Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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I've always been intrigued by the "want it" vs "need it" dynamic of collecting. There is a difference.

For example:

Game X CE is announced For $199.99. Some replies will be something along the lines of "Yes! Been waiting for something like this for a while. Price tag is a little hefty, but I've been dying to get my hands on something like this. Going to put in an order asap!"

Then there is...

"Damn it. $199.99... really? That's way too expensive, and I really don't want to spend that much money. However, it comes a ____ in the CE, so looks like I'm going to have to order it."

It's where the hobby of collecting turns from something that is fun into something that is an addiction. Example A has the person happy and excited it was announced and they really want it. Example B is someone that clearly doesn't want to spend it, but they feel like they need to. Always been interested in that dynamic.

Not necessarily talking about anyone in particular, but over the years I've seen both and people's mindset has always intrigued me. If gambling can be addiction, why can't collecting?

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I've always been intrigued by the "want it" vs "need it" dynamic of collecting. There is a difference.

For example:

Game X CE is announced For $199.99. Some replies will be something along the lines of "Yes! Been waiting for something like this for a while. Price tag is a little hefty, but I've been dying to get my hands on something like this. Going to put in an order asap!"

Then there is...

"Damn it. $199.99... really? That's way too expensive, and I really don't want to spend that much money. However, it comes a ____ in the CE, so looks like I'm going to have to order it."

It's where the hobby of collecting turns from something that is fun into something that is an addiction. Example A has the person happy and excited it was announced and they really want it. Example B is someone that clearly doesn't want to spend it, but they feel like they need to. Always been interested in that dynamic.

Not necessarily talking about anyone in particular, but over the years I've seen both and people's mindset has always intrigued me. If gambling can be addiction, why can't collecting?
Hi, my name's Cloyd, and I'm a Collectoholic. I've been Collector's Edition free for 6 months, 5 days, 23 hours, and 15 minutes. I now know that I don't need to collect in order to be happy...*breaks down sobbing.*

lol, of course it can be an addiction, especially completionists (like people who collect every DS game, every Wii game, every 3DS console, everything related to FFXIII, etc.).

I don't fit in either of those though, but it's arguably worse. Mine's more "it's Atlus/NIS/Xseed/Aksys, I'm buying it. Unless it comes with something I -really- don't want," such as downgrading the Disgaea 4 figures from a Nendoroid pettite to 9 crappy figures no one wanted to buy. Or in the case of Xillia, the non-scale Milla. I used to try to collect every Atlus game, but then they started releasing junk like Game of Thrones and Magus, so that helped me ween off a bit.

I can wait for price drops on a lot of things, except for most NISA Store exclusives. There's still games that make me go "take my money!" Etrian Odyssey and Infinite Space top that list.

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Detail about P4AU has been announced:


Game is looking very good so far, decent additions, Rise is looking to be a zone character, probably going to be extremely powerful as Arcsys loves to make these background characters from previous games super strong (i.e. Kokonoe). The Golden Arena mode seems to be like Abyss mode, which is a blast in Blazblue. 2 new story modes, 3p and 4p character perspectives. Now we wait for Ken, who i guess would be around the same age as P4's protagonist group. Ken probably has 1-hit kill moves like Elizabeth, if I remember correctly, his persona specializes in Hama and Mudoon.

Really hope that the FeMC gets added in at this point. It seems that the guys making this game have been pretty generous thus far.

lol, of course it can be an addiction, especially completionists (like people who collect every DS game, every Wii game, every 3DS console, everything related to FFXIII, etc.).

I don't fit in either of those though, but it's arguably worse. Mine's more "it's Atlus/NIS/Xseed/Aksys, I'm buying it. Unless it comes with something I -really- don't want," such as downgrading the Disgaea 4 figures from a Nendoroid pettite to 9 crappy figures no one wanted to buy. Or in the case of Xillia, the non-scale Milla. I used to try to collect every Atlus game, but then they started releasing junk like Game of Thrones and Magus, so that helped me ween off a bit.

I can wait for price drops on a lot of things, except for most NISA Store exclusives. There's still games that make me go "take my money!" Etrian Odyssey and Infinite Space top that list.
I do it for some things. I will identify specific series, and buy anything related to that series. Especially if there is a CE. But it is not a large amount. I rarely buy any CE outside of the RPG genre. I will typically buy anything Tales, FF, or Star Ocean.

Especially FPS series that are often released once per year. They keep hammering out those Call of Duty CEs and special edition versions every single year. Never had any interest in things like that.

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I do it for some things. I will identify specific series, and buy anything related to that series. Especially if there is a CE. But it is not a large amount. I rarely buy any CE outside of the RPG genre. I will typically buy anything Tales, FF, or Star Ocean.

Especially FPS series that are often released once per year. They keep hammering out those Call of Duty CEs and special edition versions every single year. Never had any interest in things like that.
I buy almost no FPS games either. Borderlands is the extent of my FPS nowadays.

I buy almost no FPS games either. Borderlands is the extent of my FPS nowadays.
I know what you mean. I'm a huge fan of the Gears of War series, so my FPS, or shooter games are little to none. I have a few for my xbox, but I rarely play it anymore. I only play Gow or Borderlands now if my friends pressure me into it, lol.

So I am probably now going to get a PS Vita with all these games getting released! Broke for life :'(

Which Vita would be the best one to buy from America now? Or should I get one from Japan? Are they even better lolol! Yea don't know much about the vita, haven't really done the research

So I am probably now going to get a PS Vita with all these games getting released! Broke for life :'(

Which Vita would be the best one to buy from America now? Or should I get one from Japan? Are they even better lolol! Yea don't know much about the vita, haven't really done the research
The 2000 comes out here next month. It's upgraded in every way except for having an LCD instead of OLED, and maybe feeling a bit cheaper due to losing some heft and a change in materials. The LED is supposed to be quite good, though. Overall it's better ergonomically, lighter, thinner, has a micro-usb charger instead of proprietary, and gives a couple extra hours of battery life. I love my 1000 but I'm still going to buy the 2000 to be my portable Vita. I'll leave it at work for when I want to play over lunch, or toss it in a case when I'm going somewhere. My 1000 will stay at home in the Nyko power pak for longer plays and for casual gaming in front of the TV.

OLED Vita is master race. :)
Yeah, it's a fantastic piece of hardware. The only big annoyance for me is the shitty charging port. I got my 1000 new and I'll probably get a 2000 new as well...though I'll immediately sell off BL2 and the memory card in order to lessen the effective price.

I'm planning to get a 2000 as well. Not sure if I want to keep my 1000 though, might come in handy to sync it to one of my various accounts and use it to boost Ad-Hoc only trophies with myself.

Wait just curious, can you have more than one Vita on a PSN account?

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Wait just curious, can you have more than one Vita on a PSN account?
Yep. Bonus for me; I also have a EU PS+ account, so it'll let me quit doing the account swap nonsense to knock out my backlog there. I'll go ahead and hack the 2000 as well, though, for playing a patched FFT and some of the games not available on PSN (Star Ocean, La Pucelle Ragnarok, Untold Legends, Type-0, Shining Force, etc..)

Yep. Bonus for me; I also have a EU PS+ account, so it'll let me quit doing the account swap nonsense to knock out my backlog there. I'll go ahead and hack the 2000 as well, though, for playing a patched FFT and some of the games not available on PSN (Star Ocean, La Pucelle Ragnarok, Untold Legends, Type-0, Shining Force, etc..)
Ah sweet thanks, I really might keep it then.

Heh. People on reddit are reporting that games are switching to not being downloadable on Vita again. Seems to be a rolling update and more people are chiming in as a bit of time passes. That's hilarious.

Detail about P4AU has been announced:


Game is looking very good so far, decent additions, Rise is looking to be a zone character, probably going to be extremely powerful as Arcsys loves to make these background characters from previous games super strong (i.e. Kokonoe). The Golden Arena mode seems to be like Abyss mode, which is a blast in Blazblue. 2 new story modes, 3p and 4p character perspectives. Now we wait for Ken, who i guess would be around the same age as P4's protagonist group. Ken probably has 1-hit kill moves like Elizabeth, if I remember correctly, his persona specializes in Hama and Mudoon.

Really hope that the FeMC gets added in at this point. It seems that the guys making this game have been pretty generous thus far.
In it for Shadow Rise. Her portrait is the best. :lol: Ken won't be P4 Age. He'll be around 13.

Still have hope for Minato/Minako as a Playable Character. Slight chance it'll be a DLC Character.

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The 2000 comes out here next month. It's upgraded in every way except for having an LCD instead of OLED, and maybe feeling a bit cheaper due to losing some heft and a change in materials. The LED is supposed to be quite good, though. Overall it's better ergonomically, lighter, thinner, has a micro-usb charger instead of proprietary, and gives a couple extra hours of battery life. I love my 1000 but I'm still going to buy the 2000 to be my portable Vita. I'll leave it at work for when I want to play over lunch, or toss it in a case when I'm going somewhere. My 1000 will stay at home in the Nyko power pak for longer plays and for casual gaming in front of the TV.
That is what I do with my two vitas. :D I bought a 2000 (FF X/X-2 LE ver) last year, and its just way better for gaming on the go while the 1000 stays at home.

In it for Shadow Rise. Her portrait is the best. :lol: Ken won't be P4 Age. He'll be around 13.

Still have hope for Minato/Minako as a Playable Character. Slight chance it'll be a DLC Character.
They could only do that if they somehow resolve his story with Elizabeth being successful. It would be awesome if they did that, though, as I dislike having his fate hang there in the nebulous spot it's in now.

They could only do that if they somehow resolve his story with Elizabeth being successful. It would be awesome if they did that, though, as I dislike having his fate hang there in the nebulous spot it's in now.
Or the the Mysterious Being (most likely Nyarlathotep), could pose as Minato and fight, much like it did in the last part of P4A. Of course, this Doppleganger would be significantly less powerful than the original but would still pose a challenge. But that's just wishful thinking.

:lol: Persona 5. The return of Minato Christ.

Wish we could have a localization, but imports are fine for second-bests.
I'm definitely fine with importing. :lol: Given the amount of luck we had recently with all the localization announcements, specifically with some of the titles such as Akiba's Trip, I am mildly optimistic about a localization. Even Aquapazza got localized, so there is hope yet. I'll be even more optimistic if Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax gets localized as well once the Console versions roll out. Hahaha.

ATLUS localization plz. :lol:

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whats that big Japanese import site people have mentioned here.. not play-asia, its been said its better than play-asia a few times.. think it begins with an N? Im looking for a case for my XL and maybe my old light and old DSXL and play asia doesn't have a good selection

I'm definitely fine with importing. :lol: Given the amount of luck we had recently with all the localization announcements, specifically with some of the titles such as Akiba's Trip, I am mildly optimistic about a localization. Even Aquapazza got localized, so there is hope yet. I'll be even more optimistic if Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax gets localized as well once the Console versions roll out. Hahaha.

ATLUS localization plz. :lol:
Fighting games are my favorite genre so I'd definitely prefer localizations of games like Blade Arcus, Arcana Heart 3: Love Max, Dengeki Bunko and Phantom Breaker over titles like Akiba's Trip.

I'll take what I can get, though. I wish Chaos Code got a disc release like Aqua Pazza. I still haven't got that one, yet. I hate buying digital releases for more than $15.

It's tough keeping track of all the niche Japanese fighters that haven't made their way over to the West. I don't wanna miss out on any of them. I need to compile a list of them or something.

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The 2000 comes out here next month. It's upgraded in every way except for having an LCD instead of OLED, and maybe feeling a bit cheaper due to losing some heft and a change in materials. The LED is supposed to be quite good, though. Overall it's better ergonomically, lighter, thinner, has a micro-usb charger instead of proprietary, and gives a couple extra hours of battery life. I love my 1000 but I'm still going to buy the 2000 to be my portable Vita. I'll leave it at work for when I want to play over lunch, or toss it in a case when I'm going somewhere. My 1000 will stay at home in the Nyko power pak for longer plays and for casual gaming in front of the TV.
I probably won't get two haha! But judging from what you and others are saying even though OLED might be a bit nicer at home LED is the way to go portably as its better in every way. I might was debating on getting it in the summer or waiting until a huge sale such as black friday or something where there is a chance for a combo memory card or decrease in price. Not sure whats the better choice yet though. Thanks for the input :D

[quote name="Kenshindono" post="11711328" timestamp="1398335283"]i think so? Looks familiar. Never ordered from them. Is this the one thats been recomended in the thread a few times?[/quote]

I've recommended them multiple times. They're the only site that I choose to use.
I'm glad to see some CAGs aren't scared to pay those shipping prices. I just got my Dark Souls 2 Japan CE from Nippon-Yason and I can tell you most CAGs wouldn't pay those prices when most bitch about not getting free shipping.

My thoughts are if you want an item then you either buy it now and pay the price or pay out of the ass for it later from a 3rd party.

All I can say is we got fucked over on our Dark Souls 2 CE.

The 2000 Vita's look nice, but I'm keeping my 1000. I have the Miku one, so I feel obligated to continue using it.
I love my miku vita. Most gorgeous handheld I've ever seen. Still considering a 3rd vita which would be the 2000. I'd like to be able to use my US account without updating my other 1000 so I can keep using TN-V.
Fighting games are my favorite genre so I'd definitely prefer localizations of games like Blade Arcus, Arcana Heart 3: Love Max, Dengeki Bunko and Phantom Breaker over titles like Akiba's Trip.

I'll take what I can get, though. I wish Chaos Code got a disc release like Aqua Pazza. I still haven't got that one, yet. I hate buying digital releases for more than $15.

It's tough keeping track of all the niche Japanese fighters that haven't made their way over to the West. I don't wanna miss out on any of them. I need to compile a list of them or something.
Unless I'm mistaken, Chaos Code has been $11.99 for a while now.
This is the only site I've read that actually readily recommend Nippon. I've read too many negatives on their shipping times, CS, return policy, and receiving merchandise late.  :whistle2:o

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This is the only site I've read that actually readily recommend Nippon. I've read too many negatives on their shipping times, CS, return policy, and receiving merchandise late. :whistle2:o
only complaint is the shipping time for me. Sometimes they ship games 2-3 days after release which is awful. Amiami is easily the best option
This is the only site I've read that actually readily recommend Nippon. I've read too many negatives on their shipping times, CS, return policy, and receiving merchandise late. :whistle2:o
I used FedEX shipping with them and I had my CE from Japan to California in 3 days. They also packed my CE really well and I'd use them again in the future.
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only complaint is the shipping time for me. Sometimes they ship games 2-3 days after release which is awful. Amiami is easily the best option
I wish my last order was mailed out in 2-3 days.

It took Nippon Yasan 13 days to mail out my Fire Emblem Tharja figure.

Fighting games are my favorite genre so I'd definitely prefer localizations of games like Blade Arcus, Arcana Heart 3: Love Max, Dengeki Bunko and Phantom Breaker over titles like Akiba's Trip.

I'll take what I can get, though. I wish Chaos Code got a disc release like Aqua Pazza. I still haven't got that one, yet. I hate buying digital releases for more than $15.

It's tough keeping track of all the niche Japanese fighters that haven't made their way over to the West. I don't wanna miss out on any of them. I need to compile a list of them or something.
While I'm not that great at Fighting Games, I do love the Genre and support it.

It is a shame Chaos Code did not get a disc release, but remember it does not have Online Play yet. Of course, I wouldn't mind a budget title release though. It is hard to track all of them down. You forgot to add in Koihime Muso and Under in Night Birth Exe Late.


Dat Rise Gameplay.

well yeah she IS insanely popular after all.  still can't believe that one cosplayer in a tv commercial and the effort that went into her costume on the scifi channel.

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