Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Tales of Berseria’s New Screenshots Show New Characters Rokurou And Eleanor on Famitsu
The two are quite opposites. Rokurou has been turned into a demon, but he managed to keep his self-control, unlike most others. on the other hand Eleanor is a demon hunter, part of a dedicated religious organization.
so rocko's a demon and eleanors a demon hunter? Brilliant letting her be a party member considering velcro's also A werewolf eggbear. I'm guessing she's a member of the same organization as the blonde knight? Already dislike her. Though at least her in game design isn't ass like her concept arts is. On that note she resembles estelle alot. Pink hair, white flower bud dress, green eyes.

Rocko's pretty cool though. His design reminds me alot of ravens from vesperias but younger. A little bit like koujakus from dramatical murder too. With him being a samurai I'm guessing either him or knight dude will be the traditional swordsman party member wise. Since there typically is one who inherits the usual arte set demon fang/fist/blade, sword rain, tiger blade, sonic thrust, beast, tempest artes lines.

I hope the final boss is a ninja vampire if he doesn't end up as a love interest. I mean if you have a werewolf pirate you gotta have a ninja vampire. Its the rules.

Thus far the only improvements are the no seraph fusion crap since we only have one and velcro has her own unique gimmick. Hopefully Laphiset isn't locked to one element though even if he is it won't be as big an issue if he has more than 3 spells to fricken use unlike zestirias system. The fc system seems to have been changed to 4 diamonds instead of the 4 bar gauge. No idea whether this will remove the 4 artes per combo issue. Or the limiting number of fc. A artes being interchangable finally is a very nice improvement. But I would rather they just dumped the a artes system entirely. And for the love of god bring back short cuts.

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Dark Souls III Looks Absolutely Fantastic in 11 Minutes of Brand New and Brutal Gameplay

During the livestream we got to see both sword & shoeld gameplay and more undead-slaying with a mace, and it looked really, really good.

Star Ocean 5 Gets New Screenshots on Famitsu: Shows Three New Characters
We get to meet Gunther, Hana and Dax. They aren’t playable, but will at times accompany the playable party, controlled by the AI. They will also play a key role in the story of the game.
Oh my god Dark Souls III looks awesome. So many great console games coming out this year. I am drooling with anticipation for new games in this order.

1. Persona 5

2. Dark Souls III

3. Star Ocean 5

4. Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem (hope we get this in 2016)

5. Zelda NX / Wii U

6. Final Fantasy XV

This will be the year of JP console blockbusters! It's the figurative development leap year, I suppose.

even 99 is over priced. 50-65 at best unless it comes bundled with a 100gb built in memory. And even that's barely worth it. Wish the hackers would hurry up and make a vita memory card knock off for it like the psp.

This is my favorite argument that comes up whenever people talk about the Souls series.

They need to put a sticker on the case of the next game that says "Elite gamers only!"
I really really want to like it. I played Demon's Souls back before anyone's even heard of it. I tried Bloodborne. They all have the same fault that every input feels lagged. I don't get that issue in faster-paced games (fighting, shmups, P+ brawlers, etc) so I know it's the game. It throws me off a lot. I essentially have to lag my brain to do ok.
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Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem is slated for 2016. Probably will be released around the same time as Xenoblade Chronicles X

I really really want to like it. I played Demon's Souls back before anyone's even heard of it. I tried Bloodborne. They all have the same fault that every input feels lagged. I don't get that issue in faster-paced games (fighting, shmups, P+ brawlers, etc) so I know it's the game. It throws me off a lot. I essentially have to lag my brain to do ok.
I really dislike the gameplay in the Souls games (Bloodborne was a step up). I just love how when someone says they don't like them the answer has got to be because that person is bad at it. Like you really gotta be hot shit to play the Souls games.
I remember having less trouble on Bayonetta hardest mode against Gracious/Glorious than a normal mob in Soul games. I just can't get in the state of mind and timing of Soul games -- yet.

Like shooting a dragon with 200 arrows from a safe location is such hard shit though.

I really dislike the gameplay in the Souls games (Bloodborne was a step up). I just love how when someone says they don't like them the answer has got to be because that person is bad at it. Like you really gotta be hot shit to play the Souls games.
There's a difference between people who flat-out don't like the Souls games and those who try them and claim they're bad because they're too hard but otherwise liked them up until the point when their characters died.

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There's a difference between people who flat-out don't like the Souls games and those who try them and claim they're bad because they're too hard but otherwise liked them up until the point when their characters died.
You mean they liked them until they encountered the very first enemy?

Nertz. I saw a listing for Super Robot Wars Z3 Part 2 for $15 on Amazon yesterday, ordered it, but it got cancelled. I knew it was too good to be true, just like the Persona Dancing.

I really really want to like it. I played Demon's Souls back before anyone's even heard of it. I tried Bloodborne. They all have the same fault that every input feels lagged. I don't get that issue in faster-paced games (fighting, shmups, P+ brawlers, etc) so I know it's the game. It throws me off a lot. I essentially have to lag my brain to do ok.
I really dislike the gameplay in the Souls games (Bloodborne was a step up). I just love how when someone says they don't like them the answer has got to be because that person is bad at it. Like you really gotta be hot shit to play the Souls games.
The Souls games (except for 2) are some of my favorite games ever made, but every time I really dive into them I'm completely aware that they're definitely not for everyone. That comes from just a general standpoint, not a "lmao fkn scrubs" mentality. I will say that the very first time I played Demon's Souls it did take me a bit to truly love it. You hit a wall either with the gameplay, the difficulty, or something else, but once I got over that it felt like nothing else I played before.

As someone who adores the series, nothing pisses me off more than people who dismiss criticisms for the games as people who weren't good enough to play them. Get over yourself.

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It's the same kind of thing you always hear whenever you tell someone that you dislike a comedy/comedian/joke that they like;  "Oh, you just don't get it"

No, I understand it perfectly well.  I can identify the punchlines, I am familiar with the references, and I know who it's trying to appeal to.  I simply don't find it funny.

Some people can't stand dying over and over.  Some of us that grew up during the NES generation cherish that kind of punishing gameplay with the reward system.  Others simply just don't like the game.  It's a polarizing series.   For the people that enjoy them though, Souls games are among the all-time greats.

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I was browsing Edge Magazine's recent Top 100 Games of All-Time issue (god I want a subscription to this but it's like $100 annually since it's UK imported) currently on newsstands at Barnes and Noble.  It takes more of a focus on modern gaming in its rankings, but it has Dark Souls #1, Bloodborne at #4, and Demon's Souls again at #20. 

Aside from this special issue however, this monthly publication is just about the only worthwhile gaming periodical I've seen in the last number of years.  It has lots of developer interviews, inside stories, perspective pieces, insider previews, really just a lot of robust coverage.  Check it out sometime if you haven't. 

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Nope, that's not the issue at all.

I play tons of rogue-likes. FTL took me 20 hours before beating the first time. EO2 is still my favorite game of the last decade. Played through NG++++++++++++++++ or so on Rogue Legacy. I've been playing Nuclear Throne. I don't care about dying.

It's simply the janky controls (for me).

If you like Soul games, fine. Don't say others don't like it cause it's hard or people can't stand dying.

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Worst part about the Souls series is that it's so popular that it's not worth From Software's time to make another Enchanted Arms.  I will never forgive the Souls fans for this.

Psh. I rather have Metal Wolf Chaos where you're the President of the United States in a Mecha who is trying to take back America with his burning passion for Freedom.


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It does piss me off that everyone dismisses those who don't like Dark Souls as impatient or scrubs. Like it's some kind of God damn masterpiece that one would have to be an absolute subhuman to not love. I've been on the receiving end of it several times. It's as bad as "PC Master Race" people.

Anywho, what's in that Vita bundle?
Anybody pick up Project X Zone 2 yet? The demo felt like a more fun game than the original, anyone got any early impressions on the finished product?

By the way, the wiki post is more or less done, minus any minor misinformation. If anybody has any suggestions, feel free. I added a bunch of previous kickstarters the other day but I'm sure those aren't the only ones. I will probably start trying to keep the deals section somewhat up-to-date starting next week.

Psh. I rather have Metal Wolf Chaos where you're the President of the United States in a Mecha who is trying to take back America with his burning passion for Freedom.

(jesus that image is big!)

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I was browsing Edge Magazine's recent Top 100 Games of All-Time issue (god I want a subscription to this but it's like $100 annually since it's UK imported) currently on newsstands at Barnes and Noble. It takes more of a focus on modern gaming in its rankings, but it has Dark Souls #1, Bloodborne at #4, and Demon's Souls again at #20.

Aside from this special issue however, this monthly publication is just about the only worthwhile gaming periodical I've seen in the last number of years. It has lots of developer interviews, inside stories, perspective pieces, insider previews, really just a lot of robust coverage. Check it out sometime if you haven't.
I honestly don't like Edge that much...and I buy a ton of gaming magazines. It's often...just...dry.

I like Games TM as the best UK gaming mag, but hey, that's just one guy's opinion :)

By the way, the wiki post is more or less done, minus any minor misinformation. If anybody has any suggestions, feel free. I added a bunch of previous kickstarters the other day but I'm sure those aren't the only ones. I will probably start trying to keep the deals section somewhat up-to-date starting next week.
Thanks for all the work. Looks like a good base to work from.

I mean, I'm just saying. The controls are perfectly aligned for the game. You're meant to think about your actions at all times. It's not like DMC where you can just dial in the jump cancel combo or Bayonetta where you just hit dodge whenever you want. Souls is a thinking man's action game and the controls reflect that.

I can understand some people don't play at that level, but blaming the controls is for goofs.

DMC and Bayonetta are for stupid people.

Got it.
Well, "focused on instant gratification" is the more polite euphemism I prefer, but I suppose the sentiment isn't far off.

Quick, let's start a discussion about tank controls being the only way to make horror games scary, just to complete the trifecta of suck.
Nah tank controls are for nerds. RE1 HD was just about walking around zombies in if walking was as hard as if you had cerebral palsy.

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"You don't like censorship just because you're bad at it.  Censorship is too hard for you."


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Does anyone know how safe videogamesplus ca is?

Interested in trying to get a copy of Atelier Escha & Logy Plus Limited Edition since I missed out the first time and the price is reasonable for US, and I hesitate to place a order since I uncertain of how legitimate that site is.

Anyone used that site and know how good they are with shipping games to the US?

Does anyone know how safe videogamesplus ca is?

Interested in trying to get a copy of Atelier Escha & Logy Plus Limited Edition since I missed out the first time and the price is reasonable for US, and I hesitate to place a order since I uncertain of how legitimate that site is.

Anyone used that site and know how good they are with shipping games to the US?
Very legit but I've only used them for shipping within Canada so I can't fully answer your question.

It's been a while since their last good sale though :(

Worst part about the Souls series is that it's so popular that it's not worth From Software's time to make another Enchanted Arms. I will never forgive the Souls fans for this.
Ha I liked enchanted arms too minus golems being locked out of skills and equipment. I think they should of been able to learn ep cut and such just like the 4 human party members. Oh and omega is a cheating bastard. screw that op boss.

Disappointment and shame?
A miserable pile of secrets.

Anybody pick up Project X Zone 2 yet? The demo felt like a more fun game than the original, anyone got any early impressions on the finished product?
I will be holding off on 2 until I get around to playing 1 haha.

Does anyone know how safe videogamesplus ca is?

Interested in trying to get a copy of Atelier Escha & Logy Plus Limited Edition since I missed out the first time and the price is reasonable for US, and I hesitate to place a order since I uncertain of how legitimate that site is.

Anyone used that site and know how good they are with shipping games to the US?
I ordered digimon cyber sluts from them and they just got around to shipping it today. it released a while ago and even their site said the 12th so you would think it would of shipped out faster than this. But in hind sight we did get hit by that big blizzard so it makes some sense its taken this long. We will see how this turns out once it finally arrives probably on monday-wed considering the weather and its already going on thursday.

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bread's done