Kid uses a videogame move from "Mortal Kombat" to kill his friend

omg dont blame the fucken games they play. blame the fucken parents that let them buy the games. these fucken kids are just trying to blame their actions of video games because everyone else is doing it. they knew perfectly well what they were doing when they killed their friend because they threw his body into a river and tried to get away with it. kids like these should be thrown into jail with their parents and locked up for good.
yeah the parents are to blame but souldnt kids have a sense of reality and fiction i mean deaths like these are tragic because there was no sense of fake and real in these kids minds..
yes, where were their parents while they were murdering their friend and then disposing of the body. thats what happens when you let tv raise your children. a little adult supervision never hurt anybody. its obvious that tv violence and video game violence have an effect on young kids and teens. the problem is that their arent enough adults around to peel them away from it. if thats all they are fed day in and day out then they are going to learn and react the same way. i watched violent movies and played violent games when i was a kid, but it was in moderation. and i had someone there to tell me that the movies and games weren't real, they were just for entertainment. kids today just dont know.
The link didn't work for me, can someone repost a working link? So did the kid kill his friend with bare hand or with equipment? Kids like this should be hanged or shot. Can't blame the video games for their action.
[quote name='yogi99']The link didn't work for me, can someone repost a working link? So did the kid kill his friend with bare hand or with equipment? Kids like this should be hanged or shot. Can't blame the video games for their action.[/quote]

He used the popular freeze and then uppercut move by sub-zero.
[quote name='yogi99']The link didn't work for me, can someone repost a working link? So did the kid kill his friend with bare hand or with equipment? Kids like this should be hanged or shot. Can't blame the video games for their action.[/quote]

Man, this is just wrong.

Boys kill friend using "Mortal Combat" video technique

Riga, March 2, 2005

A 14-year-old schoolboy has been brutally killed in Latvia's north-eastern town of Valmiera by friends who say they were inspired by a video game, a spokeswoman for the police in Riga said Tuesday.

The five boys, aged 13 to 16, were arrested Sunday by the police of this town of 43,000 inhabitants 120 kilometres (74 miles) north of the capital in connection with the murder which occurred on Saturday, the spokeswoman said.

They explained that "they used techniques borrowed from the video game 'Mortal Combat' in dealing with their victim", the spokeswoman, Kristine Mezaraupa said.

The boys described how they beat up their friend, Marcis, born in 1991, and threw his body in the nearby Gauja river, according to the head of Valmiera police department Juris Andersons.

"The attackers tried to imitate some fighting techniques used in video games," said the head of the investigation division of Valmiera police department Salvis Stamers. "They employed the use of the legs in a scissor fashion to try to break the opponent's neck," he said.

The detained could not say whether the victim was dead when he was thrown in the river. Rescuers had not yet found the body.

"The evidence gained so far makes us certain that the boy could not survive in the ice cold water," added Andersons.

Investigators inspected the territory along the banks of the river, which is partly frozen, where the murder took place, and found empty bottles of alcoholic drinks and samples of blood.

Three teenagers aged between 14 and 16, were still in police detention, but two boys aged 13 had been freed Monday, as legal responsibility for a criminal offence under the Latvian law comes into force only from age 14.

"It is difficult for me to explain the motivation of this brutal crime," said Rudite Markus, the headmaster of Valmiera high school where Marcis was a pupil.

"You can blame the video games for some influence, and you cannot fail to notice the onslaught of violence on TV screens."

"Videogames could be a catalyst for violent behaviour, alerted by alcohol, but one cannot reduce the real motives of the teen murderers to the influence of video games," said psychologist Zaiga Blaua.

A year ago a pupil, addicted to videogames, killed a video saloon attendant in downtown Riga to get a few lats (dollars) to continue the game, which ended in tragedy.

If proved guilty, the detained boys could get a life sentence or imprisonment up to 20 years.
[quote name='bowmanarmy']That reminds me I haven't tore anyone's spine out lately. Ill have to do that today.[/quote]

Start with those kids who blamed their crimes on MK. :twisted:
[quote name='punqsux']cant say ive ever heard of the game "Mortal Combat" ...[/quote]

beat me to the punch

It would've been awesome if one of the kids said "FATALITY!" right after it, and then some other kid yelled "MORTAL KOMBATTTTTTTTTTTT".
its really sad when u think about it, but what the sure that this didnt happen over the kid all of a sudden sprouted virtual kung fu moves...i mean, didnt the parents at all see the kids play fighting in theyr living room or whatever and be like "hey dont do that..its wrong" or sumthing like that...jeez :\
This "news" sites claims have been pretty assanine...

I'm having trouble believing them. They're even a self admitted tabloid. I have to get ready for work so I cant see if this story shows up anywhere else... but I don't think it will.
ok first. Has any one ele saw that they 13 year old kids were DRUNK! hmm maybe the beer had a effect? Maybe its just me. You know the kid might have used the jonny cage split punch and punched the other kids nose into his brain.....

But you know what it was the videogame. They tried throwing him into the PIT of acid ( I hear their rivers are like acid!) for a fatality. This was mk2. Yep that settles it mk2 was tro blame.
I think it's a Sonya Blade move...still, any kid with some sense doesn't use these moves.
[quote name='Kayden']This "news" sites claims have been pretty assanine...

I'm having trouble believing them. They're even a self admitted tabloid. I have to get ready for work so I cant see if this story shows up anywhere else... but I don't think it will.[/quote]

You beat me to it. I searched for other sources on the matter and could not find any other references - even though this is an "AP" story. I did find links to other forums that talked about it but out of all of them you were the only poster to question its legitimacy. :whistle2:k
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='Scorch']
"They employed the use of the legs in a scissor fashion to try to break the opponent's neck," he said.

So.. which MK was this?[/quote]

was that one of Tanya's moves?[/quote]

Twas Sonya Blades move. She also used it in the movie on Kano.
Tanya has a fatality in MK4 where she wraps her legs around the guy and spins around multiple times until their neck is broken. Come to think of it, that may be her throw as well, but the fatality is an extreme version of it
the move sonya did was what would be called a hurricarana in wrestling. basically she wrapped her legs around her opponets head and flipped them. no twisting to break the neck.

in the movie she did use her legs to break kano's neck (most likely where they got it). in mortal kombat 4 tanya had a move where she jumped on her opponets shoulder and spun, which made her opponets head get turned around.

neither move was a fatality either.
"Videogames could be a catalyst for violent behaviour, alerted by alcohol, but one cannot reduce the real motives of the teen murderers to the influence of video games," said psychologist Zaiga Blaua.
[quote name='Mike23']I think it's a Sonya Blade move...still, any kid with some sense doesn't use these moves.[/quote]

Right. If he had any sense, he would have skewered him with a spear attached to a rope, said "Get over here!" and then either a) upper cut him so hard he flew of his feet or b) did a roundhouse kick that would also knock him of his feet.

Seriously, if you watch WWE, they moves that are easier to pull off and just as dangerous. Videogames are just a convenient whipping boy.
[quote name='evilmax17']

It would've been awesome if one of the kids said "FATALITY!" right after it, and then some other kid yelled "MORTAL KOMBATTTTTTTTTTTT".[/quote]

[quote name='Stryffe2004'][quote name='Mike23']I think it's a Sonya Blade move...still, any kid with some sense doesn't use these moves.[/quote]

Right. If he had any sense, he would have skewered him with a spear attached to a rope, said "Get over here!" and then either a) upper cut him so hard he flew of his feet or b) did a roundhouse kick that would also knock him of his feet.

Seriously, if you watch WWE, they moves that are easier to pull off and just as dangerous. Videogames are just a convenient whipping boy.[/quote]

That is so true. I have witnessed two real piledrivers given to kids when I was in highschool, neither of them ended well.
Well until I read that someone was killed by a video game player usings a +4 summon fireball blast or Force Choke I won't believe the games are the problem.
"Videogames could be a catalyst for violent behaviour, alerted by alcohol, but one cannot reduce the real motives of the teen murderers to the influence of video games," said psychologist Zaiga Blaua.

What he/she said...
"A year ago a pupil, addicted to videogames, killed a video saloon attendant in downtown Riga to get a few lats (dollars) to continue the game, which ended in tragedy. "...By nibbling on the saloon attendants arm rambling on about not being able to find his magic pills and cursing out 'that whore ms. pacman'
Don't these parents look at the ESRB ratings? ;)

[quote name='Mike23']I think it's a Sonya Blade move...still, any kid with some sense doesn't use these moves.[/quote]

yea definately a Sonya move, i remember doing it a lot in MK 1
This is absolutely ridiculous. What's the problem with these kids. I mean Mortal Kombat? That was the "bad" game over 10 years ago. Someone needs to tell these kids that the game to imitate these days is Grand Theft Auto. Either that or they need to come up with something original.
Anyone ever hear about this story at the bottom of the article?

"A year ago a pupil, addicted to videogames, killed a video saloon attendant in downtown Riga to get a few lats (dollars) to continue the game, which ended in tragedy."

I'm also not sure how much I trust a site with tabloid in the title
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I can't believe no one has said it yet...


Could this be a....

at least it wasnt a BRUTALITYor even an ANIMALITY
I'm going to give some kid a teddybear, say that I was performing a friendship, and blame it on Mortal Kombat.

I think it's about time that videogames get some positive publicity.
I think it's alright to use MK moves as long as you're a responsible adult.
I think it has alot to do with how your parents raised you. My mom always made me apologize when I pulled someone's head and spine out or turned into a dragon and ate someone.

Not ripping my face off and breathing fire on someone though. She got a kick out of that one.
In 20 years instead of "the devil made me do it" kids are going to be saying "Hiroyuki Kobayashi made me do it" or "Boon and Tobias whispered it in my ear and I had no choice!"
Well the other day a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, we'll call him "Zano", got really upset with me, thrusted his hand into my chest, and pulled out my still beating heart. I was going to blame it on MK but then he apologized, put the heart back, and now we're better friends for it.

p.s i got him back by stabbing him in the eye and now he has to wear a protective metal plate over his eye. it glows though so its pretty cool.
[quote name='evilmax17']I'm going to give some kid a teddybear, say that I was performing a friendship, and blame it on Mortal Kombat.

I think it's about time that videogames get some positive publicity.[/quote]

They do: just doesn't get as much of the spotlight. If programs like this are quietly adopted and hundreds or thousands of children benefit from it, that's not nearly as sensationalistic as one single kid telling police in the interrogation room that he was just imitating a videogame. I'm sure minors guilty of felonious acts of violence have ponied up any number of ridiculous excuses once they found themselves at police headquarters... but nobody ever pays those any mind unless it touches upon a political buzzword or hot issue.
[quote name='javeryh']In 20 years instead of "the devil made me do it" kids are going to be saying "Hiroyuki Kobayashi made me do it" or "Boon and Tobias whispered it in my ear and I had no choice!"[/quote]

No, it was the voice that yelled "FINISH HIM" that caused this.
This is really a public service on the part of video games. Murderous children have always existed but until the advent of the video game their option for clever and creative methods were limited.

"Impalement? That is soooo 14th Century. Haven't we anything better better? I am so booored. If the Americans can put a man on the moon can they not offer us some more fun way to perform our craft?"
"They employed the use of the legs in a scissor fashion to try to break the opponent's neck," he said.

Oh they mean that Mortal Komabt move that has been used in mvoies, TV, books, comics, and just about any other form of fictional entertainment. Yeah this is clearly all motral kombat's fault.

"Videogames could be a catalyst for violent behaviour, alerted by alcohol, but one cannot reduce the real motives of the teen murderers to the influence of video games," said psychologist Zaiga Blaua.

Well at least somebody gets it....
bread's done