League of Legends anyone?

I have a scrub account as well but it's not really that much fun when I play with 4 friends (two of whom are new) and all we play is 5 man teams that are better than us all on scrub accounts of their own. When we do get that occasional really bad team it's a lot of fun. We all try to ks each other on purpose. Fear my 7/1/2 Taric support.
A) They are.

B) That doesn't change anything other than making Nidalee's in-game model less crappy.

Nunu sorely needs a new model. Just look at some of his skins to see how awful it is.
Some videos of the new jungle are on YouTube.

Leash is pretty much required for junglers to have decent speeds, even though monsters attack the closest champ. The new jungle item is pretty much required as well but builds into Wriggles and a new item called Spirit Stone (Machete+Faerie Charm+Rejuvenation Bead) which then builds into new items for AP, Tank, and even AD junglers. Best part is Warwick is back! I don't think I've used him since they changed the jungle last year.

You can see some of the new items here:


Another change is Doran's Blade loses life steal and instead grants 5 HP on each auto attack. Vampiric Scepter now builds out of Long Sword and grants AD as well as Life Steal, so no more pure Life Steal item. Force of Nature is being removed and it's effects split up onto new items. Warmog's is also getting a remake.

New items have sorely been needed, IMO. Especially for AD Casters and Supports.
[quote name='cheapbrokegamer']I'm looking to create a group of CAGs to play LOL with, anyone interested? I actually played a couple games with Tony from Amazon digital deals.[/QUOTE]

I would, but I cant really always be at my computer for 45-60 minutes due to the baby. I'm kinda stuck playing things with a pause button. The only times I'd be available to play are when my wife is home to watch her.
I play one bot game a day for my win of the day bonus. I'll play normal games more often after the 20th when my semester is over.

Here's the list of items that got added/removed/changed.

Some noticeable differences are Regrowth Pendant and Meki Pendant were removed, so Faerie Charm and Rejuvenation Bead are your basic regen items now (which I like). Heart of Gold was completely removed which I do not like at all. Overall though, I think these will be good changes to increase variety in what you have to build. It makes me more eager to play AD casters like Renekton since they were always stuck with building the same items every game.

One important change they didn't show was with boots. They only give +25 instead of +50 MS now. However, all champions have increased base MS now (I think it's +40). All tier 2 boots can now be upgraded to have a special enhancements. You can see more of that here:

And here are the new mastery trees and changes to Summoner Spells (unfortunately Flash and Ignite still exist)

Doesn't look much different, some things gone but it seems like it's viable to break from going 9 in one tree, 21 in another.
Anyone feel like the latest patch made the game shittier than ever? Auto attacks don't work correctly, last hitting doesn't work correctly, skills shots are SUPER generous now, and on top of that they dumped an assload of stupid items into the game.

I was starting to get back into the game within the last month, but this recent update has killed whatever interest I was regaining in the game. Meh.
it's probably just you. it's quite refreshing to see new things like this. at least it doesn't take a person with a pea sized brain to jungle now; at least for the most part.
I'm enjoying the new items and options they provide, especially for support. Seems like skill upgrades aren't accepting clicks as well as they used to, I've had a handful of times where I've had to click the + a few times before it actually upgraded.
I've had that problem as well.

I like a lot of the changes otherwise though. Playing Supports is actually more enjoyable now because you aren't buying the same, cheap crap over and over.
i've had trouble clicking on things. and the minions are even more relentless, for some reason they were tower diving me when i was trying to poke an enemy hero.

i am sick of getting hit by max range darius pulls though. fuck.
I noticed in a game with Shen that I was having issues last hitting. Though I haven't had to last hit much since I either support or jungle lately.

That game was annoying. I was against Irelia who usually always beats me, but I destroyed her 1v1 top by killing her twice (went with Ignite like everyone else now). Unfortunately we had a jungle Ryze who was awful, a Kat mid who wasn't bad but was inversely snowballing b/c their Kat was ganking more, and their bot was a kill lane that was beating Nunu and Vayne.

Least I finally beat an Irelia even though she was stupid (built Graves and Zeal first).

I am wrecking with Taric and Warwick though. I've only lost 1 game with either and that was just because our Pantheon kept disconnecting. We probably could have won if he hadn't even if our Tristana was 1/7. I love Warwick, he's so disruptive and you can get so many assists by just pressing W.
Ryze with the new manamune is pretty effing dumb. So much burst damage in that. The changes this season have been nice. I'm loving the new QSS. Dat AD,
well it's practically a different item now anyway... now it has flat apen, hp, AD and cdr, and the passive isn't unique anymore. before it had unique passive, AD and AS only.

locket is also a good general tank item as well because of the new stats.
I like the new version of Locket, too. I've built it on Shen since I like to get some CDR for his ult. Wish it still built out of Emblem of Valour though.
Waughoo, there's gonna be a Christmas Katarna skin (Slay Belle Katarina). Don't miss out on it like you did Kitty Kat Katarina!

There's also a new Lux skin coming out but it's stupid, basically Lux in steel plate armor.
[quote name='Waughoo']Hmmm, sounds good... and I have RP still I think[/QUOTE]

Do you want RP? My cousin is Riot.

[quote name='Morphx2']Key to win summoners rift: jungle![/QUOTE]

Also play with me when I'm Warwick, Shen, or Taric. I went 1/9/9 as Warwick my last game and still won b/c I always ulted their Kat during her ult so my team could melt her.
i gots a story!

My team: AD kennen (me, top lane!), Veigar, Shaco, Nami, and Kog


Enemy team: Darius, Amumu, Diana, Taric, Graves

Our squishy team won!!! I whooped Darius in lane hardcore. And somehow we won team fights with being all squishy!
ooh can i has story

i remember i was eve mid and we had lee sin jungle and a vayne bot. i was against a syndra.

lee feeds hard and does so much dumb stuff. he feeds to mid and i die a lot too because when i went for a gank while he was watching my lane he didn't do anything, and then when he realized he was supposed to do something he came in too late and died as well. 0/6 lee to start.

so now we had something like 8/0/2 syndra and they were rolling us

i think i ganked bot once because middle was a lost cause, vayne gets a little fed off of botlane... and we start mounting a comeback.

somehow a switch flipped and we just rolled the other team midgame and their syndra started cursing the team in allchat, calling them dumb, etc.

our lee was like "i started 0-6 in lane and my team didn't call me out for being stupid"

and somehow
i was really angry. that guy, man. lol
I've been rolling with Taric lately. Playing a support is really awesome now with the items since you're not pigeonholed into buying the same items every game. Last night i tried jungle Skarner for something different, still managed to win since we had a smart Blitz who would immediately drop a pink ward for against Akali. I would ult her, then the last night I realized it was Lee Sin who was causing problems, so I ulted him. We managed to win despite a braindead TF who didn't call mias or follow mid when they would counter-gank.

I tried jungle Xin, first time I've jungled with him or played him in ages period. Actually managed to win that game mostly b/c their Fiddle left (everyone but me had lag).

It's obvious now that playing a champion with hard CC makes it hard to lose.
Got the new Kat skin. It's not that impressive, but at least it's something new. Now I only have like 385 RP or something though :/
You can use it on one of the legacy skins, maybe? They will be on sale in January. The Kat skin isn't that bad. Kat did deserve a new one so I guess she got it. The new Nidaee model looks great! R.I.P square feet.

Loving Nami. She has a lot of utility and her bubble is amazing in lane.
The one where she's in plate armor? i think it looks kinda dumb.

I had 2 sucky games today. Went Shen top and got wrecked by Jayce. Next game I went Malphite top and got wrecked by Shen, probably the one match-up where Malphite can't get a kill simply by outsurviving. I did have a good ult early. The Shen ulted to save bot, so I ulted him to stop it. Also lost a game where I was Taric and the other team's bot was Anivia and Teemo.
chinese sivir splash art looks amazing


man she totally needs a model remake. more than scrubby people like master yi. stupid master yi.
Had a game where our Vi derped smite on Baron and the enemy Eve just walked in and stole it. 4 of us died and the enemy team took out some turrets and an inhib. Then when Baron was back up, they went for it. I was playing Graves and went behind it. They were harassing me but I somehow managed to steal it with just my Q. I just used that to hit them back but it killed Baron, used my ult on them anyway which worked out well since I got a couple assists out of that.

Got Baron again later and just pushed and had a team fight. But we definitely would have lost if we didn't get Baron when I stole it :)
[quote name='Hostile']I just started playing recently with my cousins and their friends. Is it just us or is the matchmaking terrible?[/QUOTE]
in what way?

it works fine for me.
Solo Que.
Team demands I go top.
I pick Veigar.
No one dodges.

I'm against Gangplank.
I win and turn around every other lane with ganks.
+Honorable opponent and teamwork points all around.

GG Deathfire "Nerf"
[quote name='kainzero']in what way?

it works fine for me.[/QUOTE]

Me and my cousins are pretty good gamers. We're pretty competitive and the majority of games we play we usually win in with a good-to-great ratio. We were also pretty good at DotA. Certainly not pro-lvl competition (I don't think) but we won most games we played as far as pubs are concerned. So with that said we jump into LoL games and it feels like we're playing against smurfs and/or we always get the player that feeds. I'm sure it was also us getting used to playing against/with champs we don't understand and getting the feel of the game but to me there's no way we should be going 1-2 wins every 10 games. At least that was how it felt when we just started. Now it's a lot better at lv12+.
i think there's a lot of noobstomping stuff in league (think riki/SA from dota).

the other thing is that if you have a stack, you get matched up with other stacks. so if you have a group of 3, they try to pair you against a team that has another group of 3.

lastly is that there is always an mmr, even in normals, so you tend to play against people matched up similar to your skill level, and starting out it is actually really volatile but eventually it will even out.
So after saying it got better I lost 10-12 games in a row (with and without a group) and when I should have gotten one win I got the sitting reconnect error and couldn't rejoin after quitting out. If it wasn't for an angry join to a new match when I should have gotten off I would have missed a 8/6/27 King Rammus game. Goddamn MOBA games are so easy to hate and so easy to love.
I randomly decide to try playing this game occasionally and always get amazingly shit games.

Just had one where we kept getting dove bot by Nunu, EZ, and Sona. Like, four times in a row just dove on. We ask Udyr for a gank (who has yet to come bottom) and he says "nah". I'm just like "whatever dude, keep ganking your buddies lane over and over rather than the one being camped. Its not like a fed EZ is going to be a problem". He responds "Dont worry, I'm getting Anivia fed (3-2) she carries hard late".

We lost because of the fed EZ.
when i jungle, i gank based on opportunity. a lot of times when top dies twice and then asks me to gank, there's a high chance that the opponent top laner will 1v2 us. usually i look at gank opportunities based on the position of the creep wave and the health of both laners.

bot lane is especially hard to gank if you don't tell me where the wards are. pinking is more important with sightstone in play.

the only thing that annoys me is when i am pushed to tower a lot in early game and our jungler doesn't do anything about it. it's practically free kills.
[quote name='kainzero']when i jungle, i gank based on opportunity. a lot of times when top dies twice and then asks me to gank, there's a high chance that the opponent top laner will 1v2 us. usually i look at gank opportunities based on the position of the creep wave and the health of both laners.

bot lane is especially hard to gank if you don't tell me where the wards are. pinking is more important with sightstone in play.

the only thing that annoys me is when i am pushed to tower a lot in early game and our jungler doesn't do anything about it. it's practically free kills.[/QUOTE]

Thats the thing. Their bot was continuously pushing to set up the tower dive. We told Udyr this after the first time they did it. The second time he's at the golems just watching rather than coming in to help (oh, but he'll go in and clean up if need be).

I understand at some point you have to give up on a lane if they're getting dominated and you need to go and try and get other lanes fed so they can carry. However, never even attempting to help is fucking stupid, and then to be a complete moron about it is even worse.

I look back on it and I'm glad we lost. Maybe that Udyr will be less retarded in the future and realize that letting EZ (or any AD for that matter) just get free kills when you're in the area is a dumb thing to do. He probably wont, but one can hope.
anyone know much about networking etc?

I tried playing this on my laptop in November and had a lot of "lag" etc including audio lag. I expected lag/latency due to internet but does the FPS counter have anything to do with connection? My ping was in the 110s for the most part and fps was in single digits maybe reaching the teens at times.

Now a few weeks ago I tried again at my aunt and uncle's house (on my laptop still but this time a different pc profile which shouldn't matter). I didn't really play much but the ping and fps were better. Ping was in the 90s and fps 20-30s.

My laptop has 4gb ram and an ATI Radeon graphics card. At home [in my room that is two floors above the router/modem] I have verizon dsl. My aunt and uncle have fios and I was on the same floor as the router/modem.

Just wondering if anyone could explain the fps difference and importance.
It sounds like your laptop isn't very powerful. 4GB RAM is on the lower end (I think 8GB has become more common) and my guess is your graphics card is integrated. 20-30 FPS is very low and due to your computer. The lag is due to your connection. Did you try reducing the visual settings?
bread's done