Is the Wii ruining the gaming future?

As long as one of the systems either PS3 or 360 stays true to the hardcore, then we will be ok, if not...shit will hit the fan
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']check this article out,
do you agree or disagree with the article?[/quote]

That "article" (and I use the term loosely) is complete drivel. To suggest that, particularly, MS is not competing with the Wii is asinine. The mere facts that the 360 has undercut the Wii in price, the NXE is all about "family" experiences, and the 360 holiday bundle includes Lego Indy and Kung-Fu panda rather than Halo/Gears/Fallout/etc shows that MS "most definitely" wants the attention of the same people who would buy a Wii. There is no way any rational person cannot see that.

Thus, the entire editorial is flawed.
That's true. MS is definitely trying to compete with Nintendo. I just don't think they actually competing in that market.

People who want a Wii for Wii Sports or Wii Fit aren't going to buy a 360. And people who are into FPS and other traditional gaming genres aren't going to buy a Wii (fans of nintendo franchises aside).

Of course MS wants some of that money, but the markets seem pretty seperate once you get outside of the hardcore gamer crowd that wants to own every console. And I see it staying that way in the future assuming this casual gaming wave keeps going and making money.
So now it's the Wii destroying gaming? Has the cost of game development that was going to destroy the industry argument been debunk? Is the 60 dollar price point just a farce so they can fuck us? OOHHHHH the horror!!!!!!!!!
No it is not. But it sure is screwing around with the whole casual/family thing and it pisses me off. We want Zelda, Mario and shit like that dammit!
[quote name='winterice']So now it's the Wii destroying gaming? Has the cost of game development that was going to destroy the industry argument been debunk? Is the 60 dollar price point just a farce so they can fuck us? OOHHHHH the horror!!!!!!!!![/quote]

no! it's the hardcore that's destroying gaming themselves and are pointing the finger at what they call the casuals. the hardcore is getting smaller and smaller while the so called casual is getting bigger and bigger.

what do you think happened to pc gaming? pc gaming was the hardest of the hardcore. you have people who did pc mods and software hacks and on and on. then all of a sudden pc gaming declined. it declined because people got older and older and so their numbers decrease as they shift away from the hard gaming world to go into a simpler gaming world. people will argue about the high cost of video cards, that was the point of hardcore gaming, to have the best equipment, which is why you had to pay such a high price for those video cards. this is why i keep saying the price of the next 360/ps3 will go up because as hardcore gamers you want the latest technology just as pc gamers wanted the latest hardware. with that came the cost.

microsoft will have a bigger hole in their pockets the next generation on trying to meet the demands of their customers and sony will follow. you know why sony hasn't killed the ps2? they're the ones who's trying to squeeze as much juice from it to support the ps3. the ps3 for 10 years?? sony is crazy to say that because the earnings the ps2 has made is all gone due to the ps3. your looking at a possible 15+ years [i'm thinking 20 years] for the ps3.

"That's kind of a different animal. It has a robust library of "hardcore" games from third parties to go along with the casual games. Where as the Wii is really just the Nintendo franchises and a couple third party games to go along with the casual games. Plus the DS is so kid friendly.

I'm not saying the Wii won't have the staying bower the GBA/DS have, but it is a bit different and remains to be seen....." dmaul

the ds is kid friendly!? that is something because the wii is kid friendly too!

the wii is nintendo's franchise only?! yeah that is one crazy idea. it's nintendo's franchise only because no third party wants to invest in the time for the wii.

people don't buy the wii for wii sports or wii fit, they buy the wii to play and have fun. the new way to play and have fun and not the old and boring way to have fun. but with third party developers assuming that wii is about mini games no wonder they can't get past the shit they throw at wii because they're still stuck about mini games [look at ubisoft].

if you say that the wii is a fad then you say that the nes was a fad. the ds is growing all the time month after month. it's been out how long and the sales figure is always high. how do you explain that? and the wii has been out how long and they're still selling. even with the price drop of the 360, the wii will still sell more then the 360. you come back after december and see if the wii sold more. it's been two years, i think calling the wii a fad is over knowing that month after month the sales are more then firm.
[quote name='NutForest']No it is not. But it sure is screwing around with the whole casual/family thing and it pisses me off. We want Zelda, Mario and shit like that dammit![/QUOTE]

To play devil's advocate.

The Wii has: 1 Mario Game, 1 Zelda game (though it's a GC port), 1 Metroid game, 1 Mario Kart game, 1 Smash Bros game.

The Gamecube had: 1 Mario game, 2 Zelda games, 2 Metroid games, 1 Mario Kart game, 1 smash brothers game.

The N64 had: 1 Mario game, 2 Zelda games, 1 Mario Kart game, 1 Smash Bros game.

So it's not like, there's been a drop off in the amount of first party franchise games, they've done a good job of getting a lot out in the first 2 years (realy first year and a half since it's been a while).

Game wise it's just the norm for Nintendo since the N64. A few great first /second party games and crappy third party support. I couldn't justify keeping it around after beating (and liking a lot) Mario Galaxy, Zelda and Metroid Prime 3 as I'm not big on their other franchises or very optimistic that we'll get any sequels there other than probably another Zelda game. But I wouldn't knock Nintendo's first party productivity with the Wii in it's first 2 years. But it may well drag in coming years just like the N64 and GC did with their long droughts.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']no! it's the hardcore that's destroying gaming themselves and are pointing the finger at what they call the casuals. the hardcore is getting smaller and smaller while the so called casual is getting bigger and bigger.

Who says it's getting smaller? Games like Halo 3, GTAIV etc. were setting sales records. "Hardcore" games are selling great. So it stuff like Wii Fit. There's a big market for both types of gaming, and their likely will be in the future. People will definitely snap up Halo 4, GTAV etc. They'll probably snap up Wii Fit 2 as well, but that's an unknown as we have to wait and see if the new audience Nintendo has brought in keeps playing and keeps buying new games.

people don't buy the wii for wii sports or wii fit, they buy the wii to play and have fun.

People buy consoles for a specific game or handful of games. Especially non-gamers who buy a Wii after playing or seeing Wii Sports or Wii Fit. That's all they know. Others buy it as they're fans of Mario, Metroid, Zelda etc. Others buy it for their kids as it's the safe option (yes the Wii and DS are both kid friendly, the DS is huge though as it's cheaper and thus an easier buy for parents).

the new way to play and have fun and not the old and boring way to have fun.

New and fun way my ass. I fucking hated the motion controls and would 100% stop gaming if all games move to being motion controlled. I want to lounge on the couch and press buttons, not flail around like an idiot. I play games to veg out in the evenings/weekends after long days/weeks of work and hitting the gym etc. etc.

if you say that the wii is a fad then you say that the nes was a fad.

I never said it was a fad. I said it just remains to be seen if games like Wii Fit sequels sell well and those non-gamers keep buying games as time goes on. It remains to be seen if motion controls catch on in mainstream genres. etc. etc.

These types of systems and games may well continue selling well when the Wii 2 comes out. I couldn't care less as long as Sony and/or MS keep putting out powerful consoles that push the graphics envelop, offer good online communities and interfaces, and stick with traditional controls in genres I like (mainly FPS and western RPGs).

There's a market for both and hopefully we'll continue to see consoles targeting both types of gaming and not see MS and Sony sell out "hardcore" gamers to try to jump on the Wii Sports/Wii Fit casual gaming boom. They can put out peripherals etc., just keep the consoles powerful and the kick ass FPS games coming!
[quote name='Vinny']I think gaming will take 2 separate paths. The PS3 and maybe the 360 will be for real gamers. I only say maybe for the 360 because of all the "hey, the 360 is like the Wii!" messages from MS so they might be trying to find a happy medium.

The Wii will be for non-gamers. Instead of playing board games, going to the park, playing bingo or knitting... people will now just play the Wii.

Nintendo isn't releasing any real games on it anymore... I know they said they're working on the next Zelda and Pikmin but I'm guessing that's just a response to the backlash from their E3 2008 showing. And the Wii is basically the home for shovelware.[/QUOTE]

This conversation is so tired, with all these vague and convenient definitions of what gaming is or isn't. What is a "real" game? What is a "real" gamer" The Wii isn't killing gaming. The "hardcore" gamers who want to so narrowly define their concept of gaming, that they segregate themselves into niche status, are killing their definition of gaming.
[quote name='msdmoney']This conversation is so tired, with all these vague and convenient definitions of what gaming is or isn't. What is a "real" game? What is a "real" gamer" The Wii isn't killing gaming. The "hardcore" gamers who want to so narrowly define their concept of gaming, that they segregate themselves into niche status, are killing their definition of gaming.[/QUOTE]

I agree all these labels are annoying.

What it boils down to is I just want to keep playing games in genres I like (again, mainly FPS and western RPGs, along with the occasionaly platformer or puzzle game) with traditional controls, online play, and cutting edge HD graphics.

Not simple games like Wii Sports, Wii Fit etc., not SD games in the HD era, not motion controls etc.

There's nothing wrong with either type of games. All are "real" games. One set of games just isn't for me as I have pretty narrow interest these days after 25 or so years of gaming. I just want to play what I like, and I could care less about what Nintendo is doing as long as there is no shortage of the types of games I like on Sony and Microsoft's consoles like there is this generation.
[quote name='msdmoney']This conversation is so tired, with all these vague and convenient definitions of what gaming is or isn't. What is a "real" game? What is a "real" gamer" The Wii isn't killing gaming. The "hardcore" gamers who want to so narrowly define their concept of gaming, that they segregate themselves into niche status, are killing their definition of gaming.[/quote]

that is deep! that right there is why the hardcore is getting smaller. remember that you don't see it now or anytime soon, but in the long run you'll see it. use the ds as a model. they have been out for a long time and have gotten many sales compared to the psp. that is what the new generation will go while the hardcore will be dust.

just because the wii is to attract non gamers doesn't mean the games are to be simple or stupid. the ds was to attract non gamers yet you find a variety of crap to great games. this is what one of the things of what reggie means when developers don't get it. it is also one of the things that the hardcore don't get. the ds is less powerful yet have spectacular development, the same should also happen but isn't because the developers are too lazy and stupid.

this is where i will stop. you need to do your own searching for the answers as it'll be the personal choice for wanting the answer that will make you open up your mind. read carefully and not too haste as you don't want to misinterpret clues.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']
this is where i will stop. you need to do your own searching for the answers as it'll be the personal choice for wanting the answer that will make you open up your mind. read carefully and not too haste as you don't want to misinterpret clues.[/QUOTE]

Again, but in English this time, please.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']that is deep! that right there is why the hardcore is getting smaller. remember that you don't see it now or anytime soon, but in the long run you'll see it. use the ds as a model. they have been out for a long time and have gotten many sales compared to the psp. that is what the new generation will go while the hardcore will be dust.

just because the wii is to attract non gamers doesn't mean the games are to be simple or stupid. the ds was to attract non gamers yet you find a variety of crap to great games. this is what one of the things of what reggie means when developers don't get it. it is also one of the things that the hardcore don't get. the ds is less powerful yet have spectacular development, the same should also happen but isn't because the developers are too lazy and stupid.

this is where i will stop. you need to do your own searching for the answers as it'll be the personal choice for wanting the answer that will make you open up your mind. read carefully and not too haste as you don't want to misinterpret clues.[/QUOTE]

I'm about ready to stop as your fanboy bias is causing you to misread my posts.

1. Again show how "hardcore" or "traditional" (what ever you want to call it) is declining when games like Halo 3, GTA IV etc. are selling record amounts.

2. I never said all casual games had to be simple. I just said they're not for me. I had a Wii and hated such games. I also hate motion controls and don't much like the touch controls on the DS (aside from puzzle games)--most of the DS games I've loved barely used the touch screen or didn't use it at all.

I don't get what you're missing. I mainly only like FPS games with online play and western RPGs, and cutting edge HD graphics. The Wii and Nintendo's focus are pretty much polar opposite of that.

And again, there's nothing wrong with that focus or those types of games as long as Sony and/or MS are keeping my personal gaming needs satisfied. Which MS 100% is this generation.

You're just a Nintendo fanboy (see dropping "reggie" in above post) and getting bent out of shape over perceived slights at your favorite company. I don't have any personal loyalty to any of these three companies. I just buy the one(s) that fit my gaming needs best and Nintendo doesn't do it for me any more. They do for you and it's great that we have that variety in gaming options so that there something for everyone.
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The Wii is ruining gaming. Consoles are ruining gaming. Microsoft is ruining gaming. EA is ruining gaming. Trophies/achievements are ruining gaming. The Great Green Arkleseizure is ruining gaming. Piracy is ruining gaming. Used games are ruining gaming. You are ruining gaming. HD and online are ruining gaming. Did I mention that you are ruining gaming? Well, whatever gaming there still is that hasn't been ruined by moral panic. Now piss off and get back to playing the ten billion great games that are out there.

Seriously though, Peter Molyneux is ruining gaming. He kidnapped Tim Schafer and sacrificed him to the nine-headed beast Ozymandias, King of True Lies, God of the Burning Night. The seven seals have been broken. Make peace with whatever being you mistakenly attribute your creation to, for not even death will bring release from the coming nightmare.
Really don't see how Nintendo is at fault for mass producing games that appeal to families and kids when Microsoft is praised for doing the same for an older demographic. You're either getting a very simple move-your-arms-around game about something cartoony or an HD total-annihiliation-call-a-stranger-something-you'd-never-say-to-a-person-in-a-real-life-mega-death FPS.
Neither should be at fault. Nintendo is making a boatload of money going after their market and clearly millions of people love what they're offering.

And millions love what the 360/PS3 are offering.

Like I said, it's good to have options and I don't think having options is going to "ruin gaming." So yes the thread is a bit silly IMO.

I'd be very disappointed if we saw less FPS and other games I like next gen, but I don't think we will. We may see more casual games, but will see just as many block buster FPS, RPG etc. games. Given I only have time for 10 games a year max, and could get by with a lot less with online play factored in I hardly think gaming will be ruined for me next gen.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Certainly. Niches will still be filled. I'm counting on that as well, the base for pure turn based JRPGs as well as 2D sprite based games is already greatly diminished.[/QUOTE]

Here's the problem. Xbox 360 use to just have a ton of FPS's to look at in the early days with like no J-RPG's or anything different genrewise imo or not much that stood out. Part of the reason I bitched about Japan having Kengo and Senko no Rondo Rev. X is that they were different genres for games woefully underrepresented in the American market. I'm also a sucker for Kengo considering I like Japanese sword fighting games but the no online multiplayer made it a no sell for me. Senko is a shmup which at the time was just not there in the U.S. market.
Flash forward and not much has changed in that respect. Oh sure Kengo and Senko got released but what other shmup's have besides the short as fuck one's on XBLA with the exception of Ikaruga. Rez is technically short though quality so I'll count that at max two.
Now the only thing that has changed, flashing forward, is a ton more J-RPG's that are either ports or such old gameplay that people are dissatified and they are rendered irrelevant. See the problem is on the scale it seems you have a majority of FPS's and J-RPG's right now and nothing else comparatively. At least this is how it feels to me in the American 360 market and that's a real problem. It's hurting J-RPG's because they're so visible now and suffering from the reasons listed above. FPS's have been around so little time in the console world comparatively so they can keep shoveling all the shit out for a bit longer.

This wouldn't even be an issue frankly if Microsoft would cut the shit and give us most of what the Asian market gets to begin with. I don't know how much more variety it has but it would be a big start.

As for the PS3 you have a greater variety in genres from Sony in their 1st party products in general which helps. Right now they're having to pull that duty themselves for the most part it seems since 3rd party devs. aren't doing it, at least Western one's.
I'll say Sony's biggest failure as of late is not making Sackboy into the next Mario when he so CLEARLY is in that position lookswise.
Nintendo has it's own audience, as do the other companies. Luckily for us casual is just one group. I hardly consider Gears of War casual and that shit sells like hot cakes, as does Halo.

In the end I think we should go back to two consoles but thats just my opinion. Really, MS has the edge with their giant vault of cash and this gen have really stuck it to the PS3. I just hope their next console either goes to a larger property format (HD-DVD returns?) and they offer free wi-fi to compete with the PS3. It's not like Sony is going to have free online play forever anyways.

If anything Wii is improving the gaming future. Look at it this way: More and more people will realize the Wii only has a few games that interest them and that their Wii collects dust, but when people buy a PS3 or 360 and put more time into it they'll put more money into the gaming libbary.

Now on the other hand, how about dead genres? "Survival Horror" is pretty much gone outside of Resident Evil (sales wise), Platforming is rare, and JRPGS don't explode unless It's on the DS. Lost Odyssey is the only "current gen" console RPG to hit near one million, before Final Fantasy is out anyways.
The Wii marketing is driving me away. Just look at Animal Crossing's gamecube commercial. Now check out City Folk :roll:

It almost makes me feel like I shouldn't be playing the Wii because I'm a 24 year old male..:whistle2:|

And as for the "casual" gaming thing? That logic is a thing of the past. The Xbox360 started out as "HARDK0RE G@M3R"..but there's a BUNCH of casual/family friendly games on the machine. They aim THOSE games towards THOSE people..and they gear the other stuff towards the correct people.
[quote name='lilboo']The Wii marketing is driving me away. Just look at Animal Crossing's gamecube commercial. Now check out City Folk :roll:

It almost makes me feel like I shouldn't be playing the Wii because I'm a 24 year old male..:whistle2:|

And as for the "casual" gaming thing? That logic is a thing of the past. The Xbox360 started out as "HARDK0RE G@M3R"..but there's a BUNCH of casual/family friendly games on the machine. They aim THOSE games towards THOSE people..and they gear the other stuff towards the correct people.[/quote]

like what?! name a few.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']like what?! name a few.[/QUOTE]

Well, you have the multiplatform games such as the LEGO series and all of the kids movies into games.

Pretty much the stuff from Rare can be labeled for anyone--Kameo, the Viva Pinatas and Banjo Kazooie.

Scene It 1 and 2.

Then on XBLA,there are tons of casual games. Bejewled 2 isn't casual? Feeding Frenzy 1 and 2? Zuma, Jewel Quest, Pac-Man, Ms Pac-Man, Pac-Man CE.. there's other games from "PopCap Games".

Still not enough?
[quote name='lilboo']Well, you have the multiplatform games such as the LEGO series and all of the kids movies into games.

Pretty much the stuff from Rare can be labeled for anyone--Kameo, the Viva Pinatas and Banjo Kazooie.

Scene It 1 and 2.

Then on XBLA,there are tons of casual games. Bejewled 2 isn't casual? Feeding Frenzy 1 and 2? Zuma, Jewel Quest, Pac-Man, Ms Pac-Man, Pac-Man CE.. there's other games from "PopCap Games".

Still not enough?[/quote]

it's not enough, i want more titles! btw, those download titles are only accessable to people who are subscribers?? i'm sorry, that won't due because people don't want to pay for services to have to download a product. ask yourself, do you pay to enter a restaurante or a store to buy something. a very odd idea.

so more titles that are not downloadable.
The Wii in it of itself is not. It is more Nintendo's fault for opening these gates of hell. Now not all "casual" games are bad, just most of them. In fact it's mostly 3rd parties that fuck up the game. Nintendo's "casual" games are tolerable, not fantastic by gaming standards, but nevertheless provide a fun and entertaining experience. Now back to 3rd party shovelware. This is where shit hits the fan, what soccer moms swarm in droves at Walmart for in the event that it might be sold out for some unknown reason.

and it seems Microsoft and Sony are taking the bait. Okay it's not all negative that these companies want to expand their market share, but that's the same thing with the Wii.

The Wii hooked everyone with Wii Sports, which imo is fun but can get boring unless you play it once once every few months just to see if you can nab a platinum medal. Then soon every upstarting-no-name-3rd-party flocks to them an creates crapware again and again. Ocassionly a decent game banks on the Wii controls and actually delivers. This is what I predict will happen with the 360 and PS3. Some nice 3rd party games/casual games will become a hit and then noob developers will jump the gun to have their name obscurly displayed in the credits of some horrendsly overdone rendition of triva shows and virtual board games-or dare I say some simulation game where the user just stares at the screen watching vibrant colors in HD no less rotating among a pallette of over thousands of color combinations

[quote name='Gamer SDP']Now back to 3rd party shovelware. This is where shit hits the fan, what soccer moms swarm in droves at Walmart for in the event that it might be sold out for some unknown reason.[/quote]
Really though, what's the problem? Does Carnival Games reach out of the Wii and break your copy of Mass Effect or something?

Even a big Wii fan like myself will admit that there have been missed opportunities and wasted potential on Nintendo's part. But no one has yet explained how the existence of Wii shovelware somehow prevents the 'hardcore' crowd from enjoying FPS-of-the-Week.
Carnival Games is good. Great even. The Wii has some great games, it's just that they don't receive much, if any press, and because Nintendo's abandoned the hardcore (calling Animal Crossing a core title is like saying Halo isn't a FPS, it's wrong) those people don't feel they need to support the Wii, despite getting some good core titles (Like No More Heroes, Zack & Wiki, De Blob, and to a lesser extent Boom Blox).
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']it's not enough, i want more titles! btw, those download titles are only accessable to people who are subscribers?? [/QUOTE]

What the fuck are you talking about? You don't have to pay for X-box live to download games. You only have pay to play games online and to use the Netflix streaming (if you have a netflix account).

A FREE Xbox live silver account lets you download all the games, demos, movies etc. They aren't going to limit their ability to sell stuff by making it available only to those who subscribe to gold.

Man, uninformed fanboys drive me nuts talking shit about stuff they know nothing about. Time to hit up the ignore list again.....I swear CAG gets closer to Gamefaqs every month. Maybe I'm just getting to old, and too little into games for sites like these....
[quote name='Monsta Mack']
Now on the other hand, how about dead genres? "Survival Horror" is pretty much gone outside of Resident Evil (sales wise), Platforming is rare, and JRPGS don't explode unless It's on the DS. Lost Odyssey is the only "current gen" console RPG to hit near one million, before Final Fantasy is out anyways.[/QUOTE]

This is a big problem frankly. What's happened in the console market is that with the exception of Racers, Sports and J-RPG's the console market is starting to mirror the Western PC market and that's NOT a compliment. These are the same douchebags and you know who you are, who killed any Japanese PC product coming here. It's not just the Nihon Falcom stuff but Baroque is a PC shmup that never saw the light of day here. They also killed the Adventure genre in a way as well. Sure the product is there but where is it a hit or on consoles as well?
Oh and as for Family titles on the 360 throw out everything movie based as most movie based games are shit then you have a true telling of it.
For those that mentioned core product on the Wii, the serious good exclusive product, like non-party game, consists of Sega and Capcom for the most part. Also Namco seemed to join the fray with TOS2. I'm hearing Capcom may be pulling out too.
The most pathetic thing about the Wii is that in terms of lack of real game numbers on American 360 and PS3 I feel Nintendo could've trounced both in the core market right now as well as bag the casuals if they'd kept their eyes on both balls. I mean really pushing 3rd parties to develop non-party games for the Wii already would've paid off in spades. Right now let's be honest. Look at the sheer number of product on the Wii compared to the 360 and PS3. You can argue that some of that is PS2 and Wii so there's a PS2 option but that still doesn't change the fact it's another Wii game that the PS3 and 360 don't have.
The Wii is a gaming console that went in a different direction, I think that the Wii isn't ruining gaming, its just expanding the market. However, its not ruining gaming, especially when Gears of War 2 can produce 3 million sales in 4 weeks.. and put me down for a copy of GOW2.

There are some aspects where the Wii has helped gaming.. imo I think that the Wii has slowed the gaming market down. At least in terms of the race for the best graphics, and I don't think that MS, and Sony (well especially Sony) will be releasing future consoles at 500 / 600 dollars. So the move from 360 to 720, and PS3 to PS4 may have smaller leap forward in terms of technology that's developed in the box.. example I don't think any next console is going to use a new self developed proprietary drive.

Everything about the Wii that's supposed to appeal to the hardcore market is tacked on. The Wii missed out on a lot of third party games because it really doesn't have a basic controller, yes there's the classing controller, but that thing is more for nostalga, than for serious hardcore play. The new Experience that the Wii provides w/ the Wiimote, and Nunchuck is great, however Nintendo didn't cover the basics. Nintendo sets up an online store, gets GREAT support, yet, they're ill prepared their system....No hard drive to even save the games on. If you look at the way the classic controller has to be "tacked on" to the Wiimote to work is a perfect representation of the point that I'm trying to make.
The Wii is well thought out for Casual gamers, butits ill prepared to meet the demands of a hardcore market.
it doesn't seem like a real expansion of the's all about getting systems into grandma's hands. the only affect is that more wiis and copies of wii fit and carnival games are being sold. The core nintendo wii games performed about as well as expected (or worse, as some people feel about MP3) but without all that "expanded market goodness" bumping them up to stratospheric heights. Also, some companies are making boatloads on shovel ware.

we've yet to see if it'll really expand the market, if these incredible system sales will drive all kinds of game sales and lead to uncharted territory in game development, or if companies will cash in on gamers who don't know better and if all those wiis and balance boards will end up in the trash like so much unused exercise equipment.

*cue 10 pages of DMK graphs to prove me wrong*
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']it's not enough, i want more titles! btw, those download titles are only accessable to people who are subscribers?? i'm sorry, that won't due because people don't want to pay for services to have to download a product. ask yourself, do you pay to enter a restaurante or a store to buy something. a very odd idea.

so more titles that are not downloadable.[/QUOTE]

The amount of Family/Casual games on the 360 (in retail form or download) equals to probably about the same amount as "REALLY GOOD" Wii games. Unfortunately, there's probably more "Family/Casual" games available on the 360 than the Wii has "GREAT/AWESOME" games in general.

I have a Wii. I am more or less a Nintendo fanboy. If I can see that Wii is fairly a disappointment to gamers/Nintendo fans, then I don't know why others can't?

[quote name='Rig']A few? Microsoft has their own "Family Games" branding.

"With over 200 E- and T-rated games and unparalleled parental controls, parents can feel good about their kids playing Xbox 360."[/QUOTE]

[quote name='lilboo']If I can see that Wii is fairly a disappointment to gamers/Nintendo fans, then I don't know why others can't?[/quote]

It's less that I disagree that some are dissapointed (that is a fact) but more I disagree with what you consider a "gamer". IMO, you play video games, you're a gamer, period. I have a friend who bought a PS3 launch week and the only game he has *ever* played on it is the several incarnations of Madden. He has no interest in other games (not even other sports titles), but he plays, perhaps 15-20 hrs a week. Many here would write him off as "casual" or some other partially derogatory term. But to me, that's as hardcore as it gets.

Back to the Wii, I'd daresay that the *vast* majority of people who own the machine enjoy it very much. That does indeed include the ubiquitous grannies but also includes those who like SW:TFU and Zelda. I have two other friends who have played games all their lives and no matter how much I talk up the 360, they are happy and content just being Wii gamers...and that's fine.

The irony is, the gaming industry fought so long and hard to be considered mainstream, and as soon as they do, their "hardcore" fans revolt. Was gaming just an indie band all along?
[quote name='hostyl1']It's less that I disagree that some are dissapointed (that is a fact) but more I disagree with what you consider a "gamer". IMO, you play video games, you're a gamer, period. I have a friend who bought a PS3 launch week and the only game he has *ever* played on it is the several incarnations of Madden. He has no interest in other games (not even other sports titles), but he plays, perhaps 15-20 hrs a week. Many here would write him off as "casual" or some other partially derogatory term. But to me, that's as hardcore as it gets.

Back to the Wii, I'd daresay that the *vast* majority of people who own the machine enjoy it very much. That does indeed include the ubiquitous grannies but also includes those who like SW:TFU and Zelda. I have two other friends who have played games all their lives and no matter how much I talk up the 360, they are happy and content just being Wii gamers...and that's fine.

The irony is, the gaming industry fought so long and hard to be considered mainstream, and as soon as they do, their "hardcore" fans revolt. Was gaming just an indie band all along?[/QUOTE]

You play games your a gamer is not a very good way to do things. Try asking others that play games extremely casually if they are gamers and I bet most would say no. If even people like my fiancee, her sister and her mother who goof around with the DS/Wii every now and then dont consider themselves gamers how can you label them one?

Edit - O and just because the Wii has some good games like Mario and Zelda doesnt mean that it isnt still lacking in comparison to even the GC. The system is fast turning into the home of turds and doing more harm then good. Yes systems like the 360 get a lot of turds.....the difference is the 360s turds dont become best sellers outside a game here or there like 50cent.
everyone can agree that the Wii is extremely successful... selling to those who aren't the usual console buyers. I don't think these new customers that Nintendo has are going to be coming back for future Wii consoles. If Nintendo can do with the Wii, what they did with the DS - New version of the Wii, with a cheaper price - [internal memory, HD output (upscaler), for 199.99] The DS really exploded, when it came out at a reduced price and it was a better device. So I'm thinking that a lot of the issues that people have with the Wii could be solved if they came out with a new version, and behind the scenes they could rally some of these 3rd party to do more than the shovelware. Also, I'd like to see Nintendo develop a new controller (like the classic controller) that will stand alone (wireless) and it doesn't have to use the Wiimote to work. Basically, looking for a Nintendo Wii Wavebird.
[quote name='Thomas96']everyone can agree that the Wii is extremely successful... selling to those who aren't the usual console buyers. I don't think these new customers that Nintendo has are going to be coming back for future Wii consoles. If Nintendo can do with the Wii, what they did with the DS - New version of the Wii, with a cheaper price - [internal memory, HD output (upscaler), for 199.99] The DS really exploded, when it came out at a reduced price and it was a better device. So I'm thinking that a lot of the issues that people have with the Wii could be if they came out with a new version, and behind the scenes they could rally some of these 3rd party to do more than the shovelware. Also, I'd like to see Nintendo develop a new controller (like the classic controller) that will stand alone (wireless) and it doesn't have to use the Wiimote to work. Basically, looking for a Nintendo Wii Wavebird.[/QUOTE]

The thing is though that if Nintendo themselves arnt willing to put good games on the Wii then why will third parties follow? I really dont think gamers are worried about getting a $200 HD Wii.....we just want more fucking games and we want to stop feeling insulted that the best selling games are crap like Carnival games and Wii Fit/Play.
I like what the Wii and the DS have done to the gaming industry. If anything, it's killed the stigma that used to surround somebody that played video games.

Before the Wii, the stereotypical image of a gamer - true or not - was that of the grossly-mutated versions of the South Park characters in the "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episode. You sit at your computer or your console, covered in Cheetos dust, being anti-social, and staring zombie-like at your screen. 99% of gamers aren't actually like that, but like all new forms of media, the perception was that it swallowed you up.

The Wii showed the masses the true potential of video games by changing the primary advantage games have over other forms of the media: interactivity. Instead of sitting on a beanbag chair pushing buttons, you're standing up, you're moving your arms, and - at least in the case of the well-designed games and not the white-label shovelware - the translation barrier between controller and game is softened significantly. People knock Twilight Princess for being a GameCube port, but honestly, the two versions are like night and day to me. The Wii controls completely change the experience.

Bottom line: we have girls playing. We have moms and dads playing. We have grandparents playing. Gaming is no longer some shady exclusive club where people waste their lives away in front of the gaming screen; it's a legitimate form of entertainment. When I first saw an elderly woman on the train playing the DS, I nearly shit my pants. When I saw a woman bring her DS to a friend's bachelorette party, I nearly passed out. When my mother - effectively, the Sarah Palin of the I Hate Video Games world - tried out Wii Sports and Rock Band, it was like this enormous revelation. These people that would have never touched video games in the past and dismissed it as an unimmersive, antisocial time-waster now accept it as a legitimate, fun, and even healthy form of entertainment.

I'm saying this as a person with all three consoles, and who has more Xbox 360 titles than for any other current generation home platform. Whether or not you like the Wii, Nintendo, Reggie, Wii Fit, or any of the other things people are blaming in this thread, there is no reason to be against the mass penetration of video games unless you somehow perceive gaming as some sort of exclusive club and don't want to take that "NO GURLZ ALOWD" sign off of your treehouse.

Like the movie industry, we will always have hardcore titles, mass-market titles, and blockbuster titles. Some games will be good, and others will be crap. Some games will be cryptic and dark, and others will be straight-forward and heartwarming. Some games will be mature, and some games will be geared towards youngsters. No genre is disappearing. If something is stirring in some corner of gaming that doesn't even concern you, mind your own damn business.
[quote name='MSI Magus']The thing is though that if Nintendo themselves arnt willing to put good games on the Wii then why will third parties follow? I really dont think gamers are worried about getting a $200 HD Wii.....we just want more fucking games and we want to stop feeling insulted that the best selling games are crap like Carnival games and Wii Fit/Play.[/QUOTE]

That's a good point; Nintendo's support of the Wii, has been almost dismal. No F-zero, no Star Fax, Kid Icarus, maybe a "new super mario world" Wii version... a new pro wrestling.. A new console, regarless of what they put in the box isn't going to rally the gamers (troops) if Nintendo doesn't support the console the RIGHT way.
[quote name='Thomas96']That's a good point; Nintendo's support of the Wii, has been almost dismal. No F-zero, no Star Fax, Kid Icarus, maybe a "new super mario world" Wii version... a new pro wrestling.. A new console, regarless of what they put in the box isn't going to rally the gamers (troops) if Nintendo doesn't support the console the RIGHT way.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. The reason the second model of the DS did so much was because the second model improved the 1 big flaw the origional had.....the lighting. Outside that the DS was a smash success that had gamers either owning or wanting to own the games(but waiting because of the crappy light like myself). Games like Mario and Luigi, Phoenix Wright, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, Wario Ware and Trauma Center had flooded the system already. I think a lot of people think the next Wii system/model will sell extreamly well with or without a lot of games but I am starting to seriously wonder. A lot of these new consumers are going to realize they are not gamers or think they are not because the Wii didnt do enough to keep their interest, and us hardcore gamers will be annoyed with Nintendo. Nintendo will have to completely re shift focus and earn back trust.

I think a good way of putting it is Nintendo really did create a Blue ocean. They created a gorgeous luscious environment that everyone flocked to take a look at.......the problem is that most of us responsible people went and swam someplace else while that part of the Ocean became a dumping ground for every toxic turd a company had no other place to put. By the time the next system comes the Blue ocean will be glowing green and lifeless.
[quote name='Thomas96']That's a good point; Nintendo's support of the Wii, has been almost dismal. No F-zero, no Star Fax, Kid Icarus, maybe a "new super mario world" Wii version... a new pro wrestling.. A new console, regarless of what they put in the box isn't going to rally the gamers (troops) if Nintendo doesn't support the console the RIGHT way.[/QUOTE]

What the hell do you guys want? As somebody already pointed out, the console has only been around for two years, and already, they've matched the support for their primary franchises compared to the N64 and the GameCube.

Should they release one or two games from each AAA-franchise every year? On both consoles?

How do they know you're not going to come back to the forum and bitch that Nintendo has become the next EA and Activision with their money-grubby annual releases?

Microsoft has dismal first-party support, but they get a "Get Out of Jail Free" card because of Halo, apparently. Sony has a few cool first-party franchises, but none of them can stand up to the Halo machine, and none of them - not even LittleBigPlanet - can match the ubiquity of Mario and friends.

If you're going to maintain high standards, at least hold all three competitors to the same flame. Don't single out Nintendo.
[quote name='Thomas96']That's a good point; Nintendo's support of the Wii, has been almost dismal. No F-zero, no Star Fax, Kid Icarus, maybe a "new super mario world" Wii version... a new pro wrestling.. A new console, regarless of what they put in the box isn't going to rally the gamers (troops) if Nintendo doesn't support the console the RIGHT way.[/QUOTE]
Arrgh, I hate this argument. Nintendo has released a good number of first and second-party games this year, and not just Wii Fit and Wii Music. There's also been "hardcore" and "hardcasual" stuff like Wario Land, SSBB, Mario Kart, and Animal Crossing, plus we know that things like Kirby, Pikmin, Punch-Out!!, and more Mario and Zelda are definitely coming. Not to mention the fact that Nintendo also has the DS to develop for.

Nintendo can only do so much at one time.
[quote name='Renaissance 2K']I like what the Wii and the DS have done to the gaming industry. If anything, it's killed the stigma that used to surround somebody that played video games.

Before the Wii, the stereotypical image of a gamer - true or not - was that of the grossly-mutated versions of the South Park characters in the "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episode. You sit at your computer or your console, covered in Cheetos dust, being anti-social, and staring zombie-like at your screen. 99% of gamers aren't actually like that, but like all new forms of media, the perception was that it swallowed you up.

The Wii showed the masses the true potential of video games by changing the primary advantage games have over other forms of the media: interactivity. Instead of sitting on a beanbag chair pushing buttons, you're standing up, you're moving your arms, and - at least in the case of the well-designed games and not the white-label shovelware - the translation barrier between controller and game is softened significantly. People knock Twilight Princess for being a GameCube port, but honestly, the two versions are like night and day to me. The Wii controls completely change the experience.

Bottom line: we have girls playing. We have moms and dads playing. We have grandparents playing. Gaming is no longer some shady exclusive club where people waste their lives away in front of the gaming screen; it's a legitimate form of entertainment. When I first saw an elderly woman on the train playing the DS, I nearly shit my pants. When I saw a woman bring her DS to a friend's bachelorette party, I nearly passed out. When my mother - effectively, the Sarah Palin of the I Hate Video Games world - tried out Wii Sports and Rock Band, it was like this enormous revelation. These people that would have never touched video games in the past and dismissed it as an unimmersive, antisocial time-waster now accept it as a legitimate, fun, and even healthy form of entertainment.

I'm saying this as a person with all three consoles, and who has more Xbox 360 titles than for any other current generation home platform. Whether or not you like the Wii, Nintendo, Reggie, Wii Fit, or any of the other things people are blaming in this thread, there is no reason to be against the mass penetration of video games unless you somehow perceive gaming as some sort of exclusive club and don't want to take that "NO GURLZ ALOWD" sign off of your treehouse.

Like the movie industry, we will always have hardcore titles, mass-market titles, and blockbuster titles. Some games will be good, and others will be crap. Some games will be cryptic and dark, and others will be straight-forward and heartwarming. Some games will be mature, and some games will be geared towards youngsters. No genre is disappearing. If something is stirring in some corner of gaming that doesn't even concern you, mind your own damn business.[/QUOTE]

Its not an issue of "NO GURLS ALOWD", or GRANDMAs ALOWD, its a issue that the old gamers who supported Nintendo in the past (or recent past) who were the focus of Nintendo's attention, have now all of a sudden become the minority. The resources that Nintendo and third parties allocate towards the development of new software has went to developing Wii fit, instead of F-Zero. Nintendo, and 3rd parties, probably don't see it as very cost effective, to develop any big budget titles on the Wii, especially when its most likely only going to appeal to the minority. The movie does accomodate for all its customers, however, the gaming industry, [at least on the Wii] has not accomodated the minority and thus they feel left out, or that there isn't anything there for them.
[quote name='Renaissance 2K']What the hell do you guys want? As somebody already pointed out, the console has only been around for two years, and already, they've matched the support for their primary franchises compared to the N64 and the GameCube.

Should they release one or two games from each AAA-franchise every year? On both consoles?

How do they know you're not going to come back to the forum and bitch that Nintendo has become the next EA and Activision with their money-grubby annual releases?

Microsoft has dismal first-party support, but they get a "Get Out of Jail Free" card because of Halo, apparently. Sony has a few cool first-party franchises, but none of them can stand up to the Halo machine, and none of them - not even LittleBigPlanet - can match the ubiquity of Mario and friends.

If you're going to maintain high standards, at least hold all three competitors to the same flame. Don't single out Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

Disagree. First off they havnt released as much stuff and their focus has clearly shifted. Where in the past we saw stuff like Pikmin, Eternal Darkness and Metroid we have seen more and more of these Wii games. These Wii fit/music/play games have been horrid and they should be ashamed. Then there is the fact that they now plan on rereleasing Gamecube games as Wii games instead of putting out new stuff. Then there is the fact that the most recent Mario and Zelda games that came out were intended to be GC games, they just delayed and redid them for the Wii late in the game. The final point would be that the games that have been designed directly for the Wii like Mario Kart and Wario(minus Smash bros)have not been nearly as good as previous iterations in the series.

Also MS is primarily a third party company and they have done a very good job bringing that third party support and keeping it there. You can forgive MS for not putting out 5 Halos in a year whenever they managed to bring FFXIII to the 360 as well as all those other JRPGs and keep games like Gears 1/2 exclusives. MS has also slowly gotten better putting out games like Banjoo and Crackdown which ya they arnt AAA but are still fun games in MS's learning process. I dont think MS is without flaw in the software department, I dont think they are doing enough by any means and thats why I have suggested time and time again that they need to buy a smaller but high quality developer such as a level 5 or a Atlus to boost production......but MS is sure doing a HELL of alot better then Nintendo when you take their first and third party support into consideration.
[quote name='Thomas96']Its not an issue of "NO GURLS ALOWD", or GRANDMAs ALOWD, its a issue that the old gamers who supported Nintendo in the past (or recent past) who were the focus of Nintendo's attention, have now all of a sudden become the minority. The resources that Nintendo and third parties allocate towards the development of new software has went to developing Wii fit, instead of F-Zero. Nintendo, and 3rd parties, probably don't see it as very cost effective, to develop any big budget titles on the Wii, especially when its most likely only going to appeal to the minority. The movie does accomodate for all its customers, however, the gaming industry, [at least on the Wii] has not accomodated the minority and thus they feel left out, or that there isn't anything there for them.[/QUOTE]

As other people have just posted, they're supporting you just as much as they always have. They're also allotting a ton of resources to developing the casual games for casual gamers that effectively saved them from becoming the next Sega.

Are you saying that they should be directing all those extra funds back at you, instead of the people that have brought them back from the brink? This "I've been a Nintendo fan for 20 years" sense of entitlement is absolute nonsense.
[quote name='Thomas96']Its not an issue of "NO GURLS ALOWD", or GRANDMAs ALOWD, its a issue that the old gamers who supported Nintendo in the past (or recent past) who were the focus of Nintendo's attention, have now all of a sudden become the minority. The resources that Nintendo and third parties allocate towards the development of new software has went to developing Wii fit, instead of F-Zero. Nintendo, and 3rd parties, probably don't see it as very cost effective, to develop any big budget titles on the Wii, especially when its most likely only going to appeal to the minority. The movie does accomodate for all its customers, however, the gaming industry, [at least on the Wii] has not accomodated the minority and thus they feel left out, or that there isn't anything there for them.[/QUOTE]
Emphasis mine. Again, it's a time-and-resource issue, not to mention a pleasing-the-fans one. I don't doubt that Wii Fit took a fair amount time and money to develop, but Brain Age and many of their other expanded audience-targeted titles didn't.

Also, Nintendo fans have long held high expectations for each new major franchise title (with good reason). These games take enormous amounts time to develop, and great ideas don't just pop out of thin air. Me, I'd much rather see a new major franchise title every few years, giving them the time to polish the hell out of it, rather than something pushed out the door every six months to a year. That latter strategy can run a once-great franchise into the ground (look at Sonic).
[quote name='blueshinra']Arrgh, I hate this argument. Nintendo has released a good number of first and second-party games this year, and not just Wii Fit and Wii Music. There's also been "hardcore" and "hardcasual" stuff like Wario Land, SSBB, Mario Kart, and Animal Crossing, plus we know that things like Kirby, Pikmin, Punch-Out!!, and more Mario and Zelda are definitely coming. Not to mention the fact that Nintendo also has the DS to develop for.

Nintendo can only do so much at one time.[/QUOTE]

Mario Kart was a good game but let many people down and its thought of as the weakest entry into the franchise in some time. Wario was meh both in reveiws and gamer opinion and Animal Crossing was the same game we have seen time and time again without much new innovation or even items for players to find. This essentially means that we got a gimped Mario Kart, weak wario land, the same AC we have already seen and the 1 true shiner this year was SSBB.
[quote name='blueshinra']Emphasis mine. Again, it's a time-and-resource issue, not to mention a pleasing-the-fans one. I don't doubt that Wii Fit took a fair amount time and money to develop, but Brain Age and many of their other expanded audience-targeted titles didn't.

Also, Nintendo fans have long held high expectations for each new major franchise title (with good reason). These games take enormous amounts time to develop, and great ideas don't just pop out of thin air. Me, I'd much rather see a new major franchise title every few years, giving them the time to polish the hell out of it, rather than something pushed out the door every six months to a year. That latter strategy can run a once-great franchise into the ground (look at Sonic).[/QUOTE]

Again this is wrong headed. First off the stuff that they have released has been pushed out the door or origionally a GC game. Second the DS disproves this. Look how much great quality stuff we are getting on the DS.....your telling me that Nintendo cant even come close to matching the quality of their own system?

*rolls his eyes*

Defend Nintendo all you want, but you guys are making really weak arguments.
bread's done