Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


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Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

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I sort of wished for a sequel
Would have been too sad. I can only take so much.
They could have put a happier spin on things in the event a sequel was release. I think the sales for the game were pretty good. Especially a JRPG on the 360. I will admit it wasn't the ending I was expecting. I need to play through the game after the first of the year.

They could have put a happier spin on things in the event a sequel was release. I think the sales for the game were pretty good. Especially a JRPG on the 360. I will admit it wasn't the ending I was expecting. I need to play through the game after the first of the year.
Man those mini stories/memories were so good

They could have put a happier spin on things in the event a sequel was release. I think the sales for the game were pretty good. Especially a JRPG on the 360. I will admit it wasn't the ending I was expecting. I need to play through the game after the first of the year.
Don't get me wrong, I loved that Lost Odyssey was so tragic. It was beautiful. Almost no other game can have me it tears, and I wouldn't want that to change. I just don't know how I would react to the death of the mortal cast, or another thousand years of dreams.

They've been known to increase the prices of newly-announced BC titles mid-day, so the sooner you can go, the better.
Went and got it before work instead of after because of you :p

Case is in shit condition with no manual, but the discs are perfect. Thanks previous owner.

I always disliked that first one...controlled like poop imho. Also I hated when you were running down on the screen and had to make jumps and such. Just was a poor platformer IMHO, that eventually lead to some pretty good platformers.
Of the original Crash games, the first one is definitely weakest. The jumping mechanics seemed 'off' to me back when I originally played it years ago and, after revisiting it recently, my opinion hasn't changed. Crash 2 and 3 were so much better and more polished. Though, to me, Crash Team Racing was the pinnacle of the series, and still one of my all-time favorite games.


I own a 360 I just haven't gotten to most of the rpgs I bought due to backlog woes.  I got my 360 for vesperia mainly.  I have played a number of the early 360 games though.  so4, phantasy star, ff13, eternal sonata, enchanted arms, blue dragon and last remnant just to name a few.  Of course only 3 of those games wern't ported to the ps3 at some point so I imagine that's part of why people skipped on a 360 due to lack of exclusives.  Though Outside eternal sonata the other titles that did get ports didn't have any big differences between them.

Still mad vesperia ps3 never got localized.  Especially since it has supposedly 1/3 more content added in along with the 2 party members unlocked from the 360 version.

Japan gets free Persona 5 Costume DLC. Hope the West gets it too. Swimsuit and Catherine Costumes



Anne's zettai ryouiki  too strong

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We'll definitely get the Persona 5 DLC since Catherine is an Atlus IP. Whether they'll be free or not here is anyones guess though. I could potentially see them doing that since they're not non-Atlus licenses.

And Tales of Vesperia is easily one of the better Tales games and worth playing through. So if you can get it at a decent price, I'd so go for it. However the games sidequest system is absolutely fucking terrible. I don't know if the PS3 version ever fixed it, but I wouldn't think so since the next couple iterations sucked on that front too. If you plan to do the sidequests, you absolutely need a guide. It is literally impossible without unless you go around talking to everybody possible multiple times every possible chance you get in a more fanatic manner than in a Trails game.

We'll definitely get the Persona 5 DLC since Catherine is an Atlus IP. Whether they'll be free or not here is anyones guess though. I could potentially see them doing that since they're not non-Atlus licenses.

And Tales of Vesperia is easily one of the better Tales games and worth playing through. So if you can get it at a decent price, I'd so go for it. However the games sidequest system is absolutely fucking terrible. I don't know if the PS3 version ever fixed it, but I wouldn't think so since the next couple iterations sucked on that front too. If you plan to do the sidequests, you absolutely need a guide. It is literally impossible without unless you go around talking to everybody possible multiple times every possible chance you get in a more fanatic manner than in a Trails game.
I found the side quests in Trails of Cold Steel much more enjoyable than the side quests in most of the recent Tales games I've played. I put about 60 hours into Tales of Vesperia and would much rather play it on PS3. Tales of Xillia was a task to beat. I'm going to have a serious time trying to play through Jude's scenario, and even start Xillia 2. I'm about 5-10 hours away from platinuming ToCS and loved both playthroughs.

I found the side quests in Trails of Cold Steel much more enjoyable than the side quests in most of the recent Tales games I've played. I put about 60 hours into Tales of Vesperia and would much rather play it on PS3. Tales of Xillia was a task to beat. I'm going to have a serious time trying to play through Jude's scenario, and even start Xillia 2. I'm about 5-10 hours away from platinuming ToCS and loved both playthroughs.
Yeah, sidequests in Tales games or hell, most games for that matter are terrible and boring. They're all too often used to inflate playtime with menial tasks that have zero to no narrative which makes them boring as hell. Witcher 3 & Trails games in recent memory do them decently well to fit the games narrative and makes them usually not feel pointlessly tedious.

I just remember Vesperia in particular because I spent way too much time doing those stupid sidequests. Good to hear you enjoyed Cold Steel though. Since you did two playthroughs back-to-back, you'll probably want to break a bit before starting the second one so you don't burn out though.

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But, it's on my PS3 in English right now?
fantranslations do not = localizations. Especially since you have to jump through an incredible amount of hoops in this case.

We'll definitely get the Persona 5 DLC since Catherine is an Atlus IP. Whether they'll be free or not here is anyones guess though. I could potentially see them doing that since they're not non-Atlus licenses.

And Tales of Vesperia is easily one of the better Tales games and worth playing through. So if you can get it at a decent price, I'd so go for it. However the games sidequest system is absolutely fucking terrible. I don't know if the PS3 version ever fixed it, but I wouldn't think so since the next couple iterations sucked on that front too. If you plan to do the sidequests, you absolutely need a guide. It is literally impossible without unless you go around talking to everybody possible multiple times every possible chance you get in a more fanatic manner than in a Trails game.
You're exaggerating as sidequests being missable and guide dang it is nothing new for this series. Ignoring that abyss was 100 times worse since it had completely random cut off points for its sidequests that not even the faq writers know about.

Besides dukes sidequest line the only major missable ones I recall are connected to judiths spear line and of course the gigantos sidequest and the stupid ex gigantos paths in the secret dungeon. Considering that there's a giganto at the very early section of the game near halure let alone the 3 you run into on nordopolicas continent it was very stupid to not have that particular sidequest start before going there. Especially since once you get the boat you are locked out from returning for a while.

Two other minor missable sidequests would be estelles mother and estelles sword training master which I just remembered. The latter of which you can miss some scenes but still finish it from what I recall as I didn't trigger his heliord scenes but I always managed to trigger his capua torim ones an the bc rod in aurion.

Vesperia is actually pretty lenient sidequest wise since its the only game to allow you to miss parts of a chain in the sidequests but still complete the sidequest. Yuri's vigilante costume is one for example. Of course the downside to that is vigilante has some artes you learn from it. So you'd miss out on tiger blade at least.

I do agree that judiths spear is probably one of the top 10 worst sidequests in an rpg due to how long the chain is and the first 2 parts being easily missed and having no marking triggers. next to zodiac spear from ff12, musical note sheets, trading and ezi sidequests and pirate dolce quests in eternal sonata. Of which all but the trading require second playthroughs to finish. elizabeths in p3. majority of sidequests in tales of abyss. Oh and nothings from blue dragon. That one takes the cake.

On the bright side most sidequests have purple/yellow stars above npcs now so its less difficult to find them. They still have missable ones sadly though.

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Yeah, sidequests in Tales games or hell, most games for that matter are terrible and boring. They're all too often used to inflate playtime with menial tasks that have zero to no narrative which makes them boring as hell. Witcher 3 & Trails games in recent memory do them decently well to fit the games narrative and makes them usually not feel pointlessly tedious.

I just remember Vesperia in particular because I spent way too much time doing those stupid sidequests. Good to hear you enjoyed Cold Steel though. Since you did two playthroughs back-to-back, you'll probably want to break a bit before starting the second one so you don't burn out though.
You make a very good point. With my massive backlog, I might play a few buffer games in between ToCS games. I might finish Corpse Party, or maybe the Danganronpa games as a change of pace. I'll be getting Criminal Girls 2, and more than likely Gears of War 4, so that's not a bad bit of advice from you, lol.

I found the side quests in Trails of Cold Steel much more enjoyable than the side quests in most of the recent Tales games I've played. I put about 60 hours into Tales of Vesperia and would much rather play it on PS3. Tales of Xillia was a task to beat. I'm going to have a serious time trying to play through Jude's scenario, and even start Xillia 2. I'm about 5-10 hours away from platinuming ToCS and loved both playthroughs.
So you found boring fetch and kill monster quests more fun than actual story quests from vesperia? Unless you specifically mean just games after vesperia like most of graces. I would like to point out that they now refer to the fetch and such quests as subquests in current tales of games while main story connected ones are purple starred sidequests from xillia on.

It's stupid I know. I guess they felt the need to separate them after the mess that was inn requests in graces since that didn't segregate some important story ones from boring fetch quests.

Regardless I find it dishonest to say you like the boring crappy sidequests in cold steel but didn't like the boring crappy sidequests in another game.

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Has there been any news lately on Steinsgate 0? It seems info has dried up since they announced the limited editions.

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Sympothia/Abyss/Vesperia are terrible with missable stuff.  It got better with Graces where there are only 2 or 3 things you can miss for good.

Sympothia/Abyss/Vesperia are terrible with missable stuff. It got better with Graces where there are only 2 or 3 things you can miss for good.
Tales in general almost demands to be played with a walkthrough of some kind. There's always a few sidequests that require you to go to some obscure place in a narrow timeframe or you get locked out of the whole thing.

So you found boring fetch and kill monster quests more fun than actual story quests from vesperia? Unless you specifically mean just games after vesperia like most of graces. I would like to point out that they now refer to the fetch and such quests as subquests in current tales of games while main story connected ones are purple starred sidequests from xillia on.

It's stupid I know. I guess they felt the need to separate them after the mess that was inn requests in graces since that didn't segregate some important story ones from boring fetch quests.

Regardless I find it dishonest to say you like the boring crappy sidequests in cold steel but didn't like the boring crappy sidequests in another game.
How is it dishonest? My opinion is I enjoyed playing the side quests in ToCS more than I did in other games with the same type of side quests. It's an opinion, not a point in an argument. It seemed to make sense that they would do quests like that since they're students in a military academy and it was a way for them to earn their stripes. I thought Xillia was pretty boring as a whole. From what I've read, Xillia 2 isn't much better. Vesperia is probably my favorite of the series and would probably have played it much more had it gotten localized on the PS3. They probably separated the quests because people knew exactly what they were. I haven't read anything about ToCS II, but am curious to see how their quest/side-quest system works.

How is it dishonest? My opinion is I enjoyed playing the side quests in ToCS more than I did in other games with the same type of side quests. It's an opinion, not a point in an argument. It seemed to make sense that they would do quests like that since they're students in a military academy and it was a way for them to earn their stripes. I thought Xillia was pretty boring as a whole. From what I've read, Xillia 2 isn't much better. Vesperia is probably my favorite of the series and would probably have played it much more had it gotten localized on the PS3. They probably separated the quests because people knew exactly what they were. I haven't read anything about ToCS II, but am curious to see how their quest/side-quest system works.
With how often he jumps on ToCS I'm pretty sure it must have killed his father.
Japan gets free Persona 5 Costume DLC. Hope the West gets it too. Swimsuit and Catherine Costumes



Anne's zettai ryouiki too strong
Of course we'll get it, now if Persona 5 was Wii U exclusive on the other hand...


I'm not Ferrari Racer so I apologize in advance.

Yeah, sidequests in Tales games or hell, most games for that matter are terrible and boring. They're all too often used to inflate playtime with menial tasks that have zero to no narrative which makes them boring as hell. Witcher 3 & Trails games in recent memory do them decently well to fit the games narrative and makes them usually not feel pointlessly tedious.

I just remember Vesperia in particular because I spent way too much time doing those stupid sidequests. Good to hear you enjoyed Cold Steel though. Since you did two playthroughs back-to-back, you'll probably want to break a bit before starting the second one so you don't burn out though.
yep and you can throw yo kai watch in that column of games, for all the charm the game has it falls flat when it comes to side quest that repeat forever especially in part 1

I was surprised that my son's save from the Japanese DQ Builders demo works on the English demo. My son was so happy that he can continue building his house using the English menus.
DQ Builders Trailer came out the other day that I don't think its been posted yet. Gives you a bit better idea of what things to expect in the full game:


It's a pretty decent trailer.

In an unrelated note, Amazon Prime users can now tie their account into their Twitch account and have free premium service if you're a Prime user. I don't think I could have really anticipated that.

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In an unrelated note, Amazon Prime users can now tie their account into their Twitch account and have free premium service if you're a Prime user. I don't think I could have really anticipated that.
I was waiting for something like that. Amazon bought them for a reason. I like how much you get out of Prime these days, especially as a gamer.

bread's done