Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


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Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

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Actually, what you said was, "probably" and "vague", when all indication says otherwise. And clearly it's not worth discussing it with me anymore as you still aren't making any valid argument to strengthen your initial interpretations on whether or not it'd include the "Exclusive" bonuses offered by VGP. Basically your view is that anybody who is seemingly reputable, and claims something without any evidence is reliable, and even though a website that clearly states the exclusivity of something in clearly written language is incorrect because an article says otherwise. And congratulations to you on Tales of Hearts R. I'm sure that has plenty of bearing on this situation, and should be equally weighted as such. It doesn't really matter what you compare it to in the past, as it's already happened, and it's not even the same game. In this case, there is no "probably" or "vague", but a very evident, and clear answer in the listing itself that shows that there shouldn't have been any confusion. We're talking about now. Not an article in the past. Not a game that had a similar tag line. Now. If we had this argument months ago, before the game came out, maybe you would have more of a footing to stand on, but that's the past, and we're in the present now.

Your argument, and your reasoning is flawed, as you have really offered no actual evidence that the bonuses could pop up anywhere else other than the fact it was mentioned in an article. We have the evidence now.

And I remember exactly what irked me to begin with, with one of your initial comments, and that was your response to Motaku, who noted that,

and that should have been enough to understand that it was indeed an exclusive, because it's even written in the link. Motaku misunderstood nothing, and clearly answered your question, yet you still could not grasp that it's only for VGP because of an article that made claims that's not backed up by any evidence, and in fact vague, and unclear in itself. You are treating your incomprehensible, wishful thinking as a source of evidence, which is what irks me. Just admit that you were just optimistically hoping for there to be a bonus, but not one that was based on any actual evidence, which you seem to be claiming you have for the bonuses to be there on Amazon.

In any case, it doesn't look like either of us will give any ground on this discussion, so at this point, meh.
WTF are you talking about? I never claimed it wasn't wishful thinking. I said I preordered after seeing the article and before seeing the listing on VGP and asked specifically "by chance" did it include any bonuses? and even underlined that by chance shit. Again, exclusivity is subjective as I previously explained with several examples.

Secondly, "The preorder bonus only has the artbook and dlc. Only saw it listed on videogamesplus." does not have the same meaning as "only this VGP version includes the artbook and/or DLC."

Thirdly, the Siliconera article references a Limited Edition with both the artbook AND dlc, which turned out to be the VGP edition, as well as a standard edition that would include the artbook OR the dlc if you preorder and is dependent on the retailer. That implies there would be A) Limited Edition, B) Standard Edition w/preorder DLC [Retailer 1], C) Standard Edition w/preorder artbook [Retailer 2] However, it seems you unable to separate these instances. Also, I guess everyone that references a Siliconera post from now on will have to include an asterisk that states according to you Siliconera is highly unreliable.

You are the one that keeps throwing up bs arguments. "Oh VGP wasn't a retailer for TOHR because their price was too high and Namco doesn't count either because they're the publisher so they can't also be a retailer, and you don't know where Amazon managed to get any stock so let's exclude them as well, not to mention any other retailers, so this is still Gamestop exclusive."

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Well my Yakuza 5 has been downloading for 2 hours now and it's at 61% of 23gb. This is fine. The all-digital future is fine.
As long as the download time doesn't exceed the actual play time, you should still be ahead of the game. ;D
If I could avoid the all "digital" future, I would. Downloading these HUGE games sucks the big one.

On a different note, the DLC code for Gal Gun from VGP is not working, and they have contacted Sony, and are waiting to hear back as I guess none of the codes are working. Once I hear back from VGP again, I'll pass it along.

If I could avoid the all "digital" future, I would. Downloading these HUGE games sucks the big one.

On a different note, the DLC code for Gal Gun from VGP is not working, and they have contacted Sony, and are waiting to hear back as I guess none of the codes are working. Once I hear back from VGP again, I'll pass it along.
My code in the LE isn't working either. I tweeted PQube but they have not replied.

If I could avoid the all "digital" future, I would. Downloading these HUGE games sucks the big one.

On a different note, the DLC code for Gal Gun from VGP is not working, and they have contacted Sony, and are waiting to hear back as I guess none of the codes are working. Once I hear back from VGP again, I'll pass it along.
My code in the LE isn't working either. I tweeted PQube but they have not replied.

As long as I have space on my shelves, physical will continue to be my go to medium.

The Gal Gun codes sounds like a disaster storm is about to happen with their customer service, a la ZTD watches. @_@

If I could avoid the all "digital" future, I would. Downloading these HUGE games sucks the big one.
What, you mean you don't want to download a 60GB GTA V on Steam only to have issues and often being told the first step to fixing it is often "Reinstall the game"? Then if you're on an ISP with a bandwidth cap, you've already used a very large amount of your allocated chunk because bandwidth caps are low as shit. Even worse if you're on a lower 'tier' of slower internet and lower cap.

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If I could avoid the all "digital" future, I would. Downloading these HUGE games sucks the big one.

On a different note, the DLC code for Gal Gun from VGP is not working, and they have contacted Sony, and are waiting to hear back as I guess none of the codes are working. Once I hear back from VGP again, I'll pass it along.
I snagged the regular buy from VGP. I like to display my LE/CEs and panties weren't something I could put up and still be seen as the head of my household...

I snagged the regular buy from VGP. I like to display my LE/CEs and panties weren't something I could put up and still be seen as the head of my household...
Unless you wear it on your head, then you'll definitely be showing dominance.


The Gal Gun codes sounds like a disaster storm is about to happen with their customer service, a la ZTD watches. @_@
Well, these are only codes, so in a worst case, they can just issue more to VGP and call it a day. The watches are on a whole other level of fuck up, that can't easily be fixed no matter what.

I like to display my LE/CEs and panties weren't something I could put up and still be seen as the head of my household...
Sure, you could still be head of your household with young girl panties on your wall, at least until the state comes in and removes you from the premises. LOL

What, you mean you don't want to download a 60GB GTA V on Steam only to have issues and often being told the first step to fixing it is often "Reinstall the game"? Then if you're on an ISP with a bandwidth cap, you've already used a very large of your allocated chunk because bandwidth caps are low as shit. Even worse if you're on a lower 'tier' of slower internet and lower cap.
Knowing the absolute reality of this, makes me miss my Atari 2600.

Seeing how Bamco is the actual publisher, obviously they would sell it through their store front, so I don't consider them a distributor,but from a retail distribution front, they were still giving the rights to GS.

To your second comment, and the quote, first off, you're taking it from an article, and not to mention, those were just early ramblings, and nothing confirmed.

Not to mention, once it's actually on a stores website, and it's clearly stated in the description of what they are offering, I don't really understand how you can say they were unclear and "vague" about it, when it was clearly stated. There's a reason why there's two listings for Gal Gun on VGP, because one listing did include the extras, and the others did.

It's one thing to read about rumors from an article, it's another when it's clearly right in front of you, staring you in the face.

So in essence, yes, it is still a bit incomprehensible to believe that it would come with the "VGP Exclusive" bonuses on an Amazon order that has absolutely nothing of the sort listed in the description.

Now, if you just claimed it as incomprehensible, wishful thinking, that would be a different story.

Honestly though, I don't even remember why I got so offended over it in the beginning, but to me, it was very clear, and I just have a hard time believing it could be so confusing for others.
bamco was selling through amazon at the time of hearts r's release since they had a timed deal to run all their stuff through them after ending the partnership with digial river for fulfilling their orders. I preordered the game 2 months prior through amazon. While it was a timed release through them it still counts against it being gamestop exclusive in every way outside gamestop being the only brick and mortar seller of the game. Once preorders opened up for amazon people switched to them since they confirmed it would come with the preorder dlc costumes while at the time gamestop was unconfirmed until less than a month before release if I recall.

Anywho this was the same situation as xenoblade. online you could order it from more than gamestop but physical store wise it was gamestop only.

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What, you mean you don't want to download a 60GB GTA V on Steam only to have issues and often being told the first step to fixing it is often "Reinstall the game"? Then if you're on an ISP with a bandwidth cap, you've already used a very large of your allocated chunk because bandwidth caps are low as shit. Even worse if you're on a lower 'tier' of slower internet and lower cap.
my internet sucks but at least I don't have a cap. I'd definitely reach it easily with just hulu/netflix/crunchyroll alone >.>

Well, these are only codes, so in a worst case, they can just issue more to VGP and call it a day. The watches are on a whole other level of fuck up, that can't easily be fixed no matter what.
You never know.

Maybe they'll have to send you the code in physical form, but after they finished printing everything, somebody spilled coffee all over the pamphlets, and everything gets smudged, and unreadable, and then all of a sudden their printer runs out of ink, and the only place that sells this printer's ink has gone on vacation for two months, and when they finally decide to send the codes to you in an email instead, all of their servers explode in a firey demise, all the while taking all of the remaining methods of creating new codes with them, and in a last ditch effort they try to get access to the cloud servers they had set up with the information, but all of a sudden Christian Slater comes in to steal all of the codes because he wanted to bring down the conglomerate monster known as PQube, and there goes the end of any codes arriving forever.

What? Why you looking at me like that?



You never know.

Maybe they'll have to send you the code in physical form, but after they finished printing everything, somebody spilled coffee all over the pamphlets, and everything gets smudged, and unreadable, and then all of a sudden their printer runs out of ink, and the only place that sells this printer's ink has gone on vacation for two months, and when they finally decide to send the codes to you in an email instead, all of their servers explode in a firey demise, all the while taking all of the remaining methods of creating new codes with them, and in a last ditch effort they try to get access to the cloud servers they had set up with the information, but all of a sudden Christian Slater comes in to steal all of the codes because he wanted to bring down the conglomerate monster known as PQube, and there goes the end of any codes arriving forever.

What? Why you looking at me like that?


maybe the clouds just get blown away?

Spike Chunsoft has a poll on what you want to see on Steam.


My code in the LE isn't working either. I tweeted PQube but they have not replied.
I just tried the code from my CE and it worked fine, was kind of scared to input it seeing how almost everyone is having errors with theirs. Guess I got a lucky code. =]

I just tried the code from my CE and it worked fine, was kind of scared to input it seeing how almost everyone is having errors with theirs. Guess I got a lucky code. =]
You didn't get lucky, they finally activated the codes, as mine is working now. Thanks for the heads up.

Does anyone have any spare play asia coupons i may use? Thanks regardless.

Caladrius Blaze Asia release for ps4 got pushed back a week btw. Play Asia being the only place i see it being sold by.
Yeah, good thing something like that would never happen.

Now wait here while I go download the Order 1886.
Yeah, I finally just recently played and platinumed The Order: 1886. I kept thinking to myself, "this isn't really that bad of a...and the credits are rolling."

I love that Steins Gate 0 was localized and want to support it day one, but I still haven't even come close to making a dent in the first game. Great story, and I like the artwork, but too many games, too little time to play them...

I love that Steins Gate 0 was localized and want to support it day one, but I still haven't even come close to making a dent in the first game. Great story, and I like the artwork, but too many games, too little time to play them...
I know exactly how you feel. I just finished up ZTD and got the plat but I haven't even put a dent into Steins Gate.

I keep getting a bit more interested in meiQ. It looks a bit generic, but still looks alright. Unsure if I should go for Criminal Girls 2, it, or both. Really don't like the censorship in Criminal Girls 1 or 2....but I did have fun with the first after getting it in a PSN sale.

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I keep getting a bit more interested in meiQ. It looks a bit generic, but still looks alright. Unsure if I should go for Criminal Girls 2, it, or both. Really don't like the censorship in Criminal Girls 1 or 2....but I did have fun with the first after getting it in a PSN sale.
I loved Criminal Girls and have had CG2 pre-ordered since April. More than likely I'll wait until meiQ drops in price some. Like everyone else, I want to support the games, but my backlog is insane, and I've been bitten enough times on some of these LE/CEs. Though, it's a resonably priced one.

I love that Steins Gate 0 was localized and want to support it day one, but I still haven't even come close to making a dent in the first game. Great story, and I like the artwork, but too many games, too little time to play them...
I know exactly how you feel. I just finished up ZTD and got the plat but I haven't even put a dent into Steins Gate.
I put about 4 hours into Steins;Gate and absolutely loved it...then quit playing it completely. I want to go back to it soon to be a break in RPGs. Unlike most of the people who've played and sped through the game, I want to enjoy the story. I see where people have platinumed it in 3.5 hours.

All of you act like there isn't an anime of steins;gate that isn't a fantastic adaptation, superior even one could argue.
I love Steins;Gate. I bought the Vita version since I found a cheap copy of the LE on Rice Digital a while ago, and because I like the idea of replaying it on the go. I say 'replay' because I originally played through 90% of the game on PC (Didn't unlock the final route yet), but have also seen the anime so I know how that ends.

But right now that Vita version is stuck in my backlog. I should really get to it though, so I can be ready whenever Steins;Gate 0 releases.

All of you act like there isn't an anime of steins;gate that isn't a fantastic adaptation, superior even one could argue.
How did you get that impression that people are acting like the anime doesn't exist?

This is still the games thread right? Just because there is an anime of it, doesn't mean people are forced to have to bring it into the conversation when they talk about the game. They can bring it up if they want to, but they don't have to just because it exists.

Not exactly sure from whom, and where you are getting the impression that people are ignoring the fact the anime exists.

Might be a little too melodramatic over the absence of the anime being mentioned.

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I watched the Steins Gate anime for the first time about a month before I started the game. It definitely makes it harder to get through the game with the story still fresh in my mind.
I loved Criminal Girls and have had CG2 pre-ordered since April. More than likely I'll wait until meiQ drops in price some. Like everyone else, I want to support the games, but my backlog is insane, and I've been bitten enough times on some of these LE/CEs. Though, it's a resonably priced one.
Agreed this September is insane and I can't afford to purchase all the games. I have FFXV paid off mainly with BestBuy certificates, but got a new $20 one recently when I got my Overwatch certificate fixed with BestBuy support, and it expires mid September. I was deciding between between MeiQ, Exist Archive and Criminal Girls 2. Exist Archive, looks very, very average and I saw a video review and it just looks average. I was pretty sure I'm getting Criminal Girls 2 with it, but just was looking at other games coming out sometime. I wonder why I give Compile Hearts games a try. I really don't like them much with most being average or below average. They make great cheap sales games, like all the Neptunia games, but I don't buy them often for full price, except for Trillion, which I regretted right away since I disliked that game. I am a sucker for dungeon crawlers, though even then MeiQ just looks alright. Will likely wait for the <$20 price for it.

Agreed this September is insane and I can't afford to purchase all the games. I have FFXV paid off mainly with BestBuy certificates, but got a new $20 one recently when I got my Overwatch certificate fixed with BestBuy support, and it expires mid September. I was deciding between between MeiQ, Exist Archive and Criminal Girls 2. Exist Archive, looks very, very average and I saw a video review and it just looks average. I was pretty sure I'm getting Criminal Girls 2 with it, but just was looking at other games coming out sometime. I wonder why I give Compile Hearts games a try. I really don't like them much with most being average or below average. They make great cheap sales games, like all the Neptunia games, but I don't buy them often for full price, except for Trillion, which I regretted right away since I disliked that game. I am a sucker for dungeon crawlers, though even then MeiQ just looks alright. Will likely wait for the <$20 price for it.
If anything, I'd say just get Criminal Girls 2. Out of all those games, that's probably the only one I'll try to play through when I first get it.

Looks like Fate/Extella is now up for pre-order at Bestbuy. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchpage.jsp?st=fate+extella&_dyncharset=UTF-8&id=pcat17071&type=page&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=&sp=&qp=&list=n&iht=y&usc=All+Categories&ks=960&keys=keys (Only the Vita version currently has the ability to pre-order for some reason) 

11/15/16 seems to be the posted release date here as well. If that's true, I will feel pretty burned since I ordered the expensive Japanese LE which comes out 5 days before....

Anyways, despite my complaints I'm pretty sure I'll double-dip on this game anyways.

I watched the Steins Gate anime for the first time about a month before I started the game. It definitely makes it harder to get through the game with the story still fresh in my mind.
Yeah I kind of have this predicament too. I watched the Steins;Gate anime about maybe 2 years ago, instantly became my favorite anime, couldn't even sleep without thinking of it. I'm playing through it now and can't help but remind myself of the anime. What's worse is that I don't even remember it so well, so I spend even more time trying to figure it out in my head or assume the worst case possible for the story.

P.S. The game is also this month's Backloggers Anonymous pick if you guys want to get to it before the sequel comes out.

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The anime was the reason I bought the game.
Same here. I personally liked the visual novel more because I got to know more about the story and different world lines. The anime is still a great adaption, specially the two different endings. I can't wait for Steins;Gate 0.
I recently rewatched the anime with my fiancé, so I don't think I'll be playing the game any time soon. Also, it's probably the best series I've ever watched, and I'm a critical fuss pot, so I don't say that lightly.

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