Japan PSP Launch Details Revealed

[quote name='soul.less']http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/10/27/news_6111570.html

Launch date: December 12th, 2004
Price: $185 ($232 for value pack)
Battery life: 4-6 hours on average
21 titles to be available at/around launch[/quote]

Im pick one up on my way to Japan
[quote name='RandyTsai'][quote name='soul.less']http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/10/27/news_6111570.html

Launch date: December 12th, 2004
Price: $185 ($232 for value pack)
Battery life: 4-6 hours on average
21 titles to be available at/around launch[/quote]

Im pick one up on my way to Japan[/quote]

Why did i quote the original post?
Battery life sucks, but everything else seems pretty reasonable. Games are cheaper on the PSP too... I'm still holding out for reviews of games and seeing how they look in action...
I wonder if their going to be taking a huge loss selling it that cheap? I thought for sure the thing would launch around $300 given cost of the components.
i wonder if itll be 150 here then....since things are usually cheaper here than in japan...that would be nice and might even convince me to pick one up (given the right games)
I find the base price a bit dubious. This design desparately needs a carrying case to fulfill its portable intent with any safety, and like a PS2 wit no memory card a PSP without a Memory Stick is severely handicapped.

Even so, this pricing is a fair bit better than anticipated. I can only wonder how much of a hit Sony is taking per unit, though. This could make for quite an uphill battle to make profits when the first half dozen or so games sold per system go merely towards breaking even.
[quote name='epobirs']I find the base price a bit dubious. This design desparately needs a carrying case to fulfill its portable intent with any safety, and like a PS2 wit no memory card a PSP without a Memory Stick is severely handicapped. [/quote]

thats true but im sure there will be 3rd party carrying cases, and HOPEFULLY a sale on memory sticks

if its 150, ill prolly cave after it gets some good games
i agree, if it launches 150 here i might pick one up, maybe even before the DS... now i have to wait for the damn US launch details before i pick up a DS...
[quote name='punqsux']i wonder if itll be 150 here then....since things are usually cheaper here than in japan...that would be nice and might even convince me to pick one up (given the right games)[/quote]

They are selling the NDS for 15,000 yen which is 140, and it is 150 here, so the PSP could end up being 200 in the US.
[quote name='moe11888'][quote name='punqsux']i wonder if itll be 150 here then....since things are usually cheaper here than in japan...that would be nice and might even convince me to pick one up (given the right games)[/quote]

They are selling the NDS for 15,000 yen which is 140, and it is 150 here, so the PSP could end up being 200 in the US.[/quote]

intresting point. at 200 theres no way id buy a psp
4-6 hour battery life? That is really lame. Looks like it'll be a portable system without the portability...
Lets just see what happens why dont we. I really doubt the $200 price point. I think its a ploy to get people to hold off on the DS purchase.

Seriously how convenient to let that info out now with 24 days to launch.

Before I take heat I guess I am wrong on price points and now Im not...

So at least $200 if they hold to their guns....
too bad it wasnt a worldwide release would been an intresting xmas... i really dont care about the PSP to hold me off from getting a DS.
4-6 hour battery life? That is really lame. Looks like it'll be a portable system without the portability...

IIRC, both the GameGear and Lynx quoted that same battery life.
[quote name='Snake2715']Also its always less over there I dont know who said that but its wrong and is proven wrong right in the link $140 for the Ds there $150 here. [/quote]

The DS I think is the only exception, but I'm pretty sure, but not positive, all home consoles have a higher price tag, when measured in USD, in Japan as well as in Europe.

Also, I wanna know the price for games, since that wasn't officially announced yet.
Look at the release games, they look fantastic! Seriously....hahahaha, yeah right. There are no killer apps whatsoever. Just some EA ports and random japanese games. And epobirs point about the base price is a very valid one.
If the can sell it in japan for 235 it'll be between 200 and 225 here. With Sony adding MP3 to the system you can tell they're really trying to get these to sell so I'd be willing to bet they even have a deal for free memory sticks with a purchase. The biggest problem is that battery life, you know a year down the line they;re going to come up with a way to extend it but for now it's really crappy.

People are goig to buy the DS as a result once they start comparing battery life but if they can pull some cool games out they can get people to consider it as a secondary purchase the way people decide to buy a Xbox or GC after getting a PS2.
I'll probably get a PSP at some point. I have seen some screens for some RPG's that look pretty good, so they might tempt me. But as it stands I'm still getting a DS before PSP. I am impressed that they were able to lower the price point so much. I did not expect it to be below 200.
After playing san andreas, I would pick up the system for $400+ if it has a good GTA game, otherwise, I probably won't get it for anything more than $150.
Decent price but still not enough for me to pick it up at launch. That screen sure looks nice. The battery life is pretty awful though. Sony's track record with hardware scares me as well. Might be worth picking up down the road. Although I would like to see some real competetion in the handheld market it would be pretty great to see Nintendo trounce Sony for a change.
[quote name='jkam']Decent price but still not enough for me to pick it up at launch. That screen sure looks nice. The battery life is pretty awful though. Sony's track record with hardware scares me as well. Might be worth picking up down the road. Although I would like to see some real competetion in the handheld market it would be pretty great to see Nintendo trounce Sony for a change.[/quote]

Yeah. I mean how common are DRE's? And that is with a product that doesn't have to undergo the rigors of being carried around and shaken all the time.
I haven't been in the handheld market since the original GB. I think I might have to jump back in with the DS though. Although the PSP looks like it will have more games and features, with perhaps better graphics etc, I think that Nintendo products are flat out, far and away the MOST fun - something that has been missing for a while from my gaming experience...
[quote name='basketkase543']Look at the release games, they look fantastic! Seriously....hahahaha, yeah right. There are no killer apps whatsoever. Just some EA ports and random japanese games. And epobirs point about the base price is a very valid one.[/quote]


Did you miss "Metal Gear Acid!" or "Ridge Racer"? I'd say there's two games I'd buy right there.

I love when people rip on the PSP for its launch titles, as if the DS has this crazy good line-up. Did I miss something? Shouldn’t gamers who shell out $150 for a new portable demand more than a "super port" of a Nintendo 64 game? Seriously. :roll:

I don't know who will come out ahead in the "portable race", but I do know that very few people thought Sony could play with the "big boys" when it came to consoles, and now look at them.
Look at the release games, they look fantastic! Seriously....hahahaha, yeah right. There are no killer apps whatsoever. Just some EA ports and random japanese games. And epobirs point about the base price is a very valid one.

I don't see how the DS launch games are much better, a remake of a mario game, I have never been much of a portable gamer, and neither one of them interest me
[quote name='RisingZan']I love when people rip on the PSP for its launch titles, as if the DS has this crazy good line-up. Did I miss something? Shouldn’t gamers who shell out $150 for a new portable demand more than a "super port" of a Nintendo 64 game? Seriously. :roll:[/quote]

The N64-quality graphics on the DS was a major detraction in determining which handheld I should go with. I have always downplayed the significance of graphics as a factor in evaluating games, but I've always felt that the graphics on a portable, among other facets of handheld technology, have never quite been on par with the larger consoles; the DS' features serve in reinforcing this notion.

As for launch titles, initial offerings will be sparse in Japan, as the window for development time is smaller. Pushing the N. American launch date to spring 2005 gives developers more breathing room, which should translate into the increased likelihood of more launch titles, more refined gameplay experiences and perhaps the addition of unplanned features.

I don't know who will come out ahead in the "portable race", but I do know that very few people thought Sony could play with the "big boys" when it came to consoles, and now look at them.

I don't think Nintendo is taking Sony's entry lightly (the rabid loyalists may feel differently, but that's their opinion). Nintendo realizes that Sony has the marketing clout and savvy to make the PSP as much a household name as the Game Boy, not to mention the support of third-party developers, something its prior competitors lacked. I expect the N. American launch price to be lower than that of Japan's, though not by much.
[quote name='Alpha2']If the can sell it in japan for 235 it'll be between 200 and 225 here. With Sony adding MP3 to the system you can tell they're really trying to get these to sell so I'd be willing to bet they even have a deal for free memory sticks with a purchase. [/quote]

I totally disagree about free memory sticks. Sony has never given away anything for free and especially not in the US. When I bought my PSOne or my PS2 I didn't get a free memory card, or network adapter, or etc.

That being said, you'll probably see a few retailers give out rebates or savings on a memory stick in order to move the PSP. However, I highly doubt we'll see much from Sony.
[quote name='PrivatePixel']
I don't think Nintendo is taking Sony's entry lightly (the rabid loyalists may feel differently, but that's their opinion). Nintendo realizes that Sony has the marketing clout and savvy to make the PSP as much a household name as the Game Boy, not to mention the support of third-party developers, something its prior competitors lacked. I expect the N. American launch price to be lower than that of Japan's, though not by much.[/quote]

I agree completely. The move to push the DS here in America even before Japan only further emphasizes how badly the big N wants to get a stranglehold on the market before the PSP shows up (Not that they don't already). I'm not saying that the PSP will be a giant Game Boy killer, as that remains to be seen, but the clout that the Sony name brings is already a huge advertising hurdle that Sony doesn't have to spend money on.

I get this feeling that once both portables are out on the shelves the DS will be viewed as the "everyman" portable. While the PSP will have this aura of "elite gadget cool" about it, much like we have seen with the iPod. Personally, I plan to own both so I really don't care if there is a clear "winner", but I think Sony has done a very smart thing concerning the price of the unit. Not to mention the news that Square-Enix is releasing a new Action-RPG in the FF VII series for the PSP -which may not go that far in the US but it's almost a lock for PSP success in Japan.
I don't think the battery life will matter much because I don't think most casual gamers will even know that PSP has a shorter battery life than the DS. I think it's an important issue but most casual gamers are uninformed and I think the systems will sell based on the comapines who made them.
The FF VII game is Crisis Core and Square-Enix said don't expect it til about 2006, which bby the way will probably be after they release a FF game for DS. So technically both can use the FF series as a selling point.
How do u save games? The UMD discs are unwritable so i'm assuming u need a memory stick.

If that's the case then that would have to be added to the cost of the system at launch just like the gc & ps2.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']The FF VII game is Crisis Core and Square-Enix said don't expect it til about 2006, which bby the way will probably be after they release a FF game for DS. So technically both can use the FF series as a selling point.[/quote]

True. However, assuming a system will have a FF game and knowing a system will have a FF game are too very different things. (A Crystal Chronicles port doesn't count)

I agree with the battery life. It's almost a moot point. I've almost never played a portable for more than 3 or 4 hours in one sitting, and if I have I was home and very close to a wall socket. Plus, think about what is being powered in the PSP's battery life... an optical based reading system, a backlit 16:9 widescreen. I’ll stop right there -I'm amazed this thing doesn't just crap out after two hours.
[quote name='RisingZan'][quote name='Duo_Maxwell']The FF VII game is Crisis Core and Square-Enix said don't expect it til about 2006, which bby the way will probably be after they release a FF game for DS. So technically both can use the FF series as a selling point.[/quote]

True. However, assuming a system will have a FF game and knowing a system will have a FF game are too very different things. (A Crystal Chronicles port doesn't count)

I agree with the battery life. It's almost a moot point. I've almost never played a portable for more than 3 or 4 hours in one sitting, and if I have I was home and very close to a wall socket. Plus, think about what is being powered in the PSP's battery life... an optical based reading system, a backlit 16:9 widescreen. I’ll stop right there -I'm amazed this thing doesn't just crap out after two hours.[/quote]

It does.

Just because thats whats claimed or said lets just wait and see. I still dont believe all this yet. If its true great but seems to good.
ryanbph Posted: October 27, 2004, 1:04 pm Post subject:

I don't see how the DS launch games are much better, a remake of a mario game, I have never been much of a portable gamer, and neither one of them interest me

I agree im gonna get the ds just cause its cheap but the launch games look unintresting save for that sega game anyway this is a really surprising price and the battery life seems fine to me. im not a business man on a plain everyday heading to do buisness so my portable time would be the hour long MTA ride headin home . all in all both systems launch games look mediocre.
[quote name='RisingZan'][quote name='Duo_Maxwell']The FF VII game is Crisis Core and Square-Enix said don't expect it til about 2006, which bby the way will probably be after they release a FF game for DS. So technically both can use the FF series as a selling point.[/quote]

True. However, assuming a system will have a FF game and knowing a system will have a FF game are too very different things. (A Crystal Chronicles port doesn't count)

I agree with the battery life. It's almost a moot point. I've almost never played a portable for more than 3 or 4 hours in one sitting, and if I have I was home and very close to a wall socket. Plus, think about what is being powered in the PSP's battery life... an optical based reading system, a backlit 16:9 widescreen. I’ll stop right there -I'm amazed this thing doesn't just crap out after two hours.[/quote]


"During the show, it was announced that Final Fantasy III, which hasn't ever been ported to any console since its original release on the Famicom (the Japanese version of the NES), is making its way back to Nintendo hardware after nearly 15 years."

You know I'm not even a real FF series fan, but this is like the 2nd or 3rd time today I've had to point out to some FF fan that there is indeed a FF game announced for either the DS or the PSP. You Squarue fans gotta keep up on the news more.
[quote name='epobirs']I find the base price a bit dubious. This design desparately needs a carrying case to fulfill its portable intent with any safety, and like a PS2 wit no memory card a PSP without a Memory Stick is severely handicapped.

Even so, this pricing is a fair bit better than anticipated. I can only wonder how much of a hit Sony is taking per unit, though. This could make for quite an uphill battle to make profits when the first half dozen or so games sold per system go merely towards breaking even.[/quote]

I agree. There is no point in purchasing the basic pack. The stick and the case are absolutely necessary. But I am surprised at the price. Consoles have always taken a hit as far as hardware. Handhelds have been less so. But this seems to me that they are probably going to take an even bigger hit than M$ did with the Xbox in the beginning (at least in proportion to the cost if not directly). But if Sony can stomach the hit, this is the first time that I have seen them as possibly having a chance. Good luck, Sony.
"The accessories, of course, will also be available for purchase separately. The 32MB Memory Stick Duo and headphones with remote will be offered at 2,800 yen each ($26), and the carrying case will be offered at 2,000 yen ($19). Additional rechargeable batteries will cost 4,800 yen ($45), and a spare AC adapter can be purchased at 3,500 yen ($33)"

this was taken verbatum from gamespot.com

now what i want to know is, for everyone saying the battery life is no big deal, i can just get a spare battery, ITS 45 BUCKS! memory cards are 26 bucks a peice, and im sure one would need more than one memory card if these games have saves as big as typical ps2 games. so right there, thats about an extra 100 dollars with tax for the system to be acceptable (unless you feel a short battery life without a spare battery and no memory cards is fine, then by all means, dont worry about it). so thats about 300 bucks when its all said and done, without headphones or a carrying case, arguably necessary as well. it will probably be priced with the upgraded pack with the memory card, headphones, and carrying case at 250, but then you still need to spend 45 for the spare battery and 26 for the spare memory card, which will run you well over 300.

a true cheap ass gamer would never consider buying this system. :nottalking:
Wow, $185 is an awesome price, even though you do have to pay $26 for a required memmory stick.

Is there any confirmation as to whether the PSP will have a region lock for GAMES?

If it is region free I might have to import it.

And how much are the games?
Can I ask a couple questions?
First of all, why is everyone gooshing over the DS? How can your eyes focus on two things? They cant.
And all of you complaining about battery life of the PSP, you can always buy a spare battery. At least unlike the sp or ds it has replaceable batteries. Everyone who has owned an Ipod or similar type mp3 player knows how battery life drops after a couple months. Im sure itll be the same with the ds.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell'][quote name='RisingZan'][quote name='Duo_Maxwell']The FF VII game is Crisis Core and Square-Enix said don't expect it til about 2006, which bby the way will probably be after they release a FF game for DS. So technically both can use the FF series as a selling point.[/quote]

True. However, assuming a system will have a FF game and knowing a system will have a FF game are too very different things. (A Crystal Chronicles port doesn't count)

I agree with the battery life. It's almost a moot point. I've almost never played a portable for more than 3 or 4 hours in one sitting, and if I have I was home and very close to a wall socket. Plus, think about what is being powered in the PSP's battery life... an optical based reading system, a backlit 16:9 widescreen. I’ll stop right there -I'm amazed this thing doesn't just crap out after two hours.[/quote]


"During the show, it was announced that Final Fantasy III, which hasn't ever been ported to any console since its original release on the Famicom (the Japanese version of the NES), is making its way back to Nintendo hardware after nearly 15 years."

You know I'm not even a real FF series fan, but this is like the 2nd or 3rd time today I've had to point out to some FF fan that there is indeed a FF game announced for either the DS or the PSP. You Squarue fans gotta keep up on the news more.[/quote]

Assuming I am a Final Fantasy fan. :wink:

Seriously though, I was simply referring to the selling power that a NEW Final Fantasy game would give to the PSP (i.e. Crisis Core). Regardless of my stance on the FF series, they are always huge "system sellers" in Japan, and last time I checked the DS is still getting just ports of OLD FF games.

I'm not saying that these ports won't sell DS units (because they will), but as a consumer and FF fan I'd lean more towards an all-new adventure.

My two bits.
from psp.ign.com

"PSP features an integrated high output lithium-ion battery that provides a play time of between 4 and 6 hours for game titles and continuous 4 to 5 hours for video viewing." These numbers, according to SCE, were determined with the system's luminance set to maximum (180 cd/m2) and minimum (80 cd/m2), volume set to half the maximum level, headphones used instead of speakers and wireless LAN not in use (note that the maximum luminance value rises to 200 cd/m2 when playing through AC power).
While SCE did not provide details on how much of a hit LAN play would bring about, it's good to at last have an idea of how long we'll be able to play games and watch movies on the PSP. Plus, extra batteries cost just about $45, so doubling the available time (if you're willing to carry a spare with you) could be an legitimate option.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell'][quote name='RisingZan'][quote name='Duo_Maxwell']The FF VII game is Crisis Core and Square-Enix said don't expect it til about 2006, which bby the way will probably be after they release a FF game for DS. So technically both can use the FF series as a selling point.[/quote]

True. However, assuming a system will have a FF game and knowing a system will have a FF game are too very different things. (A Crystal Chronicles port doesn't count)

I agree with the battery life. It's almost a moot point. I've almost never played a portable for more than 3 or 4 hours in one sitting, and if I have I was home and very close to a wall socket. Plus, think about what is being powered in the PSP's battery life... an optical based reading system, a backlit 16:9 widescreen. I’ll stop right there -I'm amazed this thing doesn't just crap out after two hours.[/quote]


"During the show, it was announced that Final Fantasy III, which hasn't ever been ported to any console since its original release on the Famicom (the Japanese version of the NES), is making its way back to Nintendo hardware after nearly 15 years."

You know I'm not even a real FF series fan, but this is like the 2nd or 3rd time today I've had to point out to some FF fan that there is indeed a FF game announced for either the DS or the PSP. You Squarue fans gotta keep up on the news more.[/quote]

Besides that, it's not a Crystal Chronicles port. It's a new game. That's like saying a new FFVII game is a port, or that any game in the main series is a port of one of the others.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Wow, $185 is an awesome price, even though you do have to pay $26 for a required memmory stick.

Is there any confirmation as to whether the PSP will have a region lock for GAMES?

If it is region free I might have to import it.

And how much are the games?[/quote]

I haven't heard anything, but I couldn't imagine them not having a lock. But there will most likely be a boot program for overseas games. But then again, the U.S. release might be closer than that. But that brings up a point I've never thought of, do Japanese systems typically lock out U.S. games?
bread's done