Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

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It's pathetic that a game that came out 09 is only 720p on a system that released this year. Even if it's just the nature of the system it's being ported to, then it's also an insult to Nintendo's terrible hardware. It's like Nintendo has made no progress hardware wise in all these years. I have a Switch, I like mario - it's an okay game. But the graphics in that one aren't good either. Look at the grass textures for example.

Nintendo made a mistake in some regards by making the Switch both a console and handheld. It's a jack of all trades but master of none.
I'm the first to admit I saw the NS as a jack of all trades, and I didn't think it would do anything well enough that consumers would want it in any great numbers(I was completely wrong). But "N" has always been about functionality over specs, as the GC was the last system they offered with good specs for the time. Every handheld they have ever offered was well behind the competition each gen, and they have won out each and every time without fail.

The Wii, which was probably their best selling home console was pretty much a repackaged GC, and it sold over 100 mil with that dated hardware. So to say they are behind the times is very true, but it's been their MO more often than not, and has worked out just as well in most cases.

In the last few days it was announced the NS has sold 10 million worldwide, which honestly boggles my mind. It's only been 9 months, and by their first year, they will have past Wii U lifetime sales. Their numbers are just shy of what the PS4 did in the same stretch of time, so why do they need new specs, when what is being offered is a juggernaut at retail?

Their selling old mobile hardware tech at new system pricing, and doing it well. So while I thought the NS was a bad joke, and still do to a great degree, I can't argue with their success and how they achieved it. The system for me is still overpriced, to large for my taste, and the games are still pretty "blah". But someone is buying it to the tune of 10 million in less than a year, and once the holidays are over, it may end up being the fastest selling system of all time.

And this was all done with dated hardware and specs, go figure uh?

EDIT: And while I personally have no issues with dated tech, I do have an issue paying premium prices for it. So that is why I'm not about supporting the NS currently, but having recently got my son one, the hardware is pretty nice, just not worth the asking price(IMO). The Wii U ran games fine for my taste, I just didn't like how slow the OS was, but the NS being bare bones is really zippy.

"Dated tech" is less important to the non 'hardcore gamer' (I hate that term, but have nothing else to express the sentiment) than we may think. The 360 and P3 were plenty graphically impressive for most, even in some 'bad games'. As an example, on a lark, I pulled out a poor 360 game over Thanksgiving weekend, Black College Football Experience, and both my wife (who was a Metal Gear Solid gamer) and my Mother-in-Law (a Candy Crush gamer) thought that I was watching a television broadcast.  And let me stress BCFX is janky as hell! But it looks 'good enough' at a side glance.

Also, Nintendo is great at using art, particularly stylized (e.g. non-realistic) art as their graphical basis. This allows them to look good even without the pixel pushing power.

Personally, I'll be honest that many times I cant tell the graphical differences either, and I say that as now a primarily PC gamer. I can tell 30fps vs 60fps in like racing games. I can see pop-in as a result of draw distance, but a lot of fine detail, I gloss over in actual game sessions.  The only reason I'm 'upset' about the weak Switch hardware is that it makes it less likely to be a 'complete' system, meaning 3rd parties cant easily port their other games over.

But that's mostly me still wishing for the arrival of the "One Console Further", Denis Dyack and others have talked about. :)


Marvel vs Capcom Infinite is already 29.99

Lmao. Would buy it. But the Character DLC puts me off. Rather wait for the eventual Ultimate ver and if that never comes, I got Under in Night and Cross Tag. And the Street Fighter Collection. Lulz.
Did Bayonetta Climax ever go up? I don’t have any data for it on camelcamelcamel but there’s 2 listings already with tons of sellers.

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I thought Tiger! Tiger! Was already pretty easy just obnoxiously repetitive.
The later stages are a bit harder with enemy density being higher as well as "faster" for newer enemies, but they don't give anymore ether nor do they really give better drops... So they're practically worthless. It's just absolutely dumb that it's the only way to upgrade that blade. Oh that and either waiting for Tiger RNG or finding some ridiculous obscure chest to unlock it so you can craft the higher tier equipment for them.

When you factor in all three, the ether required to fully upgrade them is absolutely ridiculous. Did they really expect people to play Tiger! Tiger! to accumulate 100k+ Ether? That's playing a stage perfectly 50+ times. Well, it's technically not necessary and I used them the entire game with barely upgrading them but it was wholly unsatisfying leaving so much locked or lower tier.

The later stages are a bit harder with enemy density being higher as well as "faster" for newer enemies, but they don't give anymore ether nor do they really give better drops... So they're practically worthless. It's just absolutely dumb that it's the only way to upgrade that blade. Oh that and either waiting for Tiger RNG or finding some ridiculous obscure chest to unlock it so you can craft the higher tier equipment for them.

When you factor in all three, the ether required to fully upgrade them is absolutely ridiculous. Did they really expect people to play Tiger! Tiger! to accumulate 100k+ Ether? That's playing a stage perfectly 50+ times. Well, it's technically not necessary and I used them the entire game with barely upgrading them but it was wholly unsatisfying leaving so much locked or lower tier.
No I totally agree. I just got to the point pretty quickly where I could get 3 or 4 perfects out of 5 runs on the 1st stage so I just ran that. I like this game but it has a ton of bizarre design choices.

Anyone in here played Dark Rose Valkyrie? I see it's $15 in this weeks holiday sale on PSN. I did check and it has mediocre review scores but I couldn't tell if the few I looked at were from people that generally enjoy CH games like Neptunia and Fairy Fencer. If I had more money to blow I'd just go for it, but you know holidays and stuff.
I only played very little of the beginning. I like CH games like Neptunia and Fairy Fencer, but Dark Rose Valkyrie falls in a lower tier for me where Omega Quintet also resides. I'm assuming the two are done by a similar team, but it could just be the difference in character design.

I'm a little late but it looks like no one posted it yet so

Humble MangaGamer and Friends Bundle

$1 Tier


Higurashi Ch 1 & 2

A Kiss for the Petals - Remembering How We Met

Avg Tier($7 at the time of this post)

If My Heart Had Wings + Soundtrack

LoveKami -Divinity Stage- + Soundtrack

Go! Go! Nippon! Complete Collection

Higurashi Ch 3 & 4

$10 Tier

Higurashi Ch 5

LoveKami -Useless Goddess- + Soundtrack

Princess Evangile All Ages Version

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I only played very little of the beginning. I like CH games like Neptunia and Fairy Fencer, but Dark Rose Valkyrie falls in a lower tier for me where Omega Quintet also resides. I'm assuming the two are done by a similar team, but it could just be the difference in character design.
Yeah, I put about 10 hours into Omega Quintet and it wasn't enjoyable. I can see Dark Rose Valkyrie being the exact same drag. Of course, DRV looks easier to platinum at the least.

I've bought Steins;Gate four times already lol! I will get the Switch version for this, making that total five times. Those characters are VERY near and dear to my heart. Can't wait to play that 8-bit rendition!
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I've bought Steins;Gate four times already lol! I will get the Switch version for this, making that total five times. Those characters are VERY near and dear to my heart. Can't wait to play that 8-bit rendition!
I really *really* disliked the game. It rubbed me in all the wrong ways. I pretty much hated all the characters save Daru (whom I loved) and Suhuza (who was OK).

Then I watched the animes and then I *got* it. It's funny that the medium used to present the story made such a difference to me. I havent bought Steins;Gate 0, but eagerly await the anime.

I really *really* disliked the game. It rubbed me in all the wrong ways. I pretty much hated all the characters save Daru (whom I loved) and Suhuza (who was OK).

Then I watched the animes and then I *got* it. It's funny that the medium used to present the story made such a difference to me. I havent bought Steins;Gate 0, but eagerly await the anime.
I was also very disappointed with Steins Gate (vita), but mostly because I had been playing games like 999 and Danganronpa and went in expecting puzzles or something. Instead it was a straight-line VN with almost no story choices. It might as well just have been a book.

It might as well just have been a book.
You've just described the vast majority of visual novels. Games like the Zero Escape series and Danganronpa are the exception, not the rule. If it's not for you, then it's not for you. But you probably should have done a little more research before assuming that it was going to be identical to other experiences that aren't representative of the genre.

Hey, if they made a book of it, I'd have bought that too! I just like the narrative and the characters are so well developed. I especially like all the endings... You don't get those in the anime. I thought the anime was just ok, comparatively.

I didn't care as much for Steins;Gate 0, but I did like seeing the characters again. I especially liked seeing the future versions of the characters! (Daru did look like a pimp!) I didn't care for it as much, mostly because Okabe wasn't as bold as he usually is. He was mostly depressed in it and I think it took away a lot from his character. (And the fact that his alter-ego Kyouma was absent until the end...)
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Hey, if they made a book of it, I'd have bought that too! I just like the narrative and the characters are so well developed. I especially like all the endings... You don't get those in the anime. I thought the anime was just ok, comparatively.

I didn't care as much for Steins;Gate 0, but I did like seeing the characters again. I especially liked seeing the future versions of the characters! (Daru did look like a pimp!) I didn't care for it as much, mostly because Okabe wasn't as bold as he usually is. He was mostly depressed in it and I think it took away a lot from his character. (And the fact that his alter-ego Kyouma was absent until the end...)
I'll always watch/read/play new S;G content for my precious Mayushii ☆

If I remember correctly, the branching of the story for the Steins;Gate VN was through texting certain responses to specific characters throughout the game.

I thought this was kinda unique, but at the same time kind of annoying. I had to look up a guide for why I didn't get the route of the character I was hoping for constantly.

I think I am still missing a few specific routes, but never got back to the game.

I'm not too sure about Steins;Gate 0. I haven't played long enough to determine how routes are progressed (or if there are any at all lol)

You've just described the vast majority of visual novels. Games like the Zero Escape series and Danganronpa are the exception, not the rule. If it's not for you, then it's not for you. But you probably should have done a little more research before assuming that it was going to be identical to other experiences that aren't representative of the genre.
Much like the other poster, I was also unaware that it was more book than game. However, it was suggested to me by folks on these boards *because* I had expressed fondness for Zero Escape, Phoenix Wright , Hotel Dusk, and Danganronpa games. I suppose I *could* have done more 'homework', but these were pretty much the same folks that said if I liked Zero Escape and Phoenix Wright, I'd like Danganronpa...and they were right, so in I went.

If I remember correctly, the branching of the story for the Steins;Gate VN was through texting certain responses to specific characters throughout the game.

I thought this was kinda unique, but at the same time kind of annoying. I had to look up a guide for why I didn't get the route of the character I was hoping for constantly.

I think I am still missing a few specific routes, but never got back to the game.

I'm not too sure about Steins;Gate 0. I haven't played long enough to determine how routes are progressed (or if there are any at all lol)
I'd be stunned if anyone was able to suss out the way to get all the endings sans guide. The mix of required text answers, particularly for Kurisu's ending are just have no particular rhyme or reason. Even understanding their relationship as portrayed in the "true ending", it seems like some of the choices would have been answered differently than what is required. Additionally, some of the endings (I'm looking at you Farris) didnt seemed earned at all. At least there's the auto-skip function, so if you have an hour or so, it may be worth it to save scum through the choices just to see what's there (with guide in hand of course).

I've bought Steins;Gate four times already lol! I will get the Switch version for this, making that total five times. Those characters are VERY near and dear to my heart. Can't wait to play that 8-bit rendition!
I also really love the characters! I always say this, but Moeka reminds me so much of myself.

And Mayuri's "Tutturu!" is just so darn cute.

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Much like the other poster, I was also unaware that it was more book than game. However, it was suggested to me by folks on these boards *because* I had expressed fondness for Zero Escape, Phoenix Wright , Hotel Dusk, and Danganronpa games. I suppose I *could* have done more 'homework', but these were pretty much the same folks that said if I liked Zero Escape and Phoenix Wright, I'd like Danganronpa...and they were right, so in I went.
Yeah, where I don't follow all titles that closely sometimes, I have yet to buy a VN not knowing it before hand. I had never heard of SG until the Vita version came around, but in checking it out at the time, almost anything I could find showed it was a VN. But due to all the great reviews, I decided to grab it. I still haven't tried it yet, and where I wish it was more interactive, a good novel is always great to read, so I'm fine either way.

I'd be stunned if anyone was able to suss out the way to get all the endings sans guide. The mix of required text answers, particularly for Kurisu's ending are just have no particular rhyme or reason.
While I enjoyed the game, I thought it was going to be more of an interactive experience (like getting to choose more dialogue choices than the very few options we were given). The texts you do get to pick from make zero sense in the context of which ending you get. When I got my ending I was baffled how it happened. Nor did it motivate me to replay the game to get a different character's end. Enjoyed it for a one-off experience though, but I liked the anime infinitely more.

So... wasn't Bandai Namco suppose to have run a press release today announcing a lot of switch games? I can't seem to find any news on Tales of whatever or Xenosaga HD collection... or anything. Did they reschedule because of Star Wars lol?

So... wasn't Bandai Namco suppose to have run a press release today announcing a lot of switch games? I can't seem to find any news on Tales of whatever or Xenosaga HD collection... or anything. Did they reschedule because of Star Wars lol?
Pretty sure that was a rumor so who knows.

I think the tales event is tomorrow.
Correct the tales of switch coverage is supposed to be tomorrow. Since there was no new trademark this only means that they are either reusing a trademark or they intend to make a sequel/prequel to an existing game since they said the switch title was going to be a new title.

We know one thing for sure:


Anyhow, do we have confirmation one way or another if the new Tales game is an exclusive? I'll play it on whatever, but PS4 would be my platform of choice.

I didn't hate Zesty, but it's by far the worst Tales title I've played. I still got the platinum because apparently I love to torture myself with arduous video game tasks. The entire game felt "just okay" except for the fuck ing equipment system. About half of the ~100 hour plat time was trying to find pieces of equipment that would synthesize together correctly.

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