Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Sorry about your issues with the breach. It will get better eventually.

As for Omega Labyrinth in June, that's fine as for now I just have Gundam Breakers that month. This April is bad with Super Robot Wars X and Bullet Girls Phantasia and some otome visual novels and newest Mangagamer game Magical Marriage Lunatics, which I'll post about later. Hurts so good.....

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My thoughts on Ni no Kuni II:

I finished Ni no Kuni II and while I did enjoy the game, it has some serious caveats in my opinion that really prevents me from calling it a good game. These will be a couple things with the battle system, story as well as the characters. I feel that even the kingdom building aspect and sidequests also have some issues as well. Before I start in on it, I do want to say that I did not fully finish the first Ni no Kuni due to extremely frustrating AI along with no 'catch up' system in place for leveling new monsters. So I won't be using it much, if at all, as a comparison point.

As you may know, I'm fairly big on a game delivering on a story and adding in little details to the world to make it feel alive and expansive. Ni no Kuni II on the other hand I feel the story can be summed up as a children's picture book story. You have the backbone of the story and there's an underlying reason behind it as a whole, but it lacks finer details. This creates a problem for me because the finer details are how I get into the game, but here they barely exist. Most everything that happens, tends to happen as a matter of fact. There's basically no detailed reason given as to why things happen the way they happen and a lot of the details feel lacking or glossed over. There's a distinct lack of exposition that takes place throughout the game.

This carries over with the characters as well. When you meet them, outside of Roland and the main character, they don't really grow or expand as characters any further. Even during important scenes, you may get a line or two from the rest of your party members, but nothing that doesn't strictly advance the narrative. This gave me the feeling that the characters for the most part were unimportant as a whole and were just along for the ride. This isn't necessarily a bad thing if you have a character or two that are like this, but when your entire party is like this? It's not really good. At the very least I expected Tani to get some screen time, but she more or less plays the role of the fanciful girl who favors the main characters but doesn't really go beyond that.

As I was nearing the end of the game, I was honestly expecting the game to throw a "Wake up and put that book away" twist with how incredibly predictable and childishly naive the story and characters went. Even the prologue suffered heavily from this where it tried to rush things, then suddenly stop and change the theme to a sullen theme for far too long instead of continuing with the fast pace it was moving. Immediately after that I felt the game really missed a chance to have some real good character building, but no, it never takes advantage.

The graphics on the other hand are good, but the overworld aesthetic feels so out of place when compared to everything else in the game. Towns and general environments are pretty good I think. However the many caves and shrines the game has are basically all the same aesthetically with no real variation. I go from one cave to another and it looks exactly the same. Same with shrines, which basically have two variations on it "new" and "ruined" themes. With how many there are of these in the game, it left a notable impact. Especially since there were many sidequests that took you to these caves and shrines to go to the end and sometimes even re-visit the same one you already have previously.

Combat on the other hand starts off fine, but gets worse the further into the game you progress. The first reason is a distinct lack of enemy variation. I feel like I was attacking the same six or so enemies over and over and over throughout the entire game. The second would be the battle system itself. Early on enemies didn't do much damage and even in larger numbers they weren't too bad to dodge. I enjoyed it even though it wasn't particularly difficult at all. Then you start getting into some bigger enemies, who have attack hitboxes that are significantly larger than the attack they are performing. This causes you to get hit when you clearly shouldn't at all. Plus enemies become more aggressive by moving significantly more and attacking more, sometimes to a ridiculous amount. Which then pairs into the fact that damage scales really quickly at the end. You're either getting one-hit or losing at least half of your health from attacks. This isn't fun and with item use being limited in battle, it drags down the battle system significantly. Especially when team members don't move out of enemies long choreographed attacks.

Sidequests are your standard fare as well. They are usually to go hunt a monster or delivery an item. Then you repeat this process for over 150 times (trophy for 150, but there's about 175 total). Many of these have citizens attached to it to recruit to your kingdom as there are 100 to recruit in total. Some give recipes and others give mostly junk. So while they're not mostly pointless, they are going to be very repetitive. While they try to have a little bit of world building narrative, they don't really do much for the main story itself and don't add much narrative outside of that singular citizen, which is rather short.

The kingdom building on the other hand is alright, but suffers from the main caveat of only gaining kingdom currency and items while the game is running. The item gathering is fine to requite the game running, however the kingdom currency really needs to build up while the game is off, even if it's at 10 or 20% of the speed when it's running. After around 2/3rds of the way through the main story with a ton of sidequests under my belt, I felt I wouldn't be able to come close to getting most everything without speeding the game up. To see the rest of the kingdom being built, I did speed up the game to about 500x speed and eventually built, upgraded and researched everything. Pretty much all of the stuff unlocked at the time was absolutely useless to me except for auto-gathering since a lot of it is used in sidequests. Crafted equipment didn't become relevant until the very end of the game. So while the idea was nice, the execution needed some work and also shorted some of those time sinks because unless you play a ton, you're not likely to complete everything. There was no way in hell I was going to leave the game open on my PC and when I unfocus the window, the game automatically pauses.

There's probably a bit more I could say, but in conclusion the game is really only decent at best. It dragged on towards the end due to the games issues, lacks proper exposition and has a lot of annoying time sinks. This was definitely one of my more disappointing Level-5 games for sure, but so long you adjust your expectations you could have an enjoyable playthrough. However I do recommend getting it on sale rather than buying it at full price.

I did play it on PC. I had one crash early on, but the auto-save system is pretty good so I lost a very minimal amount of time. I believe I had a memory leak about halfway through the game that tanked my framerate and forced me to a save point and then restart the game. Otherwise it ran buttery smooth throughout the entire game.

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This is the reason there isn't an English dub of Atelier Lydie and Suelle. New production company.

So they're the ones who I blame for the [customspoiler='poor translation?']

Obviously it's not that bad all the time, but it's pretty bad. Translation seems a bit worse than usual, which was already pretty poor to begin with. It's rather disappointing because Lydie & Suelle is better than the previous two Atelier games in just about every other area.

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Since I'm the man for this time for some Mangagamer and other high profile VN releases.

Funbag Fantasy: Sideboob Story is out already. I will give impressions as I really liked the first game.

Mangagamer (NSFW)


Supirara Chapter 2 comes out April 12th and is all ages and on Steam. It's also going to be on Mangagamer. It's a kinetic VN, so no choices.


Mangagamer (NSFW)


Magical Marriage Lunatics is next month and is from the same creators as Princess Evangile and Imouto Paradise and releases 04/26/2018. I will get it for sure, as both of those games are nice. The story is silly about a guy who says he will marry girls when he's young and they take it seriously later on in his life.

Mangagamer (NSFW)


Also Fatal Twelve VN produced by Sekai Project just came out on Steam today as well.



Also Mangagamer's own creator made VN needs help on Kickstarter They have about 3 days to go and $2000 to get it funded. It's called Koropokkur in Love ~A Little Fairy’s Tale~. If it's need my help I'll help it. Looks cute.


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Also maybe not a super hot deal but play-asia.com has Atelier Shallie Plus for Vita as a weekly deal and it's the NA territory version according to their page for $26.99 and usual expensive play-asia shipping haha.


I was missing this plus game so I bought it. Hopefully it helps someone though.

Also maybe not a super hot deal but play-asia.com has Atelier Shallie Plus for Vita as a weekly deal and it's the NA territory version according to their page for $26.99 and usual expensive play-asia shipping haha.


I was missing this plus game so I bought it. Hopefully it helps someone though.
Did this even get a proper R1 NA release on Vita? Did a search on Amazon and all I saw listed was the PEGI version.

I believe it was a NISA Store exclusive in the LE. I'm not sure it wont be the PEGI version, but eh....It was the only one I was missing.

Mangagamer Anime Boston 2018 announcements:

Blog Link (NSFW)

- Mangagamer is coming to Android. Public beta launching April 6th. First confirmed games are Funbag Fantasy, Kuroinu Ch. 1, We Love Master, Forbidden Love with My Wife’s Sister.

Amatarasu Riddle Star

Steam Prison

Kindred Spirits on the Roof ~ Full Chorus ~

Amatarasu Riddle Star is a pure love story about a guy who wishes one time upon a shooting star for something to happen in his boring life. Well a bunch of falling stars fall and stuff changes quickly. It looks cute, and I don't comment on body types, but yeah at least one of those ladies is falling out of her outfit haha. Easy purchase on release.

Steam Prison is an otome game and has two types of characters, which are the rulers and the ruled. The main character is part of the rulers and has to go down to the the industrial wasteland for a mission, though she contempts that part of town. It looks pretty high quality and likely is a good game. Another easy purchase on release.

Kindred Spirits on the Roof ~ Full Chorus ~ is DLC for the original game. I have no idea what it contains. I need to play the original, but it could be a future purchase.

Good announcements, and I love myself more confirmed eroge. I'm glad more otome games are coming out, and I hope people are playing them who enjoy those types of games.

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Kindred Spirits on the Roof ~ Full Chorus ~ is DLC for the original game. I have no idea what it contains. I need to play the original, but it could be a future purchase.

Looks like the main bonus is full voiceover, instead of only partial. There's a few bonus CGs and some commentary, apparently, and a few extra resolution options, but it's basically a minor upgrade all around.

If there's a sale before the next time I replay the game, maybe I'll consider it, but it definitely doesn't look like priority material for existing owners.
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I believe it was a NISA Store exclusive in the LE. I'm not sure it wont be the PEGI version, but eh....It was the only one I was missing.
I'm curious what Play-Asia will be sending you then so when you get it in a month or so, let us know please! As far as I know NISA never sold it outside of the LE bundle so this would be pretty big news if there is a standard edition R1 version of the game.

Did this even get a proper R1 NA release on Vita? Did a search on Amazon and all I saw listed was the PEGI version.
My local independent game store had a few non-LE copies in addition to a few LE copies a while back when it released. They said they just got them from their distributor that got them from NISA. I remember asking about it because the LE was supposed to be the only physical version.

There are a bunch of regular Atelier Shallie Plus on ebay so maybe they were sold in Asia or something.
From what I remember, EU got a regular, and a LE version.

NA only got the LE version.

There is also a chance that NISA has sold off the extras they had saved for replacing damaged copies since they'd just be sitting there not being of use anyways, so might as well sell it off to others that way since they can't sell it themselves.

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Ugh, I think I just got the point in Ni No Kuni 2 where I just want to rush to the end and not touch it again. It started off great, and I was really enjoying it but after I got so far into the idling king building part of the game it is turned me off to the game. I literally spent most of my day idling this game to get bonuses. I actually think I like the first game much more.

I don't know how much longer I got but hopefully it's not too much longer.

Easter and April Fools on the same day. Not a whole lot going on this week either. I am interested in Penny-Punching Princess, but I can't see it being worth $40 personally.

Other stuff that released without warning last week or I overlooked it (Assume PC unless otherwise noted):
- Touch the devil VR (PC VR | Simulation / JPN Language Only)
- Sounds of Verity (Visual Novel)

Weekly Releases (April 1st - April 7th)

Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils
- Platform(s): PS4, Vita
- Genre: Action Platformer
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Digital only.

The King of Fighters ’97 Global Match
- Platform(s): PS4, Vita
- Genre: Fighting
- Demo: N/A
- Online: Yes.
- Comments: Digital only.

The Adventure Pals
- Platform(s): PS4, Vita, Switch, XB1, PC
- Genre: Action Platformer
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Penny-Punching Princess
- Platform(s): Vita, Switch
- Genre: Brawler / Action
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

ACA NeoGeo: Samurai Shodown III
- Platform(s): Switch
- Genre: Fighting
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Digital only. I believe there is no online, only local play.

Animated Jigsaws: Beautiful Japanese Scenery
- Platform(s): Switch
- Genre: Jigsaw Puzzle
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Digital only.

Arcade Archives: Ninja-Kid
- Platform(s): Switch
- Genre: Action Platformer
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Digital only.

- Platform(s): XB1
- Genre: MMORPG / Action
- Demo: N/A
- Online: Yes.
- Comments: Online only. Released last week on PS4.

Sisters In Hotel: Episode 2
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: All games from this dev are rated poorly.

- Platform(s): PC VR
- Genre: Simulation / Shooting
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Includes some "space battles"

螢幕判官 Behind the Screen
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Action?
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Chinese dev.

Forest Fortress
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Visual Novel / Eroge
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A

Alchemy of Castle
- Platform(s): PC
- Genre: Adventure
- Demo: N/A
- Online: N/A
- Comments: Chinese dev.

Past Releases
March 25th - March 31st
March 18th - March 24th
March 11th - March 17th
March 4th - March 10th
February 25th - March 3rd

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Warped Reality and Aldol look OK from those announcements. That Mahou thing could be OK, but i'm not much into the 3D model type games, and that is some VN/Action game hybrid I guess. I would try it at least. No interest in the Switch game, especially since it's on PC and was bundled I believe.

Also am with Draekon about Penny Punching Princess. The game to me looks worth about $20ish, and OK enough, but wont justify being around my b-day to buy more games at full prices likely not worth that heh. 

Probably doesn't go here, but I didn't want to make a thread as it is YMMV, but this eBay seller has Mario kart Deluxe for switch for $18.88. got one via PayPal so little to no risk for me. Have at them!

I can guarantee you that is a fake listing. It's been happening a lot lately on eBay, you'll see listings for more expensive games or figures at the $17ish range from sellers that have next to no feedback. Most often they're hacked or dummy accounts, they make the sale and cut ties.
I always just assume people have "appropriated" a case from their worksite and are selling them for cheap to get rid of them quickly. I guess thats what I get for growing up in the ghetto...
Paypal is holding funds. I think they know something is up and are refusing to release funds until like 30 days or something.
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April's Amazon Prime Games:


Tokyo 42

Steamworld Dig 2


Tales from the Borderlands


+ A few other things I noticed

Devil May Cry HD (Ends April 2nd)

Final Fantasy XV PC - Kooky Bundle (Ends April 21st)

TERA In-Game Loot (for PS4/XB1 - Ends April 9th)

First three games are loosely thread related. Though none are Asian developed. I know I'm interested in trying out Kingsway as it hits that nostalgic look from some PC games in the 90s.

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Ugh, I think I just got the point in Ni No Kuni 2 where I just want to rush to the end and not touch it again. It started off great, and I was really enjoying it but after I got so far into the idling king building part of the game it is turned me off to the game. I literally spent most of my day idling this game to get bonuses. I actually think I like the first game much more.

I don't know how much longer I got but hopefully it's not too much longer.
The way to avoid this is to return to manage your kingdom every hour or so of regular gameplay. My kingdom is level 3 now, bringing in money at a solid rate and I have spent very little time intentionally idling.

I think I liked the first game better as well though. NNK 2 has the extra systems like crafting and cooking but they all seem to be superfluous since the game is very easy for the most part unless you intentionally fight enemies of a higher level. The side quests are about as dull as they come as well. Not looking forward to grinding all those out if I want the Platinum. It's a decent game but not GOTY material like I had hoped.

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I don't think this is a price mistake since it's also up on the Switch eShop for free as well but:

Atelier Lydie & Suelle


- GUST Titles BGM Pack

- Atelier Series BGM Pack

Normally they have a few for free and then a bunch at a premium price. Since there are over 900 tracks between the two of them, I'd think they'd be premium DLC. So I'm listing these a little earlier than next week since they appeared today just in case.

bread's done