Koran Burning, Ground Zero Mosque: Same Shit?

[quote name='IRHari']Who the fuck are you to say how many mosques is 'too many?' You've got some nerve brah.[/QUOTE]

Again you misunderstand. Stop posting just to attack me. You sound ridiculous. Berzirk said that the san francisco area looked like it had too many mosques marked on the map. I said so a casual glance at the map showing that there may be too many mosques in that area disproves the map. Nothing in those statements has a single hint of discrimination, bigotry, etc.

You are making a fool out of yourself with these attacks, you are a joke I tell to friends and coworkers.
[quote name='trq']Needs more details. I'm curious as to why he "... was ushered from the protests by police on Saturday and questioned."

EDIT: A quick skim of the NJ State Employee Uniform Code of Ethics tells me there's basically no particular injunction against employee participation in partisan politics unless they use State time or resources. It's pretty clear cut, so I'd be surprised if anyone fired him without at least believing they had a rock-solid case. My guess? He probably works at Ground Zero, went off to go protest on company time since it's right there, his boss saw his stupid ass coming out of the police station on the news, and they shit-canned him first thing Monday.[/QUOTE]

Interesting idea, but I have a feeling if that were the case, this would have been worded differently:
"Mr. Fenton's public actions violated New Jersey Transit's code of ethics," an agency statement said.

Now, I know the employee is protected from them just coming out and saying "Man, this dude was fired because he tied down a supervisor and crapped in his mouth.", but the fact that it was his "public actions" and their "code of ethics" doesn't sound like the situation you're describing.

"So long as his actions, however misguided, took place on his own time, and he was not acting in his capacity as a representative of NJ Transit but as an American exercising his Constitutional rights, then the agency is clearly in the wrong," Lesniak said. "We live in a country that was built on the principles of freedom of expression, and our democracy would crumble if individuals believed the government could penalize them for expressing views which, while offensive, do not rise to the level of illegal. New Jersey as an employer should play no part in penalizing someone for exercising their Constitutional rights.
[quote name='Knoell']Again you misunderstand. Stop posting just to attack me. You sound ridiculous. Berzirk said that the san francisco area looked like it had too many mosques marked on the map. I said so a casual glance at the map showing that there may be too many mosques in that area disproves the map. Nothing in those statements has a single hint of discrimination, bigotry, etc.

You are making a fool out of yourself with these attacks, you are a joke I tell to friends and coworkers.[/QUOTE]

Stop posting just to attack me. You sound ridiculous. You are making a fool out of yourself with these attacks, you are a joke I tell to friends and coworkers.

[quote name='UncleBob']http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/...j_transit.html[/QUOTE]

It wouldn't be a problem if it were a private business as opposed to the government.

I agree with Lesniak, if it's not done on government time who cares if he hypothetically dresses up as a confederate soldier near some slaves.


Some people may find it offensive but it's on his own time.
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[quote name='Strell']I wonder if Christians built any churches in the countries the Crusades took place in.[/QUOTE]

i wonder how many christians have already died because they are building churches in those places.
If you and your fascist contingent could simply treat a religion you're not a part of with some fucking dignity and respect deserving of a faith, knoell, we wouldn't have this problem to begin with.

You're playing the role of the antagonizing sibling that is bizarrely convinced he's not doing anything to start anything - and when he is deservedly punched in the nose by his older, wiser brother, he'll go crying to mom that he was punched in the nose for no reason at all.

Seriously, the ONLY argument you have is that it "is insensitive." Well, so is anal sex. So there. You got nothin'.
[quote name='UncleBob']Interesting idea, but I have a feeling if that were the case, this would have been worded differently: ... but the fact that it was his "public actions" and their "code of ethics" doesn't sound like the situation you're describing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think that's a good point. Unless it comes out that he was on company time, his supervisor seems to be in the wrong.

That said, if the case is that simple, I can't believe there isn't a lawsuit already -- if you get fired for something like that on Monday morning, you have a lawyer by Monday afternoon. It's easy money, and you want to be back on the payroll asap. If that hasn't happened by now, I'd bet there's more to the story.
[quote name='JoeJohn']What happened to love and forgiveness?[/QUOTE]

According to Knoell and Bob, that only applies to people you like.
[quote name='mykevermin'].[/QUOTE]

More like you are the litte girl who cries everytime someone looks at you funny.

You guys calling me racist is evidence of itself that you have no idea what you are talking about, and cannot possibly know or be trusted to make judgement calls on entire groups of peoples train of thoughts. If you knew me, you would know I am not racist, I think it is hilarious that you believe you are so sure though.

Keep on judging people that you do not know, you are going to get far. :roll: Next time jesus goes on south park and noone says anything remember how "insensitive" it was to put muhamed in a bear suit on the show, but that insensitivity means nothing right? They shouldn't be upset or sensitive about it right? I wonder how many of these jerks are anti free speech, YEA those free speech haters that hate America because they hate our constitution! Yep I can ball everyone up into one common explaination of why they are upset too. Most likely they dont hate America, or our constitution, and they probably support free speech. They just think it is insensitive what Matt and Trey did. Should Matt and Trey be forced to never show the episode or stop making them? No. Can the people who were upset protest about it? Sure Do they have a legal means to stop matt and trey? Nope

But in your guys' little world insenstivity is a non issue....unless of course it is something you agree with.
You continue to conflate activities *designed to offend* (whether this, whether revered hee-haw's exercise in koran burning) with a group building a religious temple that will double as a community center.

...and you have the *audacity* to tell others that *we* don't get it.
[quote name='mykevermin']You continue to conflate activities *designed to offend* (whether this, whether revered hee-haw's exercise in koran burning) with a group building a religious temple that will double as a community center.

...and you have the *audacity* to tell others that *we* don't get it.[/QUOTE]

Building a mosque at that site may offend people who are sensitive to the fact that ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS blew up those buildings. I don't care that you don't think their reasoning is right, it doesn't make them bigots. Get the fuck over it.

Oh and nice non-response to the post, thats a great way to avoid your hypocrisy. Sorry but not everything in the world is black and white in which there is 100% insensitive and offensive, and 0% not offensive or insensitive at all.
For the last fucking time knoell, NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS. If these people can't comprehend that, then fuck 'em. It's their fault for being ignorant dumbasses.

I swear I'm close to making a "All Catholics are pedophiles" thread. It fits in perfectly with this way of thinking.
[quote name='Knoell']More like you are the litte girl who cries everytime someone looks at you funny.

You guys calling me racist is evidence of itself that you have no idea what you are talking about, and cannot possibly know or be trusted to make judgement calls on entire groups of peoples train of thoughts. If you knew me, you would know I am not racist, I think it is hilarious that you believe you are so sure though.[/quote]
I barely post in this forum and am pretty sure I already enumerated many examples of your racist points of view which you laud as virtues.

Keep on judging people that you do not know, you are going to get far. :roll: Next time jesus goes on south park and noone says anything remember how "insensitive" it was to put muhamed in a bear suit on the show, but that insensitivity means nothing right? They shouldn't be upset or sensitive about it right? I wonder how many of these jerks are anti free speech, YEA those free speech haters that hate America because they hate our constitution! Yep I can ball everyone up into one common explaination of why they are upset too. Most likely they dont hate America, or our constitution, and they probably support free speech. They just think it is insensitive what Matt and Trey did. Should Matt and Trey be forced to never show the episode or stop making them? No. Can the people who were upset protest about it? Sure Do they have a legal means to stop matt and trey? Nope
You are THE posterboy for false equivalency arguments.

And in case you don't have the brain power to analyze the South Park incident, South Park is so far removed from free speech that you can't tell your ass from your mouth. In case you haven't noticed, South Park isn't some unfunded entity on youtube. It's a show that is produced on the funding by private media corporations that airs to bring in advertisers. Free speech does not apply in this case as South Park operates within a privatized environment not a public one. And it was people exercizing free speech to criticize South Park and Comedy Channel pulled the episode. It's pretty damn simple and free speech doesn't operate in the narrow sphere you use it in.

There's a lot of hate for Muslims going around and Jeebus hate doesn't even come close to it. Last time I checked, Christians aren't being bombed into the stone age en masse or being rounded up in prison camps.

But in your guys' little world insenstivity is a non issue....unless of course it is something you agree with.
Lolz...little world? You just mean in your own little world, it's a non-issue. Lots of projection here.
Nice job, dohdough.

Do any conservatives other than Knoell have anything to add to the debate? I have him on ignore and I'm much better for it. Thanks, FoC.
[quote name='dohdough']I barely post in this forum and am pretty sure I already enumerated many examples of your racist points of view which you laud as virtues.

Actually you haven't, but I welcome you to try. But you won't because you will respond with a snide remark and no evidence as everyone else has that has called me racist. Pure idiocy plain and simple.

And in case you don't have the brain power to analyze the South Park incident, South Park is so far removed from free speech that you can't tell your ass from your mouth. In case you haven't noticed, South Park isn't some unfunded entity on youtube. It's a show that is produced on the funding by private media corporations that airs to bring in advertisers. Free speech does not apply in this case as South Park operates within a privatized environment not a public one. And it was people exercizing free speech to criticize South Park and Comedy Channel pulled the episode. It's pretty damn simple and free speech doesn't operate in the narrow sphere you use it in.

You have a way with pointing out the least important parts of an example and going on and on about them.

Heres an example:

Me: yeah back in march of 1812 we went to war to claim canada as our own.

You: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Dude it was a tuesday. Everyone knows it was a tuesday! Geez.

The free speech issue doesn't matter, we are focusing on the insensitivty of it. But you all agree people shouldn't be sensitive about anything. It is dumb to be sensitive about something that has no legal backing, and only hurts your feelings.

There's a lot of hate for Muslims going around and Jeebus hate doesn't even come close to it. Last time I checked, Christians aren't being bombed into the stone age en masse or being rounded up in prison camps.

LOL last time I checked christians were being killed over there for peacefully building churches and missionaries. Sure muslims are being killed over there as well. But dont worry! you guys have not hurting a mosque builders feelings covered over here! All muslims will look to you all in amazement as they will be able to build a mosque in the two block radius, too bad they are still being "bombed into the stone age" so it didn't help much.


Knoell, it's fine to be sensitive about something, I don't think anyone here thinks it's not. However, you should have a good reason to be sensitive about something. Sensitive about your looks because you were burned badly on the face? Understandable.

Being sensitive about Muslims building a mosque near a site where some completely unrelated Muslims attacked is ridiculous. Again, it basically means all Catholics are pedophiles because a few of them like to touch kids.
"LOL last time I checked christians were being killed over there for peacefully building churches and missionaries."

That, among other things, is the idiocy of your statements. They are prosyletizing in an area that has laws against prosyletizing. They know this going in. They still choose to. You can debate whether that's cool or not, but they're breaking the law. Overwhelmingly, muslims in the US are not knocking on doors asking you to join their mosque and be muslim, promising medical care and food in exchange for accepting a Qur'an and going to meetings that carry the same level of morals as a timeshare presentation.

But you all agree people shouldn't be sensitive about anything. It is dumb to be sensitive about something that has no legal backing, and only hurts your feelings.

Finally you're getting it. Being butthurt about something that is legal, because you an irrational fear or dislike for the group that is offending you is stupid, and shouldn't be enough to bring out protests, attacks, vandalism, hate speech, and bigotry. Only took about 28 pages of posts throughout 3 threads.
I know we have the right to protest, but it's disappointing that there aren't more people celebrating the exercising of these folk's rights. I mean, most of these people protesting would probably identify as patriotic Americans, yet they're asking these people building the mosque to basically abandon their plan to build a place of worship.

How the hell is that patriotic? I know I know, they're not trying to infringe on anyone's rights, but by protesting they're trying to get them to cave in and build somewhere else (or not at all). I hate to put it this way, but that's just un-American.
[quote name='Clak']How the hell is that patriotic?[/QUOTE]



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