in a blue moon you might not want a bundle of priority boxes, but that's up to you to decide I guess. ;)
[quote name='Milkyman']the post office might give you a hassle if there are company logos on a box, i had to go buy some brown paper to wrap some boxes. they were nice enough to let me use their tape though.[/quote]

Yeah. If I am not mistaken, they had a poster at my post office that clearly said you must markout external logos or cover them up if they aren't yours.

Here's a helpful link...

If you are reusing a box, totally remove or obliterate all previous labels and markings with heavy black marker.
If it's a good solid box, there's no reason not to re-use it. It saves money and it's better than just throwing it away. And this goes for any sort of packing fillers too, like packing peanuts and bubble wrap (I don't keep shredded paper/newspaper filling though).

But it's too bad that most of my dealings only need a bubble mailer though... those I have to buy.

[quote name='phear3d']i do this all the time. but the only problem i have is with my local po. they wont take anything with barcodes, logos, anything. so what i do is i turn the box inside out so you have a nice clean surface with nothing on it. im using a clorox box to ship out the FFXI ps2 bundle i sold on ebay. i also re-use the bubble mailers people send to me. [/QUOTE]

That's crap. They're supposed to allow it as long as the barcodes are clearly covered up or marked out using a black marker. I got one of those big fat black permanent markers for such things- problem is, they smell up whatever room I do it with that permanent marker smell. The smell isn't bad but it's definitely picked up by your nose.:lol:
compared to what I received in the mail yesterday no. The seller sent my game in a cheap payless shoe box with tape around to secure the top. I wrapped my Guitar Hero bundle gift style in brown paper and sent it :D.
bread's done