Kingdom of Keflings

Hell Monkey

80 (100%)
So just got this on the 400pt sale. Looking for anyone that can help with the 10 flags and 20 flags achievement or just wants to play.
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I'll be available Saturday or Sunday during the day, so feel free to add me or send me a PM. I too picked this up during the 400 MSP sale.
I'm loading up kingdom now (for a few).

Just send me a PM or randomly jump in...and I'll build a tower/vice versa.
I picked it up as well but I haven't started it yet. I'll be more than willing to help out with the banners. I want to get that achievement as well.
wonders never cease...had the game open for 30 minutes, 6 ppl joined in. Moved resources around, built a guard tower then logged out. I even have an "arrow" pointing at the building to make banner towers.

I'll be on later tonight.
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I might need a tutorial, since I just started this game yesterday. How do I build towers/banners in other ppl's games?
[quote name='100xp']wonders never cease...had the game open for 30 minutes, 6 ppl joined in. Moved resources around, built a guard tower then logged out. I even have an "arrow" pointing at the building to make banner towers.

I'll be on later tonight.[/QUOTE]

Awesome you know about what time so I can make sure to get on and add you to FL?
ah'fah'ching! (completed!)

...despite the fact a few randoms came in, spammed "banner tower" and/or just were clueless as to what to do, we managed to knock out the 10 banner achievement.

thanks Hell M0nkey for helping and putting all the rogue resources back to where they belonged.
Grats. I had to ask Hell M0nkey how to make the banner tower. I couldn't hear you guys at first when I joined the party. I was using my Turtle Beach headset and forgot to flip the little switch. Normally I just use an XBox headset. My wife had fallen asleep on the couch next to me while I was playing single player and I was trying to be quiet. Not sure if that is why I got kicked from the party.

So you have to make your own game and have people set up the banners in it? Or just be in a game that has 10 banners?
Yeah the Turtle Beach was giving really bad feedback for us that's why kicked you. (that and couldn't hear you). Sorry

The 10 banners you just have to SEE built. It doesn't matter in whose game they are in, yours or someone elses and can be over multiple games.

The the 20,just jump in some random games and it should pop when you get someone with 20 banners in there already.
Good deal. I'll be hosting a game tomorrow at 4PM EST if anyone is going to be around! I'll be happy to join other games after that as well.
Thanks for the World of Keflings heads up, I just got another 400 MSP from Bing Rewards, so this came at a great time! And if someone with 10/20 banners/towers wants to host a game, I'd gladly join and build some stuff.
Yeah I had picked up World of Keflings as well the other day. I'm going to try to finish up the stuff in Kingdom of Keflings first.
hmm I got this when it was 400 pts a few months ago. still haven't finished the "main game". how hard is it to get those online only achievements?
I finished up the 2 online achievements last night. I was amazed with the people griefing in this game though. I had hosted my own game and everything was good for a while, then I had a couple of people come in and just start wrecking things and taking the Keflings away from the their jobs. Life must suck for someone if they feel the need to grief in a game like this.
it's the same as kids knocking down your sandcastle or tower of building blocks in kindergarten.

how did anyone wreck stuff? they took griefing out, only ppl in your XBL party or friend's list can break down buildings. moving single objects like trees and resources anyone can do. what annoyed me the most was ppl spam building as we all witnessed the girl who made like 30+ banner towers that Hell M0nkey and I had to deconstruct.

I kept a good beat on everyone that joined, with my finger on the boot button warm. Imagine me saying in Stongbad's voice "DELETED!" when they got the boot.
My Xbox is having trouble with Live right now, but MAN is this game relaxing to play. It's a nice break from the shooters.
[quote name='100xp']it's the same as kids knocking down your sandcastle or tower of building blocks in kindergarten.

how did anyone wreck stuff? they took griefing out, only ppl in your XBL party or friend's list can break down buildings. moving single objects like trees and resources anyone can do. what annoyed me the most was ppl spam building as we all witnessed the girl who made like 30+ banner towers that Hell M0nkey and I had to deconstruct.

I kept a good beat on everyone that joined, with my finger on the boot button warm. Imagine me saying in Stongbad's voice "DELETED!" when they got the boot.[/QUOTE]

I guess wreck was a poor word choice. I was laying things out to build something new. He kept grabbing the items and running off with them and dumping them in random places. Once I figured out which person it was, I booted him. He came back in and then started it up again, so I booted him again. He didn't come back after that one.

I also had someone kindly rearrange my banners into the shape of a penis.

A third person began removing my keflings from their jobs. I booted them and returned them to their jobs. After I got the achievement, I saved the game and exited.

I'm working on the single player achievements now. I have 2 left. The rabbit one that requires 30 Keflings and the final castle one. I just need to build 2 more pieces and connect it. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer last night. It's a fun time killer that you can relax with. I may take a break for something else before starting a World of Keflings though.
I still need the 30 keflings, the castle, and the one for having a kefling wear every hat. I think that is what I have left.

Not sure what hats I'm missing. I have like 3 that aren't highlighted.

Miner (Stone Quarry)

Lumberjack (Forest)

Carrier (Trained to carry goods for you)

Wool Harvester (Sheep, Sheers are found to the west of town center, embedded in a forest)

Crystal Harvester (Crystals, Rod found southeast of town, surrounded by Stone Quarries)

Primary School Student (Kefling placed in Primary School)

Secondary School Student (Kefling placed in Secondary School)

Guild Kelfing (Kefling placed in Guildhall)

Mayor (Kefling placed in Town Hall)

Lord (Mayor placed in Keep)

King (Lord placed in Castle)

Artist (After creating an Artist's Plaza, select it and choose a color to get a Kefling with the hat)
*NOTE: Artist Hat tends to glitch. If you are positive that you have all the hats but still aren't getting that achievement, select you Artist's Plaza and a color again. This hat seems to reset after each game reboot.
I would think maybe one of the schools, but I think that you need Secondary and Guild Hall graduates for some of the advanced tradeskills (wood carving, bricks, etc.)
[quote name='Lokki']I would think maybe one of the schools, but I think that you need Secondary and Guild Hall graduates for some of the advanced tradeskills (wood carving, bricks, etc.)[/QUOTE]

no i have both those since I have the keep.
Yeah, maybe try picking up your gatherers/carriers and knocking the hats off and assign them to their duties again. It may have glitched. I got the achievement as soon as I finished the castle and my Lord moved over to it.
I finished up the last 2 achievements last night. The Rabbit one sucked because I was at 29 Keflings. I had to mine a section of stone to find Love under it. I had built the last pieces for the Castle achievement already, so I pulled all of my Keflings and had them mine the area without returning any of the stone to be cut. I finally found it.
Ok I'm 100%ed. I did jus tneed the artist and King. I left my 360 on while they built up resources during dinner and TV time then jumped on and built everythin
[quote name='Hell Monkey']Ok I'm 100%ed. I did jus tneed the artist and King. I left my 360 on while they built up resources during dinner and TV time then jumped on and built everythin[/QUOTE]

Those bastards. I tried to do that the other night to build up resources to finish my castle and after a couple of mins of inactivity, the Keflings sat down and waited for me to get back. I even tried running myself into a corner. They didn't fall for it.

Grats on 100% though. I fired up World of Keflings last night and it's definitely different. I only played it for about 15mins or so. I'll have to work on it more later. There is one achievement on it that you have to trade a collectible with another player though. We'll have to get together on that at some point.

Kusidjur, I can help with a banner. Send me a FR and I'll come build a banner for you when I catch you on. You'll still need 9 others though. You just have to be in a Multiplayer game when they are built. If you hop into a random game that has 8 and you haven't been there when they were built, you won't get credit. However if other people join and build a banner while you are in the game, you get credit for it. I just bounced around random games and built my banner and got credit for others in those games.
add me, up for a few achieves as well
bread's done