League of Legends anyone?

Cait dies 2 times before leveling to 2.

It was Nunu's fault (me, support). lol. then I had to deal with the fun of having a adc 3 levels behind everyone
If the trolls are still there, it doesn't matter what system you implement. Riot needs to get to the root of the problem and get rid of the trolls.

I would say 99% of the ranked games I've been in NO ONE wanted to play support, 75% of the games a teammate just goes AFK for no apparent reason, and 50% of the time someone that has no grasp of the game is on my team.

Yup, ranked games are still a joke.
ya there has ben alot of feeders lately but LoL is still the best game ive played so far i usaly play tanks (Skarner, Nasus, or Amumu) but every now and agian i play AD champs i didnt play for over a year cuz i lost my internet but im still getting back to the game so im a little rusty if anyone would like to add me my gamers tagg is the mint oreo
[quote name='SEH']So, three ranked wins worth of points pissed away because I lost one game. Seems pretty fucking stupid.[/QUOTE]
the strange thing is that your MMR/ELO is disjointed from these league points so it really makes no sense.

i really don't understand the new ranking system anyway.

i've played support and jungle so much that my last hitting sucks now. i find it odd when my last hitting is better in dota than in league.
[quote name='kainzero']

i've played support and jungle so much that my last hitting sucks now. i find it odd when my last hitting is better in dota than in league.[/QUOTE]

i cant jungle if my life depended on it ive tryed and failed
I've found that the best times to play (on the NA servers) is after dinner time around 8:00PM to 2:00AM(PST). During this time it seems that the more competent players are on and there are much less trolls.

Man, I've been playing so much support that the one time I played mid(I mostly fill so this one time no one wanted Mid) I went straight to bot lane.... haha. Oh well, ended up with 22/0/5 on my Akali.
Akali seems so stupid OP right now. Just played a game where our Akali fed a Darius top pretty bad because she was doing stupid things but she still ended something like 15/7. Guess it doesn't take much to wreck face with her.
[quote name='kainzero']i've played support and jungle so much that my last hitting sucks now. i find it odd when my last hitting is better in dota than in league.[/QUOTE]

it's not just you. my preferred role is actually support, and I'm the same ay. my last hitting skill is average at best.

the worst is those times when you get the pushy people that have to play support and push you out of the role, and they just play a passive sona or ali, not even trying to zone just being a healbot. so then your last hitting looks really bad
I had a random teammate awhile ago that demanded support. I'm usually mid, but got forced into AD so I'm stuck in bottom lane with this guy. I'm trying to last hit and he kept attacking the minions I was attacking which was screwing up my timing for last hitting. Then he got all pissy and was like "If you miss one more CS, I'm going to start taking them all". Bare in mind he's the one screwing me up, and I'm also having to do all the zoning because he's not doing anything.
If I'm playing solo, I tend to try and avoid bottom lane at all costs. I don't want to play ADC with a pubber and have to rely on my support to know how to zone and whatnot. On the other hand, I don't want to play support and get stuck with a retarded ADC who doesn't know what last hitting is and is super passive (especially when I play aggressive and try to set them up with kills).

I'd much rather jungle, mid, or top when I'm solo. I can just focus on what I'm doing for the most part. Trying to get that communication that's required bottom when you have no way to really speak with your lane partner just isn't fun to me.
friends have been playing a lot of ARAM

i'm surprised no one has gotten mad at me.
my ap tristana with all blue items sailed by smoothly...
95 points in my ultra-mega-cool Bronze Division 1. One more win and I go up for promotion to Silver. I find just playing one, maybe two ranked games a day works out a lot better than playing like 5-6 games in a row. I've had the best luck in terms of quality teammates that play well and have good communication.

Whenever I try to play a long string of games, the first one might go well, but then its just an insane amount of trolls. Almost like the game sees you win one game so it stacks the fuck outta the deck to make you lose.
The amount of "pro" teams is disconcerting though. ATM it looks like Vulcan and Marn don't even belong. Haven't had a chance to finish watching EU Week 1 yet.
[quote name='Hostile']The amount of "pro" teams is disconcerting though. ATM it looks like Vulcan and Marn don't even belong. Haven't had a chance to finish watching EU Week 1 yet.[/QUOTE]

It's weird that Vulcan is sucking it up so bad, they have some really good players. And if you think they're bad, watch Copenhagen Wolves' games, yeesh.
10 minutes in, Taric (who shoehorned me into going top with a support Kayle build) says "man fuck wards they are too expensive." Proceeds to buy AP gear. I love bronze =0
Pro-tip: If you don't have a lot of time to play but you want the First Win of the Day bonus just join a Co-op vs. AI game and ask for everyone to push mid (the AI will swarm mid after the first tower goes down). Should take 10-15 mins for a quick 150 IP.
[quote name='crystalklear64']but then you have that tainted match on your record, and if you somehow happen to lose the match you will be mocked forever.[/QUOTE]

It'll disappear after 10 games and then no one other than you will ever know. ;)

[quote name='Genocidal']Dominion is quicker and requires less cooperation. Play Heimer and you can basically win 1v5.[/QUOTE]

Not only does that require 21 FWotD bonuses to buy Heimer in the first place but what happens when the opposing team chooses Heimer first. If you can't use two of the same champs that's a wasted 15-25 mins.
[quote name='Hostile']Not only does that require 21 FWotD bonuses to buy Heimer in the first place but what happens when the opposing team chooses Heimer first. If you can't use two of the same champs that's a wasted 15-25 mins.[/QUOTE]

Uhh... what? Bot games are all blind pick, it's not like the bots are going to ban him or take him so you can't play Heimer.
[quote name='Genocidal']Dominion is quicker and requires less cooperation. Play Heimer and you can basically win 1v5.[/QUOTE]

It's quicker but you can' carry it if you're losing. I lost a game because we had a level 6 Garen who had no clue what he was doing (had basic boots and Prospector's Blade most of the game). I was Jax and the bots had Nunu and Malphite who really gimped by DPS when I fought them.

Riot really needs to put a level minimum for Intermediate bots. I hate losing because you have someone incredibly inexperienced playing.
You can carry Dominion extremely hard with Heimer because the bot AI doesn't know how to handle his turrets. Put one about halfway in the capture point circle and they run in, take damage, retreat, and attack again because no one is on the point. 1v5 may be a stretch but 3v5 is no problem.

That said, I agree that bot game matchmaking needs to be better. I had a Thresh yesterday that was level 3 and ended up going 0/12, buying two pairs of Boots of Speed all match.
i played beginner bots for my win of the day, went mid with vayne and the master yi is flaming me because he wants mid

man who cares this game is easy as hell
Looking for some people to play some ranked games. I keep getting crappy teams in Bronze III so I keep getting knocked back down to Bronze IV. Add me: Jam424
So does anyone want to take ranked games seriously and play? I'm looking for a decent team of 5 that's serious about team work and actually playing to improve team work, skill and ranking. If you're seriously give me a message and add me: kaiyouske

Solo queue is so broken now I don't even want to bother dealing with it.
Anyone got some advice?

I've been trying to get into this game, but the randomness of it is getting very offputting.

I'm level 12, and have been choosing PvP Blind Pick, but it just seems so random and hopeless. I guess there are a lot of seasoned players using smurf accounts, so I either get them on my team or against me and that pretty much predetermines the outcome.

How did you guys survive to 30, or does it not get better even at ranked?
any thoughts on how to carry out of bronze V? I'm legitimately better than these scrubs I get paired with. I mean, I'll root the ADC with Morg, and he's sitting there saying KILL ME PLEASE and my Vayne will derp there, just hitting minions. Not even last hitting. After the 3 seconds, or eternity, wears off the enemy ADC just runs away.

The problem I'm having is that i'm -always- last pick. Not exaggeration, always. Even when I was up for promotion from bronze V. The first two picks are always assholes, "I only play top but you need to play all 5 roles." By the time it gets to me, I have no real choice but to play support (which I don't mind) or just totally screw the team composition over.

I'm thinking I'll just have better luck playing "support" and just going all out kill lane. Truth be told, my Morg would make better use of kills than some of these ADCs I've gotten lately. lol

We did get stomped by an Akali support yesterday. I might try her in that role and just try to carry that way. It seems like in bronze Akali's shroud is a global taunt that draws people in.
[quote name='ID2006']Anyone got some advice?

I've been trying to get into this game, but the randomness of it is getting very offputting.

I'm level 12, and have been choosing PvP Blind Pick, but it just seems so random and hopeless. I guess there are a lot of seasoned players using smurf accounts, so I either get them on my team or against me and that pretty much predetermines the outcome.

How did you guys survive to 30, or does it not get better even at ranked?[/QUOTE]

You'll need to extrapolate on what you deem random and hopeless. I would recommended going on Twitch and watching pro players play just to get an understanding of what you need to do though.

[quote name='BigPopov']any thoughts on how to carry out of bronze V? I'm legitimately better than these scrubs I get paired with. I mean, I'll root the ADC with Morg, and he's sitting there saying KILL ME PLEASE and my Vayne will derp there, just hitting minions. Not even last hitting. After the 3 seconds, or eternity, wears off the enemy ADC just runs away.

The problem I'm having is that i'm -always- last pick. Not exaggeration, always. Even when I was up for promotion from bronze V. The first two picks are always assholes, "I only play top but you need to play all 5 roles." By the time it gets to me, I have no real choice but to play support (which I don't mind) or just totally screw the team composition over.

I'm thinking I'll just have better luck playing "support" and just going all out kill lane. Truth be told, my Morg would make better use of kills than some of these ADCs I've gotten lately. lol

We did get stomped by an Akali support yesterday. I might try her in that role and just try to carry that way. It seems like in bronze Akali's shroud is a global taunt that draws people in.[/QUOTE]

Look into Taric for an easier time. You can also not play support and just go kill lane bot if you don't feel like being an actual support.
[quote name='Hostile']You'll need to extrapolate on what you deem random and hopeless. I would recommended going on Twitch and watching pro players play just to get an understanding of what you need to do though.[/QUOTE]

Well, it's a few things:

1. Almost nobody is communicating, even when I try to get them to. Usually someone starts talking when everyone is dying, but only to complain and blame everyone but himself. I'm afraid to touch the Jungler role because people don't understand what a leash is.

2. Almost nobody is thinking about team composition. They just immediately pick a character and maybe attempt to claim a lane or jungle. I had a game yesterday with 3 junglers. Two people left and it ended up being 3v5. As the carry, I got my pound of flesh before the super minions overwhelmed up, though. :)

3. Like I mentioned, it seems like smurf accounts are upsetting the balance, since we're getting experienced players who group up and slaughter the already poorly communicating team. It's not every match, of course, but it isn't exactly rare and is very noticeable.

4. Oh, and number four: no one is placing wards. They seem kind of important, but no one wants to buy them when I play the carry. If I'm support, I grab two or three at the beginning and work on a sightstone, but when I play a carry, I won't see a single ward the entire game unless I buy them myself.

Don't get me wrong, though. I like this game. It can be quite fun; it's just a very inconsistent experience.

As for watching Twitch, I've actually been doing that, sort of. I've been listening to/watching the IEM tournament all week.
[quote name='ID2006']Well, it's a few things:

1. Almost nobody is communicating, even when I try to get them to. Usually someone starts talking when everyone is dying, but only to complain and blame everyone but himself. I'm afraid to touch the Jungler role because people don't understand what a leash is.

2. Almost nobody is thinking about team composition. They just immediately pick a character and maybe attempt to claim a lane or jungle. I had a game yesterday with 3 junglers. Two people left and it ended up being 3v5. As the carry, I got my pound of flesh before the super minions overwhelmed up, though. :)

3. Like I mentioned, it seems like smurf accounts are upsetting the balance, since we're getting experienced players who group up and slaughter the already poorly communicating team. It's not every match, of course, but it isn't exactly rare and is very noticeable.

4. Oh, and number four: no one is placing wards. They seem kind of important, but no one wants to buy them when I play the carry. If I'm support, I grab two or three at the beginning and work on a sightstone, but when I play a carry, I won't see a single ward the entire game unless I buy them myself.

Don't get me wrong, though. I like this game. It can be quite fun; it's just a very inconsistent experience.

As for watching Twitch, I've actually been doing that, sort of. I've been listening to/watching the IEM tournament all week.[/QUOTE]

1. Okay you'll get that problem even at higher levels but it'll get better. The best you can do is keep trying to communicate and hope your teammates finally pay attention. Most of the time they won't. I can only say so many times "hey I shouldn't be the only one buying wards it's only 75g for one" as a mid, top and ADC! :cry: Use the report button as much as you can for offenders and hope you'll never play with them again.

As for jungling you can do it in earlier lvls but really most people should just wait until lv20 where you can buy tier 3 runes. Have a copy-paste ready on how to leash so people can understand earlier on as well.

2. Again it gets better but it still happens. Someone will call something and then they'll argue about it. Luckily for me I'm okay with filling a role. Again report liberally. ;)

3. Yes I got that feeling a lot as you can see a few pages back. Then you'll learn a lot more about the game then you thought could be learned and it'll only be the matchmaking that pisses you off :D

4. againitgetsbetterimsosorrythisisbeingrepeatedf***thisgamewryyyy

Yes, Twitch! You really don't learn much from tournament play until you know more about the game though. It's better to listen to pro-players dissect a champ and why they do what they do.
At level 12, just play whatever you want. I remember when I was that low level, I would lane with Waughoo. We'd be Nasus and Katarina which is a horrible lane composition by the meta standards. It's a frustrating grind until level 20 (that's when you can get Tier 3 runes), so just try to have fun.
Oh well I guess I'm going to take a break from this game for now. I'm constantly matched up with 4 other players that don't know the very basics of this game so I'm pretty much always playing a 9 vs 1 game. So yeah I think I've had enough. Until Riot can fix this bullshit I'm pretty much done with this game.
Had a funny game today. Played my usual co-op for win of the day. Someone picked Teemo and I like support a ranged champ as Volibear, so I picked him and said we'd lane together. Game starts, our WW goes top, I go bot, then our Garen decides to go bot. I tell him to go top so Teemo and I can lane together. He says "Why it's just bots?" We go back and forth, then Warwick is nice and goes bot. Later Garen is at the enemy's blue and WW asks for it, he basically steals it (even though Garen doesn't need it). He gets mad and just jungles. I noticed this so I go to red while he's at it and take it. He rage quits. Reconnects later, tells us to report Warwick, and jungles. He even teleports mid to try to steal our blue Warwick is at (he fails).

I love how if you want to do something, people tell you "It's just bots." But turn it around on them and they get butt hurt.
[quote name='icedrake523']Had a funny game today. Played my usual co-op for win of the day. Someone picked Teemo and I like support a ranged champ as Volibear, so I picked him and said we'd lane together. Game starts, our WW goes top, I go bot, then our Garen decides to go bot. I tell him to go top so Teemo and I can lane together. He says "Why it's just bots?" We go back and forth, then Warwick is nice and goes bot. Later Garen is at the enemy's blue and WW asks for it, he basically steals it (even though Garen doesn't need it). He gets mad and just jungles. I noticed this so I go to red while he's at it and take it. He rage quits. Reconnects later, tells us to report Warwick, and jungles. He even teleports mid to try to steal our blue Warwick is at (he fails).

I love how if you want to do something, people tell you "It's just bots." But turn it around on them and they get butt hurt.[/QUOTE]

I wish I could troll the douches in this game more. I usually refrain because I hate losing. I had a game where I (Ziggs) pinged for help at enemy blue and our ADC (Twitch) proceeds to steal it from me. I didn't make a deal of it because I could wait for ours but some time passes and he does it again on our blue this time when I'm also there. I ask him to not take my blues next time but he doesn't reply. Our top then says "I don't see your name on it" and I think he's probably a friend of Twitch which annoys me even more. We end up walking to enemy red and I proceed to steal that from our ADC. He immediately says "AFK" and stops playing. Luckily we destroyed every lane beforehand and after a couple of tries we were able to finish out the game. Note that me and Twitch didn't have a huge difference in our kills and I had less deaths than him (more assists also) so it's not like he was saving the enemy team from taking blues off me.
Had a game the other day where I was Lulu supporting my friend who wanted to ADC Jayce but we were against a duo ADC lane so I said fuck it and went ADC as well. Lulu ADC must be semi-viable because I face fucked their Quinn, that or Quinn is really bad. We were trolling that game hard and almost won. We also had a Gragas mid who I kept calling Gargles and he was getting really mad. It was probably the most fun I've had in LoL, we were taking that game way too seriously so we decided to have some fun.
Tristana is broken as hell now. Rush Blade of the Ruined King on her, max Q and E before W and GG. One of the few ADs that can rush it now and do great.
[quote name='tcrash247']Had a game the other day where I was Lulu supporting my friend who wanted to ADC Jayce but we were against a duo ADC lane so I said fuck it and went ADC as well. Lulu ADC must be semi-viable because I face fucked their Quinn, that or Quinn is really bad. We were trolling that game hard and almost won. We also had a Gragas mid who I kept calling Gargles and he was getting really mad. It was probably the most fun I've had in LoL, we were taking that game way too seriously so we decided to have some fun.[/QUOTE]

It's not MLG level but Lulu could be a decent ADC with focus on attack speed. Her passive is + extra damage per attack from Lulu.

But when you play in the scrub division, realistically, you can run ADC Sona and if you're better than them win.
so, I lost another qualifying series to trolls, but...

the match after, I was finally not last pick. OMG! so I want to mid. My Morg and Rumble mid is strong.

Last pick, "Mid Kass or I feed" and proceeds to berate us and how he's so much better than me

Someone dodges

I get matched against that Kass, where I mid against him.

I proceed to stomp the shit out of him and put him on farm status, not to mention 3x as many creep kills. Taunting the whole time.

Worth it.
bread's done