Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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[quote name='Ragnorok64']What is all this "censorship stuff" that I keep seeing. It seems to have sparked a ridiculously off topic debate, but with those posts being deleted I have no idea what anyone's talking about.[/QUOTE]

i dont know specifcally what it is....but in the original japanese version of the game there is some iffy sutff(well cause the characters all look like kids) that was taken out of the american version of the game....most likely to avoid the game getting blasted with an AO rating if i had to guess. or worse yet getting an M rating getting sold and the game getting blasted as pedophile food....which would be a nice form of irony given the fact that TLC show toddlers and tiaras still is allowed to air.

check gamefaqs or google it im sure its on there somewhere.

basically you have people pissed at the censorship and people that dont care and cant understand why people would be pissed at the censorship.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']What is all this "censorship stuff" that I keep seeing. It seems to have sparked a ridiculously off topic debate, but with those posts being deleted I have no idea what anyone's talking about.[/QUOTE]

If I'm remembering correctly (and I'll try not to be so graphic to get my post removed or any kind of warning that may be involved), there's a mini-game where you have to give baths to some of the characters. Someone from NIS said it really didn't impact the game that severely if it were to be taken out, so they removed it in order to not get an AO rating or worse.

Not totally sure on that, but I believe I read it on the NIS forums a while back.

To keep on track of the thread, I'm hoping that soon they announce more details on The Witch and the Hundred Knights. That game has my interest piqued.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']What is all this "censorship stuff" that I keep seeing. It seems to have sparked a ridiculously off topic debate, but with those posts being deleted I have no idea what anyone's talking about.[/QUOTE]

What happened was they took this out.


People talking about AO are talking out of their ass.

It's funny because the only people that would be offended by this wouldn't buy the game anyway. So really, all they did was piss of the only people who would buy this by censoring it. Yet they're still marketing it as an extremely sexualized game. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']What happened was they took this out.


People talking about AO are talking out of their ass.

It's funny because the only people that would be offended by this wouldn't buy the game anyway. So really, all they did was piss of the only people who would buy this by censoring it. Yet they're still marketing it as an extremely sexualized game. Dumb, dumb, dumb.[/QUOTE]

That's not correct. I would not have purchased the game had it been left in. I know quite a few people that feel the same way.
[quote name='bojay1997']That's not correct. I would not have purchased the game had it been left in. I know quite a few people that feel the same way.[/QUOTE]

Out of curiosity, did you buy Agarest War 2?
[quote name='elessar123']Out of curiosity, did you buy Agarest War 2?[/QUOTE]

Hah, was about to ask this myself. Agarest was the first game that came to mind that was close to this issue.

Either way, I think if they are taking something out, we should get something else in return. Feels like if we support this, it'll just turn into a slippery slope of more stuff getting censored in other games down the line.
Considering these are niche games, with a niche audience that is obviously quite used to such things, I don't understand the censorship. If that clip is indicative, it's pretty mild visually (However, I can see someone getting their panties in a bunch over the audio).

I doubt anyone like Fox News would get much play out of it, if that's what they were worried about. The mainstream likes their misinformation to be a bit more realistic and eyecatching to the average viewer.
[quote name='bojay1997']That's not correct. I would not have purchased the game had it been left in. I know quite a few people that feel the same way.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, same here.

It doesn't even look like any fun.

I'm not saying they should have taken it out, but if it was left in, I would have passed on it. Perhaps in the future they can sell the cut content via DLC or by way of exclusive versions only accessible from their online store fronts?
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Or perhaps you could just skip the content you don't like instead of forcing your social conservatism on others?[/QUOTE]

The people on the other side could, likewise, live with the small cut and not force their rampant idealism, eh? Also, not wanting to touch little girls in the pee pee area isn't conservative; it's normal. That's a pretty big difference.
My god, nobody is making you buy this pedo game. It's not forcing idealism as it's your choice to buy it or not.

I won't be buying this game regardless. It's a crappy game that shamefully added that content to get sales from people who enjoy that kind of thing. Take that away, and all you are left with is a crappy game period. There are better games out there that doesn't cross the line, or had the need to be censored.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']What happened was they took this out.


People talking about AO are talking out of their ass.

It's funny because the only people that would be offended by this wouldn't buy the game anyway. So really, all they did was piss of the only people who would buy this by censoring it. Yet they're still marketing it as an extremely sexualized game. Dumb, dumb, dumb.[/QUOTE]

i love how this too offensive yet the TV show toddlers and tiaras remains on the air....and i also love how this isnt acceptable in a game yet mass murder is.

sort of how skyrim you cant kill children(PC mods excluded) and same thing in fallout if i recall. but mass murder of adults? apparently that is acceptable.

i really dont quite get the logic. sort of how in a prison pedophiles are the worst of the worst yet the serial killer that kills 100 people is ok.
[quote name='Lei']^i live in cali too and had the same prob as him. packaging feedback doesn't help and neither does complaining. if you request a 2nd replacement they will say "it's going to be shipped the same way so I won't trouble you with a replacement, just return for refund"... I don't order from amazon anymore if it's something I'm worried about getting damaged

does anyone know when in 2013 HDN3 is coming out? beginning of year or later?[/QUOTE]

Ya, hes right. This is basically what the guy said. He was very helpful but said that there really was no way to get them to ship it properly at all. Its the way the system is set up. With them charging sales tax now I honestly think im pretty much just done ordering any kind of collectors edition or good quality art book from amazon anymore.

Honestly im amazed such a big company has no control over something like this. A few hundred dollars worth of damaged items from Rightstuff and they put a note on my file to package all future orders well. Havent had a single problem since. Screw Amazon

[quote name='Ragnorok64']What is all this "censorship stuff" that I keep seeing. It seems to have sparked a ridiculously off topic debate, but with those posts being deleted I have no idea what anyone's talking about.[/QUOTE]

Blea, i dont get why people keep going into random off tangent flame wars on this every time its brought up: Simple fact is on Mugen Souls they removed an entire sub section of the game because it involved rubbing soap/bathing some girls that looked underage. Deemed too pervy I guess for US audiences. *edit* looks like that was answered and DarkSageRK posted a good example. I belive these sequences also unlocked stat upgrades or items or something.

BTW HDN2013.. is it actually a high def game? The models look quite a bit more high res than the earlier games seemed to be. I actually still havent opened either of my LE packages or cards

^_^x KD
Uh oh, I remember this discussion. Creepers trying desperately to justify the pedo-content in the game.

Would be totally acceptable if you could just turn off the content. But alas, they just decided to remove it and I'm not losing any sleep over it.

My favorite "argument" is the comparing of killing in media as entertainment to touching little girls. That one cracks me up!
I love how people are dropping the "pedo" excuse despite likely having played various NIS games with little girl/young looking characters wearing scantily clad clothing and dropping insults about each others chest sizes and other perverted stuff.
why the hell are people still flaming about this fucking censorship thing? Let it go people, Christ. The guy asked a question, it was answered. Shut the hell up about it

^_^x KD
[quote name='AugustAPC']Uh oh, I remember this discussion. Creepers trying desperately to justify the pedo-content in the game.

Would be totally acceptable if you could just turn off the content. But alas, they just decided to remove it and I'm not losing any sleep over it.

My favorite "argument" is the comparing of killing in media as entertainment to touching little girls. That one cracks me up![/QUOTE]

so why is mass murder acceptable entertainment yet touching little girls isnt? ever stopped to ponder why we accept killing but not rape? when realistically they are both pretty barbaric....sorry but topics like this raise thought provoking questions like how some odd things like killing are acceptable in video games without a second thought yet a sexual scene is taboo. and a sexual scene with kids? why that is just insanity!!!! but kill a few million people and some games even ramp it up with specific crazy types of kills is perfectly fine. not to mention stealing, greed, and a whole host of other morally questionable things. yet show a naked body or a sex scene and things blow up....how strange we humans are indeed yet the women in this games are allowed and are not seen as taboo to wear very sexually provocative clothing.

its all very odd rapist and pedophiles are taboo criminals hated by all universally. i am curious how killers can hate them so much yet feel justified in killing someones child as if that is better.

learn to look outside the box people not everyone that wants that scene in the game is a pedophile and not everyone questioning its absence is whacking off to children. some hate the censorship and some question why it is a taboo in video games and the world in general.
[quote name='kayne2000']so why is mass murder acceptable entertainment yet touching little girls isnt? ever stopped to ponder why we accept killing but not rape? when realistically they are both pretty barbaric....sorry but topics like this raise thought provoking questions like how some odd things like killing are acceptable in video games without a second thought yet a sexual scene is taboo. and a sexual scene with kids? why that is just insanity!!!! but kill a few million people and some games even ramp it up with specific crazy types of kills is perfectly fine. not to mention stealing, greed, and a whole host of other morally questionable things. yet show a naked body or a sex scene and things blow up....how strange we humans are indeed yet the women in this games are allowed and are not seen as taboo to wear very sexually provocative clothing.

its all very odd rapist and pedophiles are taboo criminals hated by all universally. i am curious how killers can hate them so much yet feel justified in killing someones child as if that is better.

learn to look outside the box people not everyone that wants that scene in the game is a pedophile and not everyone questioning its absence is whacking off to children. some hate the censorship and some question why it is a taboo in video games and the world in general.[/QUOTE]
Now I understand some of the people complaining about censorship, but in this argument you sound like a pedophile apologist.
It's funny that you're telling me to "look outside the box", when you're the one with the very narrow-minded view. You're comparing violence in video games to pedophilia. I'll say this explain this one time:

Killing in games like GTA or Gears of War doesn't cater to one specific form of entertainment. Nor do they cater to anyone's desire to run down a street and bludgeon people with baseball bats. In Gears of War, there is strategy to outgunning your opponent. The gore and explosions are just aesthetics that are edgy and fun. In Grand Theft Auto, when you beat people on the street or crash your car into buildings... it's the equivalent of taking a broken PS3 outside and smashing it. It's just stress relief. The people, cars and buildings in GTA are just objects.

Now you're going to say, "well, the little girls in Mugen Souls aren't real either!" Well, no shit. But there is only one end to a game that has you massaging nude children, and that is to cater to your carnal desires. There's no strategy, there's no stress relief there's not even a emotionally deep and realistic portrayal on tragedy, a la Modern Warfare 2. It's just you, staring at a picture of a little girl and slathering her with oil.

It's the same reason we have paintball, but we don't have paint-pedophilia. No one in there right mind wakes up and says, "I'm gonna go pretend-f*ck a little girl today." But plenty of times I've woken up and thought to myself, "I'm gonna get up and kick my friends' asses in Gears of War."

Now then comes the, "What's wrong with media that caters to carnal desire?" Nothing. Unless it's catering to a carnal desire that involves children. I love my bouncing tits in DoA. But those are fully developed, and not attached to a 9 year-old... nor am I forced to play a mechanic that has me massaging a pair of boobs. They're just there for eye-candy.

Another angle would be, "Well, Modern Warfare 2 actually has you slaughtering people that are depicted as innocence as part of a terrorist attack. There's no strategy or stress relief in something depicted that heavily." That's right, there isn't. It's supposed to elicit deep and thoughtful reactions from audiences. It's handled in a mature manner that is supposed to make you realize how gruesome these things can be.

All it comes down to, is that Mugen Souls is trying to get you off with pictures of little girls. That's fucked up. Gears of War is trying to relieve stress by allowing you to blow shit up, save the world from aliens or strategically out maneuver your opponents. That's cool.

That's all I have to say on the topic. Again, I'd be cool with the feature just being able to be turned off. But I'm completely find with them omitting it entirely. And no, I'm not pro-censorship. This is the first time I've ever been okay with it. I was pissed when they didn't localize Persona 2: Innocent Sin just because there was the option to have a gay relationship. That shit had me really mad.
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[quote name='AugustAPC']I was pissed when they didn't localize Persona 2: Innocent Sin just because there was the option to have a gay relationship. That shit had me really mad.[/QUOTE]

What pisses me off is that you don't understand that it's the exact same situation. You got upset, because they censored something based on a controversial subject that doesn't bother you. Mugen Souls is getting censored based on a controversial subjects that doesn't bother some of us. We're pedos, so you must be gay.

People call you closed-minded, because we're seeing you like you're probably seeing the people who can't get past the gay issue. A lot of my first memories are in Asian bookstores. It wasn't uncommon to see adult magazines next to, or near the kids' section. No one really cared. And you also can't seem to get in your head how such a strong resentment is mostly a Western mindset. So yes, you are quite closed-minded in that respect.
So I guess homosexuality is as moral as pedophilia.

Shut up.

[quote name='elessar123']
People call you closed-minded, because we're seeing you like you're probably seeing the people who can't get past the gay issue. A lot of my first memories are in Asian bookstores. It wasn't uncommon to see adult magazines next to, or near the kids' section. No one really cared. And you also can't seem to get in your head how such a strong resentment is mostly a Western mindset. So yes, you are quite closed-minded in that respect.

This couldn't possibly be more irrelevant.

I'm done with this shit. It's getting so ignorant that it's literally offensive.

First we're comparing violence in media to pedophilia, now we're comparing homosexuality to pedophilia. The very notion of that is sickening.
I wonder if the people arguing have seen the CGs that were removed? I don't care for censorship, but I could see how they might have had issues with the rating with probably 3-4 characters out of about 12. (Some look like the same character). I don't have the total character count since I'm not at home at the moment, but I have all the CGs on my desktop.

EDIT: the guy above me. That's actually probably why the game was censored so much, NISA is publishing the game for the UK region also. Both versions are identical. They actually have a law against "underaged looking characters" in any sexual situations. This is probably why they played it very safe and to me the real question is: did they play it too safe and remove more than they needed? Not that it matters at this point. A good example is if you compare AW2 UK vs US version. They had different publishers. The loli character CGs were removed, but the rest were left in. The US version was left untouched.
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[quote name='elessar123']What pisses me off is that you don't understand that it's the exact same situation. You got upset, because they censored something based on a controversial subject that doesn't bother you. Mugen Souls is getting censored based on a controversial subjects that doesn't bother some of us. We're pedos, so you must be gay.

People call you closed-minded, because we're seeing you like you're probably seeing the people who can't get past the gay issue. A lot of my first memories are in Asian bookstores. It wasn't uncommon to see adult magazines next to, or near the kids' section. No one really cared. And you also can't seem to get in your head how such a strong resentment is mostly a Western mindset. So yes, you are quite closed-minded in that respect.

I'm sorry, but I don't see it as the same at all. Same sex relationships between adults don't hurt anyone and everyone who is involved has given consent. Children aren't in a position to make a similar choice and selling a piece of software that trivializes touching children in a sexual way has no artistic or other value. I am extremely socially liberal, but when it comes to kids, they are completely off limits in my book regardless if it requires censorship or laws to protect them. And yes, Toddlers and Tiaras is creepy and should be off the air although it doesn't go as far as this game in the sense that nobody is touching the kids or otherwise acting in an overtly sexual manner towards them.
[quote name='bojay1997']I'm sorry, but I don't see it as the same at all. Same sex relationships between adults don't hurt anyone and everyone who is involved has given consent. Children aren't in a position to make a similar choice and selling a piece of software that trivializes touching children in a sexual way has no artistic or other value. I am extremely socially liberal, but when it comes to kids, they are completely off limits in my book regardless if it requires censorship or laws to protect them. And yes, Toddlers and Tiaras is creepy and should be off the air although it doesn't go as far as this game in the sense that nobody is touching the kids or otherwise acting in an overtly sexual manner towards them.[/QUOTE]

They're pixels on a screen representing heavily artistically stylized women over the age of 18. Beyond that, drawings are not children, old man. Get over yourself.
lol artistically stylized.


she looks four!

Shit is funny! Yea, if there wasn't at least an option to turn this off, I definitely wouldn't be buying this game.
[quote name='AugustAPC']lol artistically stylized.

she looks four!

Shit is funny! Yea, if there wasn't at least an option to turn this off, I definitely wouldn't be buying this game.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha wow.

Definitely not going to be getting Mugen Souls then, censored or not. I don't want to risk a dime of my money going to sick bastards who make or enjoy things like this.

Oh, and if you're trying to justify this kind of thing or if you "don't think of lolis as the same as children" like the below poster, you're part of the problem.
[quote name='bojay1997']I'm sorry, but I don't see it as the same at all. Same sex relationships between adults don't hurt anyone and everyone who is involved has given consent. Children aren't in a position to make a similar choice and selling a piece of software that trivializes touching children in a sexual way has no artistic or other value. I am extremely socially liberal, but when it comes to kids, they are completely off limits in my book regardless if it requires censorship or laws to protect them. And yes, Toddlers and Tiaras is creepy and should be off the air although it doesn't go as far as this game in the sense that nobody is touching the kids or otherwise acting in an overtly sexual manner towards them.[/QUOTE]

I appreciate the attempt to understand. I also agree with the sentiment about child molesters. I jus personally don't think of lolis as the same as children. In all honesty, Honey Booboo disturbs me more.
[quote name='storino03']I know this isn't exactly fitting for this topic, but what are your thoughts on this game:

Adventure Time--

DS/3DS: http://www.amazon.com/Adventure-Tim...qid=1350237818&sr=8-9&keywords=adventure+time[/QUOTE]

Your topic change seems better than arguing with these book-burning wackos.

Adventure Time is an awesome series and the game looks to be good for platforming fans. I put the CE on preorder because it's an awesome value -- gonna love using that stylus.
Guys, just do what you normally do. Don't buy this game, let it flop, and maybe pick it up if the price is cheap. I like NISA, but they should have chosen a better game.
[quote name='lutz']Guys, just do what you normally do. Don't buy this game, let it flop, and maybe pick it up if the price is cheap. I like NISA, but they should have chosen a better game.[/QUOTE]

I like to support these guys, cause I really do like JRPGs. But it's getting pretty rough lately. The whole toilet scene in Ar Tonelico... so fucking ridiculous.

I dunno... I miss the glory days.
well looks like the mods went overzelous with deleting posts again. Took off non flame posts as well for some reason.

So for the inevitable person who asks about the censorship again since any post/explination related to it is now gone, flame or not, I will restate the quick facts: Mugen Souls US release is censored. They removed an entire mini game sub section of the game because they felt it was too pervy and had too many under aged looking girls in it. Buy it or dont, but be aware that a chunk of content is removed.

Thats it. No one needs to reply or argue abou anything. That info is for the guy who asked a few pages back before everyone went all nuts. looks like his questions gone now too

wow all the relevant info deleted, and my follow up post with just the facts answering the guys question deleted as well.. Kudos to the mods for cleaning the thread up but if you delete all the non flame posts as well then people will just keep asking what was censored.

Alright to those who were asking what was censored in Mugen Souls that kicked off the flame war again. Heres the official post over on NISA's forums about it:


exact quote from the post:
Q: What's been edited, and why did you decide to edit it?
A: The Japanese version of the game contained a mini-game in which the player had to scrub/grope 2D depictions of female characters in a variety of bath scenes. The characters and surrounding audio/visual elements were extremely sexualized, and a number of the characters were depicted as potentially being pubescent or pre-pubescent. We decided to remove this content out of concern for the potential of receiving an AO rating from the ESRB, which would prevent us from releasing the game. In addition, as a company, we did not want NISA to release or be known for content that could be seen as sexualizing or objectifying children in this way. As this system contained no real story elements or gameplay (it was used to level up your characters, but the player's inputs had no impact on the final stats) we felt it was not a substantial loss of content. Note that your characters will still level up as if you had viewed the scenes, so no gameplay functionality is lost.

TL;DR version: they removed a sub section of the game because it was deemed too pervy for the US. It was a mini game where you washed some girls, and a few of them looked underage. Thats the gist of it. Buy the game or don't; just be aware that content has been removed

Thats it. Those are the facts. Please, no one reply with any flames or arguments about censorship. Im just linking to the official response from the publisher and passing the info along to those who asked. And mods, if you delete this again them im sure in another week or two someone else will just ask about it again and start a whole other flame war. I dont see why you would delete relevant info about a game thats relevant to this thread

^_^x KD
I think it would also be helpful to include the link to a youtube video or two (assuming that's allowed). My view on what was removed was heavily affected by seeing it rather than just reading it.
[quote name='Zaku77']I think it would also be helpful to include the link to a youtube video or two (assuming that's allowed). My view on what was removed was heavily affected by seeing it rather than just reading it.[/QUOTE]

I think we know why you want the link. :joystick::joystick::joystick:

Guy game didnt need to edit out the real child porn, I say NISA should go for it.
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