It's such a shame...

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']The OP seems to be falling victim to the same faulty logic that many anti-GS posters have fallen victim to over the years. Fine, on the surface $37 after the promo for Mass Effect 2 might not seem great, especially considering it's just GS credit and not actual money. But the $37 is what you get. End of story. There are no fees. There is no shipping. And you get it right there and then. You don't have to do anything else than go to GS.

And to say that you'll give $37 for the game is silly. If you give me $37 for it, I lose a couple of bucks in PayPal fees. Then, I lose a few more bucks after I buy a mailer and ship it out. Plus, for all I know, you're a scammer, and you're going to file a dispute against. Or the package could potentially get lost in the mail. None of this applies when trading into GS.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I have had too many scammers take up my time and patience, and on occasion, my money. I will take a little less from GS, when it is just a little less, for the piece of mind that the transaction is final. The OP is completely ignoring this aspect.

Another aspect the OP completely ignores is that he calls out the GS thread, yet he does not realize how much of that discussion is geared towards finding advantages to GS current trade in promo. They always have some promo going on and there is always a way to cash in on it. His ignorance of the thread was proven when he did not even realize that the Edge card adds 10% to TIVs, thus he really isn't following the true intent of the thread very well. That is not his fault, he does not need to be aware of what the thread is really doing, but please, do not call out those that use it and pair them with the people that actually just do trade in their stuff without any thought. Sure, there are many GS are taking advantage of, but not many of them post here @ CAG.

Bottom line, there is a reason many people trade into GS here and often, it is not out of sheer ignorance of other options available to them.

Oh, and when I traded in ME2, I got $56 for it at GS because of the promo. That is taking advantage of deals properly.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']The OP seems to be falling victim to the same faulty logic that many anti-GS posters have fallen victim to over the years. Fine, on the surface $37 after the promo for Mass Effect 2 might not seem great, especially considering it's just GS credit and not actual money. But the $37 is what you get. End of story. There are no fees. There is no shipping. And you get it right there and then. You don't have to do anything else than go to GS.

And to say that you'll give $37 for the game is silly. If you give me $37 for it, I lose a couple of bucks in PayPal fees. Then, I lose a few more bucks after I buy a mailer and ship it out. Plus, for all I know, you're a scammer, and you're going to file a dispute against. Or the package could potentially get lost in the mail. None of this applies when trading into GS.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand these Gamestop hater threads....Don't shop there if you dont like the promotions or the games they sell.
A lot of people here know how to pull the most possible credit they can out of their gamestop trade in's, netting about the same price you would get on ebay or craigslist for the game. So it is not always a bad deal.

However Gamestop's used prices are often more expensive than others, unless there is a price drop on a game. Its best not to buy the used games with your credit unless there is a promotion. By combining promotions and saving your credit till the right time to use it you can do well.

For me its more worth it for me to use my e-rewards gift cards on new release games which are the same price everywhere. I don't do well with promo's because I don't seem to own any high value trades that I want to get rid of so trading in isn't worth it for me. The only time its worth it for me to shop at GS is when I am using my gift cards to get a new release game or a game I have been wanting to buy drops in price a lot.
[quote name='Gbear09']It matters to you cause you're posting about it. Why is it that all a lot CAGs in training complain about GS?[/QUOTE]

I think it's because we voted GS as the worst online/B&M retailer for the fourth year in a row, they think it gives them "cred".

CL works sometimes but the majority of the people on there are very flaky (see yet more craigslist stupidity thread).
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Beyond flaky. You can sometimes go through four or fiver potential buyers before you get someone who doesn't back out. My favorite are the ones who agree to buy something and then try to change the price when you meet.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Beyond flaky. You can sometimes go through four or fiver potential buyers before you get someone who doesn't back out. My favorite are the ones who agree to buy something and then try to change the price when you meet.[/QUOTE]

Exactly! Or the ones who offer strange stuff like pirated software or ancient technology like vcr's.
The OP isn't telling you to stop trading at gamestop. He's telling you to use the CAG trade list tool (up there, in the bar) to mark your inventory and price. He'll pay you more than $4 for fatal frame.

If gamestop offers you more, then take it. But bringing up Mass Effect 2 + promo + credit you already had is not an example of "gamestop is an awesome place to always trade things." It's a small sample; normally their prices offered are lower than the cash you'd get from a CAG.

While his statement is flawed in delivery, his point is accurate and clear. He's not forcing you to stop shopping at gamestop; he laments that more people aren't a part of CAG and are trading away prime games (Fatal Frame) for only $4. Or Prince of Persia gamecube titles for $4. Or Final Fantasy VII black label for $4.
[quote name='warmsignal']Newsflash... that's not at all what I implied. Did you even read? I'm asking why people choose to do so, when they could get more elsewhere in most cases... why not sell the games to others for an equal price as the GS trade in values... don't cut the rich a deal, cut a fellow gamer a deal![/QUOTE]

you're talking about time, gas, patience and such. I've tried selling a game on craigslist before and it's just a waiting game and when someone calls for it they try to lowball you so it's a no win situation. Then you have to go and meet that someone in person, wait for them to arrive when they decide to and all. Sometimes it's not even worth the hassle to get a few extra dollars so I just trade them in to gs or another place depending on the deal. I mean, if they're going to give me $23 store credit versus me waiting around for someone to get $4 more, it is not worth it to me and I just go and trade it in and get what I want right away instead of wasting my time and gas.
Not a good idea to trade the 360 hard drives. They give you around 17-18 and then resell for 50+ depending on the size of course. You can make around that much yourself selling online, that, would probably be worth putting in the effort for, unlike some 4 year old game worth $2 TIV and it sells for $8 online.

If you really think craigslist will boom your profits go ahead and try it. Then again, craigslist is basically selling online as well isn't it? except you meet up. Have fun driving out to empty parking lot waiting hours for some sketchy guy who isn't gonna show up or talk to you ever again lol.
I'm sure glad someone made this thread, because I'm so fucking stupid I would have never realized I wasn't getting the best deal ever. Oh, well, at least their new games are still sealed and haven't been played before.
[quote name='warmsignal']
It's pathetic how little GS will give you for your used games... yet, here we all are busting our asses trying to find what we consider "good deals" on used games, even if we're paying double what GS does for them.

I wish I could take advantage of these people the way GS does... I'd like to stop them at the door and say "Hey, I'll buy those off of you for exactly what GS will." I would be hitting the jackpot of video game deals. I'd be scoring Fatal Frame II for $4.00 and brand new titles going for $54.99 for only $30!

Start your own company, purchase anything and everything that people bring to you even if they are absolute garbage games. After doing so, tell me how much you'd like to offer me for your 1340th copy of Grand Theft Auto 4. Chances are you won't want to offer me much, if anything either.

Some people make some pretty bad decisions at gamestop, I can agree with that. The person that trades in their new game they picked up earlier in the week for $25 is definitely making a mistake. But I bet you can't tell me of one CAG in their right mind that would offer me more than $40 for a used copy Halo 3 ODST, or more than $4 for half-dead batteries.
I'm not a GS supporter, but take advantage of trade in promos when I have some clearance titles lying around. Also what the OP is saying, outside of convenience, why flush your games down the toilet. Gamestop isn't that convenient if you want the most for your buck.

[quote name='superDESTROYMAN']let us see. I bought tekken 6 for $20. I then got $25.60 for trading it in to gamestop. now im no mathmatical genius, but im pretty sure i made a profit.[/QUOTE]

This only defends the OP's stance on giving back to other gamers. I know that most the community tries to pass on the savings to the community. However, there is a large chunk that score new titles like Tekken 6 for $20 and want you to trade them for another $60 title for it (superDESTROYMAN not saying you). Everyone has the right to do what they want here, but at times the community doesn't help out it's members. I've seen TL after TL of members listing these dream want lists with assinine lowball $$$ figures, but at the same time pull the full MSRP on their haves. Love this community and it helps out everyone 99% of the time, but a select few bring down the community by not passing on the deals. Also for all you bashing the OP this site is for sharing your opinions, just as you have your stance on GS so does the OP. It's one thing to counter the OP with GS trade-in promo's, eBay listing costs, etc., but to just to bash is pointless. That being said we all have the right to our opinions.
[quote name='ninja dog']I hear they open new games and don't sell them as used after doing that true?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ninja dog']hooooolllllyyyy fuuuucccccckkkk OMG THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!![/QUOTE]

[quote name='ninja dog']I hear they open new games and sell them as new and not used, is that true?[/QUOTE]

thanks for keeping the cosmic ballet going.
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yes it is true they sale opened games at new prices, but you don't have to buy it. Funny how the ones against the OP can state counter points like trade in promo's, craigslist, not using GS, etc. However ninja dog states a fact that goes against GS and we here whining of how he is keeping this thread going. To me these type of threads are somewhat useful regardless of your opinion on the topic. A new member/gamer can come across this thread and see factual info.

[quote name='mer71']I watched a guy trade in a 250G 360 drive and wirless adapter for about $50 cash. Yikes.[/QUOTE]

This wouldn't happen to the seasoned CAG, but coming to this thread you see how assinine GS can be.
Its really a really stupid argument that i can sum up in one simple sentence

If you dont like gamestop, shut up, stop whining, and dont go there.

Its as simple as that.
[quote name='ninja dog']just one thank? most people give at least ass[/QUOTE]

Sorry, you got multiple now.

[quote name='neudog']However ninja dog states a fact that goes against GS and we here whining of how he is keeping this thread going.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't whining. I was just pointing out that it's the second time he asked the same exact question, and already reacted with "horror" after the first answer.
[quote name='Phokis']The OP isn't telling you to stop trading at gamestop. He's telling you to use the CAG trade list tool (up there, in the bar) to mark your inventory and price. He'll pay you more than $4 for fatal frame.

If gamestop offers you more, then take it. But bringing up Mass Effect 2 + promo + credit you already had is not an example of "gamestop is an awesome place to always trade things." It's a small sample; normally their prices offered are lower than the cash you'd get from a CAG.

While his statement is flawed in delivery, his point is accurate and clear. He's not forcing you to stop shopping at gamestop; he laments that more people aren't a part of CAG and are trading away prime games (Fatal Frame) for only $4. Or Prince of Persia gamecube titles for $4. Or Final Fantasy VII black label for $4.[/QUOTE]

No, he specifically stated that the many of us at CAG that utilize the GS thread makes him ill. Yet he was so ignorant of the GS trading policies, so thus obviously did not take any time to read through the GS thread he blasted us about, that he did not even know that the Edge card gives a 10% bump in TIV for example. I think people, like myself, hope that if people are going to say we make them ill, they would at least bother to know a bit more about it first.

I mean, fuck, no true contributor here is trading in rare and valuable games for $2. When things were going really well, you could start off with a few games, and go back and forth between GS and Blockbuster with games until you had hundreds, if not thousands, in credit at both places with little effort.

If someone wants to trade, use eBay or CL, whatever. Those from the GS thread don't start new threads crapping on those. I don't see people from the GS thread coming into another thread related to some other store and just ripping people left and right for not going to GS. It just gets tired when people, on a daily basis, feel the need to tell you how retarded you are for making an educated decision to do business with a certain company. I could care less what GS does to the average person. I know that I get my perceived value of a game when I do business with them, or I don't give it to them. Anything they offer me a couple bucks for, I give away to friends for free. I will even lose money shipping it to people. But when I am in a situation to go up on them, I do it.

[quote name='warmsignal']Obviously there are a lot of people out there who just don't care if they're getting next to nothing for their trade ins, as long as it's adding up as a chunk of the change they'll need towards buying something new, and that's whole idea. I realize that's the mindset of many in this community as well (the GS Trade-in thread is evidence of this). Personally, it makes me ill.[/quote]
wait...gamestop doesnt give the most for trade in?

shit i've been gettin ripped

please quit bitchin about damn gamestop. its so damn weak
Exactly, Yanksfan. It's one thing to say, "Hey, guys, trade your stuff on CAG instead of into GS." Though we've heard that a million times already, it's at least civil. To say we make you "ill," that's insulting and deserves the type of response he got.
Only legit complaint I have with GS is opening the new games and selling them as "new". Luckily this only happened once to me this year.

Also I find the "sell it to ebay" excuse old because last I check you gotta be a adult to sell online...

Sure you can tell your parents to sell for you but most won't even borrow their CC to use online.
Hey if you are in a GS and someone is trading in games and you offer to buy them from the person, will GS employees get mad or could you get in trouble?
Some people on here claim if you are in a gamestop store and someone has games they want to trade, and you try to make a deal with them in the store the employees will kick you out and tell you not to come back ever again. I don't know if it's true or not. If it is that's pretty dumb though.
[quote name='Ye0ldmario']Some people on here claim if you are in a gamestop store and someone has games they want to trade, and you try to make a deal with them in the store the employees will kick you out and tell you not to come back ever again. I don't know if it's true or not. If it is that's pretty dumb though.[/QUOTE]

You are pretty dumb if you don't understand why they would kick you out, and it is not a claim it is true. I was once foolish enough to offer a guy more money on a trade in of something I was interested in and was kicked out at first, but later allowed back after apologizing and promising not to do that again. You must still be too young too understand that gamestop is a business and you would be soliciting on their property. No store is going to let you loiter around their place of business and try to steal their business away from them.
[quote name='z24buddy']You are pretty dumb if you don't understand why they would kick you out, and it is not a claim it is true. I was once foolish enough to offer a guy more money on a trade in of something I was interested in and was kicked out at first, but later allowed back after apologizing and promising not to do that again. You must still be too young too understand that gamestop is a business and you would be soliciting on their property. No store is going to let you loiter around their place of business and try to steal their business away from them.[/QUOTE]

I agree with your end points, but there is no need to tell someone they are dumb, especially when you made that mistake yourself. Some of us just don't have the same life experiences as others here and have not had to think of such things before in that perspective. It hardly makes them dumb.
I went into a gamestop today and tried buying a new copy of Mana Khemia 5: The Crystals of Lolicon Island and I brought up the case and the guy takes it and puts the disc in it and I'm like "lol, what? This is a new game?" The clerk was like "yeah. we take the discs out of one copy so we have a box to display." I was like "whatttt? am I going to get some kind of discount? The reason I didn't get the game on launch was because you guys didn't have my pre-order love pillow." And the clerk was like "sorry, I don't have the authority to do that actually, my manager---" and then I was like "YOUR MANAGER?!! fuck YOU!!! YOU DAMN CROOK!!! I'M FILING A BBB COMPLAINT!!" I kicked over the magazine rack and threw my cherry slurpee at the wall, which splattered all over. The clerk just looked at me like he didn't know what to do, but I totally showed him lol
[quote name='ninja dog']I went into a gamestop today and tried buying a new copy of Mana Khemia 5: The Crystals of Lolicon Island and I brought up the case and the guy takes it and puts the disc in it and I'm like "lol, what? This is a new game?" The clerk was like "yeah. we take the discs out of one copy so we have a box to display." I was like "whatttt? am I going to get some kind of discount? The reason I didn't get the game on launch was because you guys didn't have my pre-order love pillow." And the clerk was like "sorry, I don't have the authority to do that actually, my manager---" and then I was like "YOUR MANAGER?!! fuck YOU!!! YOU DAMN CROOK!!! I'M FILING A BBB COMPLAINT!!" I kicked over the magazine rack and threw my cherry slurpee at the wall, which splattered all over. The clerk just looked at me like he didn't know what to do, but I totally showed him lol[/QUOTE]

What about the glitter? Did you throw glitter? If not, your story was pretty meh.
[quote name='Ye0ldmario']Not a good idea to trade the 360 hard drives. They give you around 17-18 and then resell for 50+ depending on the size of course. You can make around that much yourself selling online, that, would probably be worth putting in the effort for, unlike some 4 year old game worth $2 TIV and it sells for $8 online.

If you really think craigslist will boom your profits go ahead and try it. Then again, craigslist is basically selling online as well isn't it? except you meet up. Have fun driving out to empty parking lot waiting hours for some sketchy guy who isn't gonna show up or talk to you ever again lol.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but they also wipe the hard drives as well. Nothing like selling your HD on eBay and some douche ends up with all your Credit Card info because you thought you deleted it but were wrong. Maybe you and I know how do to it, but not every 12 year old who put mommy's CC info in is gonna remember to delete it.

[quote name='VeryCheapGame']Only legit complaint I have with GS is opening the new games and selling them as "new". Luckily this only happened once to me this year.

Also I find the "sell it to ebay" excuse old because last I check you gotta be a adult to sell online...

Sure you can tell your parents to sell for you but most won't even borrow their CC to use online.[/QUOTE]

That is also the only complaint I have with GS. There's a simple solution to that problem though - Buy it somewhere else. If I can get it somewhere else for the same price and sealed, I will. I usually only tolerate the "newsed" games during the Games Day sales because I'm usually getting it for half off the regular price anyway.
[quote name='Nikadimas']What about the glitter? Did you throw glitter? If not, your story was pretty meh.[/QUOTE]

there was glitter in the slurpee
Honestly, I'm one of the Gamestop 'haters', but even I know that they serve a purpose sometimes. It beats having to deal with haggling aholes on CL(and here)who feel as if you should LOSE money to give them a game or nine. They're also great if you have an 'iffy' game system that may act up at times, so long as it holds out during the testing phase in store. Before anyone flames me for this, know that I haven't done it in YEARS(2005 or so, when my one PS2 was scratching my discs all up).

Otherwise, their prices DO suck and their lack of real sales 90% of the time sucks too, but you have to realize(as I did FINALLY)that they're a business and they're in business to MAKE money.

I've done the 'offering the same in cash' thing before and most stores are ok with it as long as you do the deal outside their store. But most people going into GS to trade stuff in look at you weird if you make an offer to them, even though you may be offering close to the same amount they would be getting(but be stuck with credit locked to ONLY Gamestop).

And since we're all CAG's on here, do you REALLY think that other CAG's here are trading in stuff they paid a ton for to GS during these promos? I sincerely doubt it.

Oh and bigdaddybruce, you can see a 'preview' of what the thread is about by just putting your mouse over the title many times. So no more need to not know what a thread is gonna be about.
[quote name='mer71']I watched a guy trade in a 250G 360 drive and wirless adapter for about $50 cash. Yikes.[/QUOTE]

It was probably stolen, too. ;)
Call me selfish, but if there weren't people trading in good games to GS, there wouldn't ever be any good used games for B2G1 sales.
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[quote name='salty tbone']Call me selfish, but if there weren't people trading in good games to GS, there wouldn't ever be any good used games for B2G1 sales.[/QUOTE]

You're exactly right. It's great that dumb people trade games into GS for 1/3 the price they paid or less. More stuff for us to pick up.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Oh and bigdaddybruce, you can see a 'preview' of what the thread is about by just putting your mouse over the title many times. So no more need to not know what a thread is gonna be about.[/QUOTE]

I know that. But that only works if you're on the board, not the front page, which is where I stumbled upon this from.
bread's done