Is this REAL or is this TOMFOOLERY?


Get a load of this. Who can turn down ALL THIS?

This should weed out who are losers and who are friends. In a man this is what I need.

1- You should own your own home by the age of 30. No excuses. I don't care if your exwife took you. You should have been man enough to be financially stable enough to at least walk away with something. I am too old to be starting fresh financially and I do have a lifestyle to maintain. I was married to a very wealthy man before and I dont intend to take a step bckward.

2- You should make more money than me. I will not be there to support your lifestyle at all. I am working because I need something to do during the day but I dont want to continue to do it fulltime. If you don't make enough to both have a very nice house and new cars and buy me the nice things I deserve plus an allowance you are just not grown up enough to have me. I wont lie. I am high maintainance. Deal with it or dont ask me out.

3- You should understand that as a woman you must earn me. This is both financial but emotional. My hormones change every day and until you are a woman and can understand that deal with it. yes I am fickle and subject to change my mind. Its a womans peroggotive. If you cant deal with my mood swings move along. You should be there for me no matter how cranky I am.

4- I do cook when I am in the mood but I don't clean. I am not a maid. If you like your place clean you should make enough to hire a cleaning service because i should be worth more than that to you and you shouldnt expect that of me. You cant expect me to cook for you regularly either. I do have a job and a life. I cook when I want to not when you want me to.

5- Child care. I love my kids but I am not a nanny. I mostly work because I cant stand being around kids all day. I need my me time to get away. I need weekends away on a regular basis so you should be able to afford that. I am open to having more kids but if I go through the pain and suffering to have the kid you should do the sleepless nights thing or hire a nanny and if your kids are whiny brats than let their mom keep them. I dont have time or energy to fix your kids.

6- Staying in shape. You must have nice abs. If I had a mans metabolism I would. If I didn't have kids I would. You have no excuse. I am sorry but I am just not attracted to guys who dont take care of themselves.

I am sorry this rant but come on guys grow up and get with it. If you fit the bill email me and let me know. If you dont them delete me from your friends and dont email me anymore. Sorry but this is the way it is and better to get it out of the way now than to spend all sorts of time dating before we figure these things out about each other.
The sad thing is there's a lot of women out there with this same attitude that also sit around and bitch about not being able to find a "decent" man. They make it sound as if "decent" man means there isn't much qualifications yet their idea of "decent" is that list right there.
I really get a kick out of this one more than the rest of the list
6- Staying in shape. You must have nice abs. If I had a mans metabolism I would. If I didn't have kids I would. You have no excuse. I am sorry but I am just not attracted to guys who dont take care of themselves.

Even though we don't see a picture you KNOW that means she's fat.
Thought #1: If she wasn't single I'd bet ABC would be in talks with her within 5 minutes for a "special" episode of Wife Swap.

Thought #2: Reminds me of at least a third of the women in Woodbury, LI. The only thing she neglected to mention is that if you displease her she will take you for everything you have, leave her children behind and have no future contact with them, and marry anyone who has a paycheck that's greater than yours. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Invalid Friend ID.
This user has either cancelled their membership, or their acccount has been deleted.

:cry: I wanted to pull up her pictures. :cry:
[quote name='Magehart']Invalid Friend ID.
This user has either cancelled their membership, or their acccount has been deleted.

:cry: I wanted to pull up her pictures. :cry:[/QUOTE]To the wayback machine or google's cache!
Let's pitch in and get her the "I bring nothing to the table" shirt from Tshirt hell.
Embarassed to say I read one of the blog commenters who claimed that they saw her pic before it went private/deleted and apparently she wasn't completely unattractive, but otherwise pretty average.
[quote name='LiquidNight']:lol: @ use of "tomfoolery."

That word is just too awesome.[/quote]

Personally I was torn between the word TOMFOOLERY and SKYLARKINGS. Possibly Sheinanigans.
[quote name='Paco']Personally I was torn between the word TOMFOOLERY and SKYLARKINGS. Possibly Sheinanigans.[/QUOTE]Shenanigans?! Do we need brooms?!
[quote name='jmcc']Shenanigans?! Do we need brooms?![/quote]

YES. And we all know where they belong in this fine example of womankind :D
Well, at least she's making those claims up front, instead of thinking it and not really pointing it out.

I have to say that such aspirations aren't uncommon. It's still the predominant social norm for males to be the breadwinner, and the sole earner in the household (in that
Seriously, her expectations are too high, someone who thinks they are that awesome probably wouldn't be attracted to someone like that anyway, they'd be too busy thinking of what a hot commodity they are to be distracted by random girl who's making demands. Even though i'm a girl, i don't think she should throw crap out like that, yes i want my feet rubbed and yes i can be bitchy but i know plenty of guys who would want their back rubbed or some extra video game time instead of having to clean up the kitchen.'s my deal.. try to make expectations even and if him or i thinks its unbalanced then we can bitch about it and whoever's the bitchiest wins!
[quote name='mykevermin']
I'd be fascinated to find out what sorts of life experiences put her in a spot where she feels compelled to demand everything of life and offer nothing to it. My guess is Lifetime Television.[/QUOTE]

I'd be fascinated to find out what sorts of life experiences put her in a spot where she feels compelled to demand everything of life and offer nothing to it. My guess is Lifetime Television.

One thing I want to say about this comment..........

Is it me or does her list make it come off like she would be the type of bitch that would run you over with her car (and sadly get her own Lifetime movie)?
[quote name='mykevermin']I'd be fascinated to find out what sorts of life experiences put her in a spot where she feels compelled to demand everything of life and offer nothing to it. My guess is Lifetime Television.[/QUOTE]

Bravo sir. Bravo.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Interesting.

In regards to money and wives, look at Michael Strahan. He is getting taken to the cleaners.[/QUOTE]And he had a pre-nup.
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, at least she's making those claims up front, instead of thinking it and not really pointing it out.

I have to say that such aspirations aren't uncommon. It's still the predominant social norm for males to be the breadwinner, and the sole earner in the household (in that
bread's done