Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

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You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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At least you got yours. My BBY i selected for pick up sent an email this morning saying its out of stock...im like HTF is it out of stock when i preordered it last year.
At least you got yours. My BBY i selected for pick up sent an email this morning saying its out of stock...im like HTF is it out of stock when i preordered it last year.
Sadly, they probably sold your copy, so now it is out of stock. Hopefully they make good on your order, but I don't have much experience with BB, so don't now how this may play out.

Well, first thing; don't watch this trailer if you plan on watching the anime soon. :D

I never played any of the Kessen games, but I always heard good things about them. Hopefully Grancrest comes West and brings along the Parn and Deedlit dlc as well.
I didn't see any spoilers in there but then again I didn't watch the entire trailer. I watched at least 2 minutes worth though.

Those likely are permanent price drops. Still for some like Gravity Rush 2....you may as well get it since physical copies seem a bit harder to find.

MUSYNX first 5k copies will get a Limited Edition package art featuring Stardust.
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My Special Edition Fire Emblem Warriors from Amazon Warehouse (G) came today. Everything was sealed, only minor wear on the box. And it actually came in a box.

I want SNK to nail it. An NES Classic / SNES Classic-quality offering with classic SNK games would be amazing. But not very deep down, I know it will be a crappy AtGames console with bad emulation, janky audio, and multiple baffling hardware and software decisions.
Disgaea 1 CE looks aight. I will get the game when it's like $15. I'm a bit tired of Disgaea myself.
I would have gotten it if it came packed with a port of DD2 with the DLC included, because I've been waiting for a DLC-included version of DD2 forever.

BUT NO. I'll just stick with the DS version, portable is better for Disgaea, anyway.

And I probably wouldn't get the CE, since I have like half that merchandise already.
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lol @ "noppai" Etna flat mousepad.

Disgaea 1 CE looks aight. I will get the game when it's like $15. I'm a bit tired of Disgaea myself.
Yeah, def not trying to go back to the old games again. Want something new and refreshing if anything since 5 was such a letdown.

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I thought it was just me. I played Disgaea 1 and 2 a lot on PS2. I skipped 3, but played 4 somewhat, though I got bored. When 5 came out...I played for a bit, but I just couldn't go on. I was getting bored so fast and it just felt so been there done that. I don't play turn based strategy games that much anymore. Likely last was Stella Glow, which I really liked despite the garbage need to beat the game to get the full energy for character interactions thing. 

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DD2 kinda just disappeared. They announced that D5 wasn't going to get a Vita port, so I expected DD2 to still make it, then that never showed up and Switch got a D5 port instead of DD2 first. Maybe after the D1 remaster hits and there's newer buyers they'll get DD2 with all DLC out on current-gen.

The game is also dog shit, so it's hard to blame their past blunders too much for this; MG:S is terrible enough on its own merits. Lol

PS4 and Switch?! NISA, you're killing me. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound:
LOL, so true and I feel your pain.

I'm so glad NISA has finally stopped Vita offerings, as they where getting pretty bad near the end. Now, it seems like they are offering even more for the NS and it's just getting started. I told myself from the start to not even bother, as that hole wasn't going to have a bottom. I've finally filled in the hole of the last few years of to many CE buys, so not looking to go back anytime soon.

LOL, so true and I feel your pain.

I'm so glad NISA has finally stopped Vita offerings, as they where getting pretty bad near the end. Now, it seems like they are offering even more for the NS and it's just getting started. I told myself from the start to not even bother, as that hole wasn't going to have a bottom. I've finally filled in the hole of the last few years of to many CE buys, so not looking to go back anytime soon.
So true!

At least with NISA Vita offerings, they came after their PS(3/4) counterpart and with extra content/features (sometimes). But these simultaneous PS4/NS CE with no differences...I'm just gonna get what interests me the most on the platform that will offer the better experience, except for Disgaea, I got a problem and I"ll double/triple/quadruple dip without question.

Though, I find it curious that Atelier Lydie for PS4 sold out over the NS. Is it production numbers? Or that there are more niche gamers on PS4 as opposed to NS? Maybe Atelier is a bad example, since the series has a history with Sony consoles...which of the other CE offerings for both PS4/NS will sell out first? I'm thinking PS4 for most, except Harvest Moon which has a longer history on Nintendo consoles. That is of course, assuming that all CEs are produced in equal numbers...

I realized I was sitting on my thoughts for Atelier Lydie & Suelle in my notepad for a while without having posted them, so I'll throw this out there for any who are interested:

Atelier Lydie & Suelle is the last game in the Mysterious trilogy of the Atelier series. It revolves around twins who want to grow up and be the top alchemy shop in the town/country. For the most part, the game is fairly decent for an Atelier game but lacks compared to previous trilogies in my opinion. Despite that, I feel it's the best game in the Mysterious trilogy and decent as an RPG in general.

The story for the most part is straight forward and simple, like pretty much every other Atelier game. You own an Atelier shop, but it isn't really treated like a 'shop' in such a way like a store or general request shop. One say I hope they add that into the gameplay, but I doubt they will unfortunately. The pacing of the story is still lacking compared to past Atelier games that had time limits in place. On the other hand it's a lot better than it was in the previous two Mysterious games.

I was a bit disappointed with how much time I had to waste getting the 'true' ending after meeting all of the basic requirements. I was forced to constantly make items, view scenes and then repeat over and over until I had all of the scenes finally viewed. It took a ridiculous amount of time, which was rather annoying. They really need to cut the useless crafting time to trigger the next events despite meeting all the other requirements. Battling may also work, but would probably take considerably more time. At that point in the game, I just wanted to finish since there was no post-game story content.

Characters on the other hand are mostly returnees from previous games in the trilogy. The new characters introduced are a mixed bag. Lucia and your father, Roger, are absolutely terribly written. I just want to make it clear that Roger is quite possibly the worst character in the Atelier series without question. Mathias isn't much better than Lucia either. Then you have their character events that take place throughout the game. All of the returning characters get their story arcs complete, but I was rather unsatisfied with Cornelia's conclusion. I think they could have done a bit more on the players side, such as being able to visit another town or the conclusion itself. Otherwise they were at the very least decent in general. Pamela is also back to her old pre-Mysterious trilogy self, which was great.

The main characters were pretty good. Lydie and Suelle play off of each other fairly well and it's incorporated into most of the scenes without much fault. It was also nice to see someone like Suelle for a change who isn't the overly positive main character and is rather snarky. Although while I did enjoy them, I feel like they were lacking a little compared to say, Totori or Meruru. It might just be my memory remembering things from those past games more favorably as I can't quite put my finger on why I feel this way. Regardless they were still quite enjoyable despite their naive way of thinking that is prevalent in Atelier games in general.

Zones/Maps have improved significantly over Firis. While Firis was more about open exploration, everything was unnecessarily big and empty with a lack of faster travel for far too long. In Lydie and Suelle they have well populated areas with flora that aren't too big but there are able couple places, like The Frozen Palace, that are too damned big. Seriously, fuck that place. It makes moving to the objective take way too long. Since you don't really have any way to speed up movement and the shortcuts aren't particularly good, you will spend a lot of time running to a specific area (often the last area) of a zone. If they had a way to teleport to a specific map in a zone, then this wouldn't be such an issue. That or give you a craftable exploration item that improves movement speed.

Alchemy and the recipe system is better and less of an annoyance compared to Sophie and Firis as well. With Sophie, I hated the changes to the alchemy system and Firis improved it a little but still made it rather annoying. However now I feel like it's more on par with older games in the series without being too much of a drag while still keeping a fair bit of strategy in order to get exactly what you want for more complex traits and effects. The recipe system on the other hand has improved from the past two games. It's a better mix of discovery and books/events to acquire recipes. Unlocking a new recipe via discovery is not really an issue like the past two games either where it took a considerable effort to unlock stuff that was accessible at the time on your first playthrough.

Battle isn't that much different than past games, but will rely more on items this time around. Since there's no time limits in place, replacing items until you unlock item replenishment isn't a big deal. Though it is a little tedious in my opinion. You're limited to three characters in battle, all of which are alchemists except for one. Everybody can use items, but some are limited to attack or defense only items. Like previous games when the enemy attacks the main character(s), you can defend with one of the other frontline party members. What's interesting about it though is that early on you've got Suelle and Lydie both in the front, so when an enemy uses an AoE attack that hits everybody, you can use the third character and prevent both Lydie and Suelle from receiving damage.

You've also got support characters in the backlines that can't take damage but assist when you perform certain attacks. Suelle can use 'upgraded' items which is insanely powerful and Firis is really strong when using elemental items where she throws in up to three extra attacks that are quite strong too. However everybody else is far less useful as a support character, so you typically put Mathias in the back as the third that way the three frontline characters can all use attack items. It would've been nice if there was a little more variety to allow other people to be in other roles. I've heard the DLC characters are stupidly powerful, so that would change that. However they're like $10 a piece if they release the same price as JP PSN, which is ridiculous.

In conclusion, the game is quite relaxing and has done well to reel itself back from the past two games being less on par with previous Atelier games. However it still has a bit to go for it to be fully back on track since they started the Mysterious series. Hopefully we see the next iteration continue the upward trend that Lydie & Suelle has started. Oh and please don't do the whole 'ingredients talk to me' thing again. It doesn't fit into the game side of things at all and makes it feel very disconnected from the narrative.

So I can recommend getting this game, but your mileage will vary depending on how much you've enjoyed past Atelier games. It won't do much to reel in previous people who have come to dislike the series, but it's still quite relaxing for a game in general. If you're on the fence, then $30-40 isn't a bad price point when it reaches it. However keep in mind that it does have more faults than the games from the Dusk and Arland trilogies.

I'm disappointed in the disgusting DLC prices and that they took away quality of life things that have been in the series for a while, such as dimensional storage and replaced it with DLC. I hate you Koei Tecmo.

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I'm just glad that the shovelware, ports, and retreads started early enough for the Nintendo Switch that I felt no desire to maintain some sort of collection of special games.

I'm going to continue buying things with PS4 as my primary library of choice. It's a pantheon console, one of the best of all-time.  Plus the game prices approach the dirt cheap $15-20 mark that Switch games won't. 

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Though, I find it curious that Atelier Lydie for PS4 sold out over the NS. Is it production numbers? Or that there are more niche gamers on PS4 as opposed to NS? Maybe Atelier is a bad example, since the series has a history with Sony consoles...which of the other CE offerings for both PS4/NS will sell out first? I'm thinking PS4 for most, except Harvest Moon which has a longer history on Nintendo consoles. That is of course, assuming that all CEs are produced in equal numbers...
Atelier has historically had a home on Vita with the enhanced Plus editions of Arland and Dusk over the past few years and the low effort Vita ports of Mysterious. The PS4 version offers remote play so I would assume those that aren't bitter over not having a Vita port would opt for that version. Switch may have a larger player base in general but the hardcore Sony fanboys would rather die than buy a Nintendo console of any sort.

I want SNK to nail it. An NES Classic / SNES Classic-quality offering with classic SNK games would be amazing. But not very deep down, I know it will be a crappy AtGames console with bad emulation, janky audio, and multiple baffling hardware and software decisions.
Well, they already tried something similar to this with the Neo Geo X quasi-portable system. And that didn't exactly light the world on fire. The reviews were tepid, so even a crazy collector like me didn't jump on it. I even held off when it started going on sale, since the price never dipped into the range I was looking for. So yeah, there is a real risk that it will be sub-par in terms of quality.

My dearest hope is that they team up with Analogue, and handle this new hardware that way. I got a Super NT earlier this year, and that thing is a straight-up masterpiece. If they were able to do something similar for a Neo Geo system, that would be phenomenal, even if the price was crazy high. But I worry that the FPGA approach would not have enough muscle to handle the Neo Geo's original specs. The Neo Geo was very advanced for its time, making it the juggernaut of the 16-bit generation. Simulating a Neo Geo would definitely require a beefier FPGA than the Super Nintendo. And I'm not certain that SNK would be willing to collaborate on this one, especially for a more niche audience.

The one thing that gives me a little hope is that Analogue got their start making Neo Geo custom rigs, so they are at least incentivized to help out for this sort of thing.

I'm just glad that the shovelware, ports, and retreads started early enough for the Nintendo Switch that I felt no desire to maintain some sort of collection of special games.

I'm going to continue buying things with PS4 as my primary library of choice. It's a pantheon console, one of the best of all-time. Plus the game prices approach the dirt cheap $15-20 mark that Switch games won't.
Same. At this point, I only use my Switch for exclusives, similar to other Nintendo consoles I've owned. Nintendo will always have a place in my heart (and wallet) because of their phenomenal IPs and occasional exclusive JRPG, but Sony provides a much better cohesive gaming environment in this day and age.

Hmm...I'm guessing I'm the only person that actually enjoyed Metal Gear Survive lol.

I found the game to be pretty fun, especially the exploring aspect. The base management was an interesting addition as well. Story was not the greatest, but it was based on parallel timelines so its the best it could have been. Playing online with others was quite enjoyable as well.

This is just my unpopular opinion for the day  ;)

Hmm...I'm guessing I'm the only person that actually enjoyed Metal Gear Survive lol.

I found the game to be pretty fun, especially the exploring aspect. The base management was an interesting addition as well. Story was not the greatest, but it was based on parallel timelines so its the best it could have been. Playing online with others was quite enjoyable as well.

This is just my unpopular opinion for the day ;)
I enjoyed it as well so you're not alone. Once the campaign's over it becomes kind of a slog but up until that point, I found the game very compelling. If more would take off their Kojima blinders and approach the game with an open mind, they might be surprised.

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I wonder what weird ass backward outcomes you can arrive at in Princess Maker 5. That's usually the most fun of those simulation games, trying to reach obscure and weird ends. I still haven't played 3. I guess they're not bringing over 4?

I guess. I remember 4 having a weird graphics system if I remember right....hopefully they do. Even in that screenshot, there is likely bad news a coming from choices 2 and 3 lol.

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Hmm...I'm guessing I'm the only person that actually enjoyed Metal Gear Survive lol.
It's a good survival-style game, though the constant management system is not my cup of tea. If this game came out before Phantom Pain I'd probably take larger issue (for me, PP was the final nail in the franchise's coffin--so I don't regard this as the unholy desecration some make it out to be). I wish Konami would make different (non MGS) games that either use the Fox Engine, or sell it off to another company.

Hmm...I'm guessing I'm the only person that actually enjoyed Metal Gear Survive lol.

I found the game to be pretty fun, especially the exploring aspect. The base management was an interesting addition as well. Story was not the greatest, but it was based on parallel timelines so its the best it could have been. Playing online with others was quite enjoyable as well.

This is just my unpopular opinion for the day ;)

The Muv-Luv trilogy CE Is up at rice digital.


Too bad rice digital is a cancer store. How do they keep getting all these exclusives? I hate buying from these fuckers.

Shipping is typically almost 40-50 USD.
If you hit a certain dollar amount it's free. I can rarely find the policy on their website, but I believe it's around $150. So if there's a CE and another game or CE you want, try to order them together.

If you hit a certain dollar amount it's free. I can rarely find the policy on their website, but I believe it's around $150. So if there's a CE and another game or CE you want, try to order them together.
Yes, the other problem is that they charge you up front instantly for the entire fucking order. You have to hit 150 GBP for free ship, which is 210 USD roughly at the time of this posting. No other company, international or not, shaq-fu's you this hard.

Rice digital sucks.

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Yes, the other problem is that they charge you up front instantly for the entire fucking order. You have to hit 150 GBP for free ship, which is 210 USD roughly at the time of this posting. No other company, international or not, shaq-fu's you this hard.

Rice digital sucks.
Yeah, I'm not disagreeing. To add insult to injury, as you guys were discussing, there's usually a heavily discounted sale later. Or those 'extras only' from the prior CE's.

Yeah...the other problem being that a CE can end up entirely dissappearing if you choose to wait for a sale. I got shaq fu'd deciding to wait on root letter and chaos child.

With the Muv-Luv kickstarter vita being so limited, unfortunately I don't think it's a great gamble trying to wait, so I have to get effed by the shipping hit.


bread's done