Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


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Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

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NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

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Is Trails Nayuta gameplay kind of like Rune Factory’s combat? Been curious about trying it
There are definitely similarities, both featuring simple button mash fun. There are less weapon choices in Nayuta (only 2) but they are also more complex with different combos, unlockable skills, etc. Magic attacks also feel similar. More side scrolling level exploration in Nayuta, where RF3-4 feel more like top-down dungeon grinding.
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Zwei Ilvard Insurrection is also really good and i feel goes unnoticed
Sad to hear nayuta isnt as good, I assumed it was turn-based up until today
the asset flip games use Ys lite gameplay over a trails skin/structure from what I understand. That's the other reason why I don't get them. As said if I wanted a Ys game I'd go play one (laughs at my Ys backlog which rivals my trails).
What drew me to Nayuta (even though I had opted to stop buying Legend of Heroes games after CS4) is:
  • I tend to prefer action rpg's these days (though I can't seem to get into the Ys series)
  • this is a standalone experience and not part 1 of 4 or something or where I need to know a bunch going in
  • completion time for the story is said to be under 20 hours and around 40 if you try to do everything
  • I'm not put off by this being a psp game brought to modern consoles... I love that era of gaming (now someone give me some Kenka Bancho Badass Rumble and it's sequels in a collection).
For myself, this is really ticks some boxes. I do love big games... but if it's big it better be Xenoblade Chronicles or Dragon Quest in quality to get me for 80 to 200 hours.
What Ys have you tried if you don't mind me asking? As each set uses different types of action systems. There's the bump ones, the party ones that are top down, then the full 3d party ones for 8 and 9 that have platforming and weapon types.. With the ones with platforming in-between those 2. No idea on the current ones as I haven't played any since 8 came out.

I prefer celceta as it gives less is more with the party system.
the asset flip games use Ys lite gameplay over a trails skin/structure from what I understand. That's the other reason why I don't get them. As said if I wanted a Ys game I'd go play one (laughs at my Ys backlog which rivals my trails).
Falcom's recent games that can be fairly described as asset flips are Trails in the Sky the 3rd and Trails into Reverie. Nayuta and Tokyo Xanadu eX are spinoffs with fresh assets excluding the occasional Mishy sighting and TX's arcade fishing mini game.
There are definitely similarities, both featuring simple button mash fun. There are less weapon choices in Nayuta (only 2) but they are also more complex with different combos, unlockable skills, etc. Magic attacks also feel similar. More side scrolling level exploration in Nayuta, where RF3-4 feel more like top-down dungeon grinding.
Thanks, I think I’ll give it a try then!

In other news, was able to find the last copy of Xenoblade 3 for $30 at Walmart
The Quintessential Quintuplets games are also on PSN and Switch. Always good to have choices. They're also available individually, but just get both ;). The launch discount is until May 30th.

Is this game, Dragon Quest Monsters, worth $40? I tried the demo and the performance and graphics were awful

I thought the demo played fine for a demo... and my oldest son (24) beat the whole game without a complaint. I only played it docked. I just went and asked him and he said handheld it had issues in the overworld where it wasn't smooth but it played better docked and that's what he did for the whole game. Again, he beat it. But he also had recently played through the GBC Monsters games. So he was more into it for the gameplay. That said, he mostly plays games on pc at stupid high framerates so him playing through the whole game without complaint tells me it's not too bad.
I have only played DQM: The Dark Prince on my Switch Lite and while the performance does chug along at times, I have still enjoyed the game for the most part.

That said I have actually stopped playing it since I've been playing the Switch version of Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes since the physical release came out on Friday. The Switch version of this game also has its performance issues (slow frame rate at times) but I am enjoying the hell out of it. It really does scratch that modern Suikoden itch.
Will probably pick up Loop8 -- I know it got unfavorable reviews but $17 is a good price to check it out myself.

If You Say So Wow GIF by Identity
I've had Loop8 for a while. Who knows when I will get to it though. The game was originally delayed for further quality improvements. By the sounds of the reviews, they didn't do that, or maybe it was even worse! It still looks cool, hopefully I can get some enjoyment out of it.
So I just watched a gameplay video ... and uhhh, let's just say there is some weird-a$$ incest in this thing. Wtf. I think I'm skipping it.
If you decide to get Loop8 use a guide 100% of the time. It's a waste of time to play it, but you may as well waste less time. I'm still very pissed I got a bad end which cut back around 10-15 minutes of my previous time, which already had me speed running stats for characters since what they had to say was boring and not that interesting.
I thought the demo played fine for a demo... and my oldest son (24) beat the whole game without a complaint. I only played it docked. I just went and asked him and he said handheld it had issues in the overworld where it wasn't smooth but it played better docked and that's what he did for the whole game. Again, he beat it. But he also had recently played through the GBC Monsters games. So he was more into it for the gameplay. That said, he mostly plays games on pc at stupid high framerates so him playing through the whole game without complaint tells me it's not too bad.

I read up some articles and apparently it’s been patched, I’ll probably end up picking it up if it goes lower in price.
I actually played more games this weekend. Mostly testing demos to see if I liked things. I won't detail everything, just the highlights.

Triangle Strategy (Demo), I thought was ok but probably not worth it for me right now... I'd probably be tempted if it were $20.

Sea of Stars (Demo), now that grabbed me right at the start. I like how the demo jumps ahead and it's not just the opening of the game. It gave a good sense of what is available in the game and I like the variety in the battle mechanics. Felt a little Super Mario RPG with the timing mechanic to attack/defend. I love how the battles just kind of start in the regular environment without any jump to another screen. Am I right to think this might be well worth snagging a copy sooner rather than later? $40 seems fair ($44 after tax, I should get free shipping) and reviews all look great. I normally do not care for very linear rpgs, but there's so dang much charm here. The battle system was great, the overall world is beautiful, and characters were often hilarious. Not very cag of me, but I may just go ahead and grab a copy. I've already got one sitting in my cart on bestbuy.com.

Star Ocean First Departure R (switch). For some reason I thought it was turn based but those first battles pretty much play themselves since the NPC's can act independently. So going outside and not knowing how to save (since you can't save in the opening town), I got my ass handed to me in hilarious fashion. So about 15 min or so wasted because I looked at everything and talked to everyone. Figured it out really quick that it was action based battles & where to save (thanks google) and ended up going through the entire opening (nearly an hour) of the game and progressed on to the first big shock for the main characters about the universe. Loved just about everything once the battle mechanics clicked. Super happy now I grabbed this when it was cheap ($6.29?) and also feel extra smart and lucky for getting that $20 copy of Second Story R at Walmart. Of course now I'm going to have to consider rounding out the collection. But not before actually finishing this game, I don't want to get ahead of myself.

I read up some articles and apparently it’s been patched, I’ll probably end up picking it up if it goes lower in price.
DQ:M is being liquidated at Walmart for $30.00. A solid deal, though probably harder to find now as most stores have already done the drops. Still, worth checking if it's convenient. I have seen it in the wild at that price in one store and empty spots for it in other stores at that price. Same for DQ Treasures.
Playasia has Tsukihime A Piece of Blue Glass Moon Standard Switch / PS4 Asian English up for preorder for $53.99. That's a good option if you don't want to pay $80 for the limited edition US version.
Star Ocean First Departure R (switch). For some reason I thought it was turn based but those first battles pretty much play themselves since the NPC's can act independently. So going outside and not knowing how to save (since you can't save in the opening town), I got my ass handed to me in hilarious fashion. So about 15 min or so wasted because I looked at everything and talked to everyone. Figured it out really quick that it was action based battles & where to save (thanks google) and ended up going through the entire opening (nearly an hour) of the game and progressed on to the first big shock for the main characters about the universe. Loved just about everything once the battle mechanics clicked. Super happy now I grabbed this when it was cheap ($6.29?) and also feel extra smart and lucky for getting that $20 copy of Second Story R at Walmart. Of course now I'm going to have to consider rounding out the collection. But not before actually finishing this game, I don't want to get ahead of myself.
Oh, I was looking at that one to play next myself! I've been in a bit of a rut for the past week after platinuming Stellar Blade and Subnautica: Below Zero and just can't seem to find a game to play next. Of course, it also doesn't help that the summer heat has slammed Florida a month early this year, my AC was on the fritz for a few days, and as a New Yorker, I tolerate extreme heat so poorly, I can pass out from it. So yeah, it's been hard for me to concentrate lol. I really want to try out Second Story R, but I know you should play First Departure R, well, first, so obviously I plan to do that. How's the battle system? Did it click quickly for you or is it complicated? I heard the game can be grindy and I know you only played for an hour, but does it seem like it'll get obnoxious?

I was also considering getting to FFVII Rebirth finally, a game that's been praised to the moon on this site, but I'm just not sure if I'm in the mood for a giant JRPG right now. For those who've played it, I heard the game grinds to a halt due to unavoidable minigames, that asshole Chadley never shutting up, and lots of forced slow-walk segments (which I fucking hate). But, I do love me a Ubisoft-style map marker open world and after Stellar Blade, I want more action. So I guess I'm wondering if that'd be a good choice for someone like me, who's in the mood for exploring, questing, and battling, but not so much for those annoying JRPG time-wasting segments that derail the plot/adventure.
forced slow-walk segments
Oof, this is probably my #1 complaint. The game has way too many unnecessary restrictions as a whole, and the unavoidable throttling of my character movement absolutely triggers me. The game also forces a set party way too often. This is compounded by the fact that they managed to roll out a worse materia loadout menu than the original game. Switching things around is so much of a chore that I'm regularly taking long breaks.

I would say that the first two explorable areas will probably give you most of what you're looking for. The game is clearly pieced together by a several large teams and consequently pretty inconsistent in quality. The team that produced ch.11's design should be fired. There's a lot of positive things to enjoy, though.

One small example.. After the Event Square sequence, I am left dreaming of the possibility of FFIX's Tantalus stage scenes remade in a similar way.
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I ran out of gas in Costa Del Sol of Rebirth, it is a very cool game but I felt like I needed to do everything(which is my own issue) and that ground the pacing to a halt. I do intend to go back and finish but it is a daunting proposition given my free time is more constrained in the summer.
I was also considering getting to FFVII Rebirth finally, a game that's been praised to the moon on this site, but I'm just not sure if I'm in the mood for a giant JRPG right now. For those who've played it, I heard the game grinds to a halt due to unavoidable minigames, that asshole Chadley never shutting up, and lots of forced slow-walk segments (which I fucking hate). But, I do love me a Ubisoft-style map marker open world and after Stellar Blade, I want more action. So I guess I'm wondering if that'd be a good choice for someone like me, who's in the mood for exploring, questing, and battling, but not so much for those annoying JRPG time-wasting segments that derail the plot/adventure.
The minigames aren't all that unavoidable unless you're a stickler for getting every reward and finishing every side-quest, but Chadley really is the worst thing about Rebirth aside from not being able to save equipment/materia loadouts for your party. The forced slow-walk segments are still present, but they feel less prevalent in Rebirth than in Remake or they might just be more spread out and I'm fooling myself.

That said, I did enjoy finishing each open-world area's activities upon entry, though one stood out as more annoying than the others to traverse (I hope you like jungles). The actual combat system is probably the most refined blend of action/turn-based in a JRPG since Remake. I had to take a short break from Rebirth after feeling a little overwhelmed by it last month, but now that I'm back at it, I'm enjoying it again.
I'm looking for my next game too. Likely will play a visual novel and a main RPG or something and some indie/bundle games (I'm always working to at least try to play a lil bit the Steam backlog). Eiyuden Chronicles is up there, but I would probably play the action game thing before that. I'm also thinking of seriously playing The Legend of Heroes series, but that always scares me right away haha.
After the Event Square sequence, I am left dreaming of the possibility of FFIX's Tantalus stage scenes remade in a similar way.
I loooooooove FFIX and have been frothing at the mouth for that rumored remake (though I really hope it's just a beautiful remaster after how they've been handling FFVII's story in the remakes).
I ran out of gas in Costa Del Sol of Rebirth, it is a very cool game but I felt like I needed to do everything(which is my own issue) and that ground the pacing to a halt. I do intend to go back and finish but it is a daunting proposition given my free time is more constrained in the summer.
I also often feel compelled to do everything in games, to the point my husband has stated I "hate play" games, meaning I'll continue to try to complete a game even if I'm not enjoying it lol hearing about pacing issues makes me nervous.
I really liked Rebirth so far. I have 115 hours in the game and have about 21% left to finish the game according to the the PS game progress tracker.
Jesus, over 100 hours and still a fifth of the game left? Since I play games so slowly, I'll probably take over 200 hours to finish :ROFLMAO:
I actually played more games this weekend. Mostly testing demos to see if I liked things. I won't detail everything, just the highlights.

Triangle Strategy (Demo), I thought was ok but probably not worth it for me right now... I'd probably be tempted if it were $20.

Sea of Stars (Demo), now that grabbed me right at the start. I like how the demo jumps ahead and it's not just the opening of the game. It gave a good sense of what is available in the game and I like the variety in the battle mechanics. Felt a little Super Mario RPG with the timing mechanic to attack/defend. I love how the battles just kind of start in the regular environment without any jump to another screen. Am I right to think this might be well worth snagging a copy sooner rather than later? $40 seems fair ($44 after tax, I should get free shipping) and reviews all look great. I normally do not care for very linear rpgs, but there's so dang much charm here. The battle system was great, the overall world is beautiful, and characters were often hilarious. Not very cag of me, but I may just go ahead and grab a copy. I've already got one sitting in my cart on bestbuy.com.

Star Ocean First Departure R (switch). For some reason I thought it was turn based but those first battles pretty much play themselves since the NPC's can act independently. So going outside and not knowing how to save (since you can't save in the opening town), I got my ass handed to me in hilarious fashion. So about 15 min or so wasted because I looked at everything and talked to everyone. Figured it out really quick that it was action based battles & where to save (thanks google) and ended up going through the entire opening (nearly an hour) of the game and progressed on to the first big shock for the main characters about the universe. Loved just about everything once the battle mechanics clicked. Super happy now I grabbed this when it was cheap ($6.29?) and also feel extra smart and lucky for getting that $20 copy of Second Story R at Walmart. Of course now I'm going to have to consider rounding out the collection. But not before actually finishing this game, I don't want to get ahead of myself.

DQ:M is being liquidated at Walmart for $30.00. A solid deal, though probably harder to find now as most stores have already done the drops. Still, worth checking if it's convenient. I have seen it in the wild at that price in one store and empty spots for it in other stores at that price. Same for DQ Treasures.
3-6 play little like 1r and 2r. Especially since they are all full 3d titles and more like watered down tales of combat systems with basically 0 ai control and no multiplayer.

I liked 1 the most of the 2. 2s plot does little for me.
Oh, I was looking at that one to play next myself! I've been in a bit of a rut for the past week after platinuming Stellar Blade and Subnautica: Below Zero and just can't seem to find a game to play next. Of course, it also doesn't help that the summer heat has slammed Florida a month early this year, my AC was on the fritz for a few days, and as a New Yorker, I tolerate extreme heat so poorly, I can pass out from it. So yeah, it's been hard for me to concentrate lol. I really want to try out Second Story R, but I know you should play First Departure R, well, first, so obviously I plan to do that. How's the battle system? Did it click quickly for you or is it complicated? I heard the game can be grindy and I know you only played for an hour, but does it seem like it'll get obnoxious?

I was also considering getting to FFVII Rebirth finally, a game that's been praised to the moon on this site, but I'm just not sure if I'm in the mood for a giant JRPG right now. For those who've played it, I heard the game grinds to a halt due to unavoidable minigames, that asshole Chadley never shutting up, and lots of forced slow-walk segments (which I fucking hate). But, I do love me a Ubisoft-style map marker open world and after Stellar Blade, I want more action. So I guess I'm wondering if that'd be a good choice for someone like me, who's in the mood for exploring, questing, and battling, but not so much for those annoying JRPG time-wasting segments that derail the plot/adventure.
So1 is short around 24hr so any grind it does have isn't much. Levels aren't all that important in the series much like atelier. Equipment and skills are the primary focus. But you can level up quickly if you are decent enough at the combat.

But yeah Equipment skills trump everything else similar to atelier.

Also note that it's a while before you even have a full party. And half of them are mages which star ocean treats really poorly. So until you get your swordsman or other physical fighters recruited (and depending on who you recruit as well as order) things will vary in difficulty.

Highly rec playing as illia. She's great especially with her hadoken like move. Mc takes a while till he can learn ranged attack from another party member. So she's better for a first time player.
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How's the battle system? Did it click quickly for you or is it complicated? I heard the game can be grindy and I know you only played for an hour, but does it seem like it'll get obnoxious?
that derail the plot/adventure.

Battle system was super intutive. You can just let your other characters do their thing or swap between them. You have free range to move around. There's a lot of basic logic, like watching the enemy head for your healer... go head for that enemy and take them out first. If two characters attack the same enemy, one will move in behind the enemy for max damage. It felt pretty great.

Also as noted First Depature is pretty short. 20'ish hours. So a massive bonus to me.

I went ahead and ordered Sea of Stars. My oldest son was happy to hear it as he thought it looked great.
I was also considering getting to FFVII Rebirth finally, a game that's been praised to the moon on this site, but I'm just not sure if I'm in the mood for a giant JRPG right now. For those who've played it, I heard the game grinds to a halt due to unavoidable minigames, that asshole Chadley never shutting up, and lots of forced slow-walk segments (which I fucking hate). But, I do love me a Ubisoft-style map marker open world and after Stellar Blade, I want more action. So I guess I'm wondering if that'd be a good choice for someone like me, who's in the mood for exploring, questing, and battling, but not so much for those annoying JRPG time-wasting segments that derail the plot/adventure.

I don't think there was ever an instance where I felt like the mini-games brought the game to a halt... there are a LOT of mini-games, there's literally Mario Party inside this game, but I found a lot of the mini-games fun but I'm pretty sure 95% of them are optional or super short/easy. Chadley is annoying and talks a lot, but you can skip/ignore a lot of it, outside of a few things you can't skip. There are a decent bit of slow-walk/slow-something segments (climbing, crawling, ladders) for the game to load but most of them are pretty short and I'd say there's 1-2 minutes of it for every hour of game play.

I think I'm near the end of chapter 12 (just finished my date). It's still a solid 9/10 for me. Combat is blast but all the Rebirth starting cast members suck (Red, Cait) which isn't a huge deal except that there are parts where you're forced to use them. I love how you can just feel the comradery with all the characters. First 8 chapters were an absolute masterpiece but then things started to get wonky... Chapter 9 was that confusing as shit Gongaga region, and it's also when a few of the optional mini-games and optional combat challenges start to feel gimmicky.

I'm curious how they'll handle the final part. As much as I love Rebirth so far, I do NOT want another massive as fuck, Mario Party filled game. I also don't know if I can figure how another 2 combatants (Cid, Vincent) for combat, not to mention I'm guessing the final installment will be more serious/not sure how fun the game will be without the comedic moments of Remake/Rebirth.
I don't think there was ever an instance where I felt like the mini-games brought the game to a halt... there are a LOT of mini-games, there's literally Mario Party inside this game, but I found a lot of the mini-games fun but I'm pretty sure 95% of them are optional or super short/easy. Chadley is annoying and talks a lot, but you can skip/ignore a lot of it, outside of a few things you can't skip. There are a decent bit of slow-walk/slow-something segments (climbing, crawling, ladders) for the game to load but most of them are pretty short and I'd say there's 1-2 minutes of it for every hour of game play.

I think I'm near the end of chapter 12 (just finished my date). It's still a solid 9/10 for me. Combat is blast but all the Rebirth starting cast members suck (Red, Cait) which isn't a huge deal except that there are parts where you're forced to use them. I love how you can just feel the comradery with all the characters. First 8 chapters were an absolute masterpiece but then things started to get wonky... Chapter 9 was that confusing as shit Gongaga region, and it's also when a few of the optional mini-games and optional combat challenges start to feel gimmicky.

I'm curious how they'll handle the final part. As much as I love Rebirth so far, I do NOT want another massive as fuck, Mario Party filled game. I also don't know if I can figure how another 2 combatants (Cid, Vincent) for combat, not to mention I'm guessing the final installment will be more serious/not sure how fun the game will be without the comedic moments of Remake/Rebirth.
I enjoyed this one more that part 1. The only thing that bothered me about the mini-games is that I knew that some of them I was never going to get the "top" rank. That led to me realizing that I would never 100% the game and that was actually giving me freedom to just enjoy the rest of the game. I did enjoy the Chocobo racing

Also (I guess spoiler, but the original came out in 1997) Towards then final few chapters I kept waiting for Aerith to die. I like where they went with things, but definetly though that there were previous spots they could have axed her. I also briefly thought they were going to kill off Tifa just to really mess with everyone. I might be in the niority there
Thanks so much everyone for your insight on FFVII Rebirth! I decided to finally pull the trigger and start it, since I figured I was already wasting my time watching TV, so may as well waste it playing Rebirth instead. I've put in about 7 hours so far and...I think I like it? The opening with Cloud's story in Kalm was amazing and I was totally fangirling from nostalgia and loving the new additions to it. So then, the game started proper and I got into the open world (but not before instantly jiving with Queen's Blood). It was kind of disappointing for a while, since there weren't a lot of enemies to fight and everything that looked like a point of interest had nothing to interact with. I decided to move on with the story and, after helping the Chocobo Ranch, I met that punchable stooge Chadley and then whoa! Look at all those map markers! And I can actually interact with things now! So, I guess the actual open world content was locked behind getting to that point in the story, which begs the question: why'd you let me go wherever I wanted if the actual content was gated behind progression? Like, you know I'm going to wander off. It would have been better if the game forced you to just go straight to the swamp, then the ranch, meet Chadley, and now the game opens up. I guess it's a nitpick, but it was really confusing.

Unfortunately, the major problem I had with Remake's combat is still present in Rebirth: the highly aggressive, immediate aggro on the player-controlled character. The second, the second I swap characters in battle, the enemies drop everything and beeline to me. It's not so bad on melee characters like Cloud and Tifa, but ranged characters like Barret and (especially) Aerith get overwhelmed so easily. I understand the system was designed this way to encourage frequent character swapping, but it just feels like the developers of Remake have never played a party-based action RPG before. I've never had this problem in games like Xenoblade, Tales of, or Ys, which provide the satisfying challenge of managing your whole party while only technically controlling one member, as well as having characters absolutely dedicated to aggroing so your attackers and healers don't die as easily. I don't know, this might just be a me problem, since I was never really very good at Remake to begin with, but I'm sure I'll eventually figure it all out like I did in the first game. Oh, and dodging being completely useless really sucks. Guess I need to git gud at blocking lol

But yeah, I'm still enjoying it and am looking forward to getting knee deep into the open world. Side note: I completely missed in the first game that Chadley is actually a cyborg created by Professor Hojo. I must have just started skimming his dialogue by that point in Remake. Honestly, Chadley has the worst design of any of the new characters in Remake and is so out of place. Too bad the developers were clearly in love with him, so he's everywhere now.
ranged characters like Barret and (especially) Aerith get overwhelmed so easily.
Truth. It's probably this reason that I end up playing Yuffie most of the time. With Aerith, the best you can do is the triangle skill to teleport to a well placed ward. She also gets a projectile shield eventually, but it doesn't work well enough be worthwhile.
The thing about rebirth is: If you're expecting a 120hr open world RPG with lots of map points of interest, tons of dialogue, and sidequests, then you're going to enjoy it.

If you're not in the mood for that magnitude of game, it's not going to work out well for you for the time being.

I totally understand it because I am most often def not in the mood to play that type of game. Another aspect which is hard to quantify is: how reliant is this game on familiarity with the previous materiaL (hurrrrr!) / nostalgia? I adored the world and the fleshing out of the characters. But I could also see someone being very bored if they never played FF7 when they were younger.

pretty cray cray that it finally went on sale this week for $55.
Aerith was so powerful in the first one bc you could just charge your ATB full and spam Prayer for group healing. They don't let you do that anymore.

I decided to move on with the story and, after helping the Chocobo Ranch, I met that punchable stooge Chadley and then whoa! Look at all those map markers! And I can actually interact with things now! So, I guess the actual open world content was locked behind getting to that point in the story, which begs the question: why'd you let me go wherever I wanted if the actual content was gated behind progression?

oh absolutely this. I spent 45min. running up the East Coast exploring for no reason before eventually stumbling back upon the Chocobo Ranch, and opening up the map. Easily the first huge flaw in game design.
Truth. It's probably this reason that I end up playing Yuffie most of the time. With Aerith, the best you can do is the triangle skill to teleport to a well placed ward. She also gets a projectile shield eventually, but it doesn't work well enough be worthwhile.
Yeah, at least Barret can use Steelskin so he's less likely to be interrupted while shooting, and he's just a much faster attacker. I dug Yuffie's playstyle in Intermission so I'm looking forward to meeting her again.
I hated the "beeline" of the enemies! I was like no just let me be in this corner casting magic while the others hit you in the face. Probably why I almost always played as Cloud, unless flying enemies, then it was Barrett.

Glad you are enjoying it!
Finished Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin a couple days ago and really enjoyed it. That tried & true Nioh gameplay really fit with the darker tone of the game. Also finally getting to know more about what lead Garland to be who he was in the original FF was a cool treat.

Cracked open Gal/Grim Guardians Demon Purge last night & played the first 2 levels. A really cool Castlevania like game so far. It also has a 120 fps mode on PS5 that plays like a dream. I've been demolishing my backlog and have a great time doing it. I think I'll try to circle back around to Persona 5R this weekend. I lost interest in doing the social simulation stuff, but know I have to push through to get to the dungeons.
oh absolutely this. I spent 45min. running up the East Coast exploring for no reason before eventually stumbling back upon the Chocobo Ranch, and opening up the map. Easily the first huge flaw in game design.
I did the same thing too. Went around thinking that the game was big but with a lot of nothing to do. It really opens up once you get a Chocobo to explore.
bread's done