'Jeanne d'Arc' - Gen Discussion & Info

I just got this game from Amazon earlier this week, and I've beaten it already. There is still quite a bit to do in post-game. I found it very easy, mostly as a result of backtracking and going through all the free stages, which makes the main stages a lot easier.

The only hard part so far was
the Altois Prairie since that free area pops up a little early for the level, but I just reloaded and came back when my levels were more ready for the game. Also, for a main character, Jeanne is surprisingly weak, and Rufus is insanely strong for a character with almost zero backstory.

I recommend going back to the old stages since you need a lot of skills for binding, and you also find skills on the old stages that you couldn't get the first time. The free stages can also award you powerful skill stones/equipment so that's another reason to go do them.

The game also is pretty shallow, there's nothing unique about characters other than gender/weapon class/armor class. Jeanne/Roger/Cuisse/Liane are all the same except for their transformations. Jean/Gilles are the same, except Gilles has a transformation. Same for Richard/Claire and Rufus/Bartolomeo/La Hire and Marcel/Beatrix
Rufus is good but he's no La Hire. I used Jeanne, Roger, Richard, La Hire, Marcel, and the other archer to beat most of the levels.
[quote name='depascal22']Rufus is good but he's no La Hire. [/quote]

Maybe if your La Hire is way higher in level than Rufus, but if they are equal in level Rufus beats La Hire in almost every area.

Stats naked at max level, copied from darklao's faq:
(Rufus on top, La Hire on bottom)

1066 362 550 422 350 _4 __302 __205 239 15
_825 197 452 394 316 _4 __304 __303 172 12

As you can see, Rufus wins in every area except Mobility (tie), MATK (losing by only 2), and MDEF, losing by 98, but the fact that he has 241 more HP (29%!!!!) than La Hire more than makes up for that.
I did level up my team pretty well before I got Rufus. I can't deny that Rufus has great stats but he always seemed to miss when I used him. There's nothing worse that a tank that can't hit anything.
[quote name='depascal22']I did level up my team pretty well before I got Rufus. I can't deny that Rufus has great stats but he always seemed to miss when I used him. There's nothing worse that a tank that can't hit anything.[/quote]

You get Rufus and La Hire on your team at the same time, meaning they are the same level.

Your statement doesn't make sense, because Rufus has HIGHER accuracy than La Hire, given the same items/skill stones.
[quote name='rpnguyen']You get Rufus and La Hire on your team at the same time, meaning they are the same level.

Your statement doesn't make sense, because Rufus has HIGHER accuracy than La Hire, given the same items/skill stones.[/quote]

I thought I got Rufus later but it's been at least six months since I've played the game. All I know is that Rufus constantly missed. His stats might be higher but that didn't mean jack when he missed every other time. He was like A-Rod in the playoffs.
[quote name='depascal22']Rufus is good but he's no La Hire. I used Jeanne, Roger, Richard, La Hire, Marcel, and the other archer to beat most of the levels.[/quote]

you kidding me? Rufus is the strongest guy in the party! I leveled everybody to 99, guess who's the strongest? Rufus... Man, after level 99, Rufus, La Hire, Claire (i didn't get the Victoria Secret girl, she's kinky though) and Colet are unstoppable. I didn't bother with armlet users, the animation bores me now and they are not strong as Colet with 4 hits + Critical Edge, Rufus with three rounds + Critical Edge... Equip Rufus with Godsend and Mobility +3, you can wipe out the enemies in one turn ;)
I had no problem beating the game without ever using Rufus. This isn't a hard game. I liked using La Hire, the two archers, Jeanne, Richard, and Roger most of the time.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']something tells me Serpentor takes this game very seriously. and I don't mean that in a bad way, just a serious one ;)[/quote]

i take that as a compliment :)

Turn by turn strategy games are my favorite. I believe the very first game i got hooked on was War Song (Genesis). The next one was Vanderhearts (PS1). Then PC's Heroes of M&M (part 3 particularly) Jeanne D'Arc is the latest one got my attention.

Oh, i forgot to mention that Rufus needs to equip Recovery III, HP 300 and Attack +30 (or accuracy +30).
[quote name='depascal22']I did level up my team pretty well before I got Rufus. I can't deny that Rufus has great stats but he always seemed to miss when I used him. There's nothing worse that a tank that can't hit anything.[/quote]

Burning Auroras dude! Also watch out the % hit before confirming the attack. Certain enemy got high evade stat, so Rufus is no good (but hardly a problem after level 90).
[quote name='Serpentor']Burning Auroras dude! Also watch out the % hit before confirming the attack. Certain enemy got high evade stat, so Rufus is no good (but hardly a problem after level 90).[/quote]

No offense, dude. But why are you trying to teach me how to play the game when I've already gone through and beat it without any problems? I understand if I was asking for help or I was admitting to having trouble, then I would appreciate the help. My wife tells me what I do wrong during games plenty, I don't really need another.........:lol:

Rufus didn't work for me. I didn't say he was useless. I know he has great stats but every time I put him in my party, he was the weak link. He'd whiff against stronger creatures I needed him to knock out in one swing. When I used La Hire, I could pretty much let him do his thing and never worry about him getting low in HP. He was the perfect tank.
Wow wow, hold it there... I'm simply pointing out why your Rufus is not working in your party. Anyhow, everybody's strategy is different, so whatever is your medicine, fine with me.

If you haven't beat the Colosseum three times, then you haven't beat the game in my book. So yeah, that gives me the bragging right. I don't think you know the feeling of accomplishment for getting HP 300 and every combination to the skill cards...
[quote name='Serpentor']Wow wow, hold it there... I'm simply pointing out why your Rufus is not working in your party. Anyhow, everybody's strategy is different, so whatever is your medicine, fine with me.

If you haven't beat the Colosseum three times, then you haven't beat the game in my book. So yeah, that gives me the bragging right. I don't think you know the feeling of accomplishment for getting HP 300 and every combination to the skill cards...[/quote]

You're hardcore. We get it. Not everyone has time to finish a game to your hardcore standards. I went through the game and beat all the stages (including the Colosseum) and got most of the skill cards. If that's not good enough for you, oh well.

I played the game because I love SRPGs and the premise was new and original. I didn't play the game to get bragging rights on a video game forum. You're probably going to be offended by this and that's probably a good thing. You want everyone to give you props for being the best at this game and you probably are. That doesn't mean there aren't other ways of beating this game.

Like I said, I went through the entire game without using Rufus once. Does that give me "hardcore" points because I didn't use the most powerful character? Can other people that read this thread also shun Rufus and win? Yes.
Dude.. life is short, this is one game i actually "wasted" so many hours on it (it beats Puzzel Quest in terms of playing time). A win is a win, i don't care if it's hardcore or not. I'm just saying, if you haven't try Rufus with GodSpeed, i.e. beating a stage with one turn, then you're missing some fun there.
I'm so done with the hardcore crap... i played this to the "max" cause i liked it, i wanted to. I'm not offended or anything. Like i said, if you're happy with your ending, fine by me.

However, if somebody point out something new in this game that i haven't try yet, i'm all ears... I like to say i'm no hardcore (Gear of War, i beat it on casual and that's it, total COGs collected were about four?)

There's no hardcore in my book, just how much you like the game, that's about it! If you're good in one game, that doesn't make it hardcore. What's pissy is that, people complaint about things when they're not even aware there are solutions for them.
[quote name='rpnguyen']Maybe if your La Hire is way higher in level than Rufus, but if they are equal in level Rufus beats La Hire in almost every area.[/quote]

rufus loses in the most important area: badassitude

la hire was much more amusing and he didn't have a speech impediment. the only time i found rufus funnier was when he and marcel the boy archer were crying and colete is saying, "this is why i don't have kids or dogs!"
Monster bump. :)

Is there a way for me to know what would be more effective? An attack or a spell? I just played level 12, chapter 2 and I won, but barely. I was often torn between using a spell or using an attack. Any thoughts without spoilers, please. :)
when you target the enemy with the spell or attack, it shows you how much damage it will incur.

on a side note, i never noticed that after you beat the game, you can play all the Free Combat zones with enemies that are EXTREMELY harder than before. Did anyone beat every landmark the 2nd time around? I'm starting from the first stages and working my way east to west, working on the 2nd time through the Coliseum.
I put down this game (some time ago) pretty early on the campaign. I should pick this up again and try to get a lot of grinding/story missions out of the way before the fall semester starts all over again.
There's something really addicting about this game to me. It's not addicting in the sense that I've got to play for hours on end, but more in the sense that I keep playing it a little at a time. My last completed mission, chapter 2 of level 12 was fantastic. And they've all been that way. Very balanced. I don't feel hopeless that I can't win but I'm not so sure that I can, either. It's so well thought out, with the enemies just one block away from my attacks, etc.

I love Level 5's stuff.
[quote name='Serpentor']Turn by turn strategy games are my favorite. I believe the very first game i got hooked on was War Song (Genesis). The next one was Vanderhearts (PS1). [/quote]

I just quoted this post because the OP mentioned Warsong in his post. That game also got me into SRPGs. He doesn't mention Shining Force 1/2 which were also on the Genesis and were both pretty good.

When it comes to buying a system, I usually wait until the system has been out for a while and it has a decent library of games. The game that made me buy the PS1 was Vandal Hearts. :D

[quote name='rumarudrathas']I put down this game (some time ago) pretty early on the campaign. I should pick this up again and try to get a lot of grinding/story missions out of the way before the fall semester starts all over again.[/quote]

I did the same thing. I put this game down for Fire Emblem on the DS. As soon as I finish FE, I'll be sure to fire up the PSP and continue playing it. I really like this game but Fire Emblem... I just love that series.
I've been stuck on the level where
You first get Jeane back after her "death" and you have to fight with just her and Giles.
Never came close to beating that one and haven't touched the game in probably a year.
bread's done