It's Shaq-fuing BULLETSTORM!

I figured it'd at least get an average 8/10, just because of how unique it is. (Call of Duty is really reprogramming idiot gamers now-a-days... who compare EVERYTHING FPS-related to CoD)

I'm not gonna say that I'm all for the gratuitous swearing and dick-jokes, but considering it's just that kind of game (like Duke Nukem), it doesn't bother me.

Well, regardless ... if anyone's actually going to get it and wants to play Anarchy, lemme know. My copy got delayed by UPS for some unknown occurrence or natural disaster, so I won't have it until tomorrow.

I suppose I also need someone on my friendlist with it, that I can sort-of compete with on Echoes. :lol:
[quote name='Rhett']I figured it'd at least get an average 8/10, just because of how unique it is. (Call of Duty is really reprogramming idiot gamers now-a-days... who compare EVERYTHING FPS-related to CoD)

at least they aren't all compared to halo like they were 5 years ago
Joystiq gave it a great review. I didn't fall in love with the demo at first, but a second try sold me. Gonna pick it up on the way home.
This is a game that is definately going to require getting used to the controls. I think after the first two levels I should be ready to go. I'm curious about the multiplayer just to see if it's as easy to kill opponents as it is to kill the AI baddies.

I thought the demo was interesting first time. Second time through I thought it was a blast. I can't wait to do some co-op destruction. I'll have to wait though. Amazon sent me a message saying the weather (all 2 inches of snow) has delayed shipping.
Is the GoW Beta really requiring the game disc for bulletstorm? I was hoping to ebay that code and recoup some $. I hate betas.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Rhett....i'll hit you up with a friend request. I don't see my high brow prude gamer buddies playing this one! Ha![/QUOTE]

Got it, thanks! Definitely not a game for those people. Hell, everyone I've talked to on my friendslist about Bulletstorm (trying to get them to just try the demo... these are COD freaks btw..) have turned me down.

[quote name='Just-Joe']So is Anarchy the only multiplayer option, no team deathmatch or anything like that?[/QUOTE]

Yes, Anarchy is the only MP mode. It has 6 diverse maps with different traps and such. It also features a leveling system to buy new skins for all of your character's parts (helmet, armor, boots, legs, etc) .. and also leash visual upgrades. It's Horde mode, but you have to team up to hit score thresholds for each level, and accomplish a specific team skillshot. You spend acquired skillshot points to buy character upgrades.

Echoes also exists, though SP, for competing with friends for higher scores.

[quote name='Retom7']Is the GoW Beta really requiring the game disc for bulletstorm? I was hoping to ebay that code and recoup some $. I hate betas.[/QUOTE]

Yes, the early access beta code requires the Bulletstorm disc. It isn't the only way to get into the beta, just an additional, early 7 day access. Too bad, but makes sense. (I'm not interested in Gears 3 myself, either)
[quote name='randomthinker']@Rhett: where did you read/find this info? Was really hoping to sell the code too :whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

It's all over the place. :whistle2:#

It's also mentioned in the link below... (more confirmation further below)

First DLC announced

The 'Gun Sonata' pack - 800 MSP. 3 new Anarchy maps + 2 new Echoes maps + 2 new Leash flavors. It will be available "this Spring". Too soon? Debatable...

As for confirmation of the Gears beta requiring the disc:

Link #1
Link #2
Link #3

And lastly.... Playing the Bulletstorm demo unlocks extra armor and an Emerald colored leash. Not sure if you need the demo on your xbox while you play Bulletstorm, or if it has a save or what... just passing this on.
The code isn't locked to the disc, but you do need to enter a code and a disc. For instance, I rented it and they let me have the code with it. I entered it and got access. I won't need this exact disc, but since I redeemed the code, when I rent it again, I'll be able to access the beta.

Also, literally 5 minutes into the first level, I became stuck.
After the part where the guy blows the window out of your ship.. you walk over debris, then climb under it.. I walked towards the door but magically warped on TOP of the debris which, thankfully, was surrounded by an invisible wall :wall:
I tried to reload an earlier checkpoint, but it actually saved after I became stuck (Thanks!), so I had to restart the whole chapter over. Granted, it was 5 minutes in, but this doesn't bode well for the game, imo.

There's no way some of these reviews weren't paid off..

I'm also a huge fan of interactiveness with the environment in games.. it annoys me when the game lets me shoot one screen and it blows up, but every other screen doesn't..

/edit: LP, they've already talked about how they originally had split screen co-op but took it out..
[quote name='Scorch']

There's no way some of these reviews weren't paid off...[/QUOTE]

How much cash does an average score of 85 run?
[quote name='seanr1221']How much cash does an average score of 85 run?[/QUOTE]

I don't know what the deal is ~ maybe it gets better as I play, but I've played an hour into it so far and it's just .. boring and repetitive. I don't get the hype. Maybe I have different expectations for games.

I'm still going to play through it though. Maybe it'll get better. I can't judge the whole game by the first hour.
So what's the consensus on this one? I have the game sitting, still sealed, on my desk and I'm on the fence. I had a feeling it would be repetitive and could be become boring...
Thanks for the info Rhett.

I'm having a great time with it so far. Beat the first act which consisted of 3 levels. Didn't run into any of the bugs Scorch did. I thought they switched things up a fair amount. I guess I could see it being boring if you're not constantly trying to pull off skill shots to boost your score. It's quite hard to shoot a guy right in the nuts :p Seriously though between slide, leash, and kick, the different weapons, and the environments there are a million ways to kill people. I'm enjoying the lewd immaturity of it, in classic Duke Nukem fashion.
I didn't care for the mode that they used for the demo. For those that have played it, is the campaign somewhat more traditional? I'm not crazy about the idea of constantly trying to pull off "combos" or whatever. I mean I don't mind the low-brow, over-the-top nature of the game at all, I just like blowing shit up at my own pace and not feeling like I'm in a gimmicky race for the most points.
I'm on the fence with this one. Got a chance to mess around a bit yesterday (just a little into act 2) and while it's cool at first, it got hella repetative for me. Hopefully once they hand out more weapons it'll get better. Still leaps and bounds better than "realistic" (read, shades of green and grey) shooters...
[quote name='Big St3ph3n']People talked shit on the demo, now they are jocking it. LOVE IT.[/QUOTE]

not me - still struggling to see what the big deal is..
I'm into Chapter 2, as well and I, too, am loving it. This game is suprisingly solid in every regard. Story is solid, gameplay is fantastic, visuals are epic. Great stuff.

I got this on a whim because of the Gears Triple Pack deal at best buy and I am very glad I did.
Are we playing the same game!? Did I get a beta pressing of it or something? The graphics are nice, but the gunplay is just.. ok. I do love, however, that enemies actually react where you shoot them. I love ragdoll physics.

Also, I hate EA. I lost connection to XBox Live because my cable modem went down for a second.. Tried to reconnect, it failed, then kicked me to the main menu because a sign-in change happened.. even though I never signed out of my profile, I just lost my connection and tried to reconnect.
So far the campaign is OK. I thought the intro was garbage though and
is pretty laughable and ridiculous. The hardest difficulty isn't that bad at first but it soon ramps up since I find I often can't find sufficient cover. I've only had one sort of bug when Ishi didn't "activate" a panel to get to the next area but reloading the last check-point resolved it. Also, I think this game could use more frequent checkpoints. I played some Anarchy mode co-op last night with 2 others and that was pretty fun.

[quote name='chriscolbert']I didn't care for the mode that they used for the demo. For those that have played it, is the campaign somewhat more traditional? I'm not crazy about the idea of constantly trying to pull off "combos" or whatever. I mean I don't mind the low-brow, over-the-top nature of the game at all, I just like blowing shit up at my own pace and not feeling like I'm in a gimmicky race for the most points.[/QUOTE]

You still sort of need to do the skill shots in the campaign as that is how you get points to upgrade your leash and weapons. I imagine someone could probably get through the game without even trying to get skill-shots and instead just shooting to kill but that's not how the game was intended to be played.
Finally got it after UPS quit trolling me... lulz.

I'm very happy with it. Very fun, and such a nice change from all the tactical shooter nonsense lately. Also happy that the "online pass" isn't literally required to play online, as far as I can tell. It's just some bonuses, I guess.

The beginning is kinda slow, but it really picks up quickly after the first 20-30 minutes or so.
Well I thin I'm going to have to pass on this one. I'm just not sure if I'll enjoy it enough to justify a purchase now. I think the price will drop quick and used copies will flood the market once the gears 3 beta is over.
So... how long have reviewers said the game was? Watched video reviews and they didn't say (don't read text). Or how long has it taken you guys?
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Well I thin I'm going to have to pass on this one. I'm just not sure if I'll enjoy it enough to justify a purchase now. I think the price will drop quick and used copies will flood the market once the gears 3 beta is over.[/QUOTE]
Doing the same and waiting for Crackdown prices after the beta ended... Or probably just rent during the beta and play it then. :)
[quote name='Necrozilla']So... how long have reviewers said the game was? Watched video reviews and they didn't say (don't read text). Or how long has it taken you guys?[/QUOTE]

IGN (I think) said 6 hours and Joystiq (I think) said 12 hours.

So you tell me what that means.
[quote name='Necrozilla']So... how long have reviewers said the game was? Watched video reviews and they didn't say (don't read text). Or how long has it taken you guys?[/QUOTE]

Hmm, gonna take a stab here in how much I've played.. but I can guarantee I've played the game as it was supposed to be played. Ran into only one bug (got stuck jumping over a wall, checkpoint reset fixed it).

So, on Normal, getting every "collectible" that I've noticed (bottles of Nom Juice, electro-flies and News bots), and trying my best to do every skillshot that I unlock... I've spent about 7 hours so far and I'm on late Act 5, I think? Maybe Act 6 beginning? I didn't pay attention. =X

It's fun, and the game paces unlocks and weapons steadily all throughout the game. I could definitely see the game taking longer on harder difficulties, with how much you get swarmed. Near the end of the game (I assume, where I am), I'm having to take cover constantly with how much is going on.

The only real complaints I have are that there are lots of invisible walls where you'd think you could go (it's very minor though... AKA, you may not be able to hide behind a certain table, or maneuver around an object a certain way). And shooting an enemy in the balls with a sniper rifle is much harder than it would seem. :whee:

And, there's a pretty funny segment that mocks a common situation that comes up in action movies/games, near the end.. I loved it.
The DNA bomb sequence...

Only played a few rounds solo of Anarchy, but I could see it being pretty fun. Definitely made for everyone to use a varied selection of weapons, I think.

Oh, and throughout the entire game, I have never once seen the frame-rate drop noticeably. I noticed this as a complaint in a few reviews, but this has not happened to me. I'm sensitive to things like FPS drops and minor lag, and I can say that it's been without fail. (I have it installed, not sure if these people didn't bother) - That said, the game is both beautiful and smooth; some fights throw quite a few enemies and explosions at you, too.

Oh, and rest in peace, Waggleton P. Tallylicker. You are our hero! *sniff*
I went ahead and picked this up last night and even though I only spent about an hour with it I must say I am enjoying it quite a bit. Very refreshing, mindless fun.
this damn airplane at chapter 2-2 which takes 5 shots to shoot down wont go down. watched a youtube vid and all, ive spent the last half hour shooting it, running for cover, shooting it and its pissin me off... EDIT: crouched in the corner and shot for like 2 minutes, finally killing it

i think halo needs to take a damn lesson from this game. YOU DONT NEED FLAT PAINTED BACKGROUNDS to have cool/nice looking backgrounds like these
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I guess I'm not understanding the "Epic" edition and the "regular" edition if there's even a difference.

I've been hearing there's a 1 time use code in the game just like Medal of Honor and Bad Co 2 VIP codes, is this the same case? Does the code that comes with new games get you into the Gears beta regardless of if it's the "Epic" edition or not?
[quote name='hustletron']I guess I'm not understanding the "Epic" edition and the "regular" edition if there's even a difference.

I've been hearing there's a 1 time use code in the game just like Medal of Honor and Bad Co 2 VIP codes, is this the same case? Does the code that comes with new games get you into the Gears beta regardless of if it's the "Epic" edition or not?[/QUOTE]

The Epic Edition is specifically pre-order/first batch copies. Once they're all sold, the rest are normal editions.

The Epic Edition code includes the Online Pass (included in all new copies). (+6 Echoes maps + a leash color, that's it, doesn't limit online far as I know)

It also includes the Gears 3 beta and the minor bonuses (special aesthetic equipment and 25k extra XP for Anarchy). It's called Epic mostly because of the Gears beta access. (which is just 7 days access prior to everyone else without Bulletstorm)

It's so damn confusing. People are STILL asking to buy Gears 3 codes off people who bought Bulletstorm. I swear. :roll:
Well I understand that, but my question is does the online code, that comes with the Epic edition and the one that you can buy off the marketplace for 800 MSP, the same code that grants access to the Gears beta? I feel like it's the same exact code and the Epic edition was just a ploy to move copies. It's probably too early to tell but if anyone knows I'd like to know.

I'm probably gonna go to blockbuster and see if I can get a code and then just buy a copy used somewhere cheap.
The "Online Pass" on the Marketplace does not include the G.o.W.3. beta invite nor the extra leash, points, skins.

Play on six bonus 'Echoes' mode maps and test your Skillshot and scoring prowess against your friends and the global leaderboards.
How much are people kids paying for the G.o.W.3. beta codes anyways (a.k.a. "Epic Edition" code)?
[quote name='Necrozilla']The "Online Pass" on the Marketplace does not include the G.o.W.3. beta invite nor the extra leash, points, skins.

How much are people kids paying for the G.o.W.3. beta codes anyways (a.k.a. "Epic Edition" code)?[/QUOTE]

Thank you that's what I was trying to find out, so the code that comes in Epic Edition is basically for the Gears of War 3 beta code, you also get the extra crap for the game with the same code, the same stuff you get from the marketplace purchase.
[quote name='hustletron']Thank you that's what I was trying to find out, so the code that comes in Epic Edition is basically for the Gears of War 3 beta code, you also get the extra crap for the game with the same code, the same stuff you get from the marketplace purchase.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it's the Online Pass + bonuses + Gears beta. Specifically for the Epic Edition (though the voucher/code will work with any copy of the game when the beta comes out).

And I dunno on how much... one guy wanted to trade a month of Live for the code, lol. I wouldn't scam someone, however easy it may be, though. I'm likely going to sell my copy off at $35 or $40 by the end of March (if not sooner? I dunno.. I'm enjoying the game!) and not use my code, regardless. Definitely a game that will be in my collection in the future, though.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Having a bitch of a time trying to get "Nut Cracker: Kill an enemy by guiding a bullet into his balls" skillshot =][/QUOTE]

Me too... I think the easiest way would be to thump them, then hopefully they're facing you when you penetrate them... hurr. Otherwise, even if stunned, they'll still dodge... ugh.
bread's done