League of Legends anyone?

first game as Maokai, enemy surrendered in 24 min

I was 5-3-8

Had merc treads, 2 philo stones, and 2 heart of golds

Kayle and I dominated bottom lane

Oh, and other team totally sucked too
[quote name='SEH']Pubbers in this game are unbearable. Played a game earlier as Teemo with Morde, MF, Swain, and Udyr on my team. Udyr was jungling, so naturally we'd have two solo lanes. Morde is a beast solo top and swain is an awesome mid. Swain refused to take mid, and just outright refused to solo period, so he went top with Morde. MF took mid and I took bottom.

Other team sent three bottom, one mid, and one top. Rather than move down, Swain stayed top leaving me to go 1v3 which obviously is not a great idea. I die about five minutes in because I cannot hold off Shaco, Yi, and Renekton and they take the tower shortly after. My team CONTINUES to stay in their lanes. I go back to bottom to try and keep them off the second tower in hopes that someone will come and help, but they don't. I die again and the second tower goes down.

At this point the team starts complaining that I'm feeding and I'm the one costing us the game. I really, really don't understand most of the people who play this game. You're level 30, have hundreds of wins, yet you still cant grasp the basic concept of the game? To make matters worse, after 20 minutes of being brutally ass raped I try to surrender and the vote fails 2/3, so this shitfest continued on for another 18 minutes. Nothing like wasting your own time.[/QUOTE]

That REALLY sucks. I HATE when teammates are stubborn assholes about going to lanes or switching.

One game I played with a jungle Udyr, Urgot (flippr), Nasus (me), Garen, and someone else. Garen was awful since he had to back a lot. I told him to switch but he refused. I was laning with Urgot bot who isn't a good 2v1 in a side lane. Spoiler: we lost.

I recall another game, also with a Garen I think, where I raged at him for doing something similar. The guy was the head of a clan, who I met through one member I like playing with (he's a smart player and everyone is on vent). He said I'd never play with them again. I don't think I have since then but I don't play Normal games often anymore since my connection sucks.
SEH, just play with us CAG people. I dont know if you added me, but if not: FlipprDolphin

In your situation, I would of just left bottom and go top with them :D

Last night I had a stupid team. I forget who I was. But anyway, we had a Nasus. This Nasus did not take smite. Then in the game he said "im going to jungle". Im like WTF, if you told me we needed a strong solo lane, I would of picked someone else. WHATEVER

So he basically jungles the WHOLE game and pops out maybe 2 or 3 times until late game. Our team is like WTF NASUS, COME ON. He doesnt respond. Then later in the game we were doing OK, and our LEE SIN says "I forgive you Nasus for the start" Im like "I dont, we lost all the towers cause that idiot didnt help with anything" We lost of course.

Last night I joined Bazinga's crew. They needed a tanky AD person, so I picked Xin. I got 2 early kills, then I was done in the laning phase. I couldnt even poke out. I was soloing a lane sometimes if Lux came with me, but i cant lane against AP Shaco and Fortune. I walked out of tower, i die. I wanted to surrender since I couldnt do anything and we were dying a lot, but they said "not yet, hold on".

THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN on the screen "enemy has been slain, enemy has been slain, enemy has been slain, enemy has been slain, enemy has been slain". Im like WTF. Then it was just a steamroll after that. They carried me to victory! Bazinga says I was good cause they would all focus me while they killed everyone.

Xin, Jarvin, Lux, Kat, and Fiddles


That must of been some old game ice. I dont even own Urgot :p

And last night I had a fully tanky Renekton and Garen does his ult on me for 48%

Oh, and I had such a funny kill that game.

There was a fight with the 2 mid people. I was walking there, then our mid died, and their veigar was still there with like no hp.

I knew I couldnt get him since he was at his tower and figured he was about to recall

I was right near their wraiths, so I go there, toss a sapling over the wall to the tower and guess who dies :p

my team was laughing
[quote name='Morphx2']Oh, and I had such a funny kill that game.

There was a fight with the 2 mid people. I was walking there, then our mid died, and their veigar was still there with like no hp.

I knew I couldnt get him since he was at his tower and figured he was about to recall

I was right near their wraiths, so I go there, toss a sapling over the wall to the tower and guess who dies :p

my team was laughing[/QUOTE]

Beautiful :')
[quote name='Morphx2']Last night I had a stupid team. I forget who I was. But anyway, we had a Nasus. This Nasus did not take smite. Then in the game he said "im going to jungle". Im like WTF, if you told me we needed a strong solo lane, I would of picked someone else. WHATEVER

So he basically jungles the WHOLE game and pops out maybe 2 or 3 times until late game. Our team is like WTF NASUS, COME ON. He doesnt respond. Then later in the game we were doing OK, and our LEE SIN says "I forgive you Nasus for the start" Im like "I dont, we lost all the towers cause that idiot didnt help with anything" We lost of course.[/QUOTE]
He must have had either a page full of AS or AD runes. I tried jungle Nasus in a practice game, with smite, and BARELY survived before going back. He is probably the worst jungler of every champion who is capable of doing it. He mostly can do it because of his E, but leveling that increases the mana cost. Jungling also gimps grinding his Q. He's such an awesome laner, too.

That must of been some old game ice. I dont even own Urgot :p

And last night I had a fully tanky Renekton and Garen does his ult on me for 48%

Must have been the the last or 2nd to last time Urgot was free.

[quote name='Morphx2']Oh, and I had such a funny kill that game.

There was a fight with the 2 mid people. I was walking there, then our mid died, and their veigar was still there with like no hp.

I knew I couldnt get him since he was at his tower and figured he was about to recall

I was right near their wraiths, so I go there, toss a sapling over the wall to the tower and guess who dies :p

my team was laughing[/QUOTE]
Like the time I was mid as Morde against Teemo. I died and Teemo lived with a sliver of health. You were Zilean, went around near blue buff and put a bomb on him and got him.
Had three great games last night with some random folks I paired up with in the LFG chat. The first one was golden man. We were Anivia (myself), Eve (random lvl 30), Try (random lvl 15) against Ashe, Yi, and Rammus. I thought we immediately lost since we had no tank and they were all champions that excelled at killing runners... and the start of the match didn't help my morale.

Eve was face checking bushes since, well, she's Eve and can stealth. We all saw the enemies arrive at a bush and were gathering around it. Eve was still in stealth, we targeted Yi and then Yi and Rammus ran infront of Eve.. And Ashe began auto attacking her.

Two of them bought Oracle potions as their first items xD. Eve was slaughtered, and they didn't even need to use a summoner spell for it.

Me and Try fled like crazy. When Eve respawned she came to bottom lane with me. All enemies were MIA again, she stealthed up and went to jungle only to meet the three once against sitting waiting for her.

Surprisingly, Try carried us. The man slaughtered everything and the enemies ended up surrendering.
I feel like tanks aren't as crucial as people make them. They work so well because you often face people who don't know how to target correctly, in which case the tank wins the game as he acts like a sponge -- but when you play actual games that are fun (i.e., people who know how to play) I'd rather have a well-functioning group make up then get picky about who's going to be a walking pillow.

Tanky characters certainly have as much place as any other character, but not every good make up needs one. I'd take 5 people who are comfortable with their characters over someone having to switch to a tanky character just out of some stigma.
Depends on what you mean by tank. Do you need Shen, Rammus, Amumu, or Taric in every game? No. But you definitely need one character who is tanky enough (like Xin or Renekton) to initiate fights. The aforementioned are best because they can initiate and have a hard CC to use.
I don't think tanks are really need at lower level, because teamwork is fairly weak and strong gankers can just carry the game.

At lvl 30, I think the best strategy for a team is not to die. And not dying and getting some kills is even better. If you have a team where your squishies are hard to get to and kill and everyone else is a tanky char, the other team is left with no one to target besides tanks.

So really if you have a team with 1 tank and 4 squishies, you should have the situation where the 4 squishies are players who can get kills and not die. You don't typically have that so I find usually the tankier team wins. I've rolled teams with a 5 tank team and have been rolled by a 5 tank team.

I played a game which stands out in my head when the other team had both Rammus and Shen. I thought wow that's dumb they don't have any damage.. We got wasted. Double taunt we couldn't hit the squishies.
Question, does anyone know of some good tutorial videos or tutorials in general for beginners? I got a few new players who well are learning the game and I would like to send them all the tips they could get. I mean practice makes perfect but if I could have material for them to look over, it would greatly help them.
Tell them to add Waughoo or Icedrake

When they play, tell them to watch carefully at what they do.

And then if they do the opposite, they will be great players


[quote name='wakawakawa']I don't think tanks are really need at lower level, because teamwork is fairly weak and strong gankers can just carry the game.

At lvl 30, I think the best strategy for a team is not to die. And not dying and getting some kills is even better. If you have a team where your squishies are hard to get to and kill and everyone else is a tanky char, the other team is left with no one to target besides tanks.

So really if you have a team with 1 tank and 4 squishies, you should have the situation where the 4 squishies are players who can get kills and not die. You don't typically have that so I find usually the tankier team wins. I've rolled teams with a 5 tank team and have been rolled by a 5 tank team.

I played a game which stands out in my head when the other team had both Rammus and Shen. I thought wow that's dumb they don't have any damage.. We got wasted. Double taunt we couldn't hit the squishies.[/QUOTE]

I think the opposite. when the other team has Rammus and Shen, I think "Crap, we're not going to get any kills."

I don't recall if you were part of our game, but I know Flippr and Waughoo were. We did an all tank game with Nunu, Amumu, Rammus, Shen, and...forget the 5th, maybe Taric or Malphite. We all had Teleport and 3 had Fortify. They got some early kills on us but about mid game, they couldn't do anything and surrendered.
I still play this occasionally although nowhere near as much as I used to. My ign is xcletus if anyone wants to hit me up for a game sometimes.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Sooo apparently they took down the original spot light for the new champ because the guy recording effed up and showed pics of unannounced skins and a champ. Someone on the forums got banned for posting a screenshot.


For the masses.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I saw that earlier this morning. Teemo in a Rabbit Suit sounds like a good thing for me to try out. Though, I'd prefer if they just made a Frank the Bunny costume for Nocturne or something.

Any folks have tips for using Amumu? I just played two beginner bot matches with him, and frankly, I have no idea what items to get and what champs to look out for.

All I know is that I do not want to be in a lane against ranged champions.
I got a really good Amumu build.

Start with Doran's Shield
First build Merc Treads (or Boots of Swiftness if they don't have much CC)
Then work on Sunfire Cape. This combined with your W helps you clear minion waves and farm so easily.
Next, Aegis of the Legion (sell your Doran's Shield to finish it if you're a few gold short of it)
Then work on Banshee's Veil. Get the Catalyst first if they're mostly AD otherwise the Negatron Cloak
Then get Heart of Gold and work on Randuin's Omen.
Last item you have a few options: Abyssal Scepter, Force of Nature, Frozen Heart, or Thornmail.
Abyssal is good if they're balance and you have a lot of AP champs on your team. Force of Nature is better if they have a lot of AP champs and your team isn't doing that great.
Frozen Heart (Glacial Shroud first) is good if they have mostly AD champs, especially ones that rely on attack speed (like Xin)
Thornmail is the least likely I'd get. I'd only get it if they were entirely AD champs which is rare.

For your skills, go

Then go R > E > W > Q.

Masteries, 0/16/14. Since you're not 30 yet, go 0/X/14 to get improved Flash.
Flash and Ghost. Flash is very important since you can't always rely on Q to get in and ult.
His ult is awesome and turns team fights around.

Since you lane, focus on last hitting with auto attacks and E. Use W only when you need to clear the wave fast. You can harass with Q but I only do it to initiate a fight or get them off my teammate.
just played with summer

i was maokai 1v1 top vs corki

i harass corki like crazy he says "maoaki is supposed to be a tank...."

i say "says who"

he says "says riot"


then he dies from me

then complains that im not supposed to do that much damage


afterwards his team said he complained so much about it
I just played with the most annoying Malphite. He told me to be passive, so I was just going after last hits. I was about 1/4 health and in the bush with him. He leaves it and they both jump me and rages at me. While I'm dead, they're attacking turret and he's standing far away from it doing nothing and they get it down to about 2/5 health.

Then Shen taunts me and Nocturne gets me. So they get to the tower. Malphite, with mana this time, just stands and lets them take it.

We constantly fought the entire game. He kept bitching at me when I'd push a lane and overextend. Of course I didn't listen to him and I never died doing it. By ignoring him, I got their 2nd mid turret and bot turret. Doing the latter kept Nidalee (and later Shen) from being in the stalemate at top.

Fortunately we won but damn was that Malphite annoying. He must prefer playing 60+ min games where little progress is made. I don't play that way, especially with a champ like Renekton who is a grab pusher, can do a lot of damage, and has a good escape mechanism.
Been having a very bad day. Been trying to get my win of the day for four hours. Lost TWO Co-op matches thanks to Cass each time.

First one, it was the person's first game and she went 0-18-3. She came with a friend (Nid) and they declared that they would be on bottom. Which was a big issue for me. I was Amumu, and we had a WW jungler. So we'd have two solo lanes... and I'd have to take the one that has ranged slow/stun/healing champions solo.

They refused to go duo top together too x_x; it was such a pain in the ass. Our 5th, Morganna got fed up with it and up and left too.

After that match, we had another Cass, but this one was a little more helpful. 2-13 before she had to go eat dinner and left us. And Rammus followed suit making it 3 us v 5 versus fed bots.

First normal match... well tl;dr style here

Fiddle owned TF in mid. Fiddle kept spamming, "umad?"

I'm not sure why people think that's clever or even the least bit funny, but it was as if he was getting off to it. And just like the last, TF rage quit and somebody else left right after.

..4th game... actually, was really good. It was against a Trist, Jax and Nocturne. They were jumping and dashing everywhere. If it weren't for our epic Shen, we would have lost is quickly.

[quote name='basilofbkrst']There is a LOT of crying about the incoming Teemo nerfs on the LoL forums.[/QUOTE]

Seriously! It looked like nobody even used the guy until people started spamming that Mr. Top Solo Queue basically mained him.

Now, everybody suddenly cares that his movement speed increase can't be used three times in a minute and his shrooms need another 3 seconds to be planted.
I had another awesome game. It was me and Summer and another guy I sometimes play.

Summer choose to jungle Yi, I went Renekton, my other friend was still deciding and ended up accidentally picking Kayle with seconds left. Our 4th was Lux and our 5th was Lee Sin who also wanted to jungle and never said anything during champ select.

He said in the game it was his second time as Lee Sin, he didn't know what to build and kept saying how he was weak.

I went top and got immediately jumped on by Cass and Garen. I fucking hate laning against Cass, especially solo, since poison is really effective during laning. I went down to 1/4 health, had to recall shortly after and we lost the top tower in 5 min. We had no chance anyway with a moron Lee Sin and accidental pick.

Now I remember why I stopped playing Normal so much. Yeah, Co-op games can get boring but at least they're not so goddamn frustrating with idiot teammates.
Ya, that was a bad game.

I'm finding when I play Yi, I really like just pushing lanes and taking out towers. It's ridiculous how fast he can take them out. I always find it annoying when Tryn or Yi on the other team do it, so it's pretty fun to do it other people.
He is a beast, but not OP. He's incredibly CD dependant (and there aren't many CDR options for manaless melee champions) and a poor auto-attacker.

I just have issues when I lane against Cass (who happens to be free this week). She has a long range on her AoE and can spam another one on you if you're already poisoned.
[quote name='icedrake523']He is a beast, but not OP. He's incredibly CD dependant (and there aren't many CDR options for manaless melee champions) and a poor auto-attacker.

I just have issues when I lane against Cass (who happens to be free this week). She has a long range on her AoE and can spam another one on you if you're already poisoned.[/QUOTE]

The Renekton with full rage and Shen taunt combo is absolutely brutal. I had never seen it before last night.

The one thing that puzzles me about Riot is that they seem to let a certain group of champs be stronger than the rest. Their reason I guess is that they can be very good when played by the right person and/or on the right team. That's fine, but why is it that with some other champs this isn't ok. And the champion has to be nerfed to being very average or slightly under?

Maybe it is all really about High ELO play and beyond my skill level. But are all the champs viable for high ELO play? I don't think they are.
Do you have a link?

I'm so tired of the tanky DPS nerfs. Melee DPS champs HAVE to be tanky in order to survive. Especially since it's so much easier to get armor than magic resist.

There are only 3 items that give HP and MR. Aegis is a tank item, Visage not useful on most champs, and Banshee's usually useless on manaless champs.

Ryze really needs nerfs. He can get 3 defensive items (Frozen Heart, Banshee's, and Rod of Ages) and still dish out a LOT of damage.
Is the base AD going down on a lot of other champions?

Probably makes sense since everyone uses Armor Pen with AD champs.

Do you have a link to that?
So I bought Swain today since he was on sale and I had no idea what to do with my RP. Turns out he's awesome. Can't wait till I get a decent build down and I can start using him against other players.

Atm going

  1. Dorian's Ring
  2. Merc Threads
  3. Archangel
  4. Rylei's
  5. Lich Bane
  6. Hourglass
And if the game is still going on at that stupid point and time where I was able to farm up all that junk, I guess I'll ditch Dorian's and shoot for Deathcap. If it's going poorly, definitely veil. A lil AP heavy for a tanky-caster, but I like it.
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[quote name='icedrake523']Do you have a link?

I'm so tired of the tanky DPS nerfs. Melee DPS champs HAVE to be tanky in order to survive. Especially since it's so much easier to get armor than magic resist.

There are only 3 items that give HP and MR. Aegis is a tank item, Visage not useful on most champs, and Banshee's usually useless on manaless champs.

Ryze really needs nerfs. He can get 3 defensive items (Frozen Heart, Banshee's, and Rod of Ages) and still dish out a LOT of damage.[/QUOTE]

I don't even play Renekton, but the gimping of certain champs is just dumb. From my mid skill level I find Renekton on par with Garen and Xin. They are all good champs, especially because they have nerfed anyone else who fills a similar role.

Rush catalyst
Boots 2 and Giant's belt for rylia's
Finish Rylia's
Deathcap OR Hourglass
The one you didnt get
You can opt for a Will of the Ancients or Spirit Visage as well and tankie items. Abyss Scep works fine too


Ult in the middle of a fight, then hourglass. You will be invincible, and your ult still works and you get healed.

Rylia's makes your ult slow everyone it hits.

Get the blue buff whenever you can.

I dont like tear on him. In fights, if I run out of mana, the fight is over anyway.

Learn to last hit. If you can not last hit, dont play swain :)

Ignite/Flash works well


DEATHFIRE GRASP, let me put it in

His E makes all his abilities hit a lot stronger, like Poppy's ult

You want to land your hold, E, DFG, ignite, Q, ult

Land q first to slow them if you suck at skill shots :p

That will kill any squishie :D

If you ever used Poppy or Veigar, same thing with the DFG if anyone is wondering (well, vegiar will just burst someone down with that combo minus the ignite cause he doesnt need it)
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