King's/Space/Police Quest (and LSL) Compilations (PC) $17 at Amazon

[quote name='Quillion']Could you not give spoilers in a deal thread? Thanks.[/QUOTE]
Its not a spoiler, its an easter egg. Besides, this game is 21 years old, I think the secret is out by now.
[quote name='dafoomie']Its not a spoiler, its an easter egg. Besides, this game is 21 years old, I think the secret is out by now.[/QUOTE]


Aeris dies too, by the way.
[quote name='dtarasev']Oh my god yes! It was really too hard and then you also had to find the right street. On a modern computer its way to fast and impossible even with all those things like DOSbox and CPUkill. Yeah and I was born in '88 I played em when I was 6-11 mostly and they are among my first video games ever.[/QUOTE]

I had trouble turning into a driveway or something. I'd keep circling and passing it. Game wasn't bad, driving was horrid in that game though, makes PQ1's driving seem really easy.
[quote name='vietgurl']I had trouble turning into a driveway or something. I'd keep circling and passing it. Game wasn't bad, driving was horrid in that game though, makes PQ1's driving seem really easy.[/QUOTE]

Didn't 3 and 4 go live action? I remember one Police Quest where it was mostly FMV, I wasn't a fan of that one (what little I played).

I never liked the first SWAT either.
Wow, I just spent a couple HOURS looking on different websites for these things and came up with almost NOTHING. =/

If anyone else has any luck please post because I FAILED MISERABLY.
Heh, I paid $50 on ebay three years ago for the Kings Quest box came in excellent shape and with a full-series guide...but that's still a bit more than $18-20! Oh well, I will console myself that I own the *original* collector's edition.

Hmm, not very CAG-satisfying.
THANKS FOR THE POST! Those are my favorite games ever. I had the orginal KQC and SPC from Sierra that I bought for $20 about 8 years ago. While in college when I needed money I got $75 a piece for each on eBay.
For those interested in an updated version of the first 2 KQ games, they were re-done a little while ago by an independent organization. You can find them free to download here:

They really did a great job on these coming from a small group of people working for free. They're also working on Quest for Glory 2 now.

And there was a Quest for Glory collection made, but it's not cheap since they didn't make that many. Not sure if anyone here wants to spend $100 + for a used copy.
Anyone know Amazon's return policy? I'd like to buy all of them and if for some reason they don't have all the games or don't run in XP then I'd return them... any ideas if that'd work?
[quote name='Staind204']Anyone know Amazon's return policy? I'd like to buy all of them and if for some reason they don't have all the games or don't run in XP then I'd return them... any ideas if that'd work?[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the exact same thing..heh.
What I want to know is: if they DO, indeed, work in xp, will they let us play our older versions as well with a simple download? I mean, I have another version of the LSL games and don't work in xp, of course. If they can do it for the new package, they can certainly let us play our old games in current systems....

god, i hope that makes sense...
Now, if only Lucasarts would release an XP native Lucasarchives (Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, etc.)
[quote name='rebenns']Now, if only Lucasarts would release an XP native Lucasarchives (Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, etc.)[/QUOTE] Just use ScummVM and all those games will play fine in XP (except Grim Fandando).
I'm in for Space Quest... If these are anything like the older collections, with a nice box and at least some documentation, I'll get the rest. If its just a jewel case and a cd, I'm not going to be terribly happy.
[quote name='rudeboie']Each of these are worth a ton on EBay.[/QUOTE]
Not for long, if you can just buy them for $17 at Amazon or
What's amazing is that I love these games so much, especially SQ and KQ, that if they are indeed reprogrammed for XP and the packaging is decent, EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY OWN BOTH COLLECTIONS, I would rebuy them, just to play through them in XP without any third-party emulation (first party emulation still counts as "as the developers wanted the game to play").
[quote name='Darkpaul']What I want to know is: if they DO, indeed, work in xp, will they let us play our older versions as well with a simple download? I mean, I have another version of the LSL games and don't work in xp, of course. If they can do it for the new package, they can certainly let us play our old games in current systems....

god, i hope that makes sense...[/QUOTE]

It wouldn't make much sense for Vivendi to re-release these games without adequate support for XP. Imagine the amount of calls they would have to deal with if people can't run the game out of the box? I know pc games are usually buggy on their release date and that patches are usually forthcoming, but to re-release games that are abandonware (LINK DELETED BY ME IN ORDER TO FIGHT PIRACY) in their original state without making adjustments for current pc hardware is not a good practice.

Having said that, I think the company that is putting these out would go one of two ways. One option would be to tinker with the programming in order to make the games playable on xp. The other option would be to employ the use of emulators and fixes that are already out there, such as dosbox, vdm.
I doubt that they would release an official patch that would allow old collections to be able to run on xp. Doing so, would undermine the purpose of re-releasing these games, which is to make money.

Any news about the collection? Hehe, I already preordered LSL and SQ
[quote name='doctorfaustus']but to re-release games that are abandonware (you can find most of the sierra games for free legal download at (link removed) in their original state without making adjustments for current pc hardware is not a good practice.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to burst your bubble but that site is not offering legal downloads. "Abandonware" is a term slapped on titles that are deemed (by whoever runs the site) to basically be "old enough that the companies likely won't care if you distribute them". Obviously this isn't the case with the Sierra titles - Vivendi owns the rights to them and they obviously have chosen to put them back on the market, making them about as far from "abandonware" as you can get (the whole name plays off the fact that they have been "abandoned" by the original publisher; in this case, the publisher is still around and selling the titles). Same goes for something like old NES games - yes, they aren't being sold in their original form any more, but Nintendo and other companies are making a killing off of many of them still (example: the Famicom Mini Super Mario Bros. GBA game (direct port from the NES version) has sold over a half million copies in Japan in the last year, at 2800 yen or so a pop - that's literally millions of dollars for Nintendo - far from having been "abandoned", eh?)

Granted, releasing old DOS games that won't run on XP isn't good practice (and I agree that there will probably be something done so they are XP compatible), but that doesn't make the original versions any more legal to download.

OK, rant mode off.
[quote name='jtkauff']Sorry to burst your bubble but that site is not offering legal downloads. "Abandonware" is a term slapped on titles that are deemed (by whoever runs the site) to basically be "old enough that the companies likely won't care if you distribute them". Obviously this isn't the case with the Sierra titles - Vivendi owns the rights to them and they obviously have chosen to put them back on the market, making them about as far from "abandonware" as you can get (the whole name plays off the fact that they have been "abandoned" by the original publisher; in this case, the publisher is still around and selling the titles). Same goes for something like old NES games - yes, they aren't being sold in their original form any more, but Nintendo and other companies are making a killing off of many of them still (example: the Famicom Mini Super Mario Bros. GBA game (direct port from the NES version) has sold over a half million copies in Japan in the last year, at 2800 yen or so a pop - that's literally millions of dollars for Nintendo - far from having been "abandoned", eh?)

Granted, releasing old DOS games that won't run on XP isn't good practice (and I agree that there will probably be something done so they are XP compatible), but that doesn't make the original versions any more legal to download.

OK, rant mode off.[/QUOTE]

My bubble has burst :(
The bubble in this case being the a figurative one that is formed out of the sebaceous drippings of a slick website and a misleading phrase. Thanks for calling that to my attention.
Cool thanks for the heads up Cheapy. I saw these compilations a week or two ago, but the price was two bucks higher then, and it didn't say Windows XP on the page. There was some discussion about these compilations on other sites, but I didn't know there would be such a response here. Anyways, I just wish these were available in-store somewhere. I've never dealt with Amazon before, though I may just have to go ahead and take the plunge if no other retailers get in on this.
[quote name='RaidenMGS3']Well, I took the plunge and ordered all of them. I just wish they'd do a Laura Bow compilation too.[/QUOTE]

Both Laura Bow games were on the second King's Quest. I'm not sure about the first.
Has anyone recieved their orders? I want to get some info about the box and manual. I don't want to get a CD in a sleave without anything else. There are no pics on the net.
I am also wondering how they work in XP. With my old collections not even Dos 6 compatible mode worked and I had to use Dosbox to emulate Dos with Sound Blaster emulation.
I will keep my eyes out for this. I have a couple collections I was going to put up to so this will drop those prices...

I better get busy.
[quote name='lollercauster']You can download all of these games...for free?[/QUOTE]

Yes, and doing so would be illegal since they are not in the public domain....

Sigh why do so many topics get posts like this.
[quote name='lollercauster']You can download all of these games...for free?[/QUOTE]

That's the kind of attitude that makes sure that old series never get any more sequels.

Even the fansites don't seem to know much about this release...
[quote name='lollercauster']You can download all of these games...for free?[/QUOTE]

You're one classy guy. Must suck to not make much money, eh? :(
[quote name='lollercauster']...Except they're on LEGAL sites. like[/QUOTE]
Its not legal. I have nothing against downloading "abandonware" if its really not possible to buy it anymore. Even though thats not technically legal either. But they still sell these. Do you know why The Underdogs doesn't have most of the Sierra games? Because they're still sold... That site tries not to have anything that is still sold.
[quote name='lollercauster']...Except they're on LEGAL sites. like[/QUOTE]
Even The Underdogs says in their FAQs that abandonware is illegal. In fact, aside from fan remakes, I don't think you can't find any of the games of these collections on that site.
[quote name='lollercauster']...Except they're on LEGAL sites. like[/QUOTE]

Just because something is labeled "abandonware" doesn't make it legal.

"it is illegal to distribute them so long as copyright holders have not released them into the public domain, and 95 years after the games' release have not elapsed"
Once we have some more information on these, I'm totally going to order them. My love for Sierra in the old days was boundless. I owned a good majority of the games they put out. I even did my company report in my HS marketing class on Sierra. God, do I miss the good old days of adventure gaming. Sigh. :(
[quote name='BlueWingX']Once we have some more information on these, I'm totally going to order them. My love for Sierra in the old days was boundless. I owned a good majority of the games they put out. I even did my company report in my HS marketing class on Sierra. God, do I miss the good old days of adventure gaming. Sigh. :([/QUOTE]
In my economics class back in the day, I invested heavily in Sierra for our stock market game. Did pretty well.
[quote name='Legolas813']Just because something is labeled "abandonware" doesn't make it legal.

"it is illegal to distribute them so long as copyright holders have not released them into the public domain, and 95 years after the games' release have not elapsed"[/QUOTE]
I thought it was 75 years?

There are the actual games and the remakes which have added features in some cases.

Abandonware doesn't bother me in the slightest. They weren't told to take it down, so obviously the company doesn't mind too much.
[quote name='lollercauster']I thought it was 75 years?[/QUOTE]

Congress keeps 'temporarily' extending the copyright timeframe, because big business wants to prevent profitable works from becoming public domain (Mickey Mouse, the Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind are high on the list. All of them SHOULD have moved to the public domain decades ago.) At this point, realistically, nothing EVER becomes public domain because we're in an infinite cycle of 'temporary' extentions.

Copyright needs to be reworked from the ground-up. The rule should be based on 'use it or lose it' - as long as a product is on the market, copyright should automatically be extended forever. If there's ever a 10 year period (or some such reasonable short time frame) in which a work is not publicly marketed, though, the copyright should automatically expire.

This is more of a topic for the Vs. forum, though :)
bread's done