Kanye West Is A Jackass - Obama Confirms!

I like this article on the Kanye matter:

Because his vagina gets itchy and tells him to do things, Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Best Female Video and once again made a complete cockass of himself at the VMAs, according to MTV News:
[quote name='rickshankshaw']Really?


I said Kayne was right. I never said what he did was right. Racist, small minded people always seem to jump to conclusions and the ability to make distinctions fails them.

Kayne doesn't (mis)represent blacks. Just like George Bush doesn't (mis)represent whites. For you to try pushing Kayne as a representation of all black men is a shitty, if subtle, way of damning all black men. The fact that you continue to insist he does shows just what a bigot you are.

Yeah. Run away. It's all you bigots are good for.[/QUOTE]

Reread OP's post... no negative connotations coming from him, calm down

Dick move but not surprising, definitely glad I haven't watched these in a few years though
It wouldn't be the VMAs without a little drama... Bruno on Eninem, Britney/Christina/Madonna kiss, Tim from Rage climbing the stage, etc.

Kanye's idea of the best video of all time is three girls with a stationary camera as they dance in leotards... :roll:
Question: Why does Kanye do stuff like this?

Answer: So idiots like us can make 3 pages (and I assume more) of posts about it.

I think if we all can take some advice fromt he Simpsons and just learn to ignore these monsters, they will just go away. Dont make the Lard Lad come and destroy your town.
Staged. Kanye gets his negative press, Swift gets the innocent girl press and Beyonce furthers her image of this amazing, caring woman.

And it's getting people all over to talk about it, which is exactly what all 3 parties (managers) wanted.
[quote name='lilboo']I logged onto facebook this evening and I started seeing alll this shit about Kanye and the VMA's in general. My jaw dropped. I really, really, HONESTLY, did not think anyone over 15 watched that stuff still. I'm 24, and the amount of people my age and OLDER who were posting about it... it was an awful realization.

Like..there's this one friend of a friend that I sorta know (lol facebook), and he is ACTUALLY having a VMAs party in his house. Like, really?

Sorry. Just annoyed right now.[/QUOTE]

Youtube, lilboo. Let's hope people watched this on Youtube.

EDIT: I only watched the trailer for "New Moon" because it started just as we finished watching True Blood on the DVR. In terms of "a work", why did they so quickly cut her mic off and go to a Tracy Morgan skit?
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The Op while well meaning nevertheless said something that comes off as ignorant on the subject of race. Why does Kanye represent all African- Americans? His act was his alone!!! It does not reflect on a whole people. And people that believe somehow this is a typical black male moment are racist to begin with. If his act can lead you to make a judgement on entire people you are harboring racial bias anyway. Just for the record I felt his infamous "George Bush doesn't care about black people" was horribly inappropriate and racist in itself. I actually had heated arguments with people about this me being black I guess I was supposed to be on board with that thinking.

That being said I believe Taylor's video pretty much sucks and it says alot that somehow Beyonce's is some sort of work of art. I never understood the the hype around that stupid video. It's not like you can see either video on MTV anyway or even hear their music. And yeah Kanye is a Diva and that was a completly classless move. He wouldn't try that crap at the source or BET awards...lol
The op title needs to be changed to... "Kanye West is just a Bitch".

after looking at the video... I don't see anything glaring... it's just rude and that's it.

get over the race thing because there wasn't any.

Actually continuing this thread is probably what that ghey fish dicks lover wants. The terrorists bitch wins.
Is Kanye entitled to his opinion that Beyonce should have won? Sure.

Should he have expressed it in the way he did? Absolutely not.

Could you imagine what would come out of his mouth if someone did that to him?

The whole thing was disrespectful, although Beyonce set it right.

Also, this wasn't staged. Unlike the Bruno/Eminem thing, there was no movie trying to be promoted and nothing was to be gained. People already knew Kanye was an arrogant ass, and they already knew Beyonce and Taylor were nice girls. I read a CNN article that showed other artists were upset over Kanye's actions.

In the grand scheme of things in the world right now, this was a minor situation, but that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve some response.
We've know for years that Kanye is an asshole, so why is anyone surprised? It's always just a matter of time before he does something else.
Kanye only does this with people he thinks he can pick on without getting his ass kicked. He'd never do this to 50 Cent. Hell, even Pink would probably kick his ass on the spot.
Why the fuck does MTV have a music video award show? That channel doesn't show music videos. It's like Disney airing an adult film award show.
[quote name='GuilewasNK'] nothing was to be gained.[/QUOTE]

You're joking, right?

Every news station is talking about this, which I guarantee all 3 parties wanted. The publicity is huge.
[quote name='xycury']The op title needs to be changed to... "Kanye West is just a Bitch".

after looking at the video... I don't see anything glaring... it's just rude and that's it.

get over the race thing because there wasn't any.

Actually continuing this thread is probably what that ghey fish dicks lover wants. The terrorists bitch wins.[/QUOTE]

Really agree with this, OP's black white nonsense just didn't enter into the equation for me. All I saw was an asshole interrupt somebody's award speech which is just a real dick move. Don't they have any people around to stop stage jumpers like that?
[quote name='Commander0Zero']The Op while well meaning nevertheless said something that comes off as ignorant on the subject of race. Why does Kanye represent all African- Americans? His act was his alone!!! It does not reflect on a whole people. And people that believe somehow this is a typical black male moment are racist to begin with. If his act can lead you to make a judgement on entire people you are harboring racial bias anyway. Just for the record I felt his infamous "George Bush doesn't care about black people" was horribly inappropriate and racist in itself. I actually had heated arguments with people about this me being black I guess I was supposed to be on board with that thinking.[/QUOTE]

I don't think what I said was ignorant. I suggested that some people could perceive his actions to be acting like a "loud mouth, black guy". The people who would draw those kinds of conclusions are ignorant, yes. But how is my suggestion that it COULD happen ignorant? Based on various comments I've seen around the net (which obviously don't reflect what you could call intelligent thought...but none the less, are still opinions), I'd say my statement was dead on accurate.

HOWEVER, I completely agree with you after that, that people who would be quick to see it that way probably had beliefs slanted in that direction to begin with. But even so, Kanye played up to it, and gave those people fuel for the fire. My main point was just that it was a stupid move on his part, and I didn't see what good could possibly come out of it for him.
[quote name='seanr1221']You're joking, right?

Every news station is talking about this, which I guarantee all 3 parties wanted. The publicity is huge.[/QUOTE]

The problem with that theory is that Kanye is going to get major backlash. He gains nothing by being an asshole except for the disdain of his peers. I don't think he is going to take a PR hit to get two other people a positive moment in the spotlight. He isn't that smart, or kind. You don't get street cred for calling out Taylor Swift. That's more ridiculous than Eminem calling out Moby for publicity.
It's not a hit, it's a boost.

If people are talking about him, positively or negatively, they are still talking about him. It's the image he's been going for. Now, it has only been reinforced for the people who think this wasn't scripted.
[quote name='seanr1221']You're joking, right?

Every news station is talking about this, which I guarantee all 3 parties wanted. The publicity is huge.[/QUOTE]

Have you ever taken a PR course? No one is going to sell more records because of this incident. For one, it's not going to make anybody go out and buy the next Kanye CD who wasn't going to buy it anyway. And Taylor Swift didn't need someone to be mean to her and ruin her first VMA speech to sell more CDs. And Beyonce sure as hell didn't need to be dragged into the middle of it to give her career a push. What is it with you guys that makes you think everything is staged or fixed?

The Bruno thing was essentially a practical joke. The audience thought it was a practical joke on Eminem, but it was really on them. Furthermore, it was performed by a COMEDIAN. I think the biggest accusation you can seriously make is that MTV allowed it to happen (why the hell is it so easy for Kanye to just get up on stage? What if someone wanted to run up on stage and stab Taylor?) because people would call their friends, and they'd get more viewers...or more people watching the next award show. That's as dubious as it gets.

EDIT - Based on your last post, I'm starting to get the feeling you just don't want to believe that Kanye is really that big of an asshole. This isn't WWE. He's not "playing a heel".
*starts sarcastic rant*

Oh,thank you, oh vast CAGers, for pointing out the OP's personality flaw: acknowledging that racism exists = he/she's a racist! Interpreting a scene as racist = he/she wears a white hood to meetings!

Without reading this post, I would not have known the cruelities of the world. Thank you so much for enlightening me.

*ends sarcastic rant*

/It looked staged anyway, whether MTV will admit it or not
[quote name='PR Mega X']Why the fuck does MTV have a music video award show? That channel doesn't show music videos. It's like Disney airing an adult film award show.[/QUOTE]

so true... not to mention they give video awards based on.... nothing...

the best "video" is never a great video... not since Fatboy Slim and the White Stripes were winning videos of the year.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I don't think what I said was ignorant. I suggested that some people could perceive his actions to be acting like a "loud mouth, black guy". The people who would draw those kinds of conclusions are ignorant, yes. But how is my suggestion that it COULD happen ignorant? Based on various comments I've seen around the net (which obviously don't reflect what you could call intelligent thought...but none the less, are still opinions), I'd say my statement was dead on accurate.

HOWEVER, I completely agree with you after that, that people who would be quick to see it that way probably had beliefs slanted in that direction to begin with. But even so, Kanye played up to it, and gave those people fuel for the fire. My main point was just that it was a stupid move on his part, and I didn't see what good could possibly come out of it for him.[/QUOTE]

n8rockerasu I could have defiantly started off that a little better and for that I apologize for calling you ignorant or assuming you ignorant to the topic. We are pretty much in agreement. Those that want to pull race will pull it out of anything. Personally I see a guy who has turned into an absolute Diva celebrity with no checks and limits on his ego. Tragically it has been turned up to level 100 since his mother passed. I believe had she been alive this would not have happened. Though I still really love his music. But we can all agree it was a bully move and class-less to say the least.
[quote name='antlp89']Kanye West fell off a long time ago.

His desperate antics to achieve another 15 minutes of fame is extremely pathetic.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he'll ever do anything as good as his first 2 LP's but fell off? seriously? He's a dickhead but he's been doing solid verses on 30% of every radio single for the past year. 808 and Heartbreak was a very good album considering the drastic change in direction. He's a dickhead, but leave it at that.
I love how racism was immediately brought into this argument.

He's an ass for interrupting a 12 year old getting an astronaut trophy. He's an ass for a lot of things. Let it go.

Also, George Bush doesn't care about black puppets.
didn't Kanye do the same shit to Timberlake a while back? Saying he was the better performer and would always sell more than him?
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']I love how racism was immediately brought into this argument.

He's an ass for interrupting a 12 year old getting an astronaut trophy. He's an ass for a lot of things. Let it go.

Also, George Bush doesn't care about black puppets.[/QUOTE]

I think the OP started with a semi-racial discussion on the topic. Not that it was bad or offensive it itself. I already stated and apologized to the OP for the wording of some of my comments. But it wasn't some crusader just coming in here talking about race for no reason.
[quote name='DestroVega']so true... not to mention they give video awards based on.... nothing...

the best "video" is never a great video... not since Fatboy Slim and the White Stripes were winning videos of the year.[/QUOTE]

Well, I think a lot of award shows have become that way. "Best" seems to have become synonymous with "most popular" or "highest grossing". But the alternative is having people vote according to their tastes, and we all know how that goes. In the end, it's really all pointless, but it gives celebrities a chance to puff out their chests, I suppose.

[quote name='Commander0Zero']n8rockerasu I could have defiantly started off that a little better and for that I apologize for calling you ignorant or assuming you ignorant to the topic. We are pretty much in agreement. Those that want to pull race will pull it out of anything. Personally I see a guy who has turned into an absolute Diva celebrity with no checks and limits on his ego. Tragically it has been turned up to level 100 since his mother passed. I believe had she been alive this would not have happened. Though I still really love his music. But we can all agree it was a bully move and class-less to say the least.[/QUOTE]

It's cool, man. Just wanted to stress that some of the things in my original post weren't MY beliefs...but things the incident could easily be twisted into. And like I said, I've always thought Kanye was very talented musically, both in his writing and producing. It's just hard to defend a guy who pushes a teenage girl out of the spotlight just so he can hear himself talk. I'm almost surprised he didn't interrupt the Michael Jackson tribute to ask why there was no tribute made for him, haha. :)

It's a shame that his energy is going into finding ways to be a dick to people, rather than making more great music. I know it's small potatoes to a lot of people, but I do think he'll lose fans over it. Anybody in the demographic that might listen to Taylor and Kanye (probably 12-25 year old females) would definitely side with her on this one, not to mention people who are just sick of his antics. And the fact that MTV cancelled his performance over it shows that this crap definitely isn't helping his career.
[quote name='c335harp']I don't think he'll ever do anything as good as his first 2 LP's but fell off? seriously? He's a dickhead but he's been doing solid verses on 30% of every radio single for the past year. 808 and Heartbreak was a very good album considering the drastic change in direction. He's a dickhead, but leave it at that.[/QUOTE]

No shit... there isn't really a better producer/artist out right now than this guy... people like to shit on 808's... but at least it's an album that came from the guy's soul... something you can't say about most music these days.

And for the record, his 3rd album is so much better than the first two.
808s was so flawed. Musically solid but lyrically/vocally shit. Not just because he was on auto-tune steez either.

But yeah, Yeezy's increasingly become more and more of an embarrassment.
[quote name='PR Mega X']Why the fuck does MTV have a music video award show? That channel doesn't show music videos. It's like Disney airing an adult film award show.[/QUOTE]

:D:lol::applause::rofl: So true. I really wish I knew why they keeping throwing the expense of creating a music video when nobody airs them anymore. Music Television doesn't even show music for that matter.
[quote name='DestroVega']No shit... there isn't really a better producer/artist out right now than this guy... people like to shit on 808's... but at least it's an album that came from the guy's soul... something you can't say about most music these days.

And for the record, his 3rd album is so much better than the first two.[/QUOTE]

His 3rd album is crap. All he did was take some Daft Punk and make it worse.
While he was a complete asshole about it, he has a point. How does Beyonce win for best video overall but not best female video? Its like the SpikeTV video game awards where Madden loses best sports game but wins best overall game. Makes no sense.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']His 3rd album is crap. All he did was take some Daft Punk and make it worse.[/QUOTE]

So the album was one song?
[quote name='tcrash247']While he was a complete asshole about it, he has a point. How does Beyonce win for best video overall but not best female video? Its like the SpikeTV video game awards where Madden loses best sports game but wins best overall game. Makes no sense.[/QUOTE]

It's a horrible conspiracy involving the Knights Templar!
[quote name='tcrash247']While he was a complete asshole about it, he has a point. How does Beyonce win for best video overall but not best female video? Its like the SpikeTV video game awards where Madden loses best sports game but wins best overall game. Makes no sense.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this. The only thing I can think of is they want to spread out the awards so everyone's a winner in some way.
[quote name='DestroVega']So the album was one song?[/QUOTE]

Nope, but it does sum up my opinion of his last two albums - as pure crap. Guy had a solid first album, a great second album, got cocky and thought he could do anything and went to shit.
bread's done