Kick-Ass trailer (new trailer added to OP)

[quote name='JolietJake']No, even after hit girl put him out it was hard to understand, then again he was on fire. I thought Cage was great, totally nailed it. I was wondering why hit girl cursed so much though, Cage never did once i think, so where did she pick it up?[/QUOTE]

His "Adam West/Batman" dialog was stupid. A more silent Big Daddy (like the comic) would have been better.

Nick Cage is a horrible actor. Am I the only one who sees it?
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Possibly the best movie I've ever seen. That's a very personal stance to take, so I'm not going to hide it, but Kick-Ass resonated with me in ways I never realized I could.
[quote name='Rodimus']Nick Cage is a horrible actor. Am I the only one who sees it?[/QUOTE]

He has done some terrible movies, but I thought he did a great job in this one.
#2 at the box office with $19,750,000...I was hoping it would have opened bigger and been number 1. Here's hoping that the good word of mouth spreads and it gets bigger soon. Only 2 more weeks it can cash in until Iron Man 2 hits theaters..then again, it could maintain a good #2 spot for a while.
i dont care much at all for nick cage, but i thought he did just fine in this movie. his best work since con air.

i enjoyed the movie, but im not sure i loved it. it was very good, but maybe i just over hyped it for myself. im sure ill see it again once it hits dvd. pretty faithful to the comic, i wonder if there will be a sequel. afaik there arent any other comics so it might be awhile before we hear anything.
Mark Millar is already working on the sequel, not sure if it's meant just as another comic or screenplay...probably both. But I'm assuming the numbers need to go up higher before a sequel is greenlit.
[quote name='Rodimus']His "Adam West/Batman" dialog was stupid. A more silent Big Daddy (like the comic) would have been better.

Nick Cage is a horrible actor. Am I the only one who sees it?[/QUOTE]
He's hit and miss, he was great in this though.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Mark Millar is already working on the sequel, not sure if it's meant just as another comic or screenplay...probably both. But I'm assuming the numbers need to go up higher before a sequel is greenlit.[/QUOTE]

i dont doubt the comic will go on. but the box office numbers werent stellar for an opening weekend and are just going to go down from here. so well see what happens, probably wouldnt be 2012 or 2013 at the earliest that anything is released (movie wise).
[quote name='shieryda']Awesome new Hit Girl trailer. I cannot wait to see this film. Definitely not for kiddies![/QUOTE]
You would think that but for some reason it was more kids than adults at the showing I went to Saturday night.

When you see an 11 year old girl say; "I'm just fucking with you daddy." I wouldn't want kids to see cause of the violence let alone for all the colorful language. Just like her getting shot at the beginning.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']How To Train Your Dragon...which is an awesome movie as well.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen a CGI movie in the theaters since The Incredibles, but I hear it's supposed to be good. Still, I would've liked to see Kick-Ass get a little more love. Despite my disdain for Cage it's an excellent movie. Who knows, maybe word of mouth may boost it to #1 next week.
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This looks like an even more gay version of Watchmen or a more retarded version of Mystery Men. (note: I have not seen Mystery Men, but I unfortunately have seen the previews.)
[quote name='tiredfornow']Yeah, it's a really gay version of Watchmen.[/QUOTE]

No it was not. It was clearly a retarded Mystery Men.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']How To Train Your Dragon...which is an awesome movie as well.[/QUOTE]

From what I'm guessing, a lot of kids bought tickets for that and were in kick-ass. When I went in there Friday and Sunday (yes, seen it twice so far) there was nothing but kids. I told the Manager and he checked the tickets and what do you know, How to train your dragon tickets. Kick the kids right out.

I will say, If you have read the comics and seen the movie a great novel to read is this one right here.

As for what Big Daddy is saying
Take cover child! Now switch to Kryptonite child! Now go to Robin's Revenge!
I ended up buying the graphic novel yesterday...its a lot more gruesome than I expected. I haven't read the whole thing but from what I skimmed through, I think I like the direction the movie took best...even the costumes seem better.
[quote name='Vulcan2422'] When I went in there Friday and Sunday (yes, seen it twice so far) there was nothing but kids. I told the Manager and he checked the tickets and what do you know, How to train your dragon tickets. Kick the kids right out.[/QUOTE]

You sound like a great guy.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I ended up buying the graphic novel yesterday...its a lot more gruesome than I expected. I haven't read the whole thing but from what I skimmed through, I think I like the direction the movie took best...even the costumes seem better.[/QUOTE]

It's a mix for me. I thought Big Daddy's costume looked a bit cheesy in the movie, but I guess that's what they were going for. In the movie he was more Batman, while in the comics he was more like Punisher. I think the Punisher feel was more fitting of the character. Everyone else looked good. One thing I liked that the comic did that the movie didn't was
a surprise twist that Red Mist was actually the mob bosses son. In the movie you knew all along. But I like how Kick-Ass got the girl in the end, in the comic she rejects him, which I thought was kind of a downer.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']You sound like a great guy.[/QUOTE]

I'm not having 12/13 year olds ruin my movie experience by kicking the back of my chair and hollering and talking non stop. I sorta wish they made the movie NC-17 but you don't see that anymore. I could see if the kids were just chilling and not bothering anybody. But when your running around the theater like a jack-ass and talking non stop and screaming and shit, it pisses me off. Thus, a suggestion to the manager was in order.

I don't mind the kids who watch a R rated movie and sit there like a respectable adult. I can not stand jack ass kids like I mentioned earlier.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I'm not having 12/13 year olds ruin my movie experience by kicking the back of my chair and hollering and talking non stop. I sorta wish they made the movie NC-17 but you don't see that anymore. I could see if the kids were just chilling and not bothering anybody. But when your running around the theater like a jack-ass and talking non stop and screaming and shit, it pisses me off. Thus, a suggestion to the manager was in order.

I don't mind the kids who watch a R rated movie and sit there like a respectable adult. I can not stand jack ass kids like I mentioned earlier.[/QUOTE]

Oh, that's understandable then. I thought you just walked into the theater, saw there were a bunch of under-17s and were like "I'm not having this! Not in my community!"
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Oh, that's understandable then. I thought you just walked into the theater, saw there were a bunch of under-17s and were like "I'm not having this! Not in my community!"[/QUOTE]

LoL. No, that doesn't bother me really. IF they can act like a responsible adult, hey no problem at all, enjoy the movie for what it is cause you probably got the comic book or something like that. When your kicking my chair and laughing loudly at each other for throwing runts at each other and talking non stop about how awesome McLovin is, yeah, I'm gonna go get the manager of course. Hell, I got so pist at a group of teenage girls and like maybe two guys that I became a complete dick. I told the couple who kept kicking our chairs and saying Mclovin non stop and squealing like little pigs and just being complete assholes. I turned to them and said during the middle of the movie
Big daddy dies, Red mist aka MCLOVIN is a evil villain, Kick-ass gets the girl and Hit girl kills a lot of people and get's her ass kicked by the Mob Boss.

They called me an asshole and got up and left. I said, "Maybe next time you'll respect the people around you who paid 9 bucks to see this movie and didn't want to hear your fucking mouths from beginning to the end of the movie"
Read the comic and saw it today. Thinking about it now, honestly...

I Think it kinda sucked. It wasn't the worst movie, but after reading the comic and watching this it just didn't sit well with me. I Know Mark Millar played a role in helping rewrite the script, but fuck I just don't understand or see why they had to change so much from the comic. It's like first half followed the comic and then it just veered off into some weird territory where they had to overly camp it up. Plus everytime I saw or heard Red Mist I only thought McLovin. The whole thing felt more like if Adam West's Batman was repackaged for this day and age and for seventeen year old's that THIS is the movie.

That and during the only scene where Big Daddy actually kicked ass I kept thinking "They're using the 28 Days Later score."
[quote name='bardockkun']Read the comic and saw it today. Thinking about it now, honestly...

I Think it kinda sucked. It wasn't the worst movie, but after reading the comic and watching this it just didn't sit well with me. I Know Mark Millar played a role in helping rewrite the script, but fuck I just don't understand or see why they had to change so much from the comic. It's like first half followed the comic and then it just veered off into some weird territory where they had to overly camp it up. Plus everytime I saw or heard Red Mist I only thought McLovin. The whole thing felt more like if Adam West's Batman was repackaged for this day and age and for seventeen year old's that THIS is the movie.

That and during the only scene where Big Daddy actually kicked ass I kept thinking "They're using the 28 Days Later score."[/QUOTE]

I still think people that have read the comic should still read the Paperback of Kick-Ass: Creating the comic, making the movie. It sheds some light as to why Millar went with the changes he did and how both affected each other. I mean, honestly I read the comic as well but I like the movie a lot. I didn't mind the Adam Westish talking cause I thought it was quite funny really.

Also, as for the 28 days later score,

" John Murphy, who composed the scores for 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, both of which used "In the House - in a Heartbeat" (albeit under different cue titles in 28 Weeks Later), was indeed the head composer for Kick-Ass. He created a variant of the "In the House..." track for the sequence where Big Daddy fights in the lumber warehouse, called "Big Daddy Kills" on the Kick-Ass soundtrack."

That's from IMDB
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I wonder how it will do against The Losers this coming weekend.[/QUOTE]

I might have to pick up the comics some where to see how it relates to the big screen as well.
I thought the Losers would be stupid too, but it actually look more like a mix of a Crank movie or a Tarantino movie without the fail at least from the previews I've seen.
[quote name='bardockkun']It's like first half followed the comic and then it just veered off into some weird territory where they had to overly camp it up.[/QUOTE]

I thought this exact thing too.

I loved the movie though. I went into it expecting it to be a fun way to kill 2 hours and left heavily impressed. Love the portrayal of Hit Girl and Big Daddy.
The Big Daddy lumber scene was probably my favorite part of the movie, or when Hit Girl saves Kick-Ass. Nic Cage screaming was really cool. It seems like it'd be cheesy but it wasn't. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was the jet-pack. Seemed so random to me.

For the record, I've read and loved the comic as well.
I saw it and I liked it. I didn't love it and thought it could have been better. I expected A LOT more gore. After the first scene with Hit Girl was so crazy and brutal, the others were kind of disappointing. Hopefully they make a sequel with more and longer fight scenes.
Yeah, I expected more gore as well...

Wombat hyped it up too much, since I believe he said the violence was "overwhelming" for him, or something like that.
I liked it. Hit Girl is basically Stephanie from Lazytown, but chopping bitches up. And Cage was 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% better than I thought he'd be.

Everything went better than expected.
bread's done