Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

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Kind of off topic, but is anyone still keeping up with both parts of the Danganronpa 3 anime? Because so much crap is happening in both that it's making me really angry/depressed.

Like the way Nanami is killed off in episode 10 of the Despair arc.....I didn't think I could hate Junko anymore than I already did, but this definitely made it happen. So sad. And don't get me started on what happened to Kyoko in the Future arc either....ugh

I have a feeling that this anime is going to change Danganronpa as one of my favorite series to one of my most hated series.....
I was hoping Kyoko was somehow still alive.

I still like Danganronpa even tho they killed one of my favorite characters.
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Kind of off topic, but is anyone still keeping up with both parts of the Danganronpa 3 anime? Because so much crap is happening in both that it's making me really angry/depressed.

Like the way Nanami is killed off in episode 10 of the Despair arc.....I didn't think I could hate Junko anymore than I already did, but this definitely made it happen. So sad. And don't get me started on what happened to Kyoko in the Future arc either....ugh

I have a feeling that this anime is going to change Danganronpa as one of my favorite series to one of my most hated series.....
Well I prefer it to be
Kyoko over Asahina to be honest...Kyoko hadn't really done much in the anime up to her death so I wasn't as sad as I probably should have been. That cliffhanger though at the end of the episode...

I'm still waiting on the hopes that Moe Crystal gets a Engrish release like Moe Chonicle did. I don't want to import the Japanese version, but I just might if I have to. Of course, it won't be like my Japanese PSP Imports where I can use a modded PSP with fan translations. =(

**Edit** Well this is disappointing - http://operationrainfall.com/2016/09/07/moero-crystal-no-english-subtitles/
Actually there's a chance with Henkaku that it might get translated. IA/VT just got a fan translation

ROFL, so more of the same? Capcom is just running on steam at this point. Sure feels like the company is just delaying its own inevitable bankruptcy these days.

It was a big mistake for them to kill off Megaman. They should have found a way to make a nice $29.99 or $39.99 MSRP retail package of a current gen sidescroller with a couple of boxed collectibles. Those games should be so easy to develop and this is a major failure on their end.

At this point though I hope they release Resident Evil 2 & 3 on PS4.  It would be nice to have the whole main series on a single platform in one uniform physical collection. 

Viewtiful Joe 1&2 Remastered and God Hand Remastered, plz
Not particularly likely. I feel you. I would love to see those as well. But Capcom's re-mastering kick is clearly focused on last-generation titles. And Viewtiful Joe and God Hand are PS2-era titles. It is much more likely that we'll continue to see re-masters from the PS3/360, perhaps possibly from the Wii. (though considerably less likely)

It's easy to see why Capcom has started leaning into this so heavily. Making a new game is far more costly and risky than re-releasing an existing title that already has a following. This approach is also giving them flexibility in pricing. They are able to supplement titles in the mid-tier pricing range, as well as feed into the low-tier budget range. Double-releases like Resident Evil Origins can be priced around $40, while single releases such as Dead Rising and RE4 - RE6 come out at $20 a pop. When these titles are already being ported to PC, the cost of cranking them out for the PS4 and XBone is negligible. And titles that looked good on the 360/PS4 normally end up still looking good, and playing even smoother on their successor systems.

While I would like to see more original content from Capcom, I can't deny that I've been picking up quite a few of these re-masters. They've been doing a respectable job with them, and I love older content.

Not particularly likely. I feel you. I would love to see those as well. But Capcom's re-mastering kick is clearly focused on last-generation titles. And Viewtiful Joe and God Hand are PS2-era titles. It is much more likely that we'll continue to see re-masters from the PS3/360, perhaps possibly from the Wii. (though considerably less likely)

It's easy to see why Capcom has started leaning into this so heavily. Making a new game is far more costly and risky than re-releasing an existing title that already has a following. This approach is also giving them flexibility in pricing. They are able to supplement titles in the mid-tier pricing range, as well as feed into the low-tier budget range. Double-releases like Resident Evil Origins can be priced around $40, while single releases such as Dead Rising and RE4 - RE6 come out at $20 a pop. When these titles are already being ported to PC, the cost of cranking them out for the PS4 and XBone is negligible. And titles that looked good on the 360/PS4 normally end up still looking good, and playing even smoother on their successor systems.

While I would like to see more original content from Capcom, I can't deny that I've been picking up quite a few of these re-masters. They've been doing a respectable job with them, and I love older content.
You get out of here with your logic and reasoning! *sobs in the corner*

The only remaster I would buy from Capcom, is a Cannon Spike HD remaster with online.

What I would like though, is a new Cannon Spike game with new levels, new characters, and new everything.

While I'm wishing, I would like Capcom to bring back Legends 3 from the dead on the PS4/Vita.

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You gotta admit, the set of physical remasters are pretty cool.  There are a couple obvious flaws though!


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ROFL, so more of the same? Capcom is just running on steam at this point. Sure feels like the company is just delaying its own inevitable bankruptcy these days.

It was a big mistake for them to kill off Megaman. They should have found a way to make a nice $29.99 or $39.99 MSRP retail package of a current gen sidescroller with a couple of boxed collectibles. Those games should be so easy to develop and this is a major failure on their end.
I agree, the boat's filling with water, and there's more holes than hands to plug them up. Over the years, they have gotten lazy, and while "N" isn't near as bad, they have started to function in the same way's as Capcom.

Instead of these companies doing what they did well for decades, they both started making substandard games in the hopes of selling them to a loyal fan base(Sega and Konami are at fault as well).

"N" is fortunate enough to have rabid fans, and while they have begin cutting corners, and releasing games that no one wants or asked for, Capcom is far worse. As they always had good go to games, but they just can't slap some paint on a crap title, and have it sale as great as "N" can.

Capcom has so many great games, and such a rich history, but all they are doing at this point is delaying the "end". When they sent out that survey awhile back to see what the interest was for a new Mega Man title, I knew they where as clueless as others have become.

I still think these companies must not allow internet usage within their Japanese headquarters, as they all seem shocked when these games sale poorly, and they have no clue what fans really want. I mean, let's be honest, how hard is the Mega Man formula that they can't turn out an above average game every few years that would sale better than most of what they offer now?

HD remakes are great, and as I stated, Capcom has some great games in their past, but how many time can these same games be sold? This is just getting painful to watch.

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Just went to order Dragon Quest 7 from Amazon but they are apparently sold out and won't get more stock for 1 -3 months

I have no idea wtf Square or Nintendo is thinking giving this game a small print run. 

I still think these companies must not allow internet usage within their Japanese headquarters, as they all seem shocked when these games sale poorly, and they have no clue what fans really want. I mean, let's be honest, how hard is the Mega Man formula that they can't turn out an above average game every few years that would sale better than most of what they offer now?

HD remakes are great, and as I stated, Capcom has some great games in their past, but how many time can these same games be sold? This is just getting painful to watch.
Apparently very hard considering mighty no.9
At least they make new ace attorneys, but digital only ugh
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You get out of here with your logic and reasoning! *sobs in the corner*
Hey man, it's okay. (pats Vigilante gently on the shoulder) You never know. There was only so much content last generation from Capcom, and they're already pretty deep into it on the re-masters.

And lets be honest, if the guys at Capcom were actually smart, they would totally do a Viewtiful Joe re-master collection. It's a dated game, but it's exaggerated art style still looks good, even if the models are a little low-polycount by today's standards. Viewtiful Joe would still run and play well on a modern console. They SHOULD put that kind of re-master out. Here's hoping they eventually do. I just think we'll see some other more obvious candidates get re-mastered first.

GodHand is a little bit of a harder sell. It's a great game, and has a cult following. But it wasn't well-known even back in its heyday. And the more muted color palette that it adopted didn't do it's visuals any favors. It just generally wouldn't look quite as good in this day and age. Still, it would definitely benefit from a silky-smooth 60fps, and they could easily release a re-master like that in the $20 range.

Hmmmm...now that I look at it, they really are scraping the bottom of the barrel for last generation. There's still Lost Planet, Asura's Wrath, Devil May Cry (the originals and 4), and Dragon's Dogma. Of all of those, I think Dragon's Dogma would be the most likely to get a re-master. Asura's Wrath has a following, but it never really took off, and is a bit limited in it's experience anyway. Lost Planet was also a series that never really got it's legs under it, and wouldn't really generate much buzz with a re-master. Devil May Cry only got a single game for last-gen, and already got its own HD remake of the previous generations games. Updating that collection would be a little pointless.

So yeah, they might start trying to dip into the PS2-era games sooner, as opposed to later. Goodness knows they would have more content to work with there.

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List of games that should be remade or get hd collections.

Chrono cross/trigger
Legend of dragoon
Legend of mana
Wild arms
Just went to order Dragon Quest 7 from Amazon but they are apparently sold out and won't get more stock for 1 -3 months

I have no idea wtf Square or Nintendo is thinking giving this game a small print run.
Gamestop and Best Buy have it, and GS has it at many of my local stores, so I wouldn't say the print run was small. Amazon may have just ordered a small qty, or their ordered may have been delayed, or some other unforeseen issue may have happened.

Apparently very hard considering mighty no.9
At least they make new ace attorneys, but digital only ugh
Them releasing the new AA games are cool, but "digital" only is another huge fuck ing problem IMO. And this is a game that probably cost peanuts to translate, as most of their early titles, they did dual translations for, so I don't see much being spent in this area either way.

Then releasing it digital only pretty much gets them the most profits possible. I bought DD at launch, as they spun this song and dance about showing support to get more games and a physical release which was all BS!

I would have bought this new game day one if it was physical, but after DD, I'm waiting on the 50% off sale for this one. I'm not buying anything from these clowns day one again, until they offer some physical versions.

At this point, I would love to see a bankruptcy happen, as maybe someone with deep pockets would come in and buy them up, and help get some better games made, but I doubt that will happen anytime soon, but one can dream.

At this point, I would love to see a bankruptcy happen, as maybe someone with deep pockets would come in and buy them up, and help get some better games made, but I doubt that will happen anytime soon, but one can dream.
Be careful what you wish for. You don't want them going the Konami route. Or perhaps worse, they could get snatched up by a company like EA or Activision. This wouldn't be a Blizzard scenario. Capcom's properties would suffer terribly in such a situation. Honestly, I would be happier if Nintendo bought them out.

And yes, a XenoSaga re-master definitely ought to happen.

Be careful what you wish for. You don't want them going the Konami route. Or perhaps worse, they could get snatched up by a company like EA or Activision. This wouldn't be a Blizzard scenario. Capcom's properties would suffer terribly in such a situation. Honestly, I would be happier if Nintendo bought them out.

And yes, a XenoSaga re-master definitely ought to happen.
Honestly, "N" takes Metroid and Star Fox and releases games that no one wanted, so they are actually the last company I think should be buying anyone. As their own house is in complete disarray, and the NX I'm sure will be more of the same, if not worse than recent years efforts.

If Capcom goes under tomorrow, or someone buys them out that does a worse job(which I don't think is possible), it won't change much for me. I've played as many upgraded and improved versions of RE that I can stand, and while I like Street Fighter, I don't subscribe to any paid online services, so that title is useless to me as well.

The games I would buy, and enjoy, they no longer make, or offer digital only, so it wouldn't be a great loss for them to go under, or just close shop. The industry has been changing for awhile, and Capcom went down the DLC road, which didn't serve them well, and they have made bone head choices.

I don't think Capcom has done any better or worse than others(N, SEGA, Konami), but they also don't seem to care if they do a good or bad job.

yeah its sad nintendo has so many game series or single releases they can capitalize on and don't or do stupid stuff with like paper mario.  Its one of their most popular rpg series and they consistently screw the pooch on it for no reason.  The saddest part being their excuse of we already have mario and luigi series on handhelds so there isn't room for another rpg series even though its on console.  

I'm still waiting on the hopes that Moe Crystal gets a Engrish release like Moe Chonicle did. I don't want to import the Japanese version, but I just might if I have to. Of course, it won't be like my Japanese PSP Imports where I can use a modded PSP with fan translations. =(

**Edit** Well this is disappointing - http://operationrainfall.com/2016/09/07/moero-crystal-no-english-subtitles/
I know it's not the same, but I just opted to buy the game's artbook online once I heard English subs probably weren't happening. Worth considering if you want to take the 'well, it's better than nothing' route


On that note, the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Vol 1 release is coming up in a little over a month, too:


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Kind of off topic, but is anyone still keeping up with both parts of the Danganronpa 3 anime? Because so much crap is happening in both that it's making me really angry/depressed.

Like the way Nanami is killed off in episode 10 of the Despair arc.....I didn't think I could hate Junko anymore than I already did, but this definitely made it happen. So sad. And don't get me started on what happened to Kyoko in the Future arc either....ugh

I have a feeling that this anime is going to change Danganronpa as one of my favorite series to one of my most hated series.....
You could say that all the shit going down in Danganronpa 3 has filled me with despair.

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yeah its sad nintendo has so many game series or single releases they can capitalize on and don't or do stupid stuff with like paper mario. Its one of their most popular rpg series and they consistently screw the pooch on it for no reason. The saddest part being their excuse of we already have mario and luigi series on handhelds so there isn't room for another rpg series even though its on console.
"Excuses" is the order of the day at "N", and every time someone opens their mouths over there, I want to sit down and cry, or punch someone in the face.

They really are just slowly circling the drain at this point, and the only reason they haven't fallen as far as SEGA, Capcom and Konami is due to their ip's, but I can honestly still see the writing on the wall(and it's not looking good).

Darkstalkers has been remastered enough. Just make Darkstalker 4.
I would love a Darkstalkers 4, and I might actually get a next gen system and some online service to play it, but sadly unless another company buys Capcom, it will never happen.

No telling how much time and money they spent on SFV, only to have it perform under expectations, and Darkstalkers has ZERO chance in hell to ever perform better, and Capcom only deals in what they perceive as sure things now a days, and Darkstalkers, Mega Man, Ghouls & Ghost, Etc, just don't fit the bill.

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No telling how much time and money they spent on SFV, only to have it perform under expectations, and Darkstalkers has ZERO chance in hell to ever perform better, and Capcom only deals in what they perceive as sure things now a days, and Darkstalkers, Mega Man, Ghouls & Ghost, Etc, just don't fit the bill.
Don't forget about Deep Down, no telling how much money they wasted on that.

Honestly, if they just budgeted better and stopped trying to target the Call of Duty audience, they'd probably make their fans happier while making some money.

I used to love Capcom, but I stopped supporting them when they started treating the Ace Attorney series like shit in the West, restricting it to the eShop and only localizing the main games.  It was nice to see The Great Ace Attorney 2 announced this week, but bittersweet because it'll never be available officially in English.

Does anyone know what happens when you place an order with NISA containing a pre-order and a not-pre-order, and then that not-pre-order item goes out of stock?

I pre-ordered Criminal Girls 2 along with CG1 and now it looks like CG1 was removed from their store. If my copy of CG1 isn't secured then I might as well get 2 from amazon.

Can't find anything on their faq other than the fact they'll ship together.

Does anyone know what happens when you place an order with NISA containing a pre-order and a not-pre-order, and then that not-pre-order item goes out of stock?

I pre-ordered Criminal Girls 2 along with CG1 and now it looks like CG1 was removed from their store. If my copy of CG1 isn't secured then I might as well get 2 from amazon.

Can't find anything on their faq other than the fact they'll ship together.
It will ship together when CG2 is released.
"Excuses" is the order of the day at "N", and every time someone opens their mouths over there, I want to sit down and cry, or punch someone in the face.

They really are just slowly circling the drain at this point, and the only reason they haven't fallen as far as SEGA, Capcom and Konami is due to their ip's, but I can honestly still see the writing on the wall(and it's not looking good).

I would love a Darkstalkers 4, and I might actually get a next gen system and some online service to play it, but sadly unless another company buys Capcom, it will never happen.

No telling how much time and money they spent on SFV, only to have it perform under expectations, and Darkstalkers has ZERO chance in hell to ever perform better, and Capcom only deals in what they perceive as sure things now a days, and Darkstalkers, Mega Man, Ghouls & Ghost, Etc, just don't fit the bill.
you are more likely to get the Darkstalkers HD collection remaster ill take that lol

Would you mind posting some pictures of that?I was contemplating buying it, but couldn't pull the trigger.

Box & Packaging:




Figures (I don't have a place for them just yet, so I didn't put them together):


Crystal & Stand (the stand rotates through colors):





Velvet Room "Invite" & DLC card:




Game & Soundtrack:






Posters (I was surprised by their size, I was expecting them to be much smaller. PS4 game for comparison):




I like the first & last posters, gonna keep an eye out to see if i can buy them somewhere.

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bread's done