Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


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Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

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NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

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It actually does look like one of their better ideas. But very few people will carry it around.
Also battery life will be a huge issue if it's a Ati/nvdia based processor. Now if they're using a mobile processor, they'll get better battery life but they won't be able to compete with the PS4 and Xbox One, let alone Pro and Scorpio.
I believe I saw a thread on Neogaf today that said it's an nVidia based GPU. Nothing else though.

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I'm only getting about 3 hours of active play time on a full charge with my OG Vita after 4-5 years of ownership, so 2 hours isn't too much of a downgrade for me if that is active play time. I am getting 8-9 hours on the newer Vita though, so it's obviously a huge downgrade from that.
Depends on how this is handled. I can tell you my number one complaint with the Wii U is that my controller dies so f'ing quickly when I'm using it.

Depends on how this is handled. I can tell you my number one complaint with the Wii U is that my controller dies so f'ing quickly when I'm using it.
The Wii U controller battery is horrible. It dies fast when you are using it for sure but it dies way faster than everything else when it is idling or off. Even if I'm not using it I have to charge it every 2-3 days whereas my Sony and Microsoft controllers and my DS and Vita can hold a charge for months or even years if off.

The only other gaming related thing I've owned that was that crappy at holding a charge was the PSP, but that charge would last at least a week or two when the console was off.
I don't care if it doesn't fit in my pocket. I don't carry the 3DS XL or Vita in my pocket, even if it fits in its naked state. But I usually have a case (3DS) or grip (Vita) that causes it to not fit.

What they can do smartly is selling extra docks. I would love to be able to have a dock in my living room TV and one in my bedroom TV and seamlessly play that way. And take it to the bathroom in between.

But it's Nintendo, who took years to sell a second Wii U controller, so I'm sure they won't do it.

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My issue with the battery on the Wii U gamepad was the occasional eShop notification sent to it when the console was off. I remember turning on the machine one day and was wondering why the battery was already so low. It was those damn eShop notifications that ended up draining it before I actually started playing anything...

I'm wondering if the dock is really "just a dock". It would be interesting if the dock had some kind of extra processor in there which would pump up the graphics a little bit. In 3 or 4 years, they can even sell a "Pro dock" and compete with the future consoles.
And Nintendo will probably sell a better battery like they did with the Wii U too.
Yep, that was the most infuriating thing for me Nintendo has done in a long time and was clearly intentional. With the added ponies this sucker has I'm extremely curious to see how they manage the battery life. If the specs leaked today are accurate I'm highly skeptical it can last any length of time.

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The battery life will likely be fairly good. The system is using a custom Tegra processor. Similar to what is being used in the Nvidia Shield tablet, but customized for the Nintendo Switch. Nvidia confirmed this earlier. You can expect it to have comparable battery performance to the Shield.

Also, anyone hoping for this thing to be a graphical powerhouse better adjust their expectations sharply. The Switch is not going to perform comparable to XBox One or PS4. It is far more likely that it will be roughly equivalent to the Wii U in terms of rendering muscle. (partially substantiated by the fact that one of the launch titles is a Wii U game) This thing is going to be about portability, flexibility, and convenience, not raw power.

The factors that will determine its success or failure is early adoption and developer support.

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I saw this thing & quickly reached for my VITA then thought to myself "It was truly ahead of it's time!"

The obvious questions here are Screen Resolution on TV vs Handheld mode.

Memory Space & How expandable is it? Battery Life ofcourse

but more importantly Is the "Normal Controller" bundled in the box? 

Also, anyone hoping for this thing to be a graphical powerhouse better adjust their expectations sharply. The Switch is not going to perform comparable to XBox One or PS4. It is far more likely that it will be roughly equivalent to the Wii U in terms of rendering muscle. (partially substantiated by the fact that one of the launch titles is a Wii U game) This thing is going to be about portability, flexibility, and convenience, not raw power.
I'm actually curious why Zelda suddenly had framerate issues in the announcement video after switching to the handheld version. None of the other handheld titles showed the same issues in the video.

I don't think anybody is really expecting it to be as high as Xbox One or PS4 though. Still want to know how much it can benchpress regardless.

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All of this discussion reminds me why I detest current Nintendo products and their customer-unfriendly business decisions. 

-No 3DS charger included

-crappy Wii U controller batteries

-overpriced + underpowered consoles.  profit margin > graphics quality.

-unconventional, uncomfortable controllers

-lack of clarity in regards to past accessories and mobile games compatibility 

-plastic gimmicks are the sales concept, little concern for software support

-the big one: no complete digital Nintendo account

I try to be optimistic.  I'm still going to buy a switch because I buy every console in order to have the exclusives.  But man, they have really fallen behind the times and have little concern over quality of life improvements for their customers.  Flashy unveiling videos are nice.  But Nintendo gonna Nintendo.  Do we actually think they learned anything this time around?  The Switch is probably going to be more of the same. 

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All of this discussion reminds me why I detest current Nintendo products and their customer-unfriendly business decisions.

-No 3DS charger included

-crappy Wii U controller batteries

-overpriced + underpowered consoles. profit margin > graphics quality.

-unconventional, uncomfortable controllers

-lack of clarity in regards to past accessories and mobile games compatibility

-plastic gimmicks are the sales concept, little concern for software support

-the big one: no complete digital Nintendo account

I try to be optimistic. I'm still going to buy a switch because I buy every console in order to have the exclusives. But man, they have really fallen behind the times and have little concern over quality of life improvements for their customers. Flashy unveiling videos are nice. But Nintendo gonna Nintendo. Do we actually think they learned anything this time around? The Switch is probably going to be more of the same.
Honestly, you hit it spot on. Everything they have done here is everything they have always done, and as I stated elsewhere, am I the only one who see's the emperor is in his underwear?

Having a list of developers means nothing, but across the internet everyone is claiming HUGE support. This is a Wii U "Slim", as far as I can tell, and I really see nothing here that is going to change for "N" in regards to sales in the long run. If this is 200 and under, with some solid games at launch and more coming in the first 6 months, It may do well.

But everything they have shown and reveled is no different than any preliminary launch they have ever had. Was no one around for the Wii U launch? This is going to be an expensive tablet, with expensive physical games, and I still don't see any family buying this over a cheaper tablet, that also offers 1-2 dollar games.

If the system eventually obsoletes the 3DS....I'll reluctantly get it as my 3DS replacement. I will wait and see really, but if there is a new Fire Emblem or Metroid or something I actually want....I can see myself getting it. It's not a PS4/Xbone killer, but it may just make their handled niche that much stronger....just a wait and see.

Was no one around for the Wii U launch? This is going to be an expensive tablet, with expensive physical games, and I still don't see any family buying this over a cheaper tablet, that also offers 1-2 dollar games.
The Wii U was a much harder sell for a broader audience. But a tablet with controllers connected to it is a much easier sell. And the tablet market at the moment is huge. AND it's one of the most common gifts requested by children, a demographic that Nintendo has always been strong at catering to. Family's will likely show up to buy when the Switch launches. That particular demographic will be easy for Nintendo to reach. Also, Nintendo has a digital storefront, one which has been slowly growing. It's quite likely that there will be 1-2 dollar games available for the Switch. Mobile developers are actually the segment of the development scene most likely to show up for the Switch.

The real issue for Nintendo is going to be how they market this to the mainstream. The appearance of the Switch is going to be a big plus for them on this front. The thing looks fairly modern and sleek. It has a tasteful exterior. It's the kind of thing you would pull out on a long plane ride. If they can successfully market this thing to a busier on-the-go lifestyle, I could see it catching on. The games for it will likely be available digitally, the cartridges themselves will be tiny. And the whole package is small and convenient when measured up to bulkier systems. This is a console for the tablet generation.

There's a market for this thing, we'll just have to see if Nintendo is able to reach them.

All of this discussion reminds me why I detest current Nintendo products and their customer-unfriendly business decisions.
I can relate. I bought a Wii U near launch and sold it less than a year later. Despite their gimmicks, Nintendo's recent products feel a generation behind the times. I loved the Gamecube--and still use my Panasonic Q system from time to time--but I can't say the same about any system they've released after. Though I enjoyed my 3DS when I first bought it, I hardly use it anymore.

I stand firm that the Wii U was my last time buying a Nintendo product.

The Wii U was a much harder sell for a broader audience. But a tablet with controllers connected to it is a much easier sell. And the tablet market at the moment is huge. AND it's one of the most common gifts requested by children, a demographic that Nintendo has always been strong at catering to. Family's will likely show up to buy when the Switch launches. That particular demographic will be easy for Nintendo to reach. Also, Nintendo has a digital storefront, one which has been slowly growing. It's quite likely that there will be 1-2 dollar games available for the Switch. Mobile developers are actually the segment of the development scene most likely to show up for the Switch.

The real issue for Nintendo is going to be how they market this to the mainstream. The appearance of the Switch is going to be a big plus for them on this front. The thing looks fairly modern and sleek. It has a tasteful exterior. It's the kind of thing you would pull out on a long plane ride. If they can successfully market this thing to a busier on-the-go lifestyle, I could see it catching on. The games for it will likely be available digitally, the cartridges themselves will be tiny. And the whole package is small and convenient when measured up to bulkier systems. This is a console for the tablet generation.

There's a market for this thing, we'll just have to see if Nintendo is able to reach them.
except you get a 16gb memory hard drive cuz Nintendo.

The appearance of the Switch is going to be a big plus for them on this front. The thing looks fairly modern and sleek. It has a tasteful exterior. It's the kind of thing you would pull out on a long plane ride. If they can successfully market this thing to a busier on-the-go lifestyle, I could see it catching on.

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Apple, one of the largest and most financially successful companies on earth, would have a thing or two to say about selling products on style first. It can, and indeed has been done. And the younger, millennial generation is particularly susceptible to such marketing and products. Pitching a device like this to the 20-30 year old demographic is a solid strategy. (as clearly evidenced by the teaser video Nintendo released) It's obvious who they're hoping to reach with the Switch.

The Wii U was a much harder sell for a broader audience. But a tablet with controllers connected to it is a much easier sell. And the tablet market at the moment is huge. AND it's one of the most common gifts requested by children, a demographic that Nintendo has always been strong at catering to. Family's will likely show up to buy when the Switch launches. That particular demographic will be easy for Nintendo to reach. Also, Nintendo has a digital storefront, one which has been slowly growing. It's quite likely that there will be 1-2 dollar games available for the Switch. Mobile developers are actually the segment of the development scene most likely to show up for the Switch.

The real issue for Nintendo is going to be how they market this to the mainstream. The appearance of the Switch is going to be a big plus for them on this front. The thing looks fairly modern and sleek. It has a tasteful exterior. It's the kind of thing you would pull out on a long plane ride. If they can successfully market this thing to a busier on-the-go lifestyle, I could see it catching on. The games for it will likely be available digitally, the cartridges themselves will be tiny. And the whole package is small and convenient when measured up to bulkier systems. This is a console for the tablet generation.

There's a market for this thing, we'll just have to see if Nintendo is able to reach them.
I think you're living in the past. I have kids in the prime Nintendo demographic and they literally only think of Mario as that character from those outdated games their dad keeps in his collection. They both have fairly new iPads and despite having literally a house full of every conceivable console, handheld and cutting edge computers, they prefer to spend most of their time playing iPad games. My older son had a birthday party a few months ago and not a single one of the 15 kids he invited owned a current Nintendo product (yes, I actually asked because I was legitimately curious) and those that did have consoles at home had either PS4 or Xbox One. Frankly, I think Nintendo knows their market is really adults with nostalgic feelings for their games as everyone in the trailer this morning from what I can recall was an adult. I wish them luck, but other than those of us who love Nintendo first party games, I don't see this having very broad appeal.

Apple, one of the largest and most financially successful companies on earth, would have a thing or two to say about selling products on style first. It can, and indeed has been done. And the younger, millennial generation is particularly susceptible to such marketing and products. Pitching a device like this to the 20-30 year old demographic is a solid strategy. (as clearly evidenced by the teaser video Nintendo released) It's obvious who they're hoping to reach with the Switch.
Oh I get it. I know exactly what you mean. I just thought that paragraph was funny because my impression from the video was that the physical presentation of the Switch console looks like shit.

They both have fairly new iPads and despite having literally a house full of every conceivable console, handheld and cutting edge computers, they prefer to spend most of their time playing iPad games. My older son had a birthday party a few months ago and not a single one of the 15 kids he invited owned a current Nintendo product
You just spent a paragraph explaining exactly why Nintendo ought to design a system that is basically a tablet with removable controllers.

Yep, that was the most infuriating thing for me Nintendo has done in a long time and was clearly intentional. With the added ponies this sucker has I'm extremely curious to see how they manage the battery life. If the specs leaked today are accurate I'm highly skeptical it can last any length of time.
Do you have a link to the leaked specs?
I'm not happy about it not being up to par with the other Gen 8 consoles (and the base versions, at that). The PS4 is laughably weak and delivers experiences that are consistently a generation behind what my PC can do. Nintendo have done a really good job of 1080p 60fps on the WiiU, but we can't expect 3rd parties to do as well with that, and I'd still prefer if they all had more to work with.

I think we can consider this the first 9th gen console, so this is 3 generations in a row that Nintendo has been way behind their competition when it comes to power of their machine. And, let's be honest, that bar wasn't even set very high.

Sent from my ZTE Axon 7 using TapaTalk.
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VideoGamePlus (for Canadia Land)

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You just spent a paragraph explaining exactly why Nintendo ought to design a system that is basically a tablet with removable controllers.
No, I explained why the millions of kids who already have relatively new iPads are going to have an extremely hard time convincing their parents to buy what is essentially a tablet with a dock to play an infinitely smaller number of games than are available on an iPad. Of course, that assumes that kids even care about Nintendo IP in any way which as I explained, I don't think they really do.

No, I explained why the millions of kids who already have relatively new iPads are going to have an extremely hard time convincing their parents to buy what is essentially a tablet with a dock to play an infinitely smaller number of games than are available on an iPad. Of course, that assumes that kids even care about Nintendo IP in any way which as I explained, I don't think they really do.
Your experience obviously is not an indication of the entirety of North America. For example, based on my experience with my 5 and 12 year old they both love Nintendo products. My 5 year old is obsessed with Yokai Watch and Pokemon (they're both on Netflix) and both of my kids enjoy playing on a 2DS as well as a tablet. They offer different experiences for my children.

Obviously, my household is different than yours. However, there are 60 million people who clearly are interested in the 3DS/Nintendo. I am positive that the Switch will have some cheaper, simpler version if it does well enough similar to what the 2DS was for 3DS.

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Yeah, I remember this same song and dance for the U not too long ago:

Exactly this! Having a long list of developers means nothing. And usually this is how all console starts because the devs know that there is not many games in for the console(which means less competition) and therefore bigger sales for them. After a year or two they will all drop out and history will repeat itself(or hope to god it doesnt this time)

Whats probably going to happen is that most of these devs will port games to the Switch and only a small amount of games will be original exclusive games. IMHO i really was hoping that Nintendo would not do another gimmick console but here we go again.

Whats probably going to happen is that most of these devs will port games to the Switch and only a small amount of games will be original exclusive games. IMHO i really was hoping that Nintendo would not do another gimmick console but here we go again.
The bait and Switch.
I hope Nintendo will make the console region free.

Sadly, neither will come true
Actually I believe they made it clear the new system would be region free, it was mentioned some time ago, but I am almost certain they stated clearly that they would no longer be region locking.

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Really surprised they went Nvidia since they've been with ATi / AMD since Gamecube, I believe. Kind of a bummer.

Otherwise, it looks alright. I do like the concept.

bread's done