Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


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Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Berserk and the Band of the Hawk Gets 15 Minutes of PS4 Gameplay Showing Zodd Boss Fight and More



New Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Gameplay Videos Show Goku, Gohan and Vegeta in Action




Atelier Firis ‘Synthesis,’ ‘Boss Battle,’ and ‘Town Event’ gameplay




Senran Kagura Producer Asks Western Fans to Wait for Unreleased Character DLC

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Road to Boruto adds playable Mitsuki

Persona 5 trailers highlight series costume DLC

Nintendo Won’t Share More On Nintendo Switch Titles, Specs, Or Region-Lock Info Until 2017

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If i learned anything from the wii u is from now on ill buy imports regardless If i can play them at the moment because wii u fatal frame EUR is now over 100 =( at least i have a physical jap version
Actually I believe they made it clear the new system would be region free, it was mentioned some time ago, but I am almost certain they stated clearly that they would no longer be region locking.
I believe the last mention of it was when Iwata was alive, and he stated something along the lines of "they will consider it". I haven't seen anything firm since, in regards to the NX being region free.

As for the tablet selling vs. not discussion, my 10 year old loves "N", but I won't be buying this for him in March, and I will assume, even if a child may want this, it's not happening at launch, as a $300+ purchase is holidays, or maybe a birthday only.

So they are still going to have slow sales pretty much from the start(just due to the time of the release), and while I'm sure Mario, or some other big name game will be the title pushed for the holidays of 2017, no telling how this will be doing in the market by then. It may be doing great, or struggling as the Wii U did.

Leave it to Kenichiro Takaki to try his best to have the Ikkitousen DLC get distributed to the West. When he says he wants to spread Happy Boobs across the world he means it.


I still want the jp ce of Fate. Anyone know where to pick it up, my usual spots seem crazy expensive.
Where have you checked? And which CE did you want, the PS4, Vita or duo one? I agree though, the price for this CE real went up since it was first announced.

On a different note, I'm guessing the LE of Blazblue Central Fiction is never going to be on Bestbuy right? Actually now that I think of it, none of the previous LEs for the series were available there so it makes sense I suppose....

Well, I guess this is the final push that makes me decide to renew my Amazon Prime membership then.

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Where have you checked? And which CE did you want, the PS4, Vita or duo one? I agree though, the price for this CE real went up since it was first announced.

Ps4 mousepad edition. Been on a collecting kick with those.
Amiami, Nin Nin game. Play asia. I feel like all the mom and pop video game stores should have an online shop. They'd get crazy good business.
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Leave it to Kenichiro Takaki to try his best to have the Ikkitousen DLC get distributed to the West. When he says he wants to spread Happy Boobs across the world he means it.
They might have to renew the contract for the Japanese version which might open up more discussion.

Sword art online worth watching and playing the games???

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It gets a lot of hate, but I've only watched the first 26 episodes and I really loved it. Especially Asuna. Kirito and Asuna's relationship was probably the first and only Anime relationship I got really invested in. Usually I just get jealous of the male character. I've tried the remaster of the first game but I didn't really like it, seemed really complex.

And whoknows hates Kirito.
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Ps4 mousepad edition. Been on a collecting kick with those.
Amiami, Nin Nin game. Play asia. I feel like all the mom and pop video game stores should have an online shop. They'd get crazy good business.
Yeah now that you mention it, that mousepad edition is really expensive no matter where you look. I was tempted to get one at Play-Asia, but at $200 its a bit out of my price range. Especially since it doesn't have the Tamamo wall scroll. If it had the scroll, I might have bit the bullet and ordered it. So instead I just got the regular PS4 CE.

Sword art online worth watching and playing the games???

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The ending of the first arc is what usually turned off most people but I still enjoyed it... it just could've been better. It's worth a watch and I wouldn't tell anyone to avoid the series. Just keep in mind that best girl doesn't appear until Season 2 which is Sinon during the Gun Gale Online arc.


It gets a lot of hate, but I've only watched the first 26 episodes and I really loved it. Especially Asuna. Kirito and Asuna's relationship was probably the first and only Anime relationship I got really invested in. Usually I just get jealous of the male character. I've tried the remaster of the first game but I didn't really like it, seemed really complex.

And whoknows hates Kirito.
You should really watch the second season it's the only way you can see best girl Sinon. She's the reason I like using a sniper in shooters... even tho I tend to suck 75% of the time using them... but someday I'll be a MLG Pro like her.


If there's one gripe I have is how they just all of a sudden make her join Kirito and the others in Alfheim Online and completely abandons Gun Gale Online even tho she was one of the top best players in that game. Sinon spends her whole life playing shooters then decides to move onto fantasy MMOs. That's like if Michael Jordan one of the greatest NBA players in history were to quit Basketball to play Baseball instead... wait...

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Sword art online worth watching and playing the games???

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game wise I only own hollow fragment for the vita and haven't really gotten to it. Played about 2 hours and that was it. Main thing that bothered me was it has jpn button lay out which takes alot of getting used to. It has a ps4 port that's supposedly better both translation and gameplay wise as the original has alot of bad engrish lost songs gameplay looks like ass so I didn't bother with that one. Ignoring that I hate the art style for it and the story from that point in the series.

anime wise its mixed. The first seasons alright minus the plot twist at the end and the pacing going from serious to slice of life lets play house section. And them rushing through the stupid show timeline wise so that one of the next story arcs is about flashbacks that never happened in the first season but supposedly happened off screen which was crap. Also ruined as they leave the main villain of the arcs name in the text on the screen so if you happen to know moon runes you can figure it out long before the reveal.

2nd season was terrible due to many reasons. the art style change, the villain ect.

gun girls online arc was passable but ruined by the previously mentioned flashback stuff. Its also part of the series identity crisis.

Freya arc was the best arc by far.

sleeping guild arc was eh. I don't care enough about a bunch of one shot characters to be sad about them. If they had introduced them at the beginning of the ggo arc and freya arc that would of helped a little.

tldr not really worth getting into. series is too inconsistent in both what genre it wants to be in and switching art styles.

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I can't tell if you're trying to bait everyone into a best girl discussion.
Best girls are Asuna and that girl who had like 5 min of air time but still loves Kirito. (I don't care enough to look up her name)

Jordan IS the greatest basketball player of all time, not one of. I don't want to hear any of this Lobe or Lebron talk.
SAO is 2 seasons with each season split into two arcs.
The best arc being the first part of season 1. Thats the part mostly everyone really liked. The rest was subpar, getting worse as it went along.

Ya the gun arc had potential with an awesome villian that they pisst away.

The games are all pretty decent actual action rpgs, not the very low budget all fanservice kind.
All of SAO is bad. The first arc is just not as bad as the rest.

SAO is bad because Kirito is invincible for no reason. Asuna starts off as a supposedly strong character but becomes a damsel in distress. 

It's also awful because all the girls (including his sister) are in love with Kirito for no reason.

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I can't tell if you're trying to bait everyone into a best girl discussion.
Best girls are Asuna and that girl who had like 5 min of air time but still loves Kirito. (I don't care enough to look up her name)
Her name is Sachi damn you!


:cry: :cry: :cry:

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I was thinking of getting Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 on steam for $17. But knowing that there's be the enhanced edition released in February, should I hold off? I really only want to play the story anyway and don't care about Boruto. Though I do want him as a playable character,  I found a mod that supposedly unlocks him. Dunno if it still works or if it's been patched out.

Also I keep holding off on NepV2 but I might cave and get it at $25. I just know it can go to $15 in the next sale. But I just really wanna play it this weekend.

And finally Koihime Enbu. I loved the anime. Is there a decent story mode?

Her name is Sachi damn you!


:cry: :cry: :cry:
Don't listen to WhoKnows, I have a theory he's actually a massive SAO fan. See how his basic complaint with the show is the same as every harem action show. An OP main character that every girl loves?!(then again, he is a pillar of the community so who knows)

The MASSIVE problem with the games though is the overly complex controls. The game is only playable if you somehow rigged up the Steel battalion controller to your PS4.

Artego, you might be my hetero lifemate lol
After seeing the Atelier Shallie PS Vita Plus physical edition reveal, I realise I should have gotten Atelier Escha & Logy physical edition at the time as well. Tracking that down for a reasonable price is like impossible >.<

All of SAO is bad. The first arc is just not as bad as the rest.

SAO is bad because Kirito is invincible for no reason. Asuna starts off as a supposedly strong character but becomes a damsel in distress.

It's also awful because all the girls (including his sister) are in love with Kirito for no reason.
I think those are valid points, but I still enjoyed the anime. The action scenes are well-done, the relationship in the anime is sweet, and most of the story arcs are interesting. The only story arc I honestly didn't like was GGO, which tends to be one of the more well-received ones from what I can see.

The MASSIVE problem with the games though is the overly complex controls. The game is only playable if you somehow rigged up the Steel battalion controller to your PS4.
Wat. As a primarily PC gamer I found it straight forward and easy to work with after going through the tutorial and menus. There are very few hotkeys actually used on a regular basis in the game and not that much different than other action games. Are you perhaps bad with controls when they start requiring you to hold down a button to access more hotkeys because you feel there are too many individual possibilities to memorize?

I saw a boss battle video of Hollow Realization and for the first minute I was like "Holy shit that UI looks busy, but It does remind me of WOW". When you break it down most of that information is not needed. If the CPU characters that aren't in your party die it's irrelevant so it's just taking up space. I can get behind the idea of trying to immerse you in the MMORPG world but wouldn't it have been cooler to simply make one instead?  :whistle2:

As far as the Anime It's appealing to a gamer because we can relate but story wise it's a mess.

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Sword art online worth watching and playing the games???

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Since it brought a lot of discussion, I'll chime in as well. The good thing is the anime is separated in arcs. So you can finish one and not necessarily have to watch the others if it isn't your cup of tea. As others have said, the first is usually the best one and it goes downhill from there. I enjoyed it all, but agree the first arc was the best. I say if you like anime and waifus, give the anime a try. If you don't, then it probably isn't for you.

The games are only really enjoyable if you like the series and characters. It is fanservice first, gameplay second. The games as a standalone aren't bad if you like those anime style games. But many of those types are generally not that good, yet they can still be enjoyable to some (ie. Hyperdimension Neptunia series). The SAO games have promise, but they are very unpolished and a bit clunky which is why they aren't better.

The anime is pretty popular, has good ratings, and I believe things are popular for a reason. So I think you should be the judge. Don't really listen to anyone else but yourself. Try a couple eps of the anime, just like you would any other show or a food, and see how you like it. On the internet, haters always gonna hate. There are people that think everything that is pretty popular sucks or is overrated; yet they like things that aren't well received or popular (or at least are more vocal about it). Whether they really do like them or not, I don't know. Sometimes you'll agree, sometimes not. But don't do a disservice to yourself by not trying if you do have some interest.

Honestly my biggest gripe about SAO is how they treat female characters. (Hell every character who isnt Kirito)

Sinon was such a badass during the GGO arc with an amazing backstory, and she didnt take Kirito's playboy harem shit. Then she just drops GGO to join Kirito's harem and get her ass grabbed and groped while acting tsundere.

And then theres fucking Asuna, who I hate with a passion after "that" scene in SAO (The one in the filler house/fishing episode where the quality of the series nosedives for me). Same thing with her, badass then joins the harem and they adopt a creepy virtual skynet child.

The only female character I really liked was Yuuki. Especially due to the fact she was the only one to curbstomp the mary-sue plot hax Kirito.

Though the #1 thing I get in arguments with friends about is Kirito. Kid is a magical hacker who randomly develops powers as the plot demands. And he solos a raid fight mob that literally dozens to hundreds of the best players can barely manage to fight 1 on 1 in during the Alfheim arc to save Asuna. Its just silly how OP he is just because plot, especially when he somehow carries skills between games.

I watched it to the end of the anime, and played all the games. I enjoy the series to a degree still, but it was SOOOO much better during the first arc when it was a survival game with actual consequences. After that it feels silly watching players panic and rage about losing EXP
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After playing the World of FF demo, I'm not too sure about buying the game. I understand the stacking system, but the game seems grind heavy to get the mirages and level them up. The past FF characters only act as summon attacks during battle. I know they will have a story when you first encounter them.

The only itch nudging me to still think about buying this is the nostalgia feeling with all the FF characters and summons. I've beaten every mainline FF and tons of spinoffs, but not sure if I want to dive in this one.
SAO is 2 seasons with each season split into two arcs.
The best arc being the first part of season 1. Thats the part mostly everyone really liked. The rest was subpar, getting worse as it went along.

Ya the gun arc had potential with an awesome villian that they pisst away.

The games are all pretty decent actual action rpgs, not the very low budget all fanservice kind.
There were more than 2 arcs in season 2 so you're incorrect right there. ggo freya and the terminal disease guild were all separate arcs.But If I recall that's due to each of them being one shots or something.

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Honestly my biggest gripe about SAO is how they treat female characters. (Hell every character who isnt Kirito)

Sinon was such a badass during the GGO arc with an amazing backstory, and she didnt take Kirito's playboy harem shit. Then she just drops GGO to join Kirito's harem and get her ass grabbed and groped while acting tsundere.

And then theres fucking Asuna, who I hate with a passion after "that" scene in SAO (The one in the filler house/fishing episode where the quality of the series nosedives for me). Same thing with her, badass then joins the harem and they adopt a creepy virtual skynet child.

The only female character I really liked was Yuuki. Especially due to the fact she was the only one to curbstomp the mary-sue plot hax Kirito.

Though the #1 thing I get in arguments with friends about is Kirito. Kid is a magical hacker who randomly develops powers as the plot demands. And he solos a raid fight mob that literally dozens to hundreds of the best players can barely manage to fight 1 on 1 in during the Alfheim arc to save Asuna. Its just silly how OP he is just because plot, especially when he somehow carries skills between games.

I watched it to the end of the anime, and played all the games. I enjoy the series to a degree still, but it was SOOOO much better during the first arc when it was a survival game with actual consequences. After that it feels silly watching players panic and rage about losing EXP
Reminds me of Sanctuary. Except Sanctuary was good.

Screw this weeks releases. It took way too much effort to gather this weeks list. On the Western front, you have Skyrim Special Edition, Titanfall 2 and FARMING SIMULATOR 17! Hot damn.

Other stuff that released without warning last week that are all on PC/Steam:
- Sakura Nova (Visual Novel)
- Rose of Winter (Visual Novel)

Weekly Releases (October 23rd - October 29th)

Corpse Party (Back to School Edition)
- Platform(s): 3DS
- Genre: Survival Horror / Mystery
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Remake/remaster of the original Corpse Party with new content. XSeed Post with some info on new content.

Hyrule Warriors Legends: A Link Between Worlds Pack (DLC)
- Platform(s): 3DS
- Genre: Musou / Action
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Figured I'd throw the DLC in the list since it's releasing this week.

Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel (DLC)
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: Action RPG
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: May as well do this one too.

Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
- Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC
- Genre: Fighting
- Demo: N/A
- Online: Yes

World of Final Fantasy
- Platform(s): PS4, Vita
- Genre: RPG
- Demo: Yes.
- Online: Versus & Trading
- Comments: Prepare for the collect-a-thon and grinding. Play/beat the demo for an exclusive mirage, Magitek Armor P. Also supports cross-save. JP VO on Vita will require a free DLC download.

Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence – Ascension
- Platform(s): PS4, PC
- Genre: Strategy
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Supposedly out on PC anyways. No Steam page yet.

Exile's End
- Platform(s): PS4, Vita
- Genre: Action Platformer / Metroidvania
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Japanese indie game. Already out on PC.

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Physical LRG Release)
- Platform(s): PS4
- Genre: Action Platformer/ Metroidvania
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Physical edition will go on sale this week through Limited Run Games. Already out digitally and previously released on 3DS, Wii U, XB1 & PC.

Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut (Physical LRG Release)
- Platform(s): PS4
- Genre: Action Platformer/ Metroidvania
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Physical edition will go on sale this week through Limited Run Games. Already out digitally and previously released on DSi, Wii U & PC.

Yomawari: Night Alone
- Platform(s): Vita, PC
- Genre: Survival Horror
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Vita physical edition will be bundled with htoL#NiQ -The Firefly Diary-. Both games, same cartridge.

Ne no Kami: The Two Princess Knights of Kyoto
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Only if Sekai Project doesn't silently delay another of their localizations. Has an uncensored version elsewhere and will probably have a patch too.

Sweet Volley High
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel / Yuri/Otome
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Not really Japanese (Canadian). Will have an uncensored patch.

Book Series - Alice in Wonderland
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Kinetic Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Seems to be Japanese. Also in case you aren't aware, Kinetic Novel is just a story with no interact-able parts.

Corona Blossom Vol. 2 The Truth From Beyond
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: VNDB seems to only show an all-ages version, unlike its prequel.

Past Releases
October 16th - October 22nd
October 9th - October 15th
October 2nd - October 8th
September 25th - October 1st
September 18th - September 24th

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bread's done