Jan. update bricked my hard drive!


The Jan. 9 update ran this morning when I turned on my 360 and it bricked my hard drive with an E67 (hard drive error). I booted the 360 without the hard drive with no problem. My question is, for anyone who might know: Can I use a SATA to USB device (Like Datel's XSATA or others) to pull my data off of the hard drive before returning it to Microsoft? According to IGN's review of the XSATA the 360 doesnt have to boot to let the computer access the drive, so would it be possible to pull of my game saves and stuff before abandoning the drive? I am worried that if I send it in to get serviced/replaced I will never get my game saves back!
The Gears of War update? Nevermind... I see there is a dashboard update. Dashboard updates are not stored on the harddrive, the update must have installed correctly, if you can sign on to Xbox Live without being prompted to update.

Something in the update must have curupted the data or a coincidental hardware malfunction.
Does anyone have any experience with the Datel XSATA? I am hoping if I can back up my drive and reload it onto a new one that they Msoft sends me I wont lose my game saves. Anyone else ever have a hard drive crash? If so what did you do?
[quote name='Mookyjooky']And I bricked your mom this morning, what are the chances?[/quote]

from what i hear pretty good chance...:bouncy: :bouncy: I kid I kid
[quote name='variablesunknown']Mooky,
. Anyone else ever have a hard drive crash? If so what did you do?[/quote]

call :360:
Sorry, VU - and call MS. They should replace it. Unless it was firmware modded, in which they'll probably laugh since this update was designed to combat that from what I hear.
Nope, no modding here. Thats what is so weird, I have never had a problem before and now this. If I send the hard drive to Microsoft will they erase all of my game saves?
I know you can transfer your saves to a pc, and then swith them back to the newer hardrive...I think the device is around $30...but that is assuming you can still acess your stuff on your hard drive
This is kinda scaring me because the update is taking FOREVER to download. They are usually only take 20-30 seconds for me, tops.
[quote name='ryanbph']I know you can transfer your saves to a pc, and then swith them back to the newer hardrive...I think the device is around $30...but that is assuming you can still acess your stuff on your hard drive[/quote]

btw happy bday ;)
After I downloaded the dashboard update today and the 360 restarted it froze for about a second 2 or 3 times during the opening Xbox 360 animation. However I didn't have any problems after I got to the dashboard.
[quote name='Kaijufan']After I downloaded the dashboard update today and the 360 restarted it froze for about a second 2 or 3 times during the opening Xbox 360 animation. However I didn't have any problems after I got to the dashboard.[/quote]

Same here, it hung at the Xbox 360 logo while it signed me into Live.
Why would you send MS your drive with a broken system? You will send the system in only and keep the HDD with all your saves at home until a replacement comes.

My 360 has run fine for months, until about 3 hours after installing yesterday's update. Now I have 3 red lights of Doom and can't get past the title screen of a game.

Off to MS it goes.

PS3 needs more of a library than just Resistance goddammit.
lol well my Astropop game didnt show my checkpoints and it was like I just got the game again because all my recent hard work was gone. All I could think about was that I would have to start all over from the beginning. Funny thing was that my achievements were still there and I was on the leaderboards. Well as I was talking to tech support I said hmm lets try the game now and everything was there, the lady said it might have been a while since it refreshed?! lol so I was dooming the update but everything is fine now, phheeew.
As an update to my bricked hard drive: I FIXED IT! I went to Bestbuy yesterday and bought this Datel device call the XPORT. After installing the software and pointing my computer towards the drivers on the disk I was able to make a back up image of my 360's hard drive and then restore the drive from that image. To my profound shock it worked! I booted my 360 and everything was back, I even downloaded the update without a problem! Ironically I have a empty pre-paid box coming from Msoft to return my faulty hard drive, what the heck am I going to do with that now? I HIGHLY recommend the XPORT, it can back up 360 hard drives, memory cards and even move info from your original XBOX memory cards onto your 360's hard drive! I think all of that for $40 is a pretty sweet deal. I really lucked out, I hadnt even seen this thing on the internet before I went to the store yesterday. Such a satisfying feeling to go from having all of my game saves from the past year totally erased to now having completely restored all of my info and having a back up image on my PC's HD. Seriously, the XPORT is badass!
That is another device that Datel also sells. I was looking into that one as well. The XPORT essentially has that device in it, it has an input for 360 memory cards and came with an adapter for original XBOX memory cards as well. I appreciate the suggestions though.
[quote name='variablesunknown']As an update to my bricked hard drive: I FIXED IT! I went to Bestbuy yesterday and bought this Datel device call the XPORT. After installing the software and pointing my computer towards the drivers on the disk I was able to make a back up image of my 360's hard drive and then restore the drive from that image. To my profound shock it worked! I booted my 360 and everything was back, I even downloaded the update without a problem! Ironically I have a empty pre-paid box coming from Msoft to return my faulty hard drive, what the heck am I going to do with that now? I HIGHLY recommend the XPORT, it can back up 360 hard drives, memory cards and even move info from your original XBOX memory cards onto your 360's hard drive! I think all of that for $40 is a pretty sweet deal. I really lucked out, I hadnt even seen this thing on the internet before I went to the store yesterday. Such a satisfying feeling to go from having all of my game saves from the past year totally erased to now having completely restored all of my info and having a back up image on my PC's HD. Seriously, the XPORT is badass![/QUOTE]

Thats great news. Can you restore individual files? Sounds like a good way to free up some space on the Xbox 360 HD without losing files. Backing up gamesaves for a game your currently playing wouldn't be so useful if you don't do it on a daily basis because those files are so dynamic. If only the backup could be initialized on the Xbox 360 and done via ethernet.... one click and bang your harddrive is backed up and you didn't even need to get off the couch.
Love the Bond reference in your name! You can restore individual files using drag and drop, so you could just update individual game files. However, the game files are not named the game's title, they are long numerical serial numbers but there website forum where you can find the serial number of the game you are looking for. I am planning to back up my hard drive about once a week or less depending on how much I played that week, the process only takes a half hour or less for 18+gb. I figure that if my hard drive back up image is at the most a week or two old then if my hard drive ever crashes again I wont have lost much saved data. As far as constant, dynamic updating goes the Datel XSATA, which I originally was looking for can stay plugged in between your 360 and the hard drive, but the use of the drive is mutually exclusive, the computer and the 360 cannot access the drive at the same time. If it could that would be awesome, kinda like using a large external drive at all times!:bouncy:
Datel XSATA is close but not quite the solution I was looking for. My PC is no where near my Xbox 360 and connecting a usb cable just isn't feasible. If only it worked across the network it would be perfect.

P.S. Usually when people recognize my name they comment on the spelling... Just to set the record straight, I am aware that the correct spelling is Felix Leiter but it wasn't available on Battle.net when I signed up years ago... So from that day foward my online identity has been Felix Lighter...
bread's done