James Bond Ultimate Collection Vol 1, 2, 3, 4 $18.99 each at CC


Just got back from Circuit City's black friday sale. I went to get the James Bond Ultimate Collection Vol 1 that was in their ad for $18.99. When I got there they also actually had volumes 2, 3, and 4 also for the same black friday sales price of $18.99! This is a helluva deal. Each of these box sets normally sell for about $55-$79 each. I went ahead and bought all 4 volumes at only $18.99 each. This deal seems to be online too! go now before they are backordered.


EDIT: DEAD DEAL - all sets are back up to $59.99 now! - Congrats to those who got in...and sorry to all of you who missed out on the deal of the year.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']At least Casino Royale's "reboot" solidifies this as a 100% complete set.[/quote]

That's the way I see it as well. Casino Royale changed so many things (no Q, no Moneypenny, almost no Bond music, no gunbarrel at the beginning, no gadgets) that I now see the first 20 films as it's own series and Casino Royale the start of a new series.
Well, the two CC closest to me were sold out so I ordered them online. The funny thing is I bought Casino Royale Widescreen at Bestbuy B&M for $9.99. So, it is probably the same price at www.bestbuy.com.

Also, ordered Never Say Never Again from DeepDiscountDVD.
[quote name='MetalGearDraco']That's the way I see it as well. Casino Royale changed so many things (no Q, no Moneypenny, almost no Bond music, no gunbarrel at the beginning, no gadgets) that I now see the first 20 films as it's own series and Casino Royale the start of a new series.[/quote]

It's probably a given that all the trademarks will show up next movie. The first movie was supposed to be "dark" and focus on Bond's first mission which was generally considered a failure, at least from MI6's point of view. Moneypenny probably wasn't in there because Bond didn't bother meeting M at MI6 HQ. The mission didn't require gadgets, hence no Q. He was just supposed to win a baccarat tournament. But yeah, it's not a Bond movie without Moneypenny. I just hope they don't hire John Cleese to play Q. He sucked as R.
First, that's a hell of a deal on those sets. Like many have said, picked 'em up when they first came out, never regretted it. Features aside, the transfers on these are gorgeous. It's like night and day.

Second... Moneypenny and Q won't be in Bond 22. I hate to say it, I think that's probably a good idea. Moneypenny hasn't been the same since Lois Maxwell left the role, and no one can be Q quite the same way Desmond Llewellyn did. If they bring the characters back, they'd need to reboot them completely. Moneypenny needs less of the 'independent woman' thing that Samantha Bond did... and frankly, Villiers seems to have her role now, anyway, which I'm fine with. Q needs to be MUCH younger, and more serious. John Cleese, bless him, played Q as a buffoon. He can't help it. I love the man, but Cleese is stuck in that mode, and it isn't going to change. We need the young Q back, like the one in the Connery films. Q only became goofier later because of Roger Moore, and the fact that he was starting to look like your grandfather... and who is going to take your grandfather and his 'gadgets' seriously?

So, yeah, that was a bit off-topic... buy the sets.
[quote name='Burchamj']dead....[/quote]

Dead online but I wonder if tomorrow it will be dead in stores. I assume it will be!

I ordered online friday morning and CC emailed me to confirm my order. I almost wish I would have bought them in store today just to make sure that I have them. I passed because I had already ordered them online, now I wish I had bought another set to make sure! This was a great deal!
[quote name='carthitup']If they bring the characters back, they'd need to reboot them completely.[/quote]
They would. M was, I'm sure you remember in the old continuity she was a replacement and met Bond for the first time decades (using a Cold War reference in her snide comments to him) after events like
Bond's marriage, Felix Leiter becoming shark bait
, etc.

I think that's a primary reason some picky people don't "get" Casino Royale. It might have been better if M was recast. People see Judy Dench and mistake the movie as a prequel rather than a fresh start that intends on following the books more than current Hollywood trends. I was amazed at how accurate Casino Royale was to the book. I remember back when it was officially announced and thinking "No way they're going to have testicle torture in this movie when it comes out." I read the book ages ago, but for the most part I think the movie's plot followed it almost perfectly from what I remember.
[quote name='elprincipe'] Octopussy is on 4, that's the best Bond movie ever, no wonder that is the only one that isn't available for immediate shipping to me!

I dunno, when I think "best Bond movie ever", the one in which Roger Moore puts on a gorilla suit followed by a clown suit doesn't immediately spring to mind :D
Thanks OP! I'm in for a set, been a big bond fan and have a couple of the movies individually (including some crappy VHS copies due to wear from watching). Nice to be able to get the whole set for $80 w/ tax!
I would have gotten these if I hadn't already blown $150 on 6 Sopranos box sets that'll take me forever to watch from Wal Mart :)
[quote name='dinovelvet']I dunno, when I think "best Bond movie ever", the one in which Roger Moore puts on a gorilla suit followed by a clown suit doesn't immediately spring to mind :D[/QUOTE]

Haha, that is one of many great moments! ;)
Alright, mine came in today.

After I took them out of their stupid outercases, I now have a James Bond shelf on my DVD tower all in the order they were made :D

Damn, none of them shipped for me yet. If they don't come back in stock in 60 days, they cancel the backorder. I hope the waiting line isn't that long.
Man 60 days that sucks. I got the first three volumes to ship the other day for me, but volume four is on backorder.

I wonder if I walk into the store and see volume four on the shelf maybe I can just pick it up there for the sale price and have them cancel my order.
Hmm I just checked my order status for volume four and it has an estimated ship date of 11-28. Hopefully this is a good sign that the delay may be a short one.
My Vol 4 shipped today! :D
My first three shipped on Saturday, so hopefully I can get them within the week and not until 12/11 like the website says.
As of now all of mine have shipped, vol 4 just yesterday. Hopefully all of your guys' copies ship out soon.

Glad to have gotten in on this!
Well my volumes 1, 2, and 3 arrived today to my surprise. Much sooner than the 12-11 estimated arrival date listed on CC.com.

Now my volume 4 just needs to get back in stock and sent out so I can watch all the films in the order they were made.
Must be some waiting list. I ordered about 7 hours after you, assuming you posted around the time you ordered and I'm still on backorder for all of them.
Placed my order on Black Friday. My vol 1 - 3 shipped 11/26, vol 4 on back ordered. A box arrived today, but it only contain vol 2 and 3, no vol 1. Do they ship the dvds from different places like amazon? Never order anything from CC.com before.
I'm just chiming in to point out that From Russia with Love is the best James Bond movie ever made.

Followed closely by Goldfinger and then Dr. No, of course. The new Casino Royale would actually be number four, I think. Rounding out the top five would be Thunderball, I suppose.

People may argue about the placement of From Russia with Love, Goldfinger, and Dr. No, but I think it's (un-)safe to say that those are the top three James Bond movies.
[quote name='toogood']Placed my order on Black Friday. My vol 1 - 3 shipped 11/26, vol 4 on back ordered. A box arrived today, but it only contain vol 2 and 3, no vol 1. Do they ship the dvds from different places like amazon? Never order anything from CC.com before.[/quote]

Yes, they do. I received the first of my four orders, this one containing Vol 1 Vol 2.
Anybody else get their backorder to ship? I'm starting to think they're just going to not honor any of them. I recently had Walmart do that crap to me for a different backorder.
Damn man , don't tell me you guys threw out those nice outer casings?!? I thought they were awesome looking at the time.

I picked this deal up on black friday, what a great deal

Those bond lists mentioned before are pretty solids lists but I gotta give props to Thunderball, Dr. No, and From Russia with love. The red head chick and domino were amazing in Thunderball. The scene in Thunderball where bond is shot and chased in the dance club is AMAZING.

Anyway nice to see more bond fans, and this is a awesome deal to own them all!
[quote name='ppk514']Damn man , don't tell me you guys threw out those nice outer casings?!? I thought they were awesome looking at the time.

I picked this deal up on black friday, what a great deal

Those bond lists mentioned before are pretty solids lists but I gotta give props to Thunderball, Dr. No, and From Russia with love. The red head chick and domino were amazing in Thunderball. The scene in Thunderball where bond is shot and chased in the dance club is AMAZING.

Anyway nice to see more bond fans, and this is a awesome deal to own them all![/QUOTE]

i usually like the ones with the best villains- like oddjob in goldfinger, or the jaws character, i think it was in moonraker?

and some of the bond women were more interesting characters(domino) than the ones in other films.

ALSO, i think it is pretty cool that the neato cars and gadgets that were in the bond movies 55 years ago, they are still cutting edge for 2007, for the most part anyways.

if i had to pick 5 i would go: goldfinger, moo nraker, thunderball, casino royale(the new one),

my least favorites were you only live twice and die another day, and goldeneye.

There were a few major editing problems in goldeneye, i remember the villains were getting away from bond on a train in russia, but then he is waiting for them in a tank in the train tunnel, how the fuck did he get from the tainstation to the tunnel in a tank?

mr favorite bond is probably roger moore, lease favorite is george lazenby. The newest bond, daniel craig looks like he will be a pretty good bond, he is supposedly under contract to do 3 more bond films, and if they are anything like casino royale i will be happy.

As for the favorite bond women- domino (thunderball)


and Teresa DiVicenzo

(from her majesty's secret service.
Oh hell yeah! I just got an e-mail that all 4 of mine are in and ready to ship. Thanks again to the original poster. This was an insanely good deal.
wow, mine shipped just this afternoon, and i ordered it on the day after black friday, i thought for sure i would get cancelled. I guess it will be almost worthless after the blue ray and hd versions come out, but i can just sell the ones i dont want and then keep the rest.
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']How come "On Her Majestys Secret Service" gets no respect? :([/QUOTE]

Most people assume it sucks because its the only one Lazenby did...its brilliant though, that and Casino Royale are my two favorites.
I received vol 4 today which had been on backorder...so anyone still waiting, it looks like they're shipping them out. Helluva deal...I'll be trading away all my old ones.
Mine finally showed up today - volumes 1&2, and the duplicates of volumes 1&2. CC's phone support rocked - here's hoping their in-store support is marginally better so they'll give me a refund on the doubles.
Received Vol 3 today, thus completing my collection! Thanks to OP as otherwise I would've not put much interest in the ad on BF! :)
[quote name='dracula']...or the jaws character, i think it was in moonraker?

And The Spy Who Loved Me before that. Probably the best 007 film of the Roger Moore era, although Steve Coogan's version is even better. "Stop getting Bond wrong!"

My favorite at the moment, just for the sake of discussion, in no particular order (except for the first one), are: Goldfinger; The Spy Who Loved Me; You Only Live Twice; On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and; Casino Royale.

In any case, to address the topic somewhat, Circuit City has reportedly shipped out my copies of Volumes 1 and 2. Hopefully they'll arrive before the weekend. I'd already picked up Volumes 3 and 4 locally for about the same price, at a certain independent video store's semi-annual tent sale.
bread's done