Japanese people line up for 360, yeah, Hell just froze (Blue Dragon)

Now hurry the hell up and translate the game to English and get it out here. There hasn't been a decent RPG released since March (FF games don't count).
[quote name='nintendokid']I meant to say "will" possibly in the near future geez[/QUOTE]
That's also not true. There was talk about outlawing the sale of vintage electronics (we're talking stuff that's 10+ years old) but they abandoned the idea. Plus, it was never going to apply to games -- just electronics. It's OK to make a mistake, but calling someone else lazy when you are the one that's wrong? Not so nice.

[quote name='Midnite']
It's Japan, if it's not Japanese don't buy it kind of attitude.[/QUOTE]

I've heard a lot of people say this to try and explain why the Xbox doesn't do well in Japan, but honestly, nothing could be further from the truth. If you've spent any time in Japan, you'd know that they have an almost unhealthy affection for foreign things. The reason the Xbox doesn't do well is simply that it doesn't have the kind of games most Japanese people like. Blue Dragon is definitely a step in the right direction, but if it'll take more than one game to make the system a success.
[quote name='icruise']but if it'll take more than one game to make the system a success.[/quote]Then the PS3 is screwed.
[quote name='Z-Saber']Then the PS3 is screwed.[/quote]

Fortunately for Sony, the Japanese public will buy the PS3 because.....well, I don't know exactly why, but they'll buy it and they'll love it. And they'll look down their noses at an "inferior" American product. I mean, American car companies have been trying to crack the Japanese market for decades now and they've barely made a dent. It's kind of crazy to ask the Japanese to support an American console that has games that pretty much cater to the American market. This is definately the right step in the right direction but it's not gonna be easy competing with Nintendo and Sony overseas.
[quote name='itspaidgasterblaster']I thought that North America has only 3 million of user base and only about 2 million in USA. I read that on Game Informer on the December issue i think.[/quote]

iirc it was 2.9 mill in usa households as of either aug/sept
[quote name='Z-Saber']Then the PS3 is screwed.[/QUOTE]

You are joking right? VF5, MGS4 and that RPG from Level 5 are just a few with more that will come down the pipe I'm sure.
In terms of who made the comment about the Japanese not liking anything that's NOT Japanese explain to me how iPod is supposedly a big seller there as well as Dancemania selling well and making all kinds of versions of it.
Icruise understands what's up though I don't know about "Idolmaster" though I'll admit the music is catchy. I wish it was a design your J-Pop singer from the ground up, with clothes, hair color, music style, etc. Being able to add music from a USB device would be great.
Oh and I'll be getting the Asian version of "Blue Dragon" soon enough. I'm hoping it's subbed, but if not I'll deal with it. If not I'll hope to be consoled by MS being stupid enough to make the US version dubbed with subtitles nowhere to be found, COUGHN3COUGH.
[quote name='depascal22']Fortunately for Sony, the Japanese public will buy the PS3 because.....well, I don't know exactly why, but they'll buy it and they'll love it. And they'll look down their noses at an "inferior" American product. I mean, American car companies have been trying to crack the Japanese market for decades now and they've barely made a dent. It's kind of crazy to ask the Japanese to support an American console that has games that pretty much cater to the American market. This is definately the right step in the right direction but it's not gonna be easy competing with Nintendo and Sony overseas.[/QUOTE]

Then fuck them, don't even worry about Japan.

I wish MS would stop wasting so many damn resources trying to convert a country that couldn't care less about them. How about they focus some of that effort over in the US and Europe where people actually CARE about the 360?

You're right, Japanese people just look down on the 360 for the most part, yet MS just pours so much effort into trying to get them. I wish they would just stop caring, because the system obviously dosen't need Japanese games to be a success in the US.

It's ok, I'll gladly take Gears of War and Rainbow Six Vegas over shitty Gundam game number 2024, and boring cliche RPG number 2033.

I guess I just don't get why people buy a 360 and then expect a plethora of Japanese games for it, or why MS keeps thinking that one day Japan will just change its mind. Maybe one day the Japanese will all just grow a fondness for FPS's.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Now hurry the hell up and translate the game to English and get it out here. There hasn't been a decent RPG released since March (FF games don't count).[/QUOTE]
Tales of the Abyss came out in October, so that statement is incorrect. Unless you mean just 360 games. Then I apologize.

Also I guess I'm the only one not excited about this game. Considering how I don't think Sakaguchi is god, and the FF series has never been that great. Now if Level 5 or the Tales team announced a RPG for the 360 I'd be all over it.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Tales of the Abyss came out in October, so that statement is incorrect. Unless you mean just 360 games. Then I apologize.

Also I guess I'm the only one not excited about this game. Considering how I don't think Sakaguchi is god, and the FF series has never been that great. Now if Level 5 or the Tales team announced a RPG for the 360 I'd be all over it.[/QUOTE]

What about the Namco RPG?
I you are talking about Eternal Sonata, it is made by Tri-Crescendo. Tri-Crescendo is made up of former Tri-Ace member. Tri-Ace, if you remember made up of Wolfteam member. Wolfteam worked on Tales of Phantasia and later split into tales studio
[quote name='sonicfreak5']microsoft will never give up, will they?[/QUOTE]

nope. especially not now with this small victory.
[quote name='62t']I you are talking about Eternal Sonata, it is made by Tri-Crescendo. Tri-Crescendo is made up of former Tri-Ace member. Tri-Ace, if you remember made up of Wolfteam member. Wolfteam worked on Tales of Phantasia and later split into tales studio[/QUOTE]
I forgot about this game. And isn't that the team that made Baten Kaitos?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I forgot about this game. And isn't that the team that made Baten Kaitos?[/QUOTE]
They work on the games with Monolith Soft
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Tales of the Abyss came out in October, so that statement is incorrect. Unless you mean just 360 games. Then I apologize.

Also I guess I'm the only one not excited about this game. Considering how I don't think Sakaguchi is god, and the FF series has never been that great. Now if Level 5 or the Tales team announced a RPG for the 360 I'd be all over it.[/quote]Tales of the Abyss doesn't count either. There hasn't been a GOOD RPG released in the US, for any console, since Shadow Hearts: FTNW back in March.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Tales of the Abyss doesn't count either. There hasn't been a GOOD RPG released in the US, for any console, since Shadow Hearts: FTNW back in March.[/QUOTE]
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, Devil Summoner, Baten Kaitos Origins, Xenosaga 3, Disagea 2, Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny, Steambot Chronicles, and metal saga
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Tales of the Abyss doesn't count either. There hasn't been a GOOD RPG released in the US, for any console, since Shadow Hearts: FTNW back in March.[/QUOTE]

That's like saying there hasn't een a GOOD FPS released since Quake 3. Sure i'm inclined to think so, but i'm not arrogant enough to push that onto other people =p.
[quote name='62t']Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, Devil Summoner, Baten Kaitos Origins, Xenosaga 3, Disagea 2, Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny, Steambot Chronicles, and metal saga[/QUOTE]

FFXII ? Maybe?
MS can't quit trying to succeed in Japan - there are too many large third parties there that also happen to make games that Americans/Europeans love. They have to change the perception of the Xbox brand in Japan.
[quote name='Midnite']I heard Gears is getting the "Adult" based rating in Japan. I did read somewhere a month or 2 ago at some event in Japan there was a wait to play Gears of War. Hopefully GoW and Lost Planet sell well.[/QUOTE]

While us Americans can usually be appeased by a 5-6 hour game if it promises good multiplayer, I think the Japanese expect to get a little more bang for their yen when they drop it on a game. Epic should be ashamed of themselves for hyping GoW so much and have it be so short.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Tales of the Abyss doesn't count either. There hasn't been a GOOD RPG released in the US, for any console, since Shadow Hearts: FTNW back in March.[/QUOTE]
The fact that you called FtNW a good RPG makes your entire post moot.
[quote name='Badgun']While us Americans can usually be appeased by a 5-6 hour game if it promises good multiplayer, I think the Japanese expect to get a little more bang for their yen when they drop it on a game. Epic should be ashamed of themselves for hyping GoW so much and have it be so short.[/QUOTE]

If you've ever played a shooter with a 30-hour single player campaign, by all means, let me know what that is.

Vanilla Gorilla seems to have been on a troll-roll last night, given his post on this page, and elsewhere. Classy.
[quote name='Badgun'] Epic should be ashamed of themselves for hyping GoW so much and have it be so short.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I am sure they are crying their eyes out in shame as they roll around in swimming pools of money. "Oh lord why did we make the game so short?! What is our problems! We can't accept all this money!"
[quote name='javeryh']MS can't quit trying to succeed in Japan - there are too many large third parties there that also happen to make games that Americans/Europeans love. They have to change the perception of the Xbox brand in Japan.[/QUOTE]

But American / European companies are making the games Americans / Europeans love though.... we don't need the Japanese.

I don't think any 360 owner is crying their eyes out we're not getting Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid. It would be nice, but be honest, the lack of Japanese support isn't going to break the 360, at all.

I still say fuck Japan.. they don't like the 360, they don't like MS, take all of those resources they are WASTING and use it to further improve their image in the US.

And to whoever said Gears of War is short, isn't it about 8 hours long, multiple difficulty levels, an awesome online mode? Like Myke said, I'd like to see the FPS that is 35 hours long.
[quote name='Roufuss']But American / European companies are making the games Americans / Europeans love though.... we don't need the Japanese.

I don't think any 360 owner is crying their eyes out we're not getting Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid. It would be nice, but be honest, the lack of Japanese support isn't going to break the 360, at all.

I still say fuck Japan.. they don't like the 360, they don't like MS, take all of those resources they are WASTING and use it to further improve their image in the US.

And to whoever said Gears of War is short, isn't it about 8 hours long, multiple difficulty levels, an awesome online mode? Like Myke said, I'd like to see the FPS that is 35 hours long.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, I don't think anyone will accuse Microsoft of scant promotions for the 360 in the US.

If I have any beef at all, it's the price of the 360 over there relative to here. That's just the market at work, however, and indicative of what MS is willing to do to get a foothold in the marketplace in Japan.

The 360 has some amazing games, but ports (such as MGS4) won't matter in Japan - that gives American owners of 360s a reason not to buy a PS3, but it doesn't give incentive to own a 360 for someone in Japan.

Mistwalker is a major acquisition for them - it's essentially Square-Enix's most well-known names without the official title. The franchise is different, and I look forward to hearing that BD is an amazing game.

We can say "fuck Japan" all we want, but we what would we lack if we didn't have Japan? Dead Rising, Blue Dragon, Lost Planet, whatever those two fucking sexy-looking RPGs were from E3 are, and lots of other titles (Castlevania: SOTN on XBLA) come to mind. We may have some of them, but eventually developers will say "MS has no intention of getting into the Japanese marketplace, so let's not make something that will only sell in the US and Europe." MS and developers are trying to succeed in Japan, and seem to be failing.


Now, if you look down that page, you'll see that Sony already has 150% as many PS3s sold as 360s. That's pathetic. MS will always be in third place (or worse, if you include PS2 sales and handhelds). But to drop out entirely is to wish death upon your console division, IMO.

My essential question is this: what has happened with regard to MS' promotion of the 360 in Japan that has harmed us, as gamers? If nothing, what is there to be upset about?

The only thing I can think of is the "Square-Enix announces support for the 360!" news. This became "here, have this 4 year-old hunk of shit" Final Fantasy XI. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy, IMO. I can't imagine that a single soul bought a 360 because of that game, and Sylpheed doesn't look like it will sell any consoles either. SE has gone on record claiming it wants to balance support for all three consoles, but that's a line of bullshit in the end. They'll give the Wii something unique and mediocre, and rely on the PS3 as the cash cow. That SE is bullshitting me and you into thinking it will support all three consoles equally is what burns me; and that's SE's fault, not Microsoft's.

[quote name='thrustbucket']"Oh lord why did we make the game so short?! What is our problems! We can't accept all this money!"[/QUOTE]

Toki from Dethklok works for Epic games?
[quote name='mykevermin']To be fair, I don't think anyone will accuse Microsoft of scant promotions for the 360 in the US.

I have a feeling we're going to see Japan get the special treatment again this gen, just like with the Xbox. Remember all those special Xbox's Japan got, and we didn't get shit? Now they are getting special Blue Dragon 360's (is it any different than a regular 360?) and I doubt we'll ever see that. Why don't they start giving US some special edition 360's? I guess because we already support the company.

If I have any beef at all, it's the price of the 360 over there relative to here. That's just the market at work, however, and indicative of what MS is willing to do to get a foothold in the marketplace in Japan.

Can't argue there.

The 360 has some amazing games, but ports (such as MGS4) won't matter in Japan - that gives American owners of 360s a reason not to buy a PS3, but it doesn't give incentive to own a 360 for someone in Japan.

I would imagine it's the same, if MGS 4 was announced on the 360 people in Japan would much rather buy that extremely cheaper 360 you just mentioned in the last paragraph. Or maybe they wouldn't. I don't know, Japan is weird.

Mistwalker is a major acquisition for them - it's essentially Square-Enix's most well-known names without the official title. The franchise is different, and I look forward to hearing that BD is an amazing game.

Maybe I'm just jaded, but I see Blue Dragon not doing well in the US at all... I think it's hitting a different target audience that aren't 360 gamers for the most part. I'd like to be wrong, though. I think most 360 gamers just want the next big adrenaline rushed game, since that's what sells for the most part.

We can say "fuck Japan" all we want, but we what would we lack if we didn't have Japan? Dead Rising, Blue Dragon, Lost Planet, whatever those two fucking sexy-looking RPGs were from E3 are, and lots of other titles (Castlevania: SOTN on XBLA) come to mind. We may have some of them, but eventually developers will say "MS has no intention of getting into the Japanese marketplace, so let's not make something that will only sell in the US and Europe." MS and developers are trying to succeed in Japan, and seem to be failing.

Long paragraph :lol: Dead Rising and Lost Planet were made in Japan, yes, but they definitely have that US feel. I remember Capcom being surprised Dead Rising was a runaway success in the US... how did it do in Japan? I think Capcom is one of the few Japanese companies who understand they can make games for the 360 and have them be a runaway success in the states, regardless if the Japanese people hate the system or not. Capcom just sees things as $$$, and they see the 360 as a potential source of $$$. Capcom has pretty much said "Hey, MS may suck in Japan but lets make stuff that will still sell a shit ton in the US". Dead Rising is proof of that... Lost Planet is going to sell great as well.

I can't explain SOTN on XBLA, but Konami was always an MS supporter.


Now, if you look down that page, you'll see that Sony already has 150% as many PS3s sold as 360s. That's pathetic. MS will always be in third place (or worse, if you include PS2 sales and handhelds). But to drop out entirely is to wish death upon your console division, IMO.

I don't think MS dropping out of Japan will be death on their console division. The PC industry has ALWAYS done well and that's with BARELY any Japanese support. Even if MS dropped out of Japan, there is still a ton of American / European developers willing to support them (shit, probably still Capcom and Tecmo too). Look at some of the hottest selling 360 titles this winter: Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas, Viva Pinata. Then look at alot of past hot 360 titles: Oblivion, GRAW, Saints Row. What about future hot 360 titles? GTA IV, Halo 3.
If Japanese support dropped off the map completely, only a small fraction of 360 owners would care.

My essential question is this: what has happened with regard to MS' promotion of the 360 in Japan that has harmed us, as gamers? If nothing, what is there to be upset about?

I suppose nothing, but MS is so desperately trying to latch onto Japanese support but they never do a good job... just seems like a waste of resources, imo, since no developer is ever going to give MS an exclusive system seller because they will NEVER move out of third place, just because of Japanese bias.

The only thing I can think of is the "Square-Enix announces support for the 360!" news. This became "here, have this 4 year-old hunk of shit" Final Fantasy XI. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy, IMO. I can't imagine that a single soul bought a 360 because of that game, and Sylpheed doesn't look like it will sell any consoles either. SE has gone on record claiming it wants to balance support for all three consoles, but that's a line of bullshit in the end. They'll give the Wii something unique and mediocre, and rely on the PS3 as the cash cow. That SE is bullshitting me and you into thinking it will support all three consoles equally is what burns me; and that's SE's fault, not Microsoft's.

SE is full of shit. That's all I've got to say about that.
when It comes to games like this I really wish MS included in the HD-DVD Drive, but they did launch pretty damn early so it's to be expected. but with the added space we could have Dual Language tracks (for us that prefer Japanese Voices) and no disc swapping. Oh well D:

and SE is full of shit, that's why they practically banished this dood (because of the FF movie) and he went off to make his own studio
[quote name='Zoglog']and SE is full of shit, that's why they practically banished this dood (because of the FF movie) and he went off to make his own studio[/QUOTE]


Roufuss, I agree with many of your points - what's selling the 360 right now are not titles that are "Japanese" enough (based on prior buying preferences). Perhaps what MS needs are those JPN games that sell well there (simple series? anime titles?) that won't see the light of day here.

The Blue Dragon bundle is a regular ol' boring *core* system, with the game only (1 version of the bundle) and w/ the game, a BD faceplate, and some figurines (the "LE" bundle). Funny thing about that faceplate, it makes me wonder if we'll ever see "exclusive" consoles (such as the crystal white Panzer Dragoon Xbox, or others) - when the major cosmetic change is available for any and all consoles, there is no impetus to make such a drastic change. Besides, every goddamned console company puts out *oodles* more exclusive consoles in Japan than in the states. D'you wanna buy a pumpkin orange GC though?
I am mildly interested in Blue Dragon, but coming on 3 DVD'S means it must have an awful lot of FMV. I think my interest in watching movies 2/3 of a game waned after FFVII.
Expanding the Japanese audience also expands the American audience as well. I believe Guitar Hero is the ONLY game in my entire collection that comes from a developer outside of Japan. I'm interested in Blue Dragon, and if there were a few games like it, I might consider buying a core system to play them.
MS needs Japan, without Japan gamers loose support from studios like Capcom. Most developers are still skeptical of the PS3, Koei announced that 2 of there exclusive PS3 titles will be released on the 360 as well and as Namco announced last week companies need to sell 500,000 units to break even on software with the PS3.

If MS can get more Japanese support it could mean gamers that have a 360 will see more games that normally would appear on the Playstation (Metal Gear, Tekken, Final Fantasy, Soul Calibur, etc). I honestly would love to see Virtua Fighter 5, Tekken 5, and Metal Gear end up on 360. Hell, Tekken with Live would be awesome.

We are kind of seeing this now with the Smackdown vs Raw game. Instead of THQ making a Wrestlemania game for the 360, they are just making there best selling wrestling game multiplatform. About damn time if you ask me.
[quote name='Midnite']MS needs Japan, without Japan gamers loose support from studios like Capcom. [/QUOTE]

Doubtful. Capcom now sees that there is a ton of money to be made on the 360 whether the Japanese buy it or not. I remember the one guy who made Dead Rising was surprised the game sold so hotly in the US and pledged more US support.

Lost Planet is going to be another one that will blow up in the US but I doubt most of the Japanese will care.

Capcom sees things as $$$ and they will go wherever the money is.

And yea, Namco should pull their head out of the ass and put up Tekken w/ Live play, but they are stubborn and stupid. If Gears of War can sell 1 million worldwide in 2 weeks (most of which has to be US / European sales), Tekken with Live play would crack that # as well. Namco announced it needs to sell 500,000 copies of Ridge Racer 7 to break even, which it won't, not in a million years, but still no mention of a 360 port. Namco is very Japan-centric, I believe... I can't think of anything they've put on the 360 yet that was a big deal.

Myke, I actually did want an orange GC ;)
[quote name='mykevermin']what has happened with regard to MS' promotion of the 360 in Japan that has harmed us, as gamers? If nothing, what is there to be upset about?[/QUOTE]
The only thing that comes to mind is at launch, when you couldn't find them here in the states, and they were just sitting on shelves in Japan. That pissed me off. But that was only for about the first 4 months, so it's no longer a issue.
Namco would never let their main fighting franchises be online simply because they cater to the fighting community, and they are not satisfied with the state of online gaming enough to do this.

Go to Soulcalibur.com or TekkenZaibatsu or whatever the VF forum is, and mention that the games should be online. Go ahead.

We'd need games with a consistent lag of well under one frame before they'd even consider it.
[quote name='Roufuss']
And yea, Namco should pull their head out of the ass and put up Tekken w/ Live play, but they are stubborn and stupid. If Gears of War can sell 1 million worldwide in 2 weeks (most of which has to be US / European sales), Tekken with Live play would crack that # as well. Namco announced it needs to sell 500,000 copies of Ridge Racer 7 to break even, which it won't, not in a million years, but still no mention of a 360 port. Namco is very Japan-centric, I believe... I can't think of anything they've put on the 360 yet that was a big deal.


I doubt will see RR7 on 360 since it's technically 6 with a new coat of paint. I played 7 over my friends place last weekend and only came across 2 new tracks. All the other ones were from the 360 or PSP versions of the game. Also I thought the 360 courses looked better, the 2 that weren't on the 360 actually looked better then the other courses.
[quote name='zewone']The only thing that comes to mind is at launch, when you couldn't find them here in the states, and they were just sitting on shelves in Japan. That pissed me off. But that was only for about the first 4 months, so it's no longer a issue.[/QUOTE]

That's a fair greivance.
[quote name='Roufuss']
Maybe I'm just jaded, but I see Blue Dragon not doing well in the US at all... I think it's hitting a different target audience that aren't 360 gamers for the most part. I'd like to be wrong, though. I think most 360 gamers just want the next big adrenaline rushed game, since that's what sells for the most part.

The PC industry has ALWAYS done well and that's with BARELY any Japanese support.

I suppose nothing, but MS is so desperately trying to latch onto Japanese support but they never do a good job... just seems like a waste of resources, imo, since no developer is ever going to give MS an exclusive system seller because they will NEVER move out of third place, just because of Japanese bias.

If "Blue Dragon" doesn't do well here it's because they hadn't built up the audience interested in it on the 360 in the first place.
As an RPG fan I bought the original XBox hoping to see some great looking one's coming from it and was quite disappointed after playing the drek that is Morrowind and the disappointment that was Sudeki. Keep in mind I'm a J-RPG fan mainly so it had been a constant disappointment and source of frustration when Tenerezza, a typical turn based RPG and SMT IX were turned down for being published over here.
Then I heard the people behind Shikigami No Shiro wanted to bring it over here for a budget price of $15-20 as well as giving it variety, what with it being a shmp and none over here at the time and even now as well. Guess what happened? MS turned them down and it was a JAPANESE product. There's the saying that you don't look a gifthorse in the mouth. I think this especially applies with this example. I even heard MS was offered Dragon Quest by Enix and rejected it, how stupid is that? Any first time consolemaker, especially a Gaijin one in a place like Japan, should be grateful to get any Japanese 3rd party help offered. MS' brazen attitude that they wanted SE the most and most other Japanese 3rd parties should piss off, at least in some of the examples stated above, didn't help them much.
So going further with that having MS shower you with attention when you're a place like Japan is like a kid with Down's Syndrome trying to please well. He's trying but clearly doesn't know exactly what to do. In fact, to extrapolate further I'd say MS must've hired Sega's US marketing division to tell them how to cater to the Japanese market.
All this being said I think "Blue Dragon" is a step in the right direction, with getting an exclusive from Mistwalker and I hope they seal em' up for this entire generation if they're smart.
Now in further regards to "Sudeki" I think MS should give Climax another go and get the JAPANESE division tp make them an exclusive game. In fact they should go so far as to revoke Climax's contract and forcibly get their money back if they do anything past hiring Climax UK for consultation work.
Now I think one place MS totally ignored that would've been a gold mine would've been going to a select few Japanese PC developers and courting them for the genre's that were mainly empty on the XBox: RPG's, shmps, etc. Shit I'm sure Nihon Falcom would've been easy to get to place Y's on the XBox and MS may have gotten another Tecmo on their hands.
As for Roufuss saying fuck Japan realize that if it WASN'T for Japan the video game industry, at least console, perhaps even PC, wouldn't be where it is today. Remember back in the day how much VGA monitors even cost so if your game was VGA most likely you were sol playing it on one based on the cost. So at that time the NES may have had worse graphics but the display was better. Now it seems PC's are easy to trump consoles and the monitors are quite affordable but remember it wasn't always that way.
Now commenting on your matter of the 360 going PC, yeah I want an extremely shitty selection of good games for my 360. Rather, this seems to be the state of the PC industry now though keep in mind I'm an Adventure and Lucasarts fan mainly when it comes to PC. And before you try to say I'm not Old School I played Duke Nukem back when it was a side-scroller.
Mariokart nailed my opinion on it pretty much but I have a wider selection of Western games than him that I like which might surprise some people here. I LIKE Oblivion, Syberia and some others as well as I don't think PGR3 is bad and I'm willing to try GOW. My concerns about GOW are not the game itself.
As for your comments on SE and Myke's sometimes this shit can turn out good for us. I know a guy who likes Sylpheed and says it reminds him of the old Wing Commander games on PC. Sometimes the games not intended to be blockbusters can end up some of our little favorites.
[quote name='likeaphoenixignition']Microsoft needs to hire Japanese based companies to create games that appeal to the Japanese if they want it to survive.[/quote]

Correction: thrive. :cool:

It's gonna take more than one or two games. Just look at Ninja Gaiden. I know Itagaki and Co. are happy with the success of DOA, DOA Xtreme, and Ninja Gaiden here in the states and Europe. But it didn't sway even a fraction of the Japanese gamers.
End of 2005 Xbox sold around 2 million in Japan/Asia, PS2 around 22 million. 20 million gamers is A LOT and it's a market MS wants and possibly needs. Not to mention making the 360 a good all around console with a variety of games. PS3 is getting most of the stuff 360 gets (Call of Duty, GTA4, EA games, etc.) Your regular mainstream stuff, then add in the large amount of Japanese titles it will get then you potentially have another PS2-like selection of games.

Not everything is going multiplatform. People like me that like Japanese games will suck it up and buy a PS3 to get those games. People who have played all the Final Fantasy games and are loyal to the series will suck it up and pay. How many people who would pay $60 for FF13 are jumping ship to 360 and are going to sit back and hope and pray it gets ported over? Japan sales are in the bag because a 360 version would be worthless in Japan, which leaves NA and Europe. SE wondering if long-time Final Fantasy fans are only buying a 360? Not likely IMO.

If one console stands out like PS1 and PS2 did then multiplatform games won't be as common as people think. With the Wii and PS3 being so different in graphics I think you're going to see a bunch of niche Japanese games being exclusive to one console. Had 360 put on a good showing you could see that game offered on both, but not going to happen at this rate. You'll see PC games going to 360 more. Wii will have a ton of exclusive games IMO. I'm not convinced of this most everything going multiplatform stuff.

And it's people like Roufuss of why I don't buy a 360. I keep hearing it and I honestly believe he represents the majority of 360 owners. Why on earth would someone who likes Japanese games buy a 360 when the fanbase is like him? Companies like Square, Atlus, etc. will realize it and guess what? The games go elsewhere. I go where the games go.
Ok on the comment with the 3 DVD's it better be the game itself and not FMV's. Also to be fair a game can take a least a full DVD datawise without FMV's. This case in point is shown by Shenmue and Shenmue 2 which each needed 4 GD's a piece.
Why on earth would someone who likes Japanese games buy a 360 when the fanbase is like him?
Huh? I own a 360, and I love it. And I love Japanese games. Remember how Roufuss mentioned Gundam game 2045? Well I'm the fanboy who owns Gundam games 2035-2044 already, and will continue to buy them. What the hell does the 360s fanbase have to do with my enjoyment of it?

And frankly, as much as I love my Tales games or my Onimushas, I'm far more excited for games like Mass Effect and Lost Planet than I am for another generic Final Fantasy game (not to say I won't buy it of course). Believe it or not, you can like both Japanese and Western games.
[quote name='zerolens']
And it's people like Roufuss of why I don't buy a 360. I keep hearing it and I honestly believe he represents the majority of 360 owners. Why on earth would someone who likes Japanese games buy a 360 when the fanbase is like him? Companies like Square, Atlus, etc. will realize it and guess what? The games go elsewhere. I go where the games go.[/QUOTE]

So do I chief, but buying a 360 for Japanese games is a stupid idea. Buy a 360 because there are good games, buy it because you can't wait to play something like Mass Effect (like Rei did), but don't buy it hoping that somehow a shitton of Japanese developers are all of a sudden going to flock to the system en masse.

My PS2 handles my dose of Japanese games just fine, my 360 handles my US / European games just fine.

I do not hate Japan (I like to over-exaggerate my posts sometimes) but one of the major comments always thrown at the 360 is that it "has a lack of Japanese games" like it's some kind of bad thing... it has alot of GREAT games that just don't happen to be Japanese.

The only reason I mentioned Gundam is that the new PS3 Japanese Gundam game seems to be pretty shitty judging by reviews, yet the Japanese probably bought it in droves. I'd rather have an awesome game than another game that costs by on a Japanese license just to satisfy the Japanophile inside some 360 owners.

I mean, I'll just re-iterate your question back at you... Why on Earth would someone buy a 360 if they liked Japanese games?

Answer: They wouldn't, not unless they wanted a ton of great US / European games.

The whole point of everything I've posted is that the 360 is doing just fine without a ton of Japanese support (the only main developers I can think of are Capcom and Tecmo, who, like I said, like $$$ and they see that now in the 360 in other regions), so I just wish Microsoft would pull the plug and let it go.

Hell, so far, Blue Dragon is barely even getting hyped up over here, and I'd be really surprised if MS put forward a huge campaign for it. Yet we're already seeing commercials for Halo 3 a year in advance and GTA IV made waves throughout MS's press conference at E3.
[quote name='Roufuss']So do I chief, but buying a 360 for Japanese games is a stupid idea. Buy a 360 because there are good games, buy it because you can't wait to play something like Mass Effect (like Rei did), but don't buy it hoping that somehow a shitton of Japanese developers are all of a sudden going to flock to the system en masse.

My PS2 handles my dose of Japanese games just fine, my 360 handles my US / European games just fine.

I do not hate Japan (I like to over-exaggerate my posts sometimes) but one of the major comments always thrown at the 360 is that it "has a lack of Japanese games" like it's some kind of bad thing... it has alot of GREAT games that just don't happen to be Japanese.

The only reason I mentioned Gundam is that the new PS3 Japanese Gundam game seems to be pretty shitty judging by reviews, yet the Japanese probably bought it in droves. I'd rather have an awesome game than another game that costs by on a Japanese license just to satisfy the Japanophile inside some 360 owners.

I mean, I'll just re-iterate your question back at you... Why on Earth would someone buy a 360 if they liked Japanese games?

Answer: They wouldn't, not unless they wanted a ton of great US / European games.

The whole point of everything I've posted is that the 360 is doing just fine without a ton of Japanese support (the only main developers I can think of are Capcom and Tecmo, who, like I said, like $$$ and they see that now in the 360 in other regions), so I just wish Microsoft would pull the plug and let it go.

Hell, so far, Blue Dragon is barely even getting hyped up over here, and I'd be really surprised if MS put forward a huge campaign for it. Yet we're already seeing commercials for Halo 3 a year in advance and GTA IV made waves throughout MS's press conference at E3.[/QUOTE]

Yeah well to be fair I'm sure there's some license that sells like pancakes here and is complete shit, at least in terms of updates, COUGHMaddenCOUGH. However Japan does suffer from major shitty Anime game syndrome. You'd think they would've learned like most Americans did about movie licensed games being shit overall. One of the few games that cracked that mold was Goldeneye and "Ducktales" was an early licensed property that was good. "Enter the Matrix" had the chance and the gameplay system is fun except the driving is pretty mundane but the problem there is it's "Matrix Reloaded" with two different characters and almost none of their missions are completely. Add to the fact that pilotting some or ALL of the tunnel level is buggy as all get out.
Anyway I as well am looking forward to "Mass Effect" because the acting looks good and it LOOKS to be like a movie, which I mean as a compliment.

I will even acknowledge it has some good games. One's which come to mind are Oblivion, Condemned, RRX isn't bad, PGR3 and COD2 is pretty intense. Ridge Racer 6 has an idiotic nitrous system which I feel should be yanked from the game. Quake 4 isn't bad but it's a typical FPS. GOW I hear ravings about so I'll probably pick up down the line.
[quote name='Roufuss']I mean, I'll just re-iterate your question back at you... Why on Earth would someone buy a 360 if they liked Japanese games?[/QUOTE]
They wouldn't, and that's the problem. By not having Japanese games, MS is losing out on both the Japanese market and the segment of the gamer population that likes Japanese-style games. Most people are not going to be buying multiple game systems. They are going to buy one, and if it's a choice between a system that seems to have a little of everything (what the PS3 will be like if it follows in the footsteps of the PS2) or a system that skews toward one particular demographic (Western gamers who like FPS games in particular) then they're probably going to go for the PS3.
[quote name='icruise']They wouldn't, and that's the problem. By not having Japanese games, MS is losing out on both the Japanese market and the segment of the gamer population that likes Japanese-style games. Most people are not going to be buying multiple game systems. They are going to buy one, and if it's a choice between a system that seems to have a little of everything (what the PS3 will be like if it follows in the footsteps of the PS2) or a system that skews toward one particular demographic (Western gamers who like FPS games in particular) then they're probably going to go for the PS3.[/QUOTE]

There is alot of gamers out there who own a PS2 for Madden and GTA... the 360 is also appealing to those people, since they are getting better looking versions of Madden and GTA with online play and downloads. Those same people also probably happen to be big fans of Halo.

MS is in a lucky spot where they have created a mega franchise in the US, similar to how Final Fantasy is received in Japan. I mean, Gears of War broke 1 million sales easily... Halo 3 will have 5 times that hype. MS put all their eggs in one basket, yes, but when the basket is a cultural phenomeon (can't spell it, sorry) they can do that.

Gears of War + the future Halo 3 are enough to snag any casual gamer. Ask any casual gamer, who make up the majority of game buying, what they play these days and you'll hear "Uh.. Madden (any sports game)... GTA (any sandbox game)... and uh... Halo, Halo is kick ass" There is a reason MS is riding the Halo 3 hype train a year early, and espically during Monday Night Football.

I'd go so far as to wager the people who make their decisions based on games coming from Japan are probably more into gaming than most and probably will end up buying multiple systems.
bread's done