Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Here's an HD (Spanish?) version of the Overwatch video yesterday. It's actually a little different and shows some extra skins (Junkrat & Bastion), plus you can actually see what the other skins look like (Mercy & Tracer are nice). CTF seems to be 2-flag and not limited to just Tracer. Also seems that you can use your abilities while holding the flag.

http://streamable.com/s9soi or http://streamable.com/wqvum

Disappointed they went with fireworks box themed loot boxes rather than designing an actual red envelope. Oh well.

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I'm glad people got to try out Tales of Berseria on Steam. It pretty much convinced me to buy it on PC after how well the demo ran.

Anyway, I need some advice.

There's a 10% discount ($49.99 retail) for preordering the game if I have Tales of Symphonia or Tales of Zestiria on steam. They are on sale for $4.99 and $12.49 respectively on the humble store.

Which game should I get? I'm leaning towards Zestiria even though its more expensive since it is a much better port.
Symphonia got patched so it plays fine on pc. Plus it's a better game.

I don't have a ton of figures but I got one yesterday I'm pretty hyped about so I'll do a 'figure update' post for once :3


"Shunya's Demon" (based off a Shunya Yamashita sketch) is the name of it as best I can tell. I had been stalking for a painted/finished one for a while and one finally popped up.

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Free PSN junk this week:

World of Final Fantasy


Sora (Champion)


Sora (Champion)

Final Fantasy XV


Item: Gourmand Set

Tales of Berseria


Catalog 1

Adventure Item Pack 1

Digital Essentials (Video Skit) (Not an in-game skit)

Velvet Theme

In-Game Menu Theme

Complete Cast Theme

I'm pretty sure the Gourmand Set is free, as it showed that when I clicked the page but I already own it because it was part of Amazon's pre-order bonus I believe. The Digital Essentials for Berseria is just a video though and not in-game.

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Guess I'll be focusing on Tales of Berseria and maybe some Yakuza 0 today. For some reason my Resident Evil 7 order was delayed.... o_0

I sure hope everyone who complained about Yakuza 5 being digital only buys this.
My copy is out for delivery, can't wait.

Didn't buy Yakuza 5 on PSN because even though it's one of my favorite series, I can't support the decision to only release it digitally. Ended up importing a copy from Japan and playing through it with a walkthrough instead. Hopefully that was a one time thing and Kiwami, 6, and any future games all get released at retail.

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Guess I'll be focusing on Tales of Berseria and maybe some Yakuza 0 today. For some reason my Resident Evil 7 order was delayed.... o_0
I just started Extella, I was going to work on my backlog but really missed Fate after UBW ended. Held off on Yakuza or else my backlog will never see the light of day.

I think i'm taking a break on Da Capo 3 after my first route. It's so long haha. Also I think I may have picked one of the characters with a boring story route. I also can't stand how the main character keeps saying ah she's so cute and oh man I love her after she is awkward in just about every situation. It usually comes to stand that the first character I choose when going through a VN with multiple routes usually ends up being one of the worst routes. My luck is still the same!

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Overwatch went live earlier with the [customspoiler="Year of the Rooster"]
[/customspoiler] event.

[customspoiler="Event Image"]
[customspoiler="Background Screen"]
[customspoiler="Loot Box Design"]
Also here's a link to the new skins. Ana's skin is actually pretty scary. Good luck with your loot box drops because we all know they aren't terribly fair.
Bonus Mei VA Video (Semi-Event Related)
New patch went live as well. So Ana's grenade got a slight nerf with healing and D.Va now has 400 HP / 200 Armor as opposed to 400 Armor / 200 HP as well as Mech gun changes. Oh and hook 2.0 as well. I've also noticed that you can equip up to four sprays and voice lines now at least on PC.
For future console news, you guys should eventually get a proper report player function.
Well this took longer than thought because I never got the ICANN email for my site to verify data and thus my site I use to upload stuff to is semi-dead until the confirmation goes through. Bastards. At least Blizzard didn't screw me to by removing Mystery Heroes (It's still there).

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For Overwatch event only 3 must haves for me from the skins (Roadhog, Mei (luna version) and D'va which is easily my favorite!). I would love the Zenyatta and Reinhart ones too. Should be fun and hopefully mystery heroes is still in arcade, cause like Draekon I also prefer to play that.

My copy is out for delivery, can't wait.

Didn't buy Yakuza 5 on PSN because even though it's one of my favorite series, I can't support the decision to only release it digitally. Ended up importing a copy from Japan and playing through it with a walkthrough instead. Hopefully that was a one time thing and Kiwami, 6, and any future games all get released at retail.
Yakuza 5 is the only digital game I bought for PS3 in hopes the sales will get them to continue localization. With news of Kiwami (getting a physical release in 2017), i guess dreams do come true.
Got four boxes, and got all blues and one pink (Tracer highlight intro.)

Not sure how I feel about CTF. I do like that they reworked the structure of the China levels to work in in a CTF format, but having Sym+Torb on both sides just means dealing with a team stacked to the brim with shields and armor. Played it about five times. Lost once, tied three, and won the last one for my gift box. Guess you just need a lot of coordinated teamwork to get a good push, which is a lot to ask for in an arcade mode. 

lmao Tracer and Roadhog's new Highlight Intros are great! 

The Roadhog, Winston, Zenyatta, and Mei skins are all must-haves too. 

Really disappointed in the of the Solider 76 skins to date.   He has been completely ignored which is a shame.

It's also funny to me that Japanese characters purposely didn't receive any new skins, poses, emotes, or highlight intros. 

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I would love to death if you could not play as torb/symmetra/bastion and it would be just true capture the flag. Sounds terrible honestly. If it has a loot box associated with it though I'll play it to win it like I did that awful 1v1 mode.

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I don't think the RNG of the boxes is with me this time. Opened up 9 boxes so far I believe and got the Symmetra skin and even a duplicate spray from the new event. I'm buying the D'va for sure....but I really want either Mei Skin and the Rein skin. I also will need the D'va bow emote...so cool.

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I had some pretty bad RNG. Last event, all the Orange Skins I got were for Roadhog. And I don't play Roadhog. 

Also. I bet you that the next event would also have another damn Roadhog skin.

I opened up my first free Loot Box and got D.Va's Palanquin... icon... fuck you too Blizzard. I had fun with Capture the Flag, wish this mode would stay especially since it's usually a type of mode shooters tend to have in general.

Remember there is a CAG Overwatch community on PS4 created by BlackRockWaifu for anyone who has yet to join. We can join together and play... it won't be the same without you BlackRockWaifu... at least you can watch me play until you get back.


I had some pretty bad RNG. Last event, all the Orange Skins I got were for Roadhog. And I don't play Roadhog.

Also. I bet you that the next event would also have another damn Roadhog skin.
Ah I love Roadhog's new skin. I also think his hook works a lot better now. When it hooks well I consistently get kills. I know it may be a little silly around like light posts and stuff, but overall it feels a lot better and more consistent. I'm sure it needs more tweaking but I find it pretty good so far.

I have such a back log of games and when I look at the list and what I wanna get in the future of future and current releases and I am like oh gosh.

Currently I am playing Watch Dogs 2 and at the last mission and then try and Plat my first game as it does not look that hard and I really like the game. Question: Is the Season Pass any good to this game?

Also playing Dragon Quest VIII since I have never played it before and super excited to jump in.

Also looking forward to


Grand Kingdom

finish Yo Kai Watch 2

Atelier Sophie

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns

Horizon Zero Dawn

So many games and so little time.

I have such a back log of games and when I look at the list and what I wanna get in the future of future and current releases and I am like oh gosh.

Currently I am playing Watch Dogs 2 and at the last mission and then try and Plat my first game as it does not look that hard and I really like the game. Question: Is the Season Pass any good to this game?

Also playing Dragon Quest VIII since I have never played it before and super excited to jump in.

Also looking forward to


Grand Kingdom

finish Yo Kai Watch 2

Atelier Sophie

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns

Horizon Zero Dawn

So many games and so little time.
I feel your backlog pain.I'm finishing up FFXV right now. Just completed the pain in the ass Pitioss dungeon, but the black hood accessory is awesome. I've never played any of the Dragon Quest games and just snagged DQVI, V, VI, and IX with VII on the way. I have a feeling I'll be snagging VIII sometime in the next month or so. I've just had this urge to play Nintendo games and figured I'd finally knock out the DQ games I could get my hands on. Though, I always have read that you can put 100s of hours into them.

I'm gunning to finally play:

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Riskey's Revenge

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness

Corpse Party: Blood Drive

Root Letter

And finally finish SAO: Lost Song, among a few others.

Good luck on the backlog clearing. =)

I had some pretty bad RNG. Last event, all the Orange Skins I got were for Roadhog. And I don't play Roadhog.

Also. I bet you that the next event would also have another damn Roadhog skin.
I bought 24 boxes. I pulled 3 legendary skins for the event. They were all palanquin dva skins. It's the skin I wanted the most but it's frustrating that I pull the same skin multiple times. I would have wanted a mei, roadhog or zenyatta also.
bread's done