Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


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Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

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After they cancelled pre-orders on AZ/BB we haven't heard anything.
My pre-order is still active on AMZ, just the link leads nowhere now when you click item description.

Has there been any word on Dragon Quest Heroes for Switch coming west?

Also I'm tempted to import Musou Stars, but that's probably a given for being released here...right?
The Warriors Orochi series did pretty decently here, so I could see it happening.

Also the fact that William from Nioh is in it makes it a must-buy for me.

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The name entry doesn't allow enough characters to make the name I want for my P5 protagonist.

Damn it, Atlus USA.
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Wait, can you not switch between Japanese and English voices in P5 without starting an entirely new playthrough?

What the actual fuck ?
Nope! I had to start a new record about 30 minutes in because I figured that out. Prefer the JP voices. The English ones weren't that good, in my opinion
Nope! I had to start a new record about 30 minutes in because I figured that out. Prefer the JP voices. The English ones weren't that good, in my opinion
Fortunately it didn't take me that long, I wanted to compare the train cutscene in English and Japanese, just to give me a better baseline on what I thought of the English. If I can't switch back and forth, though, I'm not even going to bother with the dub.
7 hours into P5, this is probably the most refined and stylish game I have ever played. Persona 5 is to Persona what Grand Theft Auto V was to the GTA Series (not just the #5...) They pretty much kept the core values of the series while improving on every little detail that they can. The game is also super accessible to newcomers as well, similar to how GTA V was over 4. There are tutorials for every little thing, gameplay elements are slowly added in over time to ease people into it. Also housing possibly the best-explained lore yet, P3's Tatarus and P4's TV world weren't very well explained, and felt like a plot advancer mixed with magical aspects. The plot points and story telling in Persona 5 is super well done, they explain everything as clear as they can, and you can ask for more info or skip longer explanations.

But the highest praise I have for this game is that it is the true successor to Persona. By that I mean, if you love Persona, it is everything you can ask for. Everything that was great about P3/P4 is kept and improved. The gameplay is improved to make battles faster and more fluid. The dungeon crawling has more variety and is more efficient to navigate (A run button!!! Fast Travel!!!) Story telling is 100x better, the main character actually can talk now, and Morgana helps to fill gaps in dialogue. And just about everything else you can think of is better: can save almost anywhere, a ginourmous world map, death checkpoints, etc. It might seem obvious, but a lot of games don't do that. Just look at the Final Fantasy, or Metal Gear Solid series. Many of the sequels in those games wind up taking the series backwards in some ways.

Another thing I have to say is that this game has terrific graphics. Now when most people say good graphics, they mean 1080p, 4K, 60 fps, vibrant lighting, realism, etc. But a lot of those games that have good graphics, Watchdogs, Battlefield, Mass Effect, Call of Duty, just seems... bland. For Persona 5, by good graphics I mean that the menus are very well designed. Loading/transition screens look like an art piece. Normal dialogue, scrolling through stores, navigating battle menus look like you are visiting an art gallery. The game is filled with overwhelming eye candy with no dull scenery in sight.

Again, I cannot stress this comparison enough, just like how GTA V was the pinnacle of open world games and the GTA series when it first launched (probably still is up there), P5 sets the highest standard of JRPGs and the Persona series.

A weird thing is that all the female voices sound like Risette to me... Maybe I just really miss her or something...

Also, do the Velvet Room twins remind anyone else of Rom and Ram? What's with this weird obsession over polar opposite twin little girls?

And WTF happened to Igor's voice?

Where's the unboxing video? I was expecting an unboxing video.
No video this time, I think I triggered quite a few people last time.

I did pick up Attack on Titan at Best Buy though while on line for P5.

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I'm about twenty minutes in and I have to say the intro is mostly making me miss P3 right now. It's obviously way too early to be making any conclusions, but the intro definitely isn't drawing me in as quickly, aesthetically or in the (tiny amount of) gameplay I've seen so far.

Also having a little trouble getting over the plaid pants in the uniform, but only insofar as it's making me chuckle.
I'm about twenty minutes in and I have to say the intro is mostly making me miss P3 right now. It's obviously way too early to be making any conclusions, but the intro definitely isn't drawing me in as quickly, aesthetically or in the (tiny amount of) gameplay I've seen so far.

Also having a little trouble getting over the plaid pants in the uniform, but only insofar as it's making me chuckle.
Lol I was explaining the beginning story to my wife and told her the guy he is staying with cause he got into trouble is the guy dressed fruity. She replied, which one? They both look fruity!
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I haven't been feeling well so I've only gotten to play one hour of P5.  Seasonal allergies just hit us like a bomb.   The bobbing camera during some of the cutscenes was making me sick last night because I have vertigo.  I hope that I'm able to play some more tonight.  The art and anime from the opening scenes was fantastic.  I still can't get over the fact that I'm finally getting to play Persona again in HD on the big screen.

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My biggest problem with P5 so far is the controls. It feels like I'm controlling a slow moving tank.

Also you can visually see the input lag, so that's probably not good. Otherwise, I'm liking it a lot.

Nope! I had to start a new record about 30 minutes in because I figured that out. Prefer the JP voices. The English ones weren't that good, in my opinion
English voices are just straight up bad. I wasn't gonna bother with them the second I heard the clips of Morgana a few months back. Then I heard the terrible name pronunciations in that tweet a while back and thanked the lord of angry weebs for dual audio.

My biggest problem with P5 so far is the controls. It feels like I'm controlling a slow moving tank.

Also you can visually see the input lag, so that's probably not good. Otherwise, I'm liking it a lot.
Exactly, idk how they didn't realize it as being a problem x.x

The lag is unbearable to me, but alas I will continue to play

I haven't been feeling well so I've only gotten to play one hour of P5. Seasonal allergies just hit us like a bomb. The bobbing camera during some of the cutscenes was making me sick last night because I have vertigo. I hope that I'm able to play some more tonight. The art and anime from the opening scenes was fantastic. I still can't get over the fact that I'm finally getting to play Persona again in HD on the big screen.
Hope you get to feeling better soon. You can stop the camera stutter in the config screen. I might turn it off tonight and see if there is really any difference
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My biggest problem with P5 so far is the controls. It feels like I'm controlling a slow moving tank.

Also you can visually see the input lag, so that's probably not good. Otherwise, I'm liking it a lot.
Really? Usually I complain about movement and stuff but I thought it was fine in this one. It's similar to the speed in P3/4. Are you referring to the movement speed during the dungeons or in the real world? If its the first, there is a run/dash button. If it's the latter, maybe it's just because the maps are so much bigger, but there is fast travel to any of the maps, and the stores are pretty close together. You can also avoid the pedestrians on the street, you pretty much run through them like they are ghosts, if you are trying to avoid hitting them. You can also move the camera with the right analog stick, unlike the fixed maps in P3/4 if that helps.

Input lag? Haven't encountered that yet. Are you talking about how every menu you select there is a cool transition screen, and flashy stuff happens? Or when you open doors in the dungeon the protagonist leaps in the loading screen, or the loading screens where the silhouettes of people walk by? It's turn based, so I haven't noticed any input delay like in fighting games yet.

The only minor details that irk me is that every little thing the protagonist walks by, he goes like "mmmm", "hmmm", "aha". Also that it takes a while for a battle to end and to transition back into the dungeon exploring screen. But if you use an All-Out-Attack it's a lot quicker.

Hmm, I'm surprised people don't like Morgana. That little cat is crazy adorable, and the voice matches it to a tee. It also sounds super familiar... Waaaaay less annoying than Teddie was too. If any of the dub is bothering me, it's the announcers at the train station, they sound too casual for train conductors, and can't say the names of the places well. I haven't gotten to hear most of the cast yet, but for characters like Ann, there is a lot of emotion in her voice, and the little things like pauses and switching her tone and pitch are well done. So I really like that part, I think they do a good job bringing the characters to life. A lot of little subtle jokes and moments of hesitation are made apparent too. They put in an additional couple of months doing the voice work and localization, and I think they did a pretty good job.

English voices are just straight up bad. I wasn't gonna bother with them the second I heard the clips of Morgana a few months back. Then I heard the terrible name pronunciations in that tweet a while back and thanked the lord of angry weebs for dual audio.
I'm also disappointed in all the text errors

Input lag? Haven't encountered that yet. Are you talking about how every menu you select there is a cool transition screen, and flashy stuff happens? Or when you open doors in the dungeon the protagonist leaps in the loading screen, or the loading screens where the silhouettes of people walk by? It's turn based, so I haven't noticed any input delay like in fighting games yet.
The input lag is pretty obvious when in dungeons. You press up and they move up a half second later. It's not terrible for me, but I also haven't beaten the castle, so I'm not sure how big of a pain it's going to be when I'm in a more complex level. Feels like you're playing on ice in an old Mario game.

I've always liked the advantage mechanic of P4 where you can attack from behind, but the better character models and dungeons in this game make stealth actions feel incredibly stupid. Sure, the shadow can't see you because you're behind a pillar, but the three party members that are standing right in front of them are magically invisible.

I'm never touching the dub, but I'm not sure why they would change the announcers at the train station for the english version. The Japanese voice track makes me miss being in Japan last month, because it's the exact voice they use at the actual train stations, and even though they announce the stations in Japanese, they also have English announcements right after. They could've just done that for a semblance of authenticity.

I liked the Warriors Orochi series quite a bit. I would buy Musou Stars.
I have wanted to play the most recent WO title for PS4 for some time now. The only reason I haven't is because I played DW8 on PS3 and was stunned at the poor performance: frame rate drops, awful slowdown in big battles, disappearing charas, the whole 9. Can anyone speak for the technical performance of WO3U on PS4?

The input lag is pretty obvious when in dungeons. You press up and they move up a half second later. It's not terrible for me, but I also haven't beaten the castle, so I'm not sure how big of a pain it's going to be when I'm in a more complex level. Feels like you're playing on ice in an old Mario game.

I've always liked the advantage mechanic of P4 where you can attack from behind, but the better character models and dungeons in this game make stealth actions feel incredibly stupid. Sure, the shadow can't see you because you're behind a pillar, but the three party members that are standing right in front of them are magically invisible.
Hmm, I guess I've been too invested in it to notice the lag, but good to know for future dungeons. Maybe because I move with the left analog stick and I think it's accelerating or something? I think it takes a while for the character to turn, but I thought that was because he has to physically turn which takes time.

Did anyone play the PS3 version? If so, how does that one run? I noticed on the PS4 one, the rain drops don't reflect from the floor, in which it did in the trailer a few months back. The game also doesn't have a Day One patch I think, which is pretty neat. Actually that's a fantastic thing to see it complete right out the gate.

Yeah, I understand the stealth thing where they can see your partners but pretend to not notice them. I feel like that's a development limitation though, as in the developers just couldn't find a way to fit that in without changing the gameplay flow too much. Like I've seen Ryuji hide around corners by himself, but I can't imagine the other 3 party members following your exact moves, especially when you pace back and forth. Even Ellie from TLOU and Sam from UC4 had similar problems, although they were much more polished. I remember FFXV having a similar problem, where the other 3, especially Gladiolus' bigger frame constantly walking in the open during stealth sections. I will say that some of the interactions feel a little stiff, like how you can attempt an ambush from anywhere, even when they turn around and spot you first.

I also like how there are speech bubbles for NPCs and pedestrians, so even if you switch over to subs, you don't miss the subtle dialogue.

I have to say, the soundtrack is pretty awesome in this one! The battle theme is catchy, which is probably the most important track in the game. The other songs are alright, the afternoon and night ones aren't too amazing. Nothing like Persona 3's Tranquility, P3P's Time, and P4's Your Affection, my favorite "outside activities" Persona tracks. Persona 4 having in my opinion, the best soundtrack of the series from what I've played, maybe even one of the best soundtracks of all time. I think P5 is in between P4 and P3 in terms of songs quality. I also thought P3 had the best character designs, and P5 is in the middle of P3 and P4 in that regard as well. So I think it really takes the best quality of the previous games and applies it well.

Actually, what are some of your favorite Persona tracks?

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I've been enjoying Persona 5 but I still can't get used to the English voice for Morgana. Everyone else's English voice is pretty good though.

Now talking about Fire Emblem Heroes, it looks like Camilla is currently destroying Hinoka in the Voting Gauntlet (which is kinda sad because I prefer Hinoka). So I guess I'll be sticking with Camilla after this round ends, since Hinoka will be out. :/
I like the English voice for Morgana. Sounds just like Fie from Trails of Cold Steel.
Actually, what are some of your favorite Persona tracks?

Kimi no Kioku


Reach out to the Truth


True Story. Cuz I like it.


I also like Laura Bailey's version as well

I haven't really felt any input lag.  More like I think maybe it's the movement animation?  It is very clunky feeling like something from PS2 era.  Though I'm playing it on the PS4 Pro.

Persona is back to being hard. I have been brutally slaughtered multiple times already. Feels great.
What setting are you on? Aside from the original Persona (which I initially played on Hard or whatever, which just made enemies high damage bullet sponges), and the irritation of P4 doling out your anti-instakill items to party members so it was impossible to keep a decent stock, I've never had any issues with staying alive in Persona.
Just here to remind you guys that Persona came out in April, so Nier is undeniably the best game that came out in March.

Also here to remind you that if you didn't actually beat Nier then you're a chump and I'm mad at you and I'm putting our secret chat on hold.

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What setting are you on? Aside from the original Persona (which I initially played on Hard or whatever, which just made enemies high damage bullet sponges), and the irritation of P4 doling out your anti-instakill items to party members so it was impossible to keep a decent stock, I've never had any issues with staying alive in Persona.
Hard mode.
If you get ambushed you can kiss your ass goodbye, which has happened to me a few times due to my less than perfect mastery of the controls. Or if you run out out SP to target the enemy weakness. Or if you don't guard when the enemy boss can one shot you.
Really makes the dungeon crawling quite tense. Gives that feeling of god where is that next save point I don't want to die.
What I really mean is that the lastest iterations of persona were p3p and p4g, and they weren't properly balanced for the additions that they added so they were too easy. Having full party control in p3p made lunatic difficulty easy while I couldn't finish p4g on normal mode because it was too easy and I got bored.
Compared to persona 3 fes which I guess I just wasn't that good at SMT gameplay yet and died over 100 times on normal mode. And persona 4 where wow I had to grind before fighting against every boss, or maybe I still sucked at SMT gameplay then.
I probably would have been okay with Morgana's English voice....if I wasn't already exposed to the better Japanese voice for the past 7 months....

Funny how that works.  :???:

I'm enjoying P5 so far. Only played about 2 and a half hours so I haven't really started the game yet. The tones a bit more heavy handed than the previous game, but i'm getting used to it. I know there isn't a perfect timing to the jumps and the attacks to start a fight, but they're not heavily terrible either. I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun with this one overall and will give it my all to beat it the first time and likely play it 5+ years later when I forget about the game.

I probably would have been okay with Morgana's English voice....if I wasn't already exposed to the better Japanese voice for the past 7 months....

Funny how that works. :???:
I don't plan on listening to the Japanese audio at all until I finish one playthrough with the English dub. But realistically, I don't understand Japanese well enough to fairly judge the Japanese audio anyway.
The people complaining about the English VAs in Persona 5 are nuts. Outside of pronunciation of the Japanese names (which I agree is painful sometimes), the rest of the acting is pretty spot on. Especially when you compare it to other dubbed Japanese games in general.

The people complaining about the English VAs in Persona 5 are nuts. Outside of pronunciation of the Japanese names (which I agree is painful sometimes), the rest of the acting is pretty spot on. Especially when you compare it to other dubbed Japanese games in general.
Igor's voice got me a bit haha. I kind of liked his high pitched voice from before. I'm more used to it now though after seeing him a few times. I like Morgana's English voice honestly, though i'm sure the voice is better in Japanese. The rest seem pretty decent for the most part. I think people just haven't played horrendous dubs like Chaos Wars or what I remember of Steambot Chronicles. It's not perfect of course, but it's not terrible either.

Man, the non-story dungeon seems to really be abusable in Persona 5 for various things with how they designed it.

I think people just haven't played horrendous dubs like Chaos Wars
That's akin to torture. There's only one type of people I can think of who I'd wish that on. People who don't truly understand what bad dubbing is and make snide comments at those who dislike an English dub.

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Nier had a fantastic dub. 9S in particularly really delivers.

Nier Best Dub 2017 is what I'm reading from this thread and I agree with you all.

I don't agree with the people who decided not to finish it though. Those people can leave our secret PSN chat.

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The people complaining about the English VAs in Persona 5 are nuts. Outside of pronunciation of the Japanese names (which I agree is painful sometimes), the rest of the acting is pretty spot on. Especially when you compare it to other dubbed Japanese games in general.

The Eng dub is superb and not terrible. I like subs and all, but I have to give the dub the credit it is due.

If you want a bad dub, go play Infinite Undiscovery
They obviously decided that saKAmoto is the correct pronunciation since all of the voice actors are using it.  It's not some oversight.

Just 3 hours in, but I think Morgana sounds great!

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Still have no idea why they directed the VAs to pronounce names like that. At least changing voices back and forth from Eng to Jp is pretty quick

The Eng dub is superb and not terrible. I like subs and all, but I have to give the dub the credit it is due.

If you want a bad dub, go play Infinite Undiscovery
Thanks for giving me permission to post this:


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Still have no idea why they directed the VAs to pronounce names like that. At least changing voices back and forth from Eng to Jp is pretty quick
I believe I read somewhere that Atlus Japan requested that they be pronounced that way for English localization. I have no idea why or how true it is as I can't remember where I read this.

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bread's done