Kinect - Gen. Info & Discussion

I bought Active this weekend myself, but haven't tried it. I think you are right though, the dynamics of people's play area is probably what's generating the mixed reviews.

I guess I'll see this week.
yeah, while user reviews can be helpful, there are a lot of dumb users out there.

btw, i completely dismissed that joystiq review as soon as I read "she don't play."

[quote name='confoosious']so i got dance central and sports. what else do i need to get for kinect?[/QUOTE]

If you got kids, I highly recommend Kinectimals, or if you had fun with Nintendogs I recommend it as well. Its pretty deep and has a lot of fun mini-games.
just watched the gamestop/spot whatever review. no kids but my gf would go crazy if kinectimals was puppy based. I'm sure that's coming out soon.
Kinectimals is great. My 4 year old loves it, my wife wanted to play it too, and likely when they're not looking, I'll be playing it as well.
Ive' played Kinectimals the most out of all my Kinect games because it's a little easier on my muscles and it's more of a traditional game, so I'm always working on unlocking things. My GF and kids enjoy it a lot too.
Gave Active a spin yesterday and it fucking destroyed me. lol I didn't think I was that out of shape. I didn't even make it through the whole 25 minute first workout. Looks like I need to drop it down to easy instead of normal.

I didn't have any issues in the "game" itself losing me or whatnot. The only thing I had trouble with was the menus. The hand cursor seems too jumpy for some reason and to top it off, Active seems to have small menu buttons making it doubly hard to select things. Fortunately after setting everything up it appears that everything else can be done with voice commands.
I wish more games had menus like Dance Central. The way you swipe them and also that you can use a controller with them if you really want.
[quote name='theredworm']I wish more games had menus like Dance Central. The way you swipe them and also that you can use a controller with them if you really want.[/QUOTE]

What's really perplexing is how microsoft didn't enforce a standard menu system for all games.
[quote name='thrustbucket']What's really perplexing is how microsoft didn't enforce a standard menu system for all games.[/QUOTE]

Have you used Windows? ;^)

EDIT: I was able to add the Sonic Free Riders demo to my queue via the web. Don't know if it will work on the console or not. I don't have Kinect yet and, at best, won't have it until xmas, but I figure these demos aren't available forever so I should grab it now.
Kinect Pac-Man!!!! Sort of. :)


A nice video from Body and Brain Connection, Namco's brain training Kinect game. I'm pumped for it.
Well, Ebay auction success! Just got positive feedback and now I am $50 richer since I didn't need the power cord/usb extender.
Sorry if this was already answered, but how is Sonic Free Riders? I'm going to be getting Kinect for Christmas and a few games to go along with it from my aunt and I asked her to try and get Free Riders, since it's one of the games that I think would be pretty good.

Glad to see people are enjoying the Kinect! That's a good sign!
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Sorry if this was already answered, but how is Sonic Free Riders?[/QUOTE]
One of the worst reviewed games for Kinect. Stay away.

The top games seem to be Dance Central, Sports and the game where you neglect your real life pets for a virtual one. For those who are into fitness, YourShape seems to be better than the others.

Games to stay away from include Harry Potter, Joy Ride and the previously mentioned Sonic Craptacular.

I predict a lot of Kinect games are going to be discounted after the holidays, unless the mainstream crowd doesn't realize that the bad ones are truly awful.

Future prospects don't look that great to my eyes. Steel Battilion sounds interesting, but it may fail miserably if they don't get the controls right.
Dunno if this is the best place to ask, but what are the best deals people are seeing on Kinect right now?

My dad wants to get Kinect now for some reason, and I'm trying to help him find a good deal on one; I thought there would be a lot more deals but it seems like the best so far is the 4GB Xbox 360 S with a $60 giftcard at Amazon, and putting that towards the Kinect whenever they come back in stock. Seems like the best because of no tax, and I have Amazon Prime.
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That's a good deal on a 360 S, but the Kinect might not come back in stock at amazon before xmas. Major Nelson said there's no more being shipped out. It's possible amazon is holding onto stock of them for black friday, but then they'd be gone before you'd get your $60 giftcard most likely and they might night have any anyway.
I saw a couple standalones at Walmart the other night.
I think the deal with Amazon is you have scumbag hoarders/resellers working that refresh button, then immediately putting it right back on Marketplace for fifty or a hundred bucks more.
I've seen it go in and out of stock on Best a couple times today. That would get me RZ points and the GamerZone bonus, so it'd be about seven/eight bucks back.
Kmart is pretty much the best deal I think, but it's not great; I'm leaning toward Target if they have any in stock during sane shopping hours - I get fifteen percent off all purchases which is better than 15 buck game coupon.

I wasn't really all that interested in it - I guess I'm burned on the Wii - but once I started hearing about it and looking more into the post release reviews, I think it would be cool to have. It won't replace a controller for games like Fallout, but for 'family' energetic gaming, I think it would be much better than the Wii.

Longevity is a concern, of course - do they keep churning out virtual pets and exercise games, or are the second/third generation of games actually 'gamer' games? But launch titles are always a mixed bag and sometimes not very representative of the platform potential.
If the hoarders are successful then god bless 'em. All one has to do is go to the store and buy Kinect. They don't need to buy it on Amazon.

I love Amazon and use it often, but I'm not going to F5 all day waiting for them to get Kinect in.
Is there a point to dance central other than to dance mode? Is there like career mode or anything? What's the point of ranking up?
We've just fixed up the Dance Central thread. Everybody who owns the game, please stop by and subscribe. I'll be listing all DLC with music videos so you can tell what songs you like.

Here's a sample:

  • I Gotta Feeling" by The Black-Eyed Peas - 2000s
  • Word Up!" by Cameo - 1980s
  • Whoomp! (There It Is)" by Tag Team - 1990s
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Old news now, but it's in stock again at amazon. I ordered it with Dance Masters (I'm a DDR fan) for the $20 credit. Wish I'd not, really, as probably DM will drop in price soon. Worse, I forgot about the Buy 1 get 1 50% off deal. I'd have ordered Kinectimals with it too, but amazon locked it in minutes after I ordered, so I couldn't cancel and try again. Oh well.
You could email and ask if they'd let you add the second game, saying that you didn't see the promotion. Somebody else got a discount like that added retroactively last time they did the buy 1 get 1 50% off special.
[quote name='eastx']You could email and ask if they'd let you add the second game, saying that you didn't see the promotion. Somebody else got a discount like that added retroactively last time they did the buy 1 get 1 50% off special.[/QUOTE]

In retrospect, I should probably not spend more cash, so I'm going to let it stand and hope to get a used copy of Kinectimals from Gamestop, or just buy a new copy there - I've got credit there that really was supposed to go toward a Kinect. Hmm.
So, how is the Kinect? I was able to pick up two at TRU when it was B1G1 50% off. I sold the one on Amazon for $212 ($186 after fees) so mine is almost free. I have yet to open it up though...debating if I should keep it or sell it.

You're only paying 39.00 for it, which is definitely worth it.

It's a cool piece of technology, just don't expect to dump time into it like you would Halo, CoD, Mass Effect, etc.
[quote name='doubledown']So, how is the Kinect? I was able to pick up two at TRU when it was B1G1 50% off. I sold the one on Amazon for $212 ($186 after fees) so mine is almost free. I have yet to open it up though...debating if I should keep it or sell it.


The thread is full of opinions. Try reading a few pages (post-launch).
by the way, i'm liking EA Active on Kinect. There are a couple tricks to make it work better but it's not nearly as broken as the initial reviewers say.
Just had a large get together with my cousins (25-30 people from 17-32 years old). After we all ate then played scherades till 1am, i busted out kinect and we ended up playing till 6:30am. Dance Central was popular, but it was kinect sports that blew everyone away.

Now, ive played kinect sports with 4 people before, and i didnt like it at all. But with so many fun people around, it was a huge blast. We started with table tennis and went to town from there, boxing was a huge hit as was track and field. Im more then willing to say that i was wrong about kinect sports, but in the context that it takes the right kind of people to play with to really enjoy it. Once you get into it with competitive people, it was REALLY fun.
How does the mic work with this as far as voice messages, game chat, and party chat? When I've played back voice messages I've recorded for friends, they've sounded very robotic and the volume levels have been inconsistent. One friend responded to several messages and answered my questions, while another said he couldn't hear me. I haven't tried party chat yet.
The main reason I was wondering, along with convenience, is that my 1 remaining headset has been messing up or, half the time, not working at all for at least a month now.
[quote name='Matt Young']How does the mic work with this as far as voice messages, game chat, and party chat? When I've played back voice messages I've recorded for friends, they've sounded very robotic and the volume levels have been inconsistent. One friend responded to several messages and answered my questions, while another said he couldn't hear me. I haven't tried party chat yet.[/QUOTE]

I use it instead of a mic now. Works fine.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Got one for Christmas what should I do first?[/QUOTE]

Hook it up and play Kinect Adventures!

I also received it for Christmas and I am having a blast. I rented Kinect Sports and I also would recommend picking it up as well.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Got one for Christmas what should I do first?[/QUOTE]

Glad to see more people getting Kinected (wakka wakka!)

Yeah, dig into Adventures. That's the game I've had the most fun with. Sports has a lot to do, as well. Kinectimals is surprisingly deep and Your Shape: Fitness Evolved is fun and gives you a workout.

Have fun guys!!
So, I hooked this up and regretting opening it. You need at least 8 ft of space if not more for 2 players. Kinda sucks. I also have to find a way to mount it about my LED TV. I may use the PS3 eye clip with 2 sided tape.
[quote name='seanr1221']Can you mount it on the wall?[/QUOTE]

They do sell wall mounts.. but you could use any cheap wall mount to sit it on.
bread's done