League of Legends anyone?

I played against what may have been the worlds worst Shen yesterday. I was soloing top lane against Shen and Lux. I'm just harassing with Bouncing Blades and get Shen down to like 1/4 health with Lux still at full. So he rushes at me, and I hit him again. He's got this tiny sliver of health left now, and Lux tosses Singularity in between us so I back off. Instead I start hitting her, and get her down to like 1/3 health. So Shen runs in to "save?" her with his sliver of health and I kill him with 1 BB. Then I Shumpo Lux, and BB her and she barely gets to her tower in time. Then Shen comes back and I harass him down to about 1/3 health again. This time he runs at me and then just STOPS right next to me. No attacks, just stands there. So yay! Free kill for Kat! Lux runs over, Shumpo, BB, Ignite and more free kills for Kat! I thought maybe the Shen had DC'ed, but he didnt. I ended up at like lvl 8 with Shen still at 4 and Lux at 6.

Of course Shen still trash talked against his teammates, cause it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.
Yep, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. What I hate the most is when a teammate yells at you for playing your champ wrong. Like last night, my teammate expected me to attack their turret when I have my shrapnel shield (W ability that damages anything near me, I didn't have my regular shield) up and all 5 of them coming towards me. 1v5+turret. Yeah, that's definitely in my favor just because I'm a tank.....
I once got yelled at, as Kog'Maw, for not running into a 5v1 as their entire team was taking down one of our turrets. It was late enough in the game where the turret wasn't going to kill them fast at all, and the rest of my team was busy respawning. As I see it, tower was going down no matter what...why give them a kill on top of that?

Does anyone find that matchmaking acts kind of wonky? One recent game I was in, my entire team was levelled 23-27, while thier team had three 30's, each with over 300 wins to their name. Even their low level char was still ~ lvl 23 or so. Just didn't seem like my team had much of a chance there at all.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Does anyone find that matchmaking acts kind of wonky? One recent game I was in, my entire team was levelled 23-27, while thier team had three 30's, each with over 300 wins to their name. Even their low level char was still ~ lvl 23 or so. Just didn't seem like my team had much of a chance there at all.[/QUOTE]

Sometimes. The MM wants you to win ~50% of your games, so you might get those games where it seems you already lost at champ select. But summoner level 20s vs 30 IMO isn't a big deal, a much bigger deal would be level 10-20 vs 30s

Number of wins doesn't always reflect experience or skill. I still get paired up with noobs and play against noobs with like 300 wins.
[quote name='icedrake523']When are they going to nerf Tryndamere?[/QUOTE]

He's not really a strong enough champion to deserve nerfs. He's just an annoying champion
[quote name='icedrake523']His Mocking Shout needs a nerf. It's an AoE and slows 60% when it's maxed.[/QUOTE]

So? how does this need a nerf? sure it's a long aoe slow, but it only works if you're running away from him so it's somewhat unreliable for him. He's also a melee champ anyway, so he's already weaker than the rest of the champions
Never seen a Trynd use it when you're not running away. The most it should slow is 50%, not 60. I don't see how him being DPS makes him weaker, especially since he has a ridiculously high critical strike chance.
[quote name='icedrake523']Never seen a Trynd use it when you're not running away. The most it should slow is 50%, not 60. I don't see how him being DPS makes him weaker, especially since he has a ridiculously high critical strike chance.[/QUOTE]

It's not that he's DPS, it's that he's melee dps. He's already a weak champion, so you think they should nerf him to make him even weaker? he's not even strong at chasing or closing gaps, so I don't see how it deserved nerfs.

What's the point of high critical chance when if you play against him properly, he won't ever get close to you to use it?

you know that ability also kills everyones DPS?

Yes, any hard CC kills anyone's DPS
[quote name='kilm']It's not that he's DPS, it's that he's melee dps. He's already a weak champion, so you think they should nerf him to make him even weaker? he's not even strong at chasing or closing gaps, so I don't see how it deserved nerfs.

What's the point of high critical chance when if you play against him properly, he won't ever get close to you to use it?

You must not play a lot because I've played against some really good Trynds. His spin move covers a lot of ground and functions similar to flash. His slow has a wide range and it's often used when chasing. Those 2 abilities make him pretty good at catching up to you. I also play Morde and Garen, who are slow and have to be close to do damage.
Mocking shout's damage reduction is so negligible it's not even worth remembering. It's only practical usage is that slow. if your team is physical heavy, that's your own fault, not because Trynd is OP, LOL

[quote name='icedrake523']You must not play a lot because I've played against some really good Trynds. His spin move covers a lot of ground and functions similar to flash. His slow has a wide range and it's often used when chasing. Those 2 abilities make him pretty good at catching up to you. I also play Morde and Garen, who are slow and have to be close to do damage.[/QUOTE]

There are no such things as good Trynds because he's such a weak champion. I know he has chasing abilities, but he's still a poor chaser. Weak damage on his W, can easily overextend, unreliable slow, kitable.

Are you really having that much trouble against him? Don't 1v1 him and then he's pretty much useless.
[quote name='kilm']Mocking shout's damage reduction is so negligible it's not even worth remembering. It's only practical usage is that slow. if your team is physical heavy, that's your own fault, not because Trynd is OP, LOL

There are no such things as good Trynds because he's such a weak champion. I know he has chasing abilities, but he's still a poor chaser. Weak damage on his W, can easily overextend, unreliable slow, kitable.

Are you really having that much trouble against him? Don't 1v1 him and then he's pretty much useless.[/QUOTE]

Whatever. I won't bother arguing with the expert who never plays.
[quote name='icedrake523']Whatever. I won't bother arguing with the expert who never plays.[/QUOTE]

Who says I never play?

Sounds like you're just bad so I'm not going to convince you otherwise. I really don't know why anyone would ever have so much trouble against him besides his ult.
You never want to play with us and have never even shared your account name.

I never said I had problems with Tryn, just that his slow needs a nerf because I think 60% is too much. I hate his Ult though b/c it's incredibly cheap.
I gotta agree with kilm on this one. Melee champions are kinda crap in general based on the state of the game right now. Any of the current fotm champs can kite him laughably easy. Most other champs do too since lots of players run with ghost/flash.

/counting the days till flash is removed
I'm annoyed Irelia is 6300. I would have liked to get her but I'm 5k short. I guess I'll focus on getting runes.

Also, I really want to get good with Warwick so I can justify buying his new Feral skin when it's on sale.
[quote name='Morphx2']Tryn:

Damage Reduction: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 Slow: 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 52.5 / 60 %

100 damage reduction is nothing to sneeze at[/QUOTE]

when you're anivia, annie, or any other AP champ or hybrid champ like corki or akali, you sneeze hard

but yeah, if you're yi or jax 1v1, you don't fight that until it's off CD

If you are having real bad issues fighting or laning against trynd, just pick teemo. he poops mushrooms on him
[quote name='kilm']If you are having real bad issues fighting or laning against trynd, just pick teemo. he poops mushrooms on him[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kilm']if someone on your team picks teemo, just assume you auto-lose[/QUOTE]

So basically you can beat Tryn, but you'll auto-lose?
[quote name='Waughoo']So basically you can beat Tryn, but you'll auto-lose?[/QUOTE]

pretty much

win the battle, lose the war
So if an opponent picks Tryndamere, you need to pick Teemo to beat him even though playing Teemo means you and your team will lose. That's the kind of analysis you expect from some dumb sports announcer.
[quote name='icedrake523']So if an opponent picks Tryndamere, you need to pick Teemo to beat him even though playing Teemo means you and your team will lose. That's the kind of analysis you expect from some dumb sports announcer.[/QUOTE]

If it wasn't obvious already, picking teemo = auto-losing is a sarcastic statement. But no, you obviously think that all Teemos have 100% lose percentages so it must actually be explained to you that's not the case. Teemo's not a strong champion, so you should know that there were much stronger picks available. So Teemo's not a strong champion to begin with and with such a great pool of weak players, it's just highly likely that Teemo's not going to be used effectively enough in most team situations thereby handicapping your team. In the hands of someone who has a brain, he poops all over physical DPS in solo lanes and REALLY poops on melee DPS.

But in all honestly, not knowing counters or how to play against champions in blind picks is way more crippling to your team than just a single champion pick. It's the feeder effect. Not knowing how to play against an already weak champ like Trynd and saying he needs nerfs is just way too funny and screams inexperience.
[quote name='kilm']If it wasn't obvious already, picking teemo = auto-losing is a sarcastic statement. But no, you obviously think that all Teemos have 100% lose percentages so it must actually be explained to you that's not the case. Teemo's not a strong champion, so you should know that there were much stronger picks available. So Teemo's not a strong champion to begin with and with such a great pool of weak players, it's just highly likely that Teemo's not going to be used effectively enough in most team situations thereby handicapping your team. In the hands of someone who has a brain, he poops all over physical DPS in solo lanes and REALLY poops on melee DPS.

But in all honestly, not knowing counters or how to play against champions in blind picks is way more crippling to your team than just a single champion pick. It's the feeder effect. Not knowing how to play against an already weak champ like Trynd and saying he needs nerfs is just way too funny and screams inexperience.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Morphx2']Inexperienced ice and I just had a great game[/QUOTE]

It's always a great game when they get Baron three times and never get more than 1 inhibitor the entire game. We wouldn't have won if you (Galio), TF, and Pantheon hadn't backdoored at the end.
[quote name='kilm']lolumad, bro?

but seriously, don't get mad at me because you're bad[/QUOTE]

1) We have seen ice play

2) We believe ice plays very good

3) Since you have not seen ice play, you can not say how he plays.

4) If we use your logic though, then we all believe you play very badly and your comments have no merit
Looks like I've found a new AD hero..... Irelia. I'm still trying to finalize my build for her but so far she's really fun and effective to use. Although she is pretty darn squishy like most other DPS heroes.
[quote name='Morphx2']I wanted to try her...but $$!! I just bought Olaf last week and enjoying him :D

Irelia seems like a mix of Akali with the dashes[/QUOTE]

I hope you've gotten better with Olaf.

I'm thinking of trying Rammus again. He was the first champion I really enjoyed. I just wish his King (ie Bowser) skin was available to purchase :cry:
Good games tonight. The one win we had ended too soon for my win of the day bonus. So I played one pretty late to get it. I was Morde since I wanted to win and did great, 8/1/0. Only died because 3 came to our turret up top (which was never destroyed thanks to my defense :)) and my allies were off jungling. We barely communicated and most of them were killing neutral minions. But late game we just pushed and beat them until they surrendered. I only had the basic boots because I never had to recall.
Yay. go go ice :D

Im gonna try out Nidalee tonight/this weekend while she is free. Seems fun with heals and javelin throw + her mini-wards
so Waughoo, ya gonna be trying to get good with Veigar?? Im looking forward to it! We never have any stuns or CC when we play really :p
I started a game around 1am and was doing well with Ez in bot. Then about 5 min in, the fire alarm in my dorm goes off. I was so pissed so I recalled. I got back about 20 min later and was only level 2 when everyone else was 12. I jungled to 6. I saw Sivir was low in bot and she got cocky. I ulted her and got her with Udyr's help. They ended up surrendering a few min later and I got my win of the day :)

Just played with a jungle Cho who was really good. And against the world's worst veigar. He bought FOUR Blasting Wands. How do you buy that many without building Zhonya's?
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Sounds like more fun than our first match of the night :p

This person was first time using Irelia, would NOT let me (Nidalee) go mid saying Nidalee sucks for mid and cant do it. 3 minutes later he said "TEEMO SWITCH WITH MEEE" I said I can do it. He says NO YOU CAN NOT, IF YOU COME MID I WILL STAY. So I went mid and then he went bottom and continued to complain, then fed Eve. As soon as it hit 25, we surrendered, never seen someone complain that much about a character that was built to solo a lane, but he wouldnt let me :p
In other news, Ice and I had some annoying people to lane against.

1) Morde + Sion in a lane

2) I forget the other match :\

But it was annoying. We defending good and they never pushed us
bread's done