Katamari Damashi (preorder) = $19.99 @ gamestop.com

Mine still hasn't shipped yet... I think they changed the ship date officially from yesterday to today
when i went into eb yesterday, the manager said they were getting a few copies, so i asked how many reservations and they only had one.

i also asked if i i reserve it now, will i be guaranteed a copy. he said, "sure. no one's gonna want that game."

i just laughed.
Went to my EB yesterday, and they hadn't gotten the game in yet. They did say I was the tenth person who had come in that day asking about it, though. Maybe the word is starting to spread.
I've been calling my local eb and gamestop 2 days straight since its scheduled released date and none of them have gotten it in yet as well. Although I think the guys at eb I talked to had no idea what I what I was talking about.
I ordered mine from Gamestop.com yesterday. Since they charge no tax AND there was that coupon code for 2Day shipping for $1 on the front of this site, it's CHEEPER to have them send it to me than to keep calling and then finally drive up to get it.

Love this site. ;)
After playing it for about 30 minutes or so just now, I'd have to say that the reviews are dead on, the game is frigging awesome in the most absolutely insane way. Despite it's relatively simple controls, it's taking some adjustment to get used to that Virtual On style dual stick maneuvering which I suck at, but the controls are definitely GOOD. The dialogue from the King is hilariously random and many times makes little sense, and the bizzarre cinemas with thier lego looking people are funny, bizzarre, and surprisingly well voiced. The music is fantastic and could not possibly be labeled into any genre as far as I can see. Most importantly though, the game is really fun, and I have a thing for games that make you run about huge environments taking place in every day settings as a very small player, the only difference being that eventually you will get a WHOLE lot bigger. It's strangely exhilarating once your katamari gets big enough and you can start rolling over bigger items with reckless abandon and exponentially increase your size. Case in point, anyone on the fence about this game should drop the money and get it NOW. Games like this are a precious rarity and with enough support we can see more of them over here.
emperordahc, thanks for the idea. I never saw those codes on the site and with free shipping and no tax, I don't have to keep checking CC to see if they have it.

working now on getting quantity of the game. My first shipment which was a good amount is sold out already.

Also VGD has a coupon "freetoship" for orders over $30.
Grabbed this at Best Buy today. Sweet game. Just played for about an hour and I grinned the entire time. A little different, but give it a chance and your soul will smile.
[quote name='robdees']Grabbed this at Best Buy today. Sweet game. Just played for about an hour and I grinned the entire time. A little different, but give it a chance and your soul will smile.[/quote]

Best Buy has this? I don't see it on their website. Anyone else seen copies @ BB?
I picked up the last copy from my local gamestop last night. Quite possibly the strangest game I have ever played. Do I like it? No doubt.
Got mine yesterday at a local EB. The clerk said they got 3 copies total - one preorder, one I picked up, and one left. I can see how this game has the potential of becoming somewhat rare in a year or so. BTW, this game is totally enjoyable, so go buy it. It's only $20, and if you do buy it, it's encouragement for companies to risk bringing games like this over in the first place. Thank you, Namco. :)
Picked mine up last night from BB for $15 + tax after GGC coupon, when I went in to pick up the Xboxlive starter kit + NFL2K5.

It was a bit of a hassle. First, it wasn't out on the floor, so I asked the employee if it could be in the back. He assured me that there was nothing in the back, and everything they had was out on the floor, so I asked when they were expecting it, or if they even were expecting it. He checked his printed list of releases, and it wasn't on the list. He assured me that if it wasn't on his list, they weren't getting it. Thanks to swick's post I knew that at least some BBs were getting it, so I persisted and asked him to check the computer. After spelling it for him four times (just 'Katamari', there are too many alternate spellings of 'Damashi'), not only did it show up in the computer, but it showed they had four on hand. He swore that it was the first time they ever had something that didn't show up on his release sheet. "Wait here, I'll go check my cart in the back" ](*,) . He returned a few minutes later with the game.

I know I was one of the people requesting the deal, defender, but I couldn't wait, sorry. I'm sure there will be enough CAGs left to buy as many as you can get. And the communicators I ordered from you arrived yesterday, thanks again for that awesome deal.
this game is great.

played it for a bit last night.

my EB got 3 copies in. 2 reserves (one was mine) and the other one was for the manager.
My local EB got in ONE copy, which I happily snagged. Very unique game that is a blast to play. I don't know if this is going to be a collector's item, but from the looks of the initial shipments, it is going to be hard to find. I remember this kinda thing happening with Disgaea. At $19.99, its a real value as well.
yes, - confirmed. They have it at BB. I just picked one up with GGC. An employee said they only got 4 copies in. He didn't know if they were gonna get any more, but I assume they should.
[quote name='cag1000']is this anyhting like stretch panic i was dissapointed with that[/quote]

That game was a gimick with un-interesting gameplay. This one is a cool gimick with interesting gameplay...and you can run over small children
[quote name='Wshakspear']...and you can run over small children[/quote]

who happen to scream in a very satisfying manner I might add :twisted:
u guys have hyped it up for me now im lookin at my BB cause there is no way im gonna pay 19.99 for any game so i want it for 15
but my best buy didnt get it im so pissed they never get anything good there why would the bbs in the midwest have it but in the middle of an overpopulated area a jersey never get it
Played it for about 10 minutes at Gamestop, and I couldn't pass it up. $20 is nice. The guy there said they didn't get many copies either.
I picked it up earlier today at Best Buy (North Attleboro, MA) and I want to have like, 10 thousand of its babies. They had maybe 8-10 copies when I went there, I was surprised.

As for the game, I love it so far. I played for about an hour, and after I was done, I still felt like I was rolling..kept trying to pick stuff up with my katamari. I can see how it can be too weird for people..but damn, it plays great. It's a blast, buy it if you see it.
I've played about 2 hours of KD and I think its great . . . go buy this game so that more weird-ass Japanese games make their way here. It is such a blast when you grow big enough to roll outside and start sucking up people.

I'm sure that because this one is burning brightly it will also burn out quickly. Still for $20 you can't go wrong. It is actually kind of a happening.
The Gamestop here made is very difficult for me to get the game. I went in yesterday and they said the small shipment will be there before 1 pm. I went back at 1:30 and he told me that shipment didn't come in and would arrive Friday. I looked at the website this morning and it showed they had 1-3 copies in stock, so I called when they opened. The guy on the phone told me they were sold out already. He then told me the delivery was late yesterday (3pm) and they sold 2 of the 3 to customers. The other copy was on hold for the manager. Dammit!
I called Best Buy right afterwards and the guy looked it up in the computer and it said they had 8 copies come in. They weren't on the shelf so he went in back to the warehouse and tracked them down. He was nice enough to set one aside for me and I went in an hour later and finally picked it up. I checked the shelf and they hadn't put the rest out yet (Onalaska, WI Best Buy). Anyone in this area should check out the Best Buy and you might have to ask for it since it wasn't out as of 3pm.
Picked up the last copy from my Gamestop, the opening movie may be the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. Music is awesome too. To everyone thats thinking about getting this, go for it and make Namco glad they decided to bring it over :D
I was pleasantly surprised Best Buy had this in stock. Maybe if it will sell well enough BB will carry more of these quirky titles.
ok i have been playing this game all day, it is fun as hell.

the graphics are weird like in gitaroo man and the gameplay,while simple, is HIGHLY addictive.
Hopefuly this game sells enough copies in the U.S. for Namco to bring over Katamary Damacy 2 to the states when it's done (yes, the game is that good that a sequel is being made)
Confirmed availability at Best Buy in Secaucus, NJ (Had to ask guy to get it from stickroom) and at Paramus, NJ (at least 10 copies on shelves although no plastic index card with price). $14.99 with GGC.
Gamestop.com is now in backorder mode for the game. Got mine for $20 with $2 shipping at ebgames.com

=) This game got awesome reviews. Wierd that i didnt even see advertisements around for such an awesome game.
Can any posts if they found it at a Best Buy in Northern Virginia? Thanks.

Nevermind, I bought the last copy of it at my local Best Buy for $15. I have to say that this is a very entertaining game. The music is great and it's weirdness is making me laugh. I have to say this is one of the most unique games in my collection, up there with Rez. This game may not be for everyone so if you have reservations, you may want to wait for a demo to come out. The $15 price tag (with GGC) made it worth it because a rental would have been a third of the total price.
bread's done