Keith Oberman rips O'Reilly a new one

[quote name='rvdrock']LOL...Keith has always been funny...[/QUOTE]

Yeah he's one of the few political satirists/pundits that I actually like. The rest all just annoy me, especially Colbert and Stewart. The sad part about O'Reilly is that he does all this serious reporting and then tries to be funny about stuff and just comes off as a total dick, not to mention unfunny as all hell.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']The sad part about O'Reilly is that he does all this serious reporting and then tries to be funny about stuff and just comes off as a total dick, not to mention unfunny as all hell.[/quote]

Yes, because the main topics in American discourse should be the war of Christmas, how the liberal media hates Mel Gibson, and some "liberal" judge who gave a lighter-then-usual sentence because the state tied his hands in offering true rehibilitation.
[quote name='camoor']Yes, because the main topics in American discourse should be the war of Christmas, how the liberal media hates Mel Gibson, and some "liberal" judge who gave a lighter-then-usual sentence because the state tied his hands in offering true rehibilitation.[/QUOTE]
Judging by the last half of his post, he meant that O'Reilly reports in a serious matter, and thinks he reports on serious issues -- he didn't grade the seriousness of said-reports.

Also, Oberman is as obnoxious as O'Reilly.
This video makes me want to submit a book proposal and sample chapter on how modern politics resembles the dramaturgy of professional wrestling far more than it does resemble intellectually honest debates of merit and ideas.
Also, whomever set up the photography on Keith Oberman's show should be socked in the jaw. Oberman's chest and mug are far too close to the screen... makes the motherfucker look like Max Headroom is reading the daily headlines.


I think that backdrop is featured in one of my grade school yearbook pictures...
I watched this yesterday, and found it amusing. Olberman's ratings are climbing at O'Reily's expense. :lol:
[quote name='Brak']Judging by the last half of his post, he meant that O'Reilly reports in a serious matter, and thinks he reports on serious issues -- he didn't grade the seriousness of said-reports.

Also, Oberman is as obnoxious as O'Reilly.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, that's precisely what I was getting at.
[quote name='Brak']

Also, Oberman is as obnoxious as O'Reilly.[/quote]

I wouldn't say so. I enjoy Olberman quite more than O'Reilly. O'Reilly is a twit that believes that Christmas is dying and has Ann Coulter on his show. Ann Coulter should be enough for anyone to change the channel.
[quote name='evanft']ROFFLE. Sure he is.[/QUOTE]
He isn't? He isn't simply because you agree with his viewpoint?

That must be a strange world to live in.
[quote name='Brak']He isn't? He isn't simply because you agree with his viewpoint?

That must be a strange world to live in.[/QUOTE]

No, he isn't as annoying as O'Reilly. He isn't a loud mouth dumbass who doesn't correct himself when he gets called on his bullshit.
[quote name='Brak']Also, Oberman is as obnoxious as O'Reilly.[/quote]

Olbermann is a smartass (it's no wonder he burned bridges at ESPN). O'Reilly is smartass. The majority of the clowns on TV are. Unfortunately most political personalities can only make money in that fashion.

One of my mantras in regards to political discussion (or any kind for that matter) is tact. When you interject abusive language, attack those who disagree (even if they deserve it), hurl insults, and don't limit yourself to the issues then your credibility is lowered IMO. The hyperbole and verbose statements from these clowns is pretty self serving.
[quote name='evanft']No, he isn't as annoying as O'Reilly. He isn't a loud mouth dumbass who doesn't correct himself when he gets called on his bullshit.[/QUOTE]
Oberman doesn't tackle things in a professional way, in terms of being as bold as his deragotory statements are.

If I hear a newcaster -- one who thinks of himself as serious -- refer to another newscaster as "slappy", I deem that as obnoxious (and unprofessional).

Now, if he could razz O'Reilly without commentary on O'Reilly's hairline (cheap lolz~), I'd give him a listen.
[quote name='Brak']Oberman doesn't tackle things in a professional way, in terms of being as bold as his deragotory statements are.

If I hear a newcaster -- one who thinks of himself as serious -- refer to another newscaster as "slappy", I deem that as obnoxious (and unprofessional).

Now, if he could razz O'Reilly without commentary on O'Reilly's hairline (cheap lolz~), I'd give him a listen.[/quote]

[quote name='Brak']
If I hear a newcaster -- one who thinks of himself as serious -- refer to another newscaster as "slappy", I deem that as obnoxious (and unprofessional).

Even more amusing is that you consider either of these jokers newscasters.
[quote name='bmulligan']Even more amusing is that you consider either of these jokers newscasters.[/QUOTE]

So, rather than applaud people for their ability to discern between mouth-frothing op-ed guys and "genuine" newscasters, you decide just to revel in your filth, think that you're the only person on the planet who can objetively watch the news, and condescend and talk shit to him instead? Classy. Real classy.
[quote name='Brak']Oberman doesn't tackle things in a professional way, in terms of being as bold as his deragotory statements are.

If I hear a newcaster -- one who thinks of himself as serious -- refer to another newscaster as "slappy", I deem that as obnoxious (and unprofessional).

Now, if he could razz O'Reilly without commentary on O'Reilly's hairline (cheap lolz~), I'd give him a listen.[/QUOTE]

But here's the problem: that's not Olberman's style and he's talking about Bill O'Reilly. Olberman's show is essentially a serious version of The Daily Show, so he's expected to be funny and irreverant instead of being completely serious all the time. I mean, he was a damn sportscaster for Christ's sake.
You guys have obviously never seen his show, and if you have, you weren't paying attention.

The difference is that Olbermann actually does report the real news and HE CORRECTS HIMSELF WHEN HE SAYS SOMETHING WRONG, like a real journalist!

If O'Reilly says something blatantly wrong and untrue (as we saw in this clip), he deserves to be called out on it. Keith does it with a more humorous tone than others, but that's his style. If a journalist lets another "journalist" (or whatever you want to call O'Reilly) say something false or misleading, it is his RESPONSIBILITY to point it out! Keeping each other honest is what makes journalism work.

And what I don't understand is the people complaining about the current state of political discourse. If it were up to you, we would all be watching old people talk "properly" on the McLaughlin Group. If that happened no one would be interested in politics because so BORING. By injecting humor into the real news, Keith keeps it interesting, fun, and participatory, as it should be.
[quote name='bobfet1']You guys have obviously never seen his show, and if you have, you weren't paying attention.

The difference is that Olbermann actually does report the real news and HE CORRECTS HIMSELF WHEN HE SAYS SOMETHING WRONG, like a real journalist!

If O'Reilly says something blatantly wrong and untrue (as we saw in this clip), he deserves to be called out on it. Keith does it with a more humorous tone than others, but that's his style. If a journalist lets another "journalist" (or whatever you want to call O'Reilly) say something false or misleading, it is his RESPONSIBILITY to point it out! Keeping each other honest is what makes journalism work.

And what I don't understand is the people complaining about the current state of political discourse. If it were up to you, we would all be watching old people talk "properly" on the McLaughlin Group. If that happened no one would be interested in politics because so BORING. By injecting humor into the real news, Keith keeps it interesting, fun, and participatory, as it should be.[/quote]

I would prefer if a more professional approach were taken.

It's one thing to inject humor. It is another to continually hurl personal insults at one another while attempting to "prove you are right". I find it tedious to wade through all the ego stroking just to get to opinions about relevant events, not the personal issues between two people. It's part of the reason I seldom contribute anything political to this board because for all the supposed intelligence, all the insight, more often than not things break down in elementary school name calling and using 10 dollar words when a 10 cent word would be more effective.

My only problem is that if he is a real journalist then he needs to take the high road instead of delivering a monologue. Let is go. Granted, I know humor is his gimmick to start with, but it gets old fast.
[quote name='bobfet1']You guys have obviously never seen his show, and if you have, you weren't paying attention.


If it were up to you, we would all be watching old people talk "properly" on the McLaughlin Group.[/QUOTE]

You obviously have never seen The McLaughlin Group, and if you have, you weren't paying attention.
[quote name='elprincipe']You obviously have never seen The McLaughlin Group, and if you have, you weren't paying attention.[/quote]

Well they do participate in the arguing and stuff, but they way they go about it is a lot different than shows like The O'Reilly Factor and The Countdown do.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']
My only problem is that if he is a real journalist then he needs to take the high road instead of delivering a monologue. Let is go. Granted, I know humor is his gimmick to start with, but it gets old fast.[/quote]

But that what I'm wondering - what is "the high road?" Should Olbermann turn into Tom Brokaw? The way he talks about things is the reason people watch his show
[quote name='bobfet1']But that what I'm wondering - what is "the high road?" Should Olbermann turn into Tom Brokaw? The way he talks about things is the reason people watch his show[/quote]


It's really my personal feeling more than anything. IMO the high road is not commenting on a competitor every chance you get. It eventually will backfire, or lead to my signature quote. Sometimes it is best to say nothing.
The same Keith Olberman who is best known for saying "He put the biscuit in the basket" and whose claim to fame is that his mother was hit by an errant throw by Chuck Knoblauch?
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']The same Keith Olberman who is best known for saying "He put the biscuit in the basket" and whose claim to fame is that his mother was hit by an errant throw by Chuck Knoblauch?[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing that's not his claim to fame. Just maybe. I don't get all the bitching. If you don't like him, don't watch him, and shut the fuck up. It's pretty simple. It's not like he's trying to be something he isn't. He's a reporter (was even before ESPN, IIRC) and a newscaster who reports on news with humor involved. Watch the fucking nightly news if you want serious.

He's not as funny as Colbert (who is?), but he's damn entertaining to watch. Which maybe, just maybe, might be why he has a show.
[quote name='Metal Boss']nor do I watch TV at all[/QUOTE]

The only truism on this planet is that anyone who says this, or a variant of this, is a liar.
I don't get why we should care about pseudo-newsmen arguing over ratings. I'm not crapping on the thread, just wondering why people waste valuable broadcast time on crap like this. If I want name calling and squabbling, I'll watch an episode of The Ultimate least they get to beat the shit out of each other so there's a payoff to the argument. I doubt we'll be seeing Oberman and O'Reilly do anything besides nitpick each other over arguments that could likely be dissected and twisted around some other way no matter what is said.

I rarely watch either of them.

[quote name='mykevermin']The only truism on this planet is that anyone who says this, or a variant of this, is a liar.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='mykevermin']The only truism on this planet is that anyone who says this, or a variant of this, is a liar.[/quote]

You callin' boss a liar?
Keith Olbermann owns, 'nuff said. O'Reilly is alright for some things, but he just spews out too much garbage/makes too many unfounded or BS remarks.

But seriously, are we arguing here about who's the better news guy or what?
[quote name='mykevermin']So, rather than applaud people for their ability to discern between mouth-frothing op-ed guys and "genuine" newscasters, you decide just to revel in your filth, think that you're the only person on the planet who can objetively watch the news, and condescend and talk shit to him instead? Classy. Real classy.[/QUOTE]

Apparently I am the only one who can watch these things objectively and determine that neither of these two nuts are newscasters.
You obviously cannot and must have a thing on the down low for Oberman, or did he dump you already for some other guy?
[quote name='bmulligan']Apparently I am the only one who can watch these things objectively and determine that neither of these two nuts are newscasters.
You obviously cannot and must have a thing on the down low for Oberman, or did he dump you already for some other guy?[/QUOTE]

Do you truly want to make an argument out of a basic semantic slip-of-the-toungue on the part of Brak?
Nothing against Brak, but was it a slip of tongue? Or is it a generally accepted fact that media icons are give us news without comment? Generally refering to these people as newscasters twists the definition of news into something other than reporting of fact. We need to call things what they are instead of what we think they ought to be. They are news commentators, not newscasters.
Me referring to them both as newscasters may be a moot point, but regardless of what term I use to describe them, I can still stick by what I was originally getting at:
[quote name='Brak']If I hear a newscaster -- one who thinks of himself as serious -- refer to another newscaster as "slappy", I deem that as obnoxious (and unprofessional).[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Brak']If I hear a poltical commentator -- one who thinks of himself as serious -- refer to another political commentator as "slappy", I deem that as obnoxious (and unprofessional).[/QUOTE]
To contenst that they're not newscasters is fine by me... but to contest it, in this topic, seems to be contesting for the sake of contesting.

Newscasters, political commentators, or whatever, like to imagine that they're a part of their headline stories, or hard-hitting facts. As myke mentioned, in this situation, stemming from them constantly trying to include themselves into the headlines, it's akin to professional wrestling promos -- except, in this case, nobody gives a damn.

Leave the Gonzo Journalism to Hunter Thompson.
When Colbert refers to Oreilly as "Papa Bear", I can't help but crack a smile. :)

I don't watch Oreilly or Olbermann. The former because he's a blowhard and the latter because he's just another leftist commentator pretending he's all serious newscaster guy.

I get my news from David Spade on The Showbiz Show. The man cuts right through the bull and tells it like it is. :bow:
[quote name='Brak']Leave the Gonzo Journalism to Hunter Thompson.[/QUOTE]

Well, chances are we won't be getting too many news updates from him anytime soon.
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, chances are we won't be getting too many news updates from him anytime soon.[/QUOTE]

It's poetic that way, though. More ways than one.
bread's done