Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

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As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Hope he makes a speedy recovery, I'm surprised Tetsuya Nomura isn't taking a break either since he's been overworked alot too.

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Devil May Cry 5 - TGS 2018 Trailer & Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition announced


Wow, I don't believe it...

How did they convince Disney to let them use Kylo Ren in their game?!

So I've been playing DQ11.  My IRL nickname is "Kai" and my main char in DQ is named Kai.   It's quick and easy, whatever.   But the game really threw me for a loop when I got to the main story section with the Kai NPC.  Suddenly all the voiced party members started saying my character's name with their voice actors.  Kai this, and Kai that.  At first I was like no way!, they figured out how to do some sort of text-to-voice thing with your MC name.  maybe.   Or maybe not...  2min. later: Oh there is another npc named Kai we're talking about here.  But it really screwed with me for a few minutes. 

Anyways, I'm playing DQ11 and loving it so far.  I'm about 37 hours into it.  One of my favorite parts of the game is scouring the world and monsters for ingredients to craft yourself new weapons and armor.   Although the crafting process is rather simplistic, it's still very satisfying!  I love all the hidden recipes and world exploration. 

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Huh, there sure are a lot of Utawarerumono collaborations going on in Japan lately. I have never really heard much about its popularity in the east, but from how much cross-promotion they're doing, so I have to imagine it's rather significant. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since they have almost half a dozen Utawarerumono games in the works for various genres.

Well, I was hoping to write a post about Dragon Quest XI since there are a lot of minor things that did bug me here and there. However since CrossCode releases in about two hours, I don't think I'll get around to that. Like I've mentioned before though, the game really only bugs me with its battle speed, where it feels like animations are running at 50% speed. There's still plenty I think that could be improved on or did differently and I still haven't touched the post-game content in it. Maybe I'll still get around to it after CrossCode, maybe not. Though I think I'll probably end up writing one about CrossCode.

[customspoiler='CrossCode Hype']

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I just realized the Playstation Classic doesn't even come with an AC adapter. Uhh.....what? At $100 you'd think it would come with everything needed.

I'm sure I can plug the USB into a suitable power source, but still....this seems pretty dumb.
That was the first thing I spotted. Not sure how they can leave out the AC adapter...

I picked up the NES Classic, but will likely skip on this one. I'd be all over a Dreamcast Classic though, never had the system back in the day.

The fear of DoA6 jiggles is gone. Some new gameplay footage has them bouncing almost as wild as Age Setting to 99.
Can you link the footage... for science?

I also wonder why they don't just do the 99 age setting, again. Seemed like a pretty good way to cover all bases. Set standard to realistic and the option to turn it up to classic DoA jiggles. Everybody happy!

The fear of DoA6 jiggles is gone. Some new gameplay footage has them bouncing almost as wild as Age Setting to 99.
Can you link the footage... for science?

I also wonder why they don't just do the 99 age setting, again. Seemed like a pretty good way to cover all bases. Set standard to realistic and the option to turn it up to classic DoA jiggles. Everybody happy!

Also noticed that. Guess they decided not to tone down their engine lol

I'll probably get Vesperia for the PS4 when the price drops to $30. The game might not sell well since it's on all platforms and for sure ps4 and switch copies will sell more. Switch version will probably stay higher for cartridge reasons. Also getting games release date always have bugs and glitches. I'll wait maybe half a year to a year to get it.

So the PS4 has a PS2 emulator on the console, why can't we play our PS2 discs on it again? :roll:
But does it? It says remastered PS2 games on PS4. So I assume it means the ones that have PS4 trophies, like Rogue Legacy and Dark Cloud.

Edit: They say it's 13 out of the 50 available on PS4.

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So the PS4 has a PS2 emulator on the console, why can't we play our PS2 discs on it again? :roll:
There was a PS4 hack a while back that had people playing other PS2 games on the emulator, but it required a bit of work to get the games running. Whether that was a deliberate limitation or something that was actually necessary for Sony to get it working I've no idea. The ones that are officially supported have been modified at least to some extent for trophy support as well.

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It's not deliberate. Is it greed? Partially, I'm sure.

But like I said in the Vita thread a few weeks ago:

Do people forget they changed architectures from PS2 to PS3, and from PS3 to PS4?

PS1/PS2/PSP are somewhat compatible, and it pretty much ends there. It'd be easier to port 360 games to the PS4 than PSP games.
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How much would it realistically cost for Sony to sell a next gen Playstation that played all five generations of disc-based PS games?  I honestly think that there would be a decently sized market for that type of thing.  An all-in-one PS console that plays all of your old games.  People would pay $700-800 if need be.   Just look at the demand for their special anniversary consoles.  They'd even make more money re-releasing old games on disc.  Yea it will never happen;  everyone wants to go full digital for increased profits.  It especially won't happen now that Sony is the market leader.  It's gross.  They want to go totally the opposite route just like Xbox tried last gen, with everything going digital. 

I'm honestly waiting for some serious missteps when it comes to the PS5 reveal (likely next summer).

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It's not deliberate. Is it greed? Partially, I'm sure.

But like I said in the Vita thread a few weeks ago:
PS4 definitely has the juice to run a PS1 emulator and PS2 emulator. Different architecture, sure, but it doesn't even take a high-end phone to run emulation on those. I've no doubt that it was a business decision to leave that stuff behind rather than a technical issue.

PS4 definitely has the juice to run a PS1 emulator and PS2 emulator. Different architecture, sure, but it doesn't even take a high-end phone to run emulation on those. I've no doubt that it was a business decision to leave that stuff behind rather than a technical issue.
Exactly. Which is why I don't see why they can't turn the 'business issue' into a profitable business venture. Take a page out of Nintendo's book. You could make an extra couple hundred bucks per customer just by allowing them to play all of their old games again on a new machine. People want one device that does it all; inputs and space are limited.

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People don't want a PS classic mini.  It doesn't carry that kind of swagger for nostalgia with its 20 random titles.  That thing is going to bomb just like all the other minis that (used to) line Target and Toys R Us shelves.  People want to be able to play their favorite games, which were not universal like they were with Nintendo. 

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How much would it realistically cost for Sony to sell a next gen Playstation that played all five generations of disc-based PS games? I honestly think that there would be a decently sized market for that type of thing. An all-in-one PS console that plays all of your old games. People would pay $700-800 if need be. Just look at the demand for their special anniversary consoles. They'd even make more money re-releasing old games on disc. Yea it will never happen; everyone wants to go full digital for increased profits. It especially won't happen now that Sony is the market leader. It's gross. They want to go totally the opposite route just like Xbox tried last gen, with everything going digital.

I'm honestly waiting for some serious missteps when it comes to the PS5 reveal (likely next summer).
Honestly I'm certain that Sony (and Nintendo) isn't doing backwards compatibility the correct way. Microsoft might be based on the number of titles they've released that are backwards compatible. They've dealt with a ton of backwards compatibility shit with Windows, so it wouldn't surprise me if they're mostly doing it correctly.

The way the need to do it is to build a god damned emulator themselves. They should have the knowledge of the past console inner hardware and tech unless they're absolute idiots. If they build the emulator, then all you have to do is ensure the games work similar to how all the freeware emulators out there are. Then when a new console comes along, just update the emulator software to work with the new console as it shouldn't need much to bring it up to spec, which makes it a great forward profit generator after the initial investment. They'd be able to sell digital versions of old games so easily that way, but instead they go round-a-bout methods that aren't efficient at all, probably because they see emulation as the enemy of profits when that's far from the case.

They can go one step further if the current disc/cartridge reader in the console doesn't read physical copies of the games, they could even release a USB attachment that could read the games from these consoles. It's not exactly quantum physics here.

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Oh god that SNK collection cover art is amazing. Hate to be that guy but pleaaaase come to PS4 too.

I'll get a switch one day don't get me wrong.

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There's a reason why Sony doesn't do backwards compatibility. They have PSN to get you to rebuy all those games you had. Also the PS3 console is such a complex system they gave up doing BC for it. They made so many remaster games from ps2 and ps3 games already and I hope Sony doesn't repeat what they did with the PS3 on their next console. I would say the ps4 is at its peak right now and the PS5 will be announce next year. The Original PS4 is the same price as the pro when it was released and that should tell you something. Sony is mostly about taking your money and only making remasters. I traded in my ps4 for a Switch two weeks ago as I turn it on only 2 to 3 times a week. I say the PS3 is still better as I can play ps1 games and can download them from psn. PS4, you can't even download ps3 games only ps2. Don't even ask about ps1.  

Oh god that SNK collection cover art is amazing. Hate to be that guy but pleaaaase come to PS4 too.

I'll get a switch one day don't get me wrong.
Yeah, I'm not normally in to cover art much anymore(as most sucks), but this cover restored my faith. LOL I actually have a 10-12 dollar credit over at NISA, so I may use it for the CE, although I would rather just get the base game, but of course they only have the CE(bastards).

Uggg Song of Memories is a pretty horrible visual novel. You can tell it had a weird development cycle. The story is nonsense and has stupid twists and turns. Also it just runs like poop on my computer. The animations always look all laggy and the rhythm game is garbage too. Heck the freakin' songs don't even last until the end of the notes arriving on the screen. I don't know if it's just my computer, but it's buggy as heck. The character models look awkward as heck and don't animate well. 

I somehow made it through one ending, but frankly it doesn't deserve anymore of my time. It's slow in loading and saving. Everything is just mashed together and nonsensical.

I usually give better reviews than this, but i'm just so disappointed in it. I didn't expect a masterpiece, but something fun at least. I just feel dumb and feel like I wasted some money. Don't make my same mistake for the PQube version coming out on PS4 unless you're really desperate for a weird visual novel and rhythm game hybrid. Also you can skip battles, which is a godsend with the horribly repetitive rhythm game.

Nothing but a mess other than the decent voice acting and generic music. 5/10 and only going to complete one route. 

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I'd be fine with paying $10-$20 for a PS2 emulator app on the PS4 that lets me put in any ps2 disc and just play it.

Since I'm sure they're not going to do anything with the PS4 now, I'd love it if the PS5 launched with PS 1-4, PSP & Vita software BC built in that gave you access to your digital library and discs as well.

Even if there was a small fee attached to cover the dev costs for the software, I'd be fine with that.

I'd imagine that the PS5 would be able to emulate PS3 games without much issue (there's PC emulators that work and I'm sure Sony could make a better piece of software designed for such specific hardware) and if they follow the same PC-like x86 hardware path, it should be able to support PS4 games as well. So it's really just a matter of Sony stepping up to support the back catalog, instead of just re-selling a few pieces of it.

Of course, I won't hold my breath -_-


The main reason why the PS4 has no backwards compatibility is because backwards compatibility doesn't really make you any money. It's great for a system in its early life, as it makes the transition easier for those who trade in consoles to get the new hotness, leaving them a significant library of titles to play on a system that would otherwise have very little available, and allowing them to continue buying games for the previous system as new ones come out; but beyond those first few months, BC really offers very little in the way of profitability for console companies, since they want their install base to be buying new games to play, not replaying old ones they already own. PSOne and PS2 Classics was a great way to achieve both income and support for older systems, but now Sony's in a situation where most of the people who wanted to play those old games bought them already, so porting the functionality forward to their newest console doesn't really do anything for their bottom line. Adding PSP and PS3 games to their digital Classics lineup won't work very well, either, since those were already available digitally, and if they try to charge you again for the same games you already bought digitally less then ten years ago, there's going to be a lot of grumbling. HD remasters have been their main answer to this, but remasters take a lot more time and money than uploading ISOs and maintaining a decent emulator, and a lot of old games are going to look like shit unless you cross the line from remaster to remake, which again is even more time and money.
Honestly I don't really buy into any of that stuff that it would lose money whatsoever. There are a lot of things you can do that would benefit publishers while not wholly screwing over the consumer. In the end though, it has been shown that the publishers of games fear emulation and ultimately emulation is tied into preserving the medium as a whole. Until they're able to cross over that hurdle, not a damn thing will happen the way it should.

It makes me wonder if video games will ever get a preservation vault like the film industry has. Granted it's more digital these days for movies, so newer stuff is stored differently (data center I'd assume), but it's a shame that the video game industry hasn't created something like that. I'm getting tired of hearing stupid shit where the developer or publisher lose the source code.

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Speaking of lost code, I'm tempted to try the Silent Hill HD collection on PS Now just to see how bad that really is. No idea why it's there when they removed it from PSN ages ago due to complaints.

And yeah I do agree with the loss of long-term profitability when you're just carrying forward the backwards compatibility. Even the PS1 Classic is a joke because of that--of the games revealed for it so far only Tekken 3 isn't already available on PSN. Maybe the full list will include a bunch of games that aren't already available (and probably better on a portable screen like Vita's due to the smaller size holding up the aged graphics), but are there really many PS1 games worth playing that aren't on PSN?

What I would like to see is improved emulation like MS is doing. PC emulators can up the rendering resolution of PS1/PSP/PS2 games and PS3 games as well nowadays. Yes, not every game gets much out of this, but 3d games generally fare well with higher resolutions.

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I have no idea how PS Now is a thing.  I also don't believe that people pay for hardly any of those retro games outside of things like FF unless they are pennies on the dollar. 

The point was Sony could make additional money, as well as please fans, by selling backwards compatible hardware. 

These companies need to get it through their heads that nobody wants to STREAM video games.  High latency and input lag is unacceptable.  Hell, people buy expensive televisions and monitors just so that they have low input lag.  Streaming video games is never going to be a thing.  Not until everyone in the cities have fiber internet, no data caps, and unlimited bandwidth.  It's simply not happening.  Our console manufacturers need to stop pushing their own agendas, and start listening to people's preferences.  People have choices now.

I have no idea how PS Now is a thing. I also don't believe that people pay for hardly any of those retro games outside of things like FF unless they are pennies on the dollar.

The point was Sony could make additional money, as well as please fans, by selling backwards compatible hardware.
Not sure if it's really that simple, though. How does the licensing stuff work for backwards compatibility? I'm sure the digital PS2 games on PS3 and PS4 have deals with those game publishers/developers, but outside of that does Sony get in trouble if they provide a generic emulator that plays any PS1/PS2 game? The early PS3s had PS2 hardware built in to allow backwards compatibility, so I've assumed that got around that kind of issue due to something in the legal language, but since they cut out hardware support for backwards compatibility there hasn't been a Sony system that did it across the board even when the emulator is technically capable of it. PSP and PS1 is the same way--even games digitally listed on PSN are not all available for the Vita, in some cases there are even differences by region in what's available.

Not sure if it's really that simple, though. How does the licensing stuff work for backwards compatibility? I'm sure the digital PS2 games on PS3 and PS4 have deals with those game publishers/developers, but outside of that does Sony get in trouble if they provide a generic emulator that plays any PS1/PS2 game? The early PS3s had PS2 hardware built in to allow backwards compatibility, so I've assumed that got around that kind of issue due to something in the legal language, but since they cut out hardware support for backwards compatibility there hasn't been a Sony system that did it across the board even when the emulator is technically capable of it. PSP and PS1 is the same way--even games digitally listed on PSN are not all available for the Vita, in some cases there are even differences by region in what's available.
I don't understand why Sony would have to pay royalties in order to re-release their old hardware.

Also, what Microsoft is doing right now with their backwards compatibility is brilliant. They are blurring the lines between hardware generations which is lovely for gamers. Where there is a will, there is a way. You gotta love the lengths that 3rd place trailing companies go to, in order to innovate. They are also selling top tier 360 games in XB1 packaging in the $20 bargain bins at retail stores.

I think it's really cool that you can stop by Best Buy and pick up a retail XB1 branded copy of Red Dead Redemption or Bully for $20.

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I don't understand why Sony would have to pay royalties in order to re-release their old hardware.

Also, what Microsoft is doing right now with their backwards compatibility is brilliant. They are blurring the lines between hardware generations which is lovely for gamers. Where there is a will, there is a way. You gotta love the lengths that 3rd place trailing companies go to, in order to innovate. They are also selling top tier 360 games in XB1 packaging in the $20 bargain bins at retail stores.

I think it's really cool that you can stop by Best Buy and pick up a retail XB1 branded copy of Red Dead Redemption or Bully for $20.
Re-releasing old hardware has nothing to do with backwards compatibility, so I'm not sure why you said that.

Microsoft is also doing a per-game thing for it's backwards compatibility rather than releasing a general emulator and saying to have at it, so I'm assuming there's some deal being made with each game publisher on a per-game basis rather than that every game requires significant individual work to get running on XB1, which seems unlikely considering they all targeted the same hardware.

bread's done