Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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Awesome that this is coming here. The censoring is unfortunate. I wonder how severe that will be.

Anyone know how import friendly the Japanese version is for a non-Japanese speaker?

Edit: I have a bad habit of asking questions, THEN going to Google. Second post here covers import-friendliness

I'm going to assume the second, more revealing images won't be in the Western releases, but I'm just speculating.


Yay for more localization! As others said, it is unfortunate for the censoring, but I guess that's what they have to do to have it released.

From what I've read all the core gameplay, ALL of it, is still intact, it is just changed images. May be wrong though.

And (Correct me if I'm wrong) but isn't this Idea Factory International's first game being localized by themselves? I do hope it goes well so many more will follow!

I'm looking for an opinion or 2 on here.

Any thoughts on Ragnarok ACE for PS3 or Witch and the Hundred Knight?

I plan on picking up one or both of them.

Anyone else not able to use the store locator for those games?
Store locator worked for me, although I noticed it wasn't working correctly with a few of the games...I'm just assuming no stores close to me had those in stock.

Anyone getting any of those Wal-mart games? I might get Golden Sun, but I don't know much about the others.

Store locator worked for me, although I noticed it wasn't working correctly with a few of the games...I'm just assuming no stores close to me had those in stock.

Anyone getting any of those Wal-mart games? I might get Golden Sun, but I don't know much about the others.
I didn't see it for the ones I tried. Izuna, Nostalgia, and Tactics. Works for Spectral Force though.

If it were translated for the PS3 I'd snag it, lol. It's a shame we never had the PS3 version, with the extra goodies, localized. You either have to play it reading from a Translation script, or wait for the ToV translation group to finish the hack and play the JPN PS3 game on a jailbroken PS3. After beating Hyperdimension Neptunia last night, I'd..I'd feel guilty.

You guys should really play ToV if you haven't. It's probably one of the best in the series. At least from the games I've played. Besides it's only $5 not like you won't be able to buy a physical copy if you find one for cheap.

Yeah too bad no PS3 version of Vesperia only way i'll play the XBOX 360 version is if i find an xbox 360 for like 50 dollars way down the road and then proceed to buy it and get the game.

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Maybe. There might be a single game in the glass case, or none at all. At least that was my experience. I remember trying to find a 'limited stock' Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition and they couldn't locate it anywhere.
When I went to get my Zelda 3DSXL at a little before midnight it was in the back still I asked the Wal Mart employee to check and after trying (and speaking to a manager) he said he wasn't sure if they would get any because the inventory onlt updated once per day. Of course he could have been making that up and did seem like the type that would but figured it was worth a mention.

I've bought LEs from Amazon, New Egg, GameStop, and Best Buy on multiple occasions, and I would say that GameStop does the best job of packing those LEs so that they are not damaged in shipping.

I would have said that Best Buy does an equally great job, until they shipped my ACIV LE in its original packaging. Didn't even put it in a bag, just stuck a shipping label on the side and sent it off with the UPS man. I was surprised that the plastic slipcover was still on when the game arrived.

New Egg has consistently been the worst for me as far as shipment of LEs go. They just throw them into a padded envelope, and the LE almost always arrives with a crushed box.

Amazon has been just as bad as New Egg with the smaller LEs. With the bigger ones, though, their packing has been fine for the most part.

My personal rule of thumb now: any LE that is likely small enough to fit in a padded envelope should be ordered from GameStop. Any LE ordered from BB should be marked as a gift so they don't ship it in its original packaging.
As much as I love Amazon and Newegg's prices, this has unfortunately been my experience as well. My Tales of X collector's edition was fine from Amazon, but it was quite large. In comparison my Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers LE's outer cardboard box came shredded and torn from Amazon.

I've also had a normal game have problems from NewEgg. My Uncharted 3 had been squished so hard that the little plastic pieces in the center you press to release the game were crushed, broken, and fell out. o_O

To be fair, ToV was on sale at GoHastings for $11ish a month or so ago, after discounts. 

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Thanks for sharing that, didn't even know about this game. Too bad about the censoring, though I appreciate that they're up front about it. Hopefully they'll go a step further and detail what's been cut. Hopefully it's just some loli stuff.
Same here. I really like card games (not the mobile or simple social game kind...the big ones) but considering that I haven't even looked at Culdcept Saga yet and I have no clue how good and how deep this game is, I need to see more about it.

I can live with the censorship as long as it isn't too much and it isn't great "cards" that we are losing.

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I'm glad they censored it. Now I don't need to buy it. \o/
+1 .... looked kinda interesting too

*sigh* seriously wtf is with this huge glut of shit getting censored? I just found out theyre also censoring some of the outfits in friggin Bravely Default as well. WTF is this the SNES era again? I guess they figure americans cant handle a little cleavage or skin? Yeesh, friggin ridiculous. I mean what do they think will happen. It is a friggin M rated game. Theres bare breasts and sex scenes in western M rated games, why censor this crap?

Same here. I really like card games (not the mobile or simple social game kind...the big ones) but considering that I haven't even looked at Culdcept Saga yet and I have no clue how good and how deep this game is, I need to see more about it.

I can live with the censorship as long as it isn't too much and it isn't great "cards" that we are losing.
Go ahead and buy Culdcept Saga. One of my favorite card games (and I love card games).

Gotta love double standards. You can kill people all you want, and show as much gore as possible, but show some skin and it's a big no no (Although I do understand in cases such as this where Japan goes to extremes, Loli's...etc....)

But it kills me whenever I see people saying that they won't buy something just because it is censored (or no cart no buy). I understand if the actual gameplay, or story itself is changed. That would be a big no in my book. But in cases like this and Bravely Default, from what I read so far, it is only minor visual aspects with everything else staying the same. I mean are a couple pixels REALLY going to make you not buy a game you would have otherwise bought if it weren't for that?

I don't like it either, but just pushing it to the wayside just for that is ridiculous. It's just hurting the company otherwise not buying it, and decreasing the odds of a title coming over again in the future. Even if they tried to put it through uncensored, even as a digital only, they risk a AO rating or the major backlash from "illogical" extremists, it would have a tough time even getting released for said images. 

But I digress, sorry for the rant. I just strongly dislike when people think like that.

But oh well, to each his own. I myself will buy a copy, hell, maybe even 2 if they take the risk of putting it out physically.  O:)

Gotta love double standards. You can kill people all you want, and show as much gore as possible, but show some skin and it's a big no no (Although I do understand in cases such as this where Japan goes to extremes, Loli's...etc....)

But it kills me whenever I see people saying that they won't buy something just because it is censored (or no cart no buy). I understand if the actual gameplay, or story itself is changed. That would be a big no in my book. But in cases like this and Bravely Default, from what I read so far, it is only minor visual aspects with everything else staying the same. I mean are a couple pixels REALLY going to make you not buy a game you would have otherwise bought if it weren't for that?

I don't like it either, but just pushing it to the wayside just for that is ridiculous. It's just hurting the company otherwise not buying it, and decreasing the odds of a title coming over again in the future. Even if they tried to put it through uncensored, even as a digital only, they risk a AO rating or the major backlash from "illogical" extremists, it would have a tough time even getting released for said images.

But I digress, sorry for the rant. I just strongly dislike when people think like that.

But oh well, to each his own. I myself will buy a copy, hell, maybe even 2 if they take the risk of putting it out physically. O:)
The more you buy something like this the more you say it's okay for them to keep doing it. Is it really a huge game-altering thing? No, but censorship is bullshit no matter how you slice it.

Not gonna get into it here, some people are into this kind of thing and will defend it, and whatever.  But you guys DO realize that the main reason it's being censored is that the girls look like kids, right?  I mean it's not like they haven't shown breasts in a M-rated game before.  Personally, I'd be more interested in it if they had went a step further and taken out the "rubbing" crap.  That's just creepy IMO.

On another topic, the main game in that Wal-Mart lists that interests me shows out of stock & won't let me check locally - Nostalgia.  Anyone know anything about that one?  FYI, if anyone else is interested in it and doesn't care so much about the case/manual, GS has it listed for about $5 used.  Unfortunately, none of my local GS stores have it either.  

Go ahead and buy Culdcept Saga. One of my favorite card games (and I love card games).
One of my favorite card based games too. I wish we would get the 3ds version, although I doubt we will :(

I actually imported monster monpiece when it came out in japan. It is still in my backlog too lol. Figured it was a game we would NEVER see.

One of my favorite card based games too. I wish we would get the 3ds version, although I doubt we will :(

I actually imported monster monpiece when it came out in japan. It is still in my backlog too lol. Figured it was a game we would NEVER see.
It is a damn shame. I would have missed out on the DS one too if it wasn't for the fan patch.

Culdcept for the PS2, if you can track it down, is incredible as well.  I personally like it slightly more than the 360 one, but that may be nostalgia talking - a friend and I spent countless hours playing that game.  Heck, I think I sold a copy of that game to everyone I knew at the time that had a PS2.  :p  

I have to agree the game is kind of pervy with all the rubbing.  I wonder if they would left the game alone if they all looked like zombies or what they are implied as, monsters?

I have to agree though that there is a lot of disturbing violence in video games.  I find it kind of odd that so much disturbing violence is considered more acceptable/tolerable.

Introduce something sexually disturbing and people go nuts.  The game is rated Mature for that reason.

It all boils down to: Don't like it, don't buy it/support the game.

If the game is really entertaining, I would probably buy the uncut Japanese version or an Adults Only version if that became available. Just to see if the cards that didn't make it were worth all the noise.


But it kills me whenever I see people saying that they won't buy something just because it is censored (or no cart no buy). I understand if the actual gameplay, or story itself is changed. That would be a big no in my book. But in cases like this and Bravely Default, from what I read so far, it is only minor visual aspects with everything else staying the same. I mean are a couple pixels REALLY going to make you not buy a game you would have otherwise bought if it weren't for that?

I don't like it either, but just pushing it to the wayside just for that is ridiculous. It's just hurting the company otherwise not buying it, and decreasing the odds of a title coming over again in the future. Even if they tried to put it through uncensored, even as a digital only, they risk a AO rating or the major backlash from "illogical" extremists, it would have a tough time even getting released for said images.

But oh well, to each his own. I myself will buy a copy, hell, maybe even 2 if they take the risk of putting it out physically.
Don't act like their hands are tied. This is another business decision, pure and simple. They figure the wapanese market will buy anything they put out, and if they censor it *maybe* Johnny Football Star will buy it.

Well, now neither purists nor Johnny will pick it up. And if this bombs like Mugen Souls did, maybe they'll start to realize that cutting content isn't a good strategy.

You know what they always say: vote with your wallet. So by all means if you enjoy censorship, buy those two copies you want.

I'll be voting against.

As much as I love Amazon and Newegg's prices, this has unfortunately been my experience as well. My Tales of X collector's edition was fine from Amazon, but it was quite large. In comparison my Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers LE's outer cardboard box came shredded and torn from Amazon.

I've also had a normal game have problems from NewEgg. My Uncharted 3 had been squished so hard that the little plastic pieces in the center you press to release the game were crushed, broken, and fell out. o_O
Yeah, Newegg is my least favorite, even for regular edition games. I've received so many with loose/floating discs that I avoid them if at all possible.

Yay for more localization! As others said, it is unfortunate for the censoring, but I guess that's what they have to do to have it released.

From what I've read all the core gameplay, ALL of it, is still intact, it is just changed images. May be wrong though.

And (Correct me if I'm wrong) but isn't this Idea Factory International's first game being localized by themselves? I do hope it goes well so many more will follow!
Looks like a neat game, but Compile Heart doesn't exactly have the best track record with Neptunia and Agarest (although I guess the Neptunia games have been improving, and maybe it was just me that didn't like Agarest).

I'd like to see the cards that are being taken out, just out of curiosity. Considering what does make it over uncensored, you'd think these must be pretty "intense," but I can't imagine what they would be??

Huzzah even with some censoring...lame, but I do enjoy card battle games nonetheless as long as it's not a pay2win free game it gets my purchase.
In the JP version, they did allow us to buy tiered card packs from the store. Especially +2 cards. Online got really brutal after that if you didn't have a loaded deck.

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I am, regardless of censorship, interested in the game. However, I do hope they go physical. I don't like digital titles on my consoles / handhelds. I don't like the idea of losing access to my purchases if the network gets taken down.
If you're against censorship, I do encourage you to let their Twitter account know: https://twitter.com/IdeaFactoryIntl
Honestly, do you send similar tweets and e-mails to every other niche publisher every time a new game is announced? This might come as a surprise to you, but every single Japanese game that has ever been localized and released on any console platform in the United States has been censored in some way, going back to the NES days. Certainly, some have had more major changes than others, but all of them have been modified and censored in some manner.

Considering this is a game that I thought would never get localized; I'll support it's release to encourage more. Besides I doubt you would notice that the game was being censored if someone didn't tell you. 

Honestly, do you send similar tweets and e-mails to every other niche publisher every time a new game is announced? This might come as a surprise to you, but every single Japanese game that has ever been localized and released on any console platform in the United States has been censored in some way, going back to the NES days. Certainly, some have had more major changes than others, but all of them have been modified and censored in some manner.
Well bitching about it on some random forum doesn't seem to get anything done, so yeah, I'll contact companies when I think it'll effect some change. For a small company like Idea Factory, fan opinion matters.

And your great revelation actually does come as a surprise. I wasn't aware Cave Story, for example, was censored. You seem to know what you're talking about, so what exactly did they change there? I actually have a long list of other games I would like your sage input on, so please do answer me.

And your great revelation actually does come as a surprise. I wasn't aware Cave Story, for example, was censored. You seem to know what you're talking about, so what exactly did they change there? I actually have a long list of other games I would like your sage input on, so please do answer me.
Cave Story was really a story about fertilization. The Cave is a woman's womb, and the characters are the sperm trying to make it to the end. As you can see they changed things quite a lot.

On a slightly-related note, Cave Story isn't actually a Japanese game. It's a DoubleFine game. Sega was just the publisher.

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Cave Story was really a story about fertilization. The Cave is a woman's womb, and the characters are the sperm trying to make it to the end. As you can see they changed things quite a lot.

On a slightly-related note, Cave Story isn't actually a Japanese game. It's a DoubleFine game. Sega was just the publisher.
You're thinking of The Cave. Cave Story is a platformer.


IF has clarified that cards will not be removed, but altered. They've also listed which ones.

What would really be nice is a view of all the listed cards. I want to know if they're just going after lolis or toning down anything sexual.

"Here is the list of Monster Girls whose images have been limited to that of their level 1, 2, or 3 evolution form due to the strong sexual nature of the card images: Vampire, Kraken, Goblin, Cockatrice, Kobold, Skeleton, Titania, Bahamut, Fia, Brownie, Pegasus, Mandragora, Mau Sibau, Rafflesia, Death Scorpion, Phantom, and Tengu."


Whenever I try to google "Monster Monpiece x" where x is one of these cards I can't find much. Can anyone that's played the game comment on what kind of cards they are, or have links to images of them?

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Well bitching about it on some random forum doesn't seem to get anything done, so yeah, I'll contact companies when I think it'll effect some change. For a small company like Idea Factory, fan opinion matters.

And your great revelation actually does come as a surprise. I wasn't aware Cave Story, for example, was censored. You seem to know what you're talking about, so what exactly did they change there? I actually have a long list of other games I would like your sage input on, so please do answer me.
Happy to. Cave Story had a fairly poor/inaccurate English dialogue translation initially. In fact, it was so poor and not true to the source material that on the PC version at least, there is a more accurate fan translation that people downloaded and used.

Happy to. Cave Story had a fairly poor/inaccurate English dialogue translation initially. In fact, it was so poor and not true to the source material that on the PC version at least, there is a more accurate fan translation that people downloaded and used.
So you're arguing that all translation/localization/change is censorship? I'm not sure what meaningful discussion can be had with someone who holds that view.

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