Koran Burning, Ground Zero Mosque: Same Shit?

The media is totally to blame, it wouldn't be an international story if the media hadn't picked up on it. I heard stories on it by the BBC.

They're so fucking not self-aware either. I heard on the radio someone say 'isn't the media complicit in this?'
[quote name='depascal22']Book burning of any kind isn't relevant. Is that your point? The media should just ignore the story of angry white bigots because it makes you guys look worse and worse every minute, right?[/QUOTE]

Just like Wright yelling "God Damn America" and talking about the white, Jewish and Italian people in the way that only he can... I take it all the media attention he received was well deserved?
I disagree. There are so many more important issues going around that the media could be reporting on than some guy setting a book on fire.

If someone lined up all of the major Holy books, then urinated on them, would you really care to hear about that on the news?
[quote name='UncleBob']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lne0NoxEoz8&feature=fvwk[/QUOTE]

I wonder what people on this forum would say about people burning the flags of muslim countries?

I don't hear much complaint about the almost casual burning of American flags, but I am willing to give good odds that if someone was going to burn an afghan flag the people in this forum would be outraged and forced to let out their opinion that we (Americans) are such hateful intolerant people.
[quote name='UncleBob']May 22nd, 2009


Our own government burned hundreds of Bibles.
Where was the outrage? Where were the Christians, storming the streets threatening violence, beheadings, and death to our troops? Where were the political leaders from around the world? Where were the spiritual leaders from every denomination? Where was the media firestorm?

Where where you?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Knoell']I wonder what people on this forum would say about people burning the flags of muslim countries?

I don't hear much complaint about the almost casual burning of American flags, but I am willing to give good odds that if someone was going to burn an afghan flag the people in this forum would be outraged and forced to let out their opinion that we (Americans) are such hateful intolerant people.[/QUOTE]

Great posts, thank you both for sharing.

Since this thread is about burning a koran, I wonder if the Muslim Terrorist that killed so many people on Sept 11, 2001 actually had there Koran with them or did they put them in a safe place while they carried out their cowardly deeds?
I guess there's no difference between burning something to dispose of it and burning something as a bigoted way of protesting something.
So it's okay for the government to burn hundreds of copies of a book because they find its presence to be a nuisance? I wonder if this situation was reversed - if an Afghan group sent a bunch of Korans, translated to English, to the US and our government chose to burn them if everyone would be cool with that.
[quote name='UncleBob'] So it's okay for the government to burn hundreds of copies of a book because they find its presence to be a nuisance?[/QUOTE]

I didn't see anyone here argue it was totally cool and okay.

[quote name='UncleBob']I wonder if this situation was reversed - if an Afghan group sent a bunch of Korans, translated to English, to the US and our government chose to burn them if everyone would be cool with that.[/QUOTE]

correct me if I'm wrong berzirk, but don't Muslims consider translated versions of the Koran to be inferior? Because they're not the 'true' word of God? That burning a translated version wouldn't be as meaningful as burning an untranslated original version?
what really strikes me odd about this is how the news got to the middle east. I mean really, it's not like a few dudes were sitting at a Wi-Fi enabled Starbucks in Kabulistan, were randomly checking up on lunatic fringe churches (with a congregation of 100...

as said above, it's a manufactured controversy and the lack of journalistic integrity in this country is completely to blame.
[quote name='IRHari']I didn't see anyone here argue it was totally cool and okay.

correct me if I'm wrong berzirk, but don't Muslims consider translated versions of the Koran to be inferior? Because they're not the 'true' word of God? That burning a translated version wouldn't be as meaningful as burning an untranslated original version?[/QUOTE]

Ehh...I don't know if I'd say inferior necessarily, besides most copies have the arabic and english side by side, but assuming it was an english only version, then yes, it's quite likely someone wouldn't be as cautious in how the book was handled. Technically they call translations of the Qur'an "Translations of the meaning" as a way of saying it's based on the Qur'an, but it is not the word for word Qur'an, since you always lose something in translation.
I had a long post typed up but lost it when firefox crashed, so instead I'll just say this:

"Muslim and democracy are irreconcilable," said
Lance Corey
, 61, a retired history teacher from the
. "I have a problem with fundamentalists."

"Muhammad is very intolerant. There's a dark side to
Islam. I cannot tolerate intolerance," he said.

That from somebody who supposedly taught history.
Obama came out pretty strongly for the mosque on Friday. I can't ask for much more at this point. We'll just have to see what happens.
Nothing wrong with burning it. I mean wasnt someone burning an american flag or something recently that was muslim? If they can do that how come we cant burn the quaran?

Cant figure out why it said police took a book and lighter away from a guy. He wasnt hurting anyone, isnt he allowed to free speach or whatnot?

Its all a bunch of horseshit anyway. I wish a riot would have broken out and they all killed eachother destroying the memorial and the mosque and the people leading each side so they would finally shut up. The bleeding heart pro americans asswipes are just as fucking stupid as militant muslims there.

[quote name='IRHari']Obama came out pretty strongly for the mosque on Friday. I can't ask for much more at this point. We'll just have to see what happens.[/QUOTE]

And of course he did, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see he sides with them because he/was one. True he cant come out in full unadulterated force for them but he does favor them quite a bit. Atleast more than a neutral person would.
I wish I could look at the world in a black and white, eye for an eye kind of way. Lets be honest here, we're supposed to take the high road. They burn our flag, we're not supposed to start burning their holy book, we're supposed to be above that crap. This just shows that we in fact aren't at all.
[quote name='Clak']I wish I could look at the world in a black and white, eye for an eye kind of way. Lets be honest here, we're supposed to take the high road. They burn our flag, we're not supposed to start burning their holy book, we're supposed to be above that crap. This just shows that we in fact aren't at all.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Everyone wants to spout BS about how we're a Christian nation but NOBODY follows Jesus' core principles. The Golden Rule and turn the other cheek mean jack and shit when it comes to everybody but fellow evangelists.
I do think it's funny though that in a mostly protestant nation, it's the Catholics that speak up against heinous acts like this. Some protestants don't even think of Catholics as Christians, yet they're the ones who seem to take the high road on shit like this. On the other hand, you have folks like Pat Robertson saying that Muslims are worse than the Nazis and Franklin Graham saying that Islam is wicked and evil.
[quote name='gargus']And of course he did, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see he sides with them because he/was one. True he cant come out in full unadulterated force for them but he does favor them quite a bit. Atleast more than a neutral person would.[/QUOTE]

Everything you say and think is retarded.
"The imam behind a plan to build an Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero took on Sarah Palin and other opponents of the project Sunday.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf told ABC's Christiane Amanpour that certain politicians had opposed the project to further their political ambitions.

"This project was front page news in The New York Times last December," said Rauf. "No one objected."

"What has happened, since may, five, six months later, for political reasons, certain politicians decided that this project would be very useful for their political ambitions," he said.

"Sarah Palin made a famous tweet saying please reconsider, the feelings are too raw," Amanpour recalled. "What did you think about that?" she asked the imam.

"I found it disingenuous to a certain extent. The fact of the matter is, this has been used for political purposes. And there is growing Islam-phobia around the country," replied Rauf."

[quote name='Msut77']"The imam behind a plan to build an Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero took on Sarah Palin and other opponents of the project Sunday.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf told ABC's Christiane Amanpour that certain politicians had opposed the project to further their political ambitions.

"This project was front page news in The New York Times last December," said Rauf. "No one objected."

"What has happened, since may, five, six months later, for political reasons, certain politicians decided that this project would be very useful for their political ambitions," he said.

"Sarah Palin made a famous tweet saying please reconsider, the feelings are too raw," Amanpour recalled. "What did you think about that?" she asked the imam.

"I found it disingenuous to a certain extent. The fact of the matter is, this has been used for political purposes. And there is growing Islam-phobia around the country," replied Rauf."


this was controversial last december as well I don't know what the guy is talking about. Bill O'Reilly did a whole segment on it. Other things may have overshadowed it such as hmmm health care reform, but it was never a minor thing.
[quote name='IRHari']So controversial that Laura Ingraham said 'I like what you're trying to do here.' And now she does a complete 180.[/QUOTE]

Watch the video, she said "I like what you are trying to do". She was on her way out of the segment and she was saying goodbye for one, and two "i like what you are trying to do" could mean anything about the entire message that Khan said about tolerance and peacefulness. Thirdly, I don't think anyone is against the peacefulness of the guy or his wifes mission, so I am not sure what you wanted her to disagree with there.

But yep let's just pretend we knew she was talking about the site of the mosque and how much she liked it because she hadn't yet realized the potential of being against it. :roll::roll::roll: I love conspiracies.
She also said 'I can't find many people who have a problem with it.' It = mosque 2 blocks away from ground zero.

But yet lets just pretend 'it' = promoting peace and tolerance and peacefulness even though the segment was about a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero :):):) I love conspiracies.l
[quote name='IRHari']She also said 'I can't find many people who have a problem with it.' It = mosque 2 blocks away from ground zero.

But yet lets just pretend 'it' = promoting peace and tolerance and peacefulness even though the segment was about a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero :):):) I love conspiracies.l[/QUOTE]

I am curious how that means she supported it. In that part of the segment she was talking about the mosque, 4 minutes later after a long statement from Khan about peace and such, and says "i like what you are doing" you claim you know she still means the ground zero mosque.

So controversial that Laura Ingraham said 'I like what you're trying to do here.' And now she does a complete 180.


We are such islamiphobes when we complain about 1 mosque that is around the vicinity of an major attack that killed alot of people. We are so intolerant. :roll::roll::roll:

(map is 4 years old.)
Just because a mosque exists doesn't mean the general public accepts it, is happy about it, or doesn't spout off about "sharia law invading the US" or other idiotic buzzwords and phrases. Recent polls have shown half the country doesn't like Muslims. It would be interesting if the polls went into greater detail why.

By the way, I know first hand several of those sites and figures are not even close. Granted it was 4 years ago, but I'm guessing their definition of "mosque" is being expanded to cover two muslim families in a rural area.
I've been out of town since Thursday and y'all are STILL debating this shit with Knoell?

I really hope you're just deliberately trolling at this point, Knoell, as your arguments are for fucking shit.


seriously, fuck you, guy.
[quote name='berzirk']Just because a mosque exists doesn't mean the general public accepts it, is happy about it, or doesn't spout off about "sharia law invading the US" or other idiotic buzzwords and phrases. Recent polls have shown half the country doesn't like Muslims. It would be interesting if the polls went into greater detail why.

By the way, I know first hand several of those sites and figures are not even close. Granted it was 4 years ago, but I'm guessing their definition of "mosque" is being expanded to cover two muslim families in a rural area.[/QUOTE]

poll please, and also a poll showing the amount dislike for the other religions.

what are you talking about figures arent close, what state do you live in and are you saying they list mosques that don't exist?
[quote name='mykevermin']I've been out of town since Thursday and y'all are STILL debating this shit with Knoell?

I really hope you're just deliberately trolling at this point, Knoell, as your arguments are for fucking shit.


seriously, fuck you, guy.[/QUOTE]
I can't help arguing when you all make BS claims.

If your buddy is going to claim one thing then qualify it with something that doesn't quite cut it, I am going to call him on it.

But feel free to go on another trip out of town, it was kind of nice with one less BSer.
[quote name='mykevermin']^ http://people-press.org/report/647/[/QUOTE]

Thanks, saved me the trouble. He's spamming multiple threads now with the exact same post and I just don't have the desire to correct him in each of them with a simliar copy and paste tactic.

Edit: Oh, and I'm referring to the number of Mosques in the SF Bay Area being overstated, and the "mosques" that are listed in Southern Oregon. That guy moved from the state, so I don't believe his living room is a mosque any longer. This is just from personal experience. Who knows how many other locations are "suspect" at best. Regardless, my issue isn't "oh hey look, there are mosques, therefore the general population loves Muslims. Recent polls are showing large numbers of people being opposed to the faith, opposed to mosques being built, and of those who are the strongest opponents to Islam, 60% of them have never met a Muslim. Explain away.
[quote name='berzirk']Thanks, saved me the trouble. He's spamming multiple threads now with the exact same post and I just don't have the desire to correct him in each of them with a simliar copy and paste tactic.

Edit: Oh, and I'm referring to the number of Mosques in the SF Bay Area being overstated, and the "mosques" that are listed in Southern Oregon. That guy moved from the state, so I don't believe his living room is a mosque any longer. This is just from personal experience. Who knows how many other locations are "suspect" at best. Regardless, my issue isn't "oh hey look, there are mosques, therefore the general population loves Muslims. Recent polls are showing large numbers of people being opposed to the faith, opposed to mosques being built, and of those who are the strongest opponents to Islam, 60% of them have never met a Muslim. Explain away.[/QUOTE]

A casual glance at the map shows san francisco having too many, and southern oregon supposedly not having one at all discounts the entire map. Okie Dokie, I bet national geographic is real bias, and were searching for house mosques.

Explain how 60% of people never met a muslim? Well you take a vast amount of people say 320,000,000 and you mingle them in with 5,000,000 or so and voila.
[quote name='Knoell']A casual glance at the map shows san francisco having too many, and southern oregon supposedly not having one at all discounts the entire map. Okie Dokie, I bet national geographic is real bias, and were searching for house mosques.

Explain how 60% of people never met a muslim? Well you take a vast amount of people say 320,000,000 and you mingle them in with 5,000,000 or so and voila.[/QUOTE]

Dude...I said by personal experience in the limited areas I have been in. What, have you gone to every single mosque on the list and validated it? Of course not. All I can do is discuss the places I've actually been any my feedback on that map based on my travels and places I've lived.

And I you can read the articles I linked to if you care to know more details about the poll. I didn't conduct, I merely read it and posted it to continue to discredit your apparent position that number of mosques in the US somehow equals acceptance of the religion by people, and the rejection of the notion of growing anti-muslim sentiment. If you don't get that from polls that clearly state it, I'm sorry. There's not much more I can do. This is just getting boring.
[quote name='berzirk']Dude...I said by personal experience in the limited areas I have been in. What, have you gone to every single mosque on the list and validated it? Of course not. All I can do is discuss the places I've actually been any my feedback on that map based on my travels and places I've lived.

And I you can read the articles I linked to if you care to know more details about the poll. I didn't conduct, I merely read it and posted it to continue to discredit your apparent position that number of mosques in the US somehow equals acceptance of the religion by people, and the rejection of the notion of growing anti-muslim sentiment. If you don't get that from polls that clearly state it, I'm sorry. There's not much more I can do. This is just getting boring.[/QUOTE]

Not seeing a year to year comparison poll, I found one myself that has the favorable side of the poll shifting into the don't know side, but thats about it.

You are right, this is getting boring. I am not even sure what you are trying to prove now. That Americans just hate islam? that we are intolerant? that we are racist? Why don't you stop protesting theories and start protesting things that are actual happening, right now. I wonder if the Iraqis and Afghans stopped executing gays because we are there. We are such awful people.

Same-sex intercourse carries the death penalty in five officially Muslim nations: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, Sudan, and Yemen. [3] It formerly carried the death penalty in Afghanistan under the Taliban, and in Iraq under a 2001 decree by Saddam Hussein. The legal situation in the United Arab Emirates is unclear. In many Muslim nations, such as Bahrain, Qatar, Algeria or the Maldives, homosexuality is punished with jail time, fines or corporal punishment. In some Muslim-majority nations, such as Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, or Mali, same-sex intercourse is not forbidden by law. However, in Egypt gays have been the victims of laws against "morality".

In Saudi Arabia, the maximium punishment for homosexuality is public execution, but the government will use other punishments, i.e. fines, jail time and whipping as alternatives, unless it feels that homosexuals are challenging state authority by engaging in a gay rights movement. [4] Iran is perhaps the nation to execute the largest number of its citizens for homosexuality. Since its Islamic revolution in Iran, the Iranian government has executed more than 4000 people charged with homosexual acts. In Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban homosexuality went from a capital crime to one that it punished with fines and prison sentence, and a similar situation seems to have occurred in Iraq.

But this isn't as important until all americans necessarily "like" muslims. It is ridiculous the priorities of this country, you guys make us out to be so evil when other countries are out doing the above. It makes me sick.
[quote name='Knoell']Not seeing a year to year comparison poll, I found one myself that has the favorable side of the poll shifting into the don't know side, but thats about it.

You are right, this is getting boring. I am not even sure what you are trying to prove now. That Americans just hate islam? that we are intolerant? that we are racist? Why don't you stop protesting theories and start protesting things that are actual happening, right now. I wonder if the Iraqis and Afghans stopped executing gays because we are there. We are such awful people.

But this isn't as important until all americans necessarily "like" muslims. It is ridiculous the priorities of this country, you guys make us out to be so evil when other countries are out doing the above. It makes me sick.[/QUOTE]
So you're worried about them killing some homosexuals(don't get me wrong, it extremely bad and should stop), but we're bombing the shit out of them and killing everyone wholesale. And it's not all muslims, just the ones in the middle-east.

If there was only some allegory about forrests and trees...
[quote name='Knoell']A casual glance at the map shows san francisco having too many[/QUOTE]

Who the fuck are you to say how many mosques is 'too many?' You've got some nerve brah.
[quote name='Knoell']I am curious how that means she supported it. In that part of the segment she was talking about the mosque, 4 minutes later after a long statement from Khan about peace and such, and says "i like what you are doing" you claim you know she still means the ground zero mosque.[/QUOTE]

I don't remember saying that quote meant she supports it. I was informing everyone that 'i like what you're doing here...' isn't the only thing she said during that interview. Apparently she didn't notice a lot of opposition to the mosque at that time. Curious.

Back then she didn't say things like 'omg terrorists win with this mosque being built!' Now thats exactly what she's saying. Curious.
[quote name='IRHari']Who the fuck are you to say how many mosques is 'too many?' You've got some nerve brah.[/QUOTE]

In fairness to Knoell, I think this is in response to me informing him that there aren't really that many mosques in SF. I could be wrong, but I think that's what he's talking about.

I'll let him put his foot in his mouth if I'm wrong though.
[quote name='berzirk']In fairness to Knoell, I think this is in response to me informing him that there aren't really that many mosques in SF. I could be wrong, but I think that's what he's talking about.

I'll let him put his foot in his mouth if I'm wrong though.[/QUOTE]

The thing you have to realize is that arguing with knoell is like playing darts with someone who only plays if they get to decide what is a bullseye after each throw.
[quote name='UncleBob']Curious as to what the thought-train on this one is...

Dude who burned the Koran at Ground Zero got fired.[/QUOTE]

I think his neighbors are idiots and that there shouldn't be a "code of ethics" that applies when you are offduty from your job, but he knew about that when he was hired and decided to burn the Quran anyways. Dude needs to man up and accept the fallout for his actions.
[quote name='UncleBob']Curious as to what the thought-train on this one is...

Dude who burned the Koran at Ground Zero got fired.[/QUOTE]

Needs more details. I'm curious as to why he "... was ushered from the protests by police on Saturday and questioned."

EDIT: A quick skim of the NJ State Employee Uniform Code of Ethics tells me there's basically no particular injunction against employee participation in partisan politics unless they use State time or resources. It's pretty clear cut, so I'd be surprised if anyone fired him without at least believing they had a rock-solid case. My guess? He probably works at Ground Zero, went off to go protest on company time since it's right there, his boss saw his stupid ass coming out of the police station on the news, and they shit-canned him first thing Monday.
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