League of Legends anyone?

Finally got into Silver II after having to do my promotional series like three times. I can't stand the people who see that our team gives up one kill, so they just decide to throw/feed because we all know it's impossible to come back from a 0-1 deficit five minutes in. My quest to Gold continues.

I mostly just play co-op/AI. I enjoy the game but playing with all people just becomes annoying. Waughoo and Flipper haven't played much since they became dads. I haven't come to CAG much since I hate the redesign and can find deals on other sites easier now.

I haven't touched it since like the last time I posted, which apparently was the beginning of August. I was trying to work my way up to Gold but the people are just so fucking annoying/bad. I lost a game because of someone going AFK immediately and got super pissed and just uninstalled. It's a fun game that suffers from having literally the worst community of players in the history of gaming.

i have ben playing LoL for over 3 years and i think its the best f2p game out there still... ya ik every 1ce and a while u get some1 who ks (kill steals) but the way i c it its just a game it waz created 2 have fun... i try 2 play as much as i can im usaly on just about all day on my days off... so if any1 wants 2 play just add me i usaly play full support champs and adc (attack damage carry) but mostly support i have 2 accounts lvl 30 (the mint oreo) and lvl 21 (Mint Cookies) just add me and we will play and just have fun :razz:

still playing here.

been playing with a bunch of new people and have found new arch-types to hate!

That one guy who claims a champ is OP if they ever do well in a game:

"OMFG look at this Fiora, she is so overpowered, Riot cannot balance for shit, this game is over guys, they have a Fiora. If you look at her stat to level ratio Fiora is so OP. Hhe's not even good, that guy just picked an OP champ."


That one guy who just wants to play quick games win or lose:

"Its been 25 minutes and we're behind, we could probably come back and win but it would take a long time, lets just surrender."


That one guy who sometimes does good and sometimes does bad but never knows how or why:

"I don't understand, I was totally owning as Tryndamere last game???"


That one guy who never surrenders because of the chance that the enemy could throw the game:

"Yea, we're 50 kills behind, all of our turrets and inhibs are down and we only have their first set of towers, but this is league of bads, they could fuck up! We still got this!"

I am one of these.

That one guy who sometimes does good and sometimes does bad but never knows how or why:
"I don't understand, I was totally owning as Tryndamere last game???"
Honestly, this is me sometimes. It's usually hard for me to figure out what I've done wrong when I lose, especially since there isn't an official way to record matches for spectating.

still playing here.

been playing with a bunch of new people and have found new arch-types to hate!

That one guy who claims a champ is OP if they ever do well in a game:

"OMFG look at this Fiora, she is so overpowered, Riot cannot balance for shit, this game is over guys, they have a Fiora. If you look at her stat to level ratio Fiora is so OP. Hhe's not even good, that guy just picked an OP champ."


That one guy who just wants to play quick games win or lose:

"Its been 25 minutes and we're behind, we could probably come back and win but it would take a long time, lets just surrender."


That one guy who sometimes does good and sometimes does bad but never knows how or why:

"I don't understand, I was totally owning as Tryndamere last game???"


That one guy who never surrenders because of the chance that the enemy could throw the game:

"Yea, we're 50 kills behind, all of our turrets and inhibs are down and we only have their first set of towers, but this is league of bads, they could fuck up! We still got this!"

I am one of these.
You're the last one. Your friend SpaceGodzilla is the Tryndamere guy (if only because you specifically mentioned Tryndamere in the example). I'm the "let's just surrender" guy.

LOL at Fiora being OP. Easily the worst champ in the game.

You're the last one. Your friend SpaceGodzilla is the Tryndamere guy (if only because you specifically mentioned Tryndamere in the example). I'm the "let's just surrender" guy.

LOL at Fiora being OP. Easily the worst champ in the game.
I am the last one but I wasn't thinking of one person in particular for the others. It has become distressingly common.


Here's a question!

This is also something I do and I'm pretty confident about it most of the time.

Picking a champ and then doing something they don't normally do, BUT, still trying to do well.

I'm not purposefully attempting to ruin the game but some people will absolutely lose their shit if you do say.. AP Tristana or take an ADC top or really anything that isn't the "norm." Now knowing what I know about the game and also with my attitude of the game being league of bads, most of the time, I feel you can play anything anywhere as long as you have a decent understanding of your champ and their champ. When I'm at champ select and I see someone pick Janna for jungle I don't think oh man what a troll gg. I think, holy shit I wanna see this work!

I've personally seen both a jungle Karma and Janna wreck a team.

What do you guys think?

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Jungle Janna and AP Trist are reasons why Co-op vs AI exists.

I actually played a real game for the first time in months. I played Sona and supported an AP Teemo bot. He made the dumb decision to help our Lee Sin at Red (we were the top team), so I was alone in my lane for awhile. It was an even game with a lot of back and forth. Lee Sin came to gank bot, the 3 of us ended up dying but I killed Jinx thanks to minions after she got a triple kill. My team would often try to fight when no one else was near. Finally we grouped up and pushed mid hard and won. I was pretty bad, went like 2/12, but I bought Sighstone early. I realize why pro players rush that over Philosopher's Stone. I don't think we would have won if I hadn't bought that and its upgrade (as well as Lee Sin).

Jungle Janna and AP Trist are reasons why Co-op vs AI exists.
That gets you nowhere though. Truly figuring out if something is viable requires playing it against actual people and not just smashing the AI.

I'm definitely with you crystal. Doing stuff that is out of the ordinary was one of my favorite things. I absolutely hate that the game has become one set standard and everyone acts like it HAS to be played that way. There is zero creativity or outside the box thinking. Getting screamed at for 30 minutes and then eventually reported because I decided to do Teemo or Vayne jungle, even though I kicked the other teams ass and we won is just another on the long list of reasons why I quit playing.

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Yea in general League feels very restrictive with how roles are set. I came from Dota where lane set ups are much more open from 2-1-2 to 1-1-3 to completely abandoning a lane early game all together. I started League back in August and 2 months later I'm already feeling a bit of fatigue in being so limited, so much so I usually don't like to play more than 2 or 3 games at a time even though I'm trying to hit ranked before S3 ends. I starting filling instead and I find people usually don't complain about my picks when I do that (e.g. Jinx or Riven jungle) since I have decent enough mechanics down to play them sufficiently.

i think its the community's fault more than anything as far as roles go. people will be set in their ways with ONLY support/adc bot or whatever and then suddenly some famous player will do something against the meta and its like OH WOW HOLY SHIT I NEVER REALIZED YOU COULD PLAY AN ADC MID THIS IS BOTH NEW AND EXCITING like its this super secret undiscovered thing.
been playing with a low level friend and its depressing how quick low levels are to surrender. low level games with players who are truly new becomes more a battle of which team can keep their morale up longest.

what's worse is when people with more games played than me do the same thing. those are the people you want to avoid at all costs imo. i'll take a "bad" player over someone like that on my ranked team any day. the bad player has a chance to improve. whereas someone who has had that long to build experience and still doesn't get it.. well that's just a bad attitude that will probably never change.

I still play quite a bit. Kind of gave up on ranked because I try to jungle most games due to people picking all the other roles and then every lane loses and we lose the game. Most of the time if you can't hold every lanes hand they blame the jungle for them losing their lane. I play a lot of 3s still too, if anyone wants to play add me: Hustletron
Kinda gave up on LOL. I failed to get into Gold to end the last season (Got to Silver 1, took an extended break, came back and was Silver 3 so I was only able to get Silver 2). I played all my qualifying games for S4, went 7-3 and it put me right back at Silver 2. I pretty much can't be bothered to grind my way through ranked while dealing with the complete and utter morons. I'll only play occasionally when we've got a group of like 4-5.

Damn, that sucks.  I'm kinda in the same boat but I've just been playing pretty casually.  I really need to find a team to play with.... if anyone's interested. :) 

Hello dead thread. Anyone still play actively??

I was looking to make a ranked 5s team to have a group to play with (currently Silver 4). We can just play for fun/practice ranked this season then try to climb next season. I don't play much, maybe 1-2 games a day, so it'd be fun to play ranked 5s a few times a week.

I have not seriously played League since the end of Season 3. However, from time to time, I do like logging in and playing some arams or trolling the serious players in summoner's rift.

I am possibly coming back for the winter event only because those damn poro icons are so cute.


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i still play 3-4 ranked matches an evening. it takes a very specific personality to be able to play with me though and winning is never my goal, just an occasional side effect.

Just to resurrect a thread a little i got to dia last year in league and stopped playing game (to bored ) xD now i play Hots and Infinite crisis i recommend IC if you like DC characters and wanna have fun community is ok And Joker to op
Just to resurrect a thread a little i got to dia last year in league and stopped playing game (to bored ) xD now i play Hots and Infinite crisis i recommend IC if you like DC characters and wanna have fun community is ok And Joker to op <3
infiinite crisis is shutting down in august. the only moba i am playing now is dota 2 n hots

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bread's done