Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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2 (100%)
The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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Is this the only pre-order special? Any other retailer have anything in terms of bonuses or discounts? Want to support Sega for taking a chance on this so just need to figure out where to get it.
Sorry, says GS Exclusive, but hey, those pre-order incentives will save you about $5-6 together if it does come out on the US/NA PSN store eventually. Also, $50 for PD-F isn't that bad, lol. :3

What's the word on Dargon's Crown? Some critics seem to be spitting some game that it's quite good (and has cross play, but I guess not cross buy?), but kind of strapped for cash with SR4 and M&L:DT dropping this month and going on vacation. Any reason to believe the print of this will be super limited, is basically what I want to know. With Atlus it always seems to be hit and miss, though if I recall Odin Sphere (another near end-gen game) was tough to find. What do people in this thread, who know much more than I, think?
An editor at my site LOVES the game and is actually considering giving it a perfect score. For the record though, Dragon's Crown does not support neither cross-play or cross-buy, so think carefully on which version you'll get.

Haven't read much about Dragon's Crown. Is the online going to be friends list only, or can I just pick group with random people?

Can't wait for that, it looks fun as hell.
I think you can do it with random people, there wasn't anyone else online when I tried to do it. Be aware that you have to get about halfway through the game to do online co-op, but the PS3 has couch co-op from the get go.

What's the word on Dargon's Crown? Some critics seem to be spitting some game that it's quite good (and has cross play, but I guess not cross buy?), but kind of strapped for cash with SR4 and M&L:DT dropping this month and going on vacation. Any reason to believe the print of this will be super limited, is basically what I want to know. With Atlus it always seems to be hit and miss, though if I recall Odin Sphere (another near end-gen game) was tough to find. What do people in this thread, who know much more than I, think?
I had lots of fun playing it. It got a little frustrating at times, but lots of fun to play, and even more so with co-op.

Joystiq just gave Dragon's Crown a wonderful review, so that will also surely help the game sell more and get more people playing online!

The Target that I work for has a SKU for the Tales of Xillia CE on their list of games coming out soon.  So...not sure what people want to do with that info.   But, there it is.

I'm getting both versions, but then again I preordered them both when Amazon first listed them for $30/each and they were both in my gold box.  So I got them to price match those original prices when they re-listed them.  :D  Both versions for $57?  Yep, I can do that!  

What's the word on Dargon's Crown? Some critics seem to be spitting some game that it's quite good (and has cross play, but I guess not cross buy?), but kind of strapped for cash with SR4 and M&L:DT dropping this month and going on vacation. Any reason to believe the print of this will be super limited, is basically what I want to know. With Atlus it always seems to be hit and miss, though if I recall Odin Sphere (another near end-gen game) was tough to find. What do people in this thread, who know much more than I, think?
It should be easy enough to find later if you want to wait.
Can you confirm the Vita version has voice chat? The people I've spoke to with early Vita copies say that there's either no voice chat or it is "hidden extremely well".
Vita has "Party Chat" I believe it's called. He doesn't mean it will automatically have voice chat when you join up with someone in-game. You would need to invite those people to your "Party Chat".. basically like how you have to on 360 party chat. The PS3 is incapable of "Party Chat" due to RAM I believe it was?

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Can you confirm the Vita version has voice chat? The people I've spoke to with early Vita copies say that there's either no voice chat or it is "hidden extremely well".
I own a copy, so I know what I am talking about...

With that being said, Barrit is right on the money. The Vita supports party chat, which means you can speak with your friends playing the game. Sadly it's not that pain free, but you DO have the option and to me that is the biggest difference.

Vita has "Party Chat" I believe it's called. He doesn't mean it will automatically have voice chat when you join up with someone in-game. You would need to invite those people to your "Party Chat".. basically like how you have to on 360 party chat. The PS3 is incapable of "Party Chat" due to RAM I believe it was?
Ohhh, okay. I wonder why they skipped on adding a chat option to the game itself for the PS3 players.

Ohhh, okay. I wonder why they skipped on adding a chat option to the game itself for the PS3 players.
A number of mechanics make little to no sense, yet they're also included.

You don't level till AFTER your adventure (so if you do 10 stages, you won't gain a single level till you stop).

You can repair degraded equipment on allies.

You can only use X so many items per "build" per adventure. So if you got 9 bags, then you can make 9 different builds (with all different gear, which means each build with either suit a need or get worse) and continue to use them that way or wait till you're certain they're required.

Runes aren't shared between characters and a lot of people ignore them.

No point in finding secret items in room.

Can only accept 5 quests at once and most of them can and will be done accidentally only for you to redo them later with the quest.

Some skills take several skill points, which means it might take you several levels to actually level.

Can't use skill points / new gear / upgraded things mid adventure.

Game will disconnect human people that don't want to go the path you want to go.

Game will randomly start you in a new room if you don't have anyone with you, so you might start just before the boss fight or somewhere before that.

Every boss has some sort of mechanic to allow you a "prizeless' victory if you suck.


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A number of mechanics make little to no sense, yet they're also included.

You don't level till AFTER your adventure (so if you do 10 stages, you won't gain a single level till you stop).

You can repair degraded equipment on allies.

You can only use X so many items per "build" per adventure. So if you got 9 bags, then you can make 9 different builds (with all different gear, which means each build with either suit a need or get worse) and continue to use them that way or wait till you're certain they're required.

Runes aren't shared between characters and a lot of people ignore them.

No point in finding secret items in room.

Can only accept 5 quests at once and most of them can and will be done accidentally only for you to redo them later with the quest.

Some skills take several skill points, which means it might take you several levels to actually level.

Can't use skill points / new gear / upgraded things mid adventure.

Game will disconnect human people that don't want to go the path you want to go.

Game will randomly start you in a new room if you don't have anyone with you, so you might start just before the boss fight or somewhere before that.

Every boss has some sort of mechanic to allow you a "prizeless' victory if you suck.

I appreciate you taking the time to tell us about those odd mechanics. Some of those are the kinds of things I'd like a heads up on a game before going in blind, messing things up for myself, and then having to fight the urge to start back all over again.

I appreciate you taking the time to tell us about those odd mechanics. Some of those are the kinds of things I'd like a heads up on a game before going in blind, messing things up for myself, and then having to fight the urge to start back all over again.
It's not all bad, but the game would be far better if they corrected some of these things. It really makes me wonder what reviewers were thinking, since a lot of the mechanics work against the game at times.

Like one of the good mechanics is that the gear will scale to your "end of adventure" level, which means you won't be getting a bunch of crap you can never use. However, if you get items that are a level or two higher and then do like 6 stages in your adventure, then you'll probably out level that gear. The game also forces you to appraise every weapon you get, which means you could sell a great item and keep a keep a loser without knowing it. The only safe thing to do is examine all the weapons or restrict yourself to certain tiers (I don't accept under A anymore) and hope for the best. Once you hit 99 you can care about the side stuff, but there is STILL a lot of game prior to that.

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GS-exclusive preorder bonus for Hatsune Miku Project Diva F, plus the official release date, August 27:


Source: http://www.psu.com/a020321/Hatsune-Miku-Project-Diva-Fs-US-release-date-+-GameStop-exclusive-preorder-bonuses-revealed

I'm glad I already have my copy preordered at GS. ;)
Oh cool, I just paid off my preorder for this recently.

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With Tales of Graces F, what comes in a complete non-collector's edition copy? I might have to bite on a pre-owned copy from GameStop at $39.99. As much as I hate to, I can't get Namco's site to allow me to set up a profile much less let me order a $19.99 copy. If it's just the game and manual, then I'll buy used.
With Tales of Graces F, what comes in a complete non-collector's edition copy? I might have to bite on a pre-owned copy from GameStop at $39.99. As much as I hate to, I can't get Namco's site to allow me to set up a profile much less let me order a $19.99 copy. If it's just the game and manual, then I'll buy used.
Well, the CE is UK exclusive, so no worries of getting one of those from some random place in the US lol. Yeah, it's just case, manual, disc--nothing special!

Thanks. The older I get, the less likely it is that I buy the collector's edition. Nowadays, all I can see is good money that I spent sitting in sealed boxes on a shelf in my closet, but I would buy Tales of Graces F to play it.
Thanks. The older I get, the less likely it is that I buy the collector's edition. Nowadays, all I can see is good money that I spent sitting in sealed boxes on a shelf in my closet, but I would buy Tales of Graces F to play it.
I agree about CE's. At the end of the day they're just nick-knacks and IMO video games have always been about playing the game not collecting nick-knacks like some 80 year old woman collecting porcelain Santa Clauses.

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I mentioned waiting for a $10 or $20 price drop earlier and was informed ToG never had many price drops. I'm not sure if it ever hit 30 but ToG is sold out everywhere (to my surprise). They must not do large printings.

Edit: scratch that, sold out everywhere but amazon. 3rd party sellers have it for about 40 there and amazon still has some in stock but at $50...
It's also $35 on PSN if you want to download over 20 GB.
For those interested, another pet peeve with Dragon's Crown is how the network works. Once I hit the highest difficulty I started running into more people, which has raised my odds of getting a network error (I assume things like the room filled up or something along those lines). The problem with this being, if you're on an adventure and you experience a network error that returns you to town, then you practically lose all your progress. Every time it happens I get 0 XP, quests return to their state before the adventure, it says I got the talisman (if I get one during the adventure and it will disappear if you did.), but you can keep the loot beyond that if you want. 

For those interested, another pet peeve with Dragon's Crown is how the network works. Once I hit the highest difficulty I started running into more people, which has raised my odds of getting a network error (I assume things like the room filled up or something along those lines). The problem with this being, if you're on an adventure and you experience a network error that returns you to town, then you practically lose all your progress. Every time it happens I get 0 XP, quests return to their state before the adventure, it says I got the talisman (if I get one during the adventure and it will disappear if you did.), but you can keep the loot beyond that if you want.
how did you even get the game, when it is not yet release in the west? did you gotten a japanese import copy?

why do you always seem so defensive. lol , I was asking a simple question
Because almost everyone through grades 6 - 12 made fun of me and attacked me. My parents love to explain why I am a bad person and absolutely must change. At my job I am constantly forced to be happy and have small talk, though I am nothing more than a delivery boy. At my other job my boss explains how he is right in every situation regardless of logic and in college people made fun of me being anti social. So if I am defensive, it's because for years I was mentally abused by the people around me and don't want anymore of that bullshit. If this is too real of an answer, then I guess we can simply say "just cause". Well that and I hate stupid questions (no matter how you look at it, the most obvious answer is most likely the right one and even if it isn't, I will probably claim that to simply avoid further questions).

I personally was thinking the Elf Ranger.. a review I read made Amazon sounds pretty badass though...

I just put in my pre-order for Dragon's Crown today!

admiralvic, any suggestions on classes? Personally I was thinking Dwarf or Wizard.
It's going to be based off how you play, but you need to beat the game as every character (no shortcuts!) for the platinum. So if you want to platinum, you got to try them all anyway. With this being said, every character has "situational" usefulness and the best experience is going to be based off whatever you want to excel at.

Dwarf is a beast on the ground / clearing mobs, but he has nothing in terms of aerial attacks (making some bosses really problematic).

Wizard is flame based, so dragons (most powerful / annoying two bosses) are largely immune to the attacks you throw. However, the wizard is the more "powerful" magic user.

Sorceress is ice / lightning based and is more of a defensive character than the offensive Wizard. She can summon food to aid people / shields to lower damage, but she doesn't have a ton in terms of offensive attacks. She can also revive fallen warriors, who seem to be more useful than the Wizards tree people.

Elf is all about distance and one of the few characters that doesn't shine till you progress a bit in the game. Till level about 50 - 60 she is fairly week, though once you get into the infernal play through, she becomes a real beast! This also comes at the price of arrows, which need to be constantly replenished (they drop fairly often, but you usually need to put yourself in harms way to get them).

Amazon is probably the most technical character in the game and is all about high risk, high reward. She is another character that gets better over time, since she is all about attacking. Several attacks in a row will cause her to move faster and maxing that out makes her an absolute powerhouse (till the timer runs out and berserker mode ends)! She is also extremely powerful / useful without her weapon, which is contrary to the Dwarf / Fighter.

Fighter is my main and is the obligatory jack of all trades character. He has average speed, good range, is solid in both the air / ground, but doesn't have any sort of gimmick or super power to make him amazing (though he has a lot of rapid attacks). He is trash without his sword and can be used to make other classes far better.

I also plan on uploading some gameplay later today if anyone is interested. I am also open to polite suggestions!

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How difficult is Dragon's Crown? Because if it's anywhere near the difficulty of the final few levels/bosses of Odin Sphere, I'm gonna take a rain check on it...
Because almost everyone through grades 6 - 12 made fun of me and attacked me. My parents love to explain why I am a bad person and absolutely must change. At my job I am constantly forced to be happy and have small talk, though I am nothing more than a delivery boy. At my other job my boss explains how he is right in every situation regardless of logic and in college people made fun of me being anti social. So if I am defensive, it's because for years I was mentally abused by the people around me and don't want anymore of that bullshit. If this is too real of an answer, then I guess we can simply say "just cause". Well that and I hate stupid questions (no matter how you look at it, the most obvious answer is most likely the right one and even if it isn't, I will probably claim that to simply avoid further questions).
So... People were mean to you thus you must pay it forward? Maybe if you were nicer to people in the first place they wouldn't treat you badly. Or maybe its the chicken and the egg situation.

Be well John Spartan.

In addition to admiralvic's great descriptions, here are the stats and level of difficulty of use for each class taken from Dengeki:

STR = Strength

CON = Physique

INT = Intelligence

MGR = Magic Res

DEX = Technique

LUC = Luck 

Fighter - Recommended for beginners 


Amazon - Recommended for intermediate


Dwarf - Recommended for intermediate


Elf - Recommended for advanced 


Wizard - Recommended for advanced 


Sorceress - Recommended for advanced 


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How difficult is Dragon's Crown? Because if it's anywhere near the difficulty of the final few levels/bosses of Odin Sphere, I'm gonna take a rain check on it...
It's a joke for the most part.

None of the bosses are that deep and you're given way too many chances. It works out to something like...

  • Start with 2 lives.
  • Scoring X amount of points will give you more lives.
  • If you lose all your lives you can continue for X sum of money. (Starts off very low, then gets a little high, then a little higher and then starts to skyrocket)
  • Once you continue you're given two lives.
  • After you beat the game you can get a blessing for additional lives at the start of your adventure.
  • You or people online can also pay to keep someone playing.
If that isn't enough, you can further lower the difficulty by finding an reviving the body of people you played with online. They will retain their level (so if I play with you at 99 and you're 12, then you can find / revive me at level 99, but the game will scale me down to 37 I believe. Too lazy to verify, but it's mid 30 something. The only really hard boss is the Red Dragon, since he is in a small room with a lot of random attacks. You can make him easier by leaving that room, but then you have a time limit to beat him. Most if not all of the B route bosses have some sort of time limit mechanic, which you must adhere to if you want to actually beat the game.

Anyway, I was able to beat hard at level 52 (I believe the cap is 68) and was still fast enough to get the trophy for beating the boss in 3 minutes. My friend who is a Wizard couldn't do it at 61, so build / play style are also very important (I found the dwarf to be the most difficult character).
So... People were mean to you thus you must pay it forward? Maybe if you were nicer to people in the first place they wouldn't treat you badly. Or maybe its the chicken and the egg situation.

Be well John Spartan.
Makes sense. I am always to blame after all... :roll:

Not like this started because I politely answered a question, answered another question / comment and then started giving out a lot of information only to have someone question how I got the game. Maybe if I was mocking those without the game I could get the question, but it really doesn't make a difference how I got it, much like it doesn't matter why I got it either.

It's a joke for the most part.

None of the bosses are that deep and you're given way too many chances. It works out to something like...

  • Start with 2 lives.
  • Scoring X amount of points will give you more lives.
  • If you lose all your lives you can continue for X sum of money. (Starts off very low, then gets a little high, then a little higher and then starts to skyrocket)
  • Once you continue you're given two lives.
  • After you beat the game you can get a blessing for additional lives at the start of your adventure.
  • You or people online can also pay to keep someone playing.
If that isn't enough, you can further lower the difficulty by finding an reviving the body of people you played with online. They will retain their level (so if I play with you at 99 and you're 12, then you can find / revive me at level 99, but the game will scale me down to 37 I believe. Too lazy to verify, but it's mid 30 something. The only really hard boss is the Red Dragon, since he is in a small room with a lot of random attacks. You can make him easier by leaving that room, but then you have a time limit to beat him. Most if not all of the B route bosses have some sort of time limit mechanic, which you must adhere to if you want to actually beat the game.

Anyway, I was able to beat hard at level 52 (I believe the cap is 68) and was still fast enough to get the trophy for beating the boss in 3 minutes. My friend who is a Wizard couldn't do it at 61, so build / play style are also very important (I found the dwarf to be the most difficult character).
Makes sense. I am always to blame after all... :roll:

Not like this started because I politely answered a question, answered another question / comment and then started giving out a lot of information only to have someone question how I got the game. Maybe if I was mocking those without the game I could get the question, but it really doesn't make a difference how I got it, much like it doesn't matter why I got it either.
People are just jealous, you should rub it in their face

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