League of Legends anyone?

I've got an exorbitant amount of hours logged with Heroes of Newerth, so I guess I wouldn't call myself a newb. Just unfamiliar with the shop and heroes now. Thanks a lot for the advice.
[quote name='WormFOODx']Out of that list the only two I might not recommend is Ashe and Malphite. Everyone else is pretty universal in 3v3 or 5v5. Malphite was nerfed a while back and isn't as tough as he should be and Ashe is only great in 5v5, and you need to know how to play her well to be really good.

When I started I bought Fiddlesticks first because he looked cool, but that was a bit hard for a beginner. Almost quitting my friends got me to try Nunu and I had a lot of fun.

Friend me in game. I'm not very good at sending out game invites as I keep getting roped into my nephew's group, so I will apologize there to all the CAGs that have friended me (I'll get better!)

LoL Name - Syranth[/QUOTE]

Ashe is one of the easiest champs to play in the game, especially at low levels. Shes a ranged carry, just stack AS/AD items and you're good to go. It doesnt take a genius to understand how to play her.

Malphite is also really easy to play. So what if he was nerfed, he's still a very solid tank that hits pretty hard.
[quote name='SEH']Ashe is one of the easiest champs to play in the game, especially at low levels. Shes a ranged carry, just stack AS/AD items and you're good to go. It doesnt take a genius to understand how to play her.

Malphite is also really easy to play. So what if he was nerfed, he's still a very solid tank that hits pretty hard.[/QUOTE]

Not just early game. If you push and go boots of speed followed by Infinity followed by phantom blades, they might as well just give up. Stupid how much health each of her shots takes once you get Infin.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I've got an exorbitant amount of hours logged with Heroes of Newerth, so I guess I wouldn't call myself a newb. Just unfamiliar with the shop and heroes now. Thanks a lot for the advice.[/QUOTE]

Then you'll be fine playing whoever. My friend played DotA and HoN. He raped games as Anivia who is one of the hardest champions to play. Unfortunately he quit LoL and went back to HoN. Never got to show him how awesome a tank I became :cry:

With the shop, just play some custom games and browse through the shop to find where things are. Once you know the parts of items, you can browse it quickly by clicking recommended items, then a part, then another item it makes.

Leaguecraft.com, Mobafire.com, and Solomid.net all have very useful guides on how to build champs. Leaguecraft are often the best since they have the most explanations. Mobafire has the best layout since it's quick to see everything. Solomid has a lot of guides from high ranked players, though I don't find them too practical in normal games because the higher ranked players tend to play a very passive laning phase and spend the first 10-20 min simply last hitting.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Hey, I'm sure this question gets asked a lot but some minor searching didn't find me any good answers.

Just started playing, I'm wondering what champs are must-haves from the get go. I don't want to waste my points on weak heroes, so any guidance would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]
No champ in this game is weak. It's how you play them.

Now with that said here are some recommendations
Ashe (A great range champ for 450).
Nunu (Nunu is a great beginning champ because his ulti is really useful)
Master Yi (Great for melee)
Annie (Great for some burst damage and her bear is fucking deadly)
Morgana (She can be very deadly in the right hands)
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Hey, I'm sure this question gets asked a lot but some minor searching didn't find me any good answers.

Just started playing, I'm wondering what champs are must-haves from the get go. I don't want to waste my points on weak heroes, so any guidance would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]

The champs you need to know how to play stem from the current metagame makeup which is a ranged dps, an ap nuker, a tank, a support, and a jungler/ganker/off-tank, so you should pick at least one hero for each role, usually you'll want one with either very high mobility or a ton of cc/stuns:

Ranged DPS: Ashe
Ashe is Valkyrie on crack with Drow Ranger's slow. Think valk's stun, only it doesn't hit minions and its range is the entire fucking map. A cone slow/damage attack that scales with your attack damage, a passive slow, a skill that increases the money you get and can be shot almost anywhere on the map to reveal the area (a free temporary ward basically), and of course her ult. That fucking ult. Infinite range, 1 minute cooldown, longest stun in the game, its like 4 times the size as valk's spear, it doesn't hit minions so you can shoot through creep waves, it does great damage, it slows the enemies in addition to stunning them, and oh yea, the damage and slow is AoE.

AP Nuker/Carry: Annie, Ryze

Annie- Hellbringer's Ult with solid nuking power on top of it. Also a mechanic that allows any of her spells to stun not just her ult. She is very bursty.

Ryze- A sustained damage champ. Your role with him isn't to burst, but to keep hitting the enemy. He's a caster DPS that scales off mana meaning you can build survivability items that grant you mana and be very sturdy in addition to doing ridiculous damage. Has a point and click snare, a skill that lowers enemy magic resist, a single target spamable nuke, and his ult makes all his spells become AoE.

Tanks (tank/disable)- Shen, Rammus, Amumu

Shen- Dash taunt like legionare only in a straight line. Doubles as a chase/escape mechanism since you can dash through walls and shit. An ult that allows you to target any allied champ, teleport to them and give both of you a damage shield.

Rammus- Free armor/mr, free blademail, a movespeed boost that slows down enemies and interupts channeling, a single target taunt that lasts twice as long as shen's multitarget one. Also, he has Magmus' ult except it lasts longer and does less damage per tick.

Amumu: Keeper of the Forest's Ult+a % hp based hp drain aura like soulreaper+a spamable aoe damage thing like soulreaper that has passive damage reduce+a stun/initiation move like pharoh's ult only slower and less range.

A champ who can jungle and gank and be useful in a lane: Too many of these to list.
This is a utility spot on your team so you'll just have to know what heroes your team has picked and fill in the gap. Early on Nunu will work for this. He can jungle easily, he's got a good slow/nuke like glacius, blacksmith's buff that increases move/attack speed, a self heal, and his ult (which is also similar to glacius' except it does 0 damage until the channeling is completed) while pretty shitty since its got a long ass channeling time means that you'll be targeted with all their stuns and shit making him a pretty good tank as well as far as an offtank goes. He also has one of the highest if not the highest base hp in the game.

A support hero: Janna, Taric, Morgana

Janna- Damage shield that increases damage, a slow, a knockup which is like a stun that nothing can be done about, an ult that knocks all enemies away and heals your team. Her passive is a global move speed increase for your team.

Taric- A point and click stun, a passive armor buff aura that you can trigger to do damage and lower the enemy's armor, a heal that heals yourself and the target, an aura ult that heals and increases your team's damage.

Morgana- A shield that functions as a Shrunken Head that you can put on anyone AND you can still cast beneficial stuff on the person (has a damage limit absorb however), a skillshot snare, a "puddle" spell that does damage and lowers enemy's magic armor, and an ult that does damage in an aoe area to start which slows the enemy and if you stay near them till the ult ends it does another burst of damage and stuns everyone around you.

There are of course other heroes that can work just as well in their categories, but I consider these ones to be "core" and fit pretty well in any team.
[quote name='SEH']Ashe is one of the easiest champs to play in the game, especially at low levels. Shes a ranged carry, just stack AS/AD items and you're good to go. It doesnt take a genius to understand how to play her.

Malphite is also really easy to play. So what if he was nerfed, he's still a very solid tank that hits pretty hard.[/QUOTE]
If you're playing Malphite like a tank theres no reason to pick him over Alistar. Alistar has Malphite's ult only on a 10 second cooldown, and really, malph ult and passive are the only reason people play him as a tank.
CK, your writeup is exactly what I've been looking for. Much appreciated. While I have to say that I'm still liking HoN more, it's just kind of faster paced, I really like LoL's progression. The masteries and runes seem like a deep and interesting system to keep you playing.

It's also easier to coax friends in to playing a free game as opposed to one you have to throw down 30 clams for.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']CK, your writeup is exactly what I've been looking for. Much appreciated. While I have to say that I'm still liking HoN more, it's just kind of faster paced, I really like LoL's progression. The masteries and runes seem like a deep and interesting system to keep you playing.

It's also easier to coax friends in to playing a free game as opposed to one you have to throw down 30 clams for.[/QUOTE]
I think HoN is certainly the better game and I'd play it more IF... I didn't get fucked over by their patches causing me to get leaves when I couldn't load the game. Can't play matchmaking anymore unless I play another 60 games or something ridiculous so fuck that.

LoL's tribunal and leavers system is downright lenient compared to HoN.
[quote name='icedrake523']Tribunal is fun.

Wait a minute. Fill in the capcha. Click Punish. Rinse and repeat.[/QUOTE]

Who watches the Watchmen?
I have to go back to playing tanks. Just played with a Galio who didn't like to initiate fights. He's save his ult after Rammus ulted me and they all focused me since I was the only one able to take out any of them.

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Congrats! Good luck in round 3 vs. one of the top contenders :p

Beeen a bad day for me.

Never had a feeding Amumu before. But there's a first time for everything. He was lvl 9 as the enemy tryn was lvl 15 xD. We had a tryn as well that spammed surrenders and failing each time at 1-2. He eventually sold all his items and got six pairs of boots. Did feed though.

I've been having a rough day. Lost everygame so far. Had a Caitlyn go 0-12-4 in one game. Constantly whined about how Mordekasier was getting kills from her cause his ult always last hit!

Then I had a Kat purposely shinpo into warded bushes with Annie, Xin and Rammus in it. I mean.. one stun/knockup/taunt and your ult is over, and she had over 600wins. Assuming she knew that. Did do better than Caitlyn though xD at 2-11-1. The game was over five minutes in. Xin could dive me, both a full health, solo at a tower and kill me.

And that's my day :) surprisingly, I'm not butt hurt at all though.

[quote name='icedrake523']Why is their art 10,000x better?[/QUOTE]

Well the game is a lot more successful now that it's been out for a while. So their resources can put out a bit more for decent screenart.

But I agree! The Nid and Karma screens are absolutely gorgeous.

I thought I liked Malz's artwork here before, but their take on it is great as well. Nunu and Morde... not so much.
I miscalculated. If we win ONE more game, we face one of the top teams in the league of legends, OGODBEARS

That game I had the WORST start ever. I was Cait bottom with Sona. I miscalculated Xin's dash range, and he got me.

Then I switched with Jarvin top, who was against Brand. Brand was higher level than me, and he JUST had enough to kill me because when he ulted, i flashed back and my minions were there.....lots of bounces :\

But after that, I settled myself in top lane, got some CS and items and was ok. Just took a lot longer than usual. My last hitting was off too for a little bit until I got my motions down.

Then my team came together and we just blew them up.
Just had a shit game. Our Garen dc'd during loading and never reconnected the rest of the game. Despite that, we were beating them but could never get an ace with most of us up and healthy to push (plus they had Fortify). We could kill 1-2 but never all at once without nearly dying. I never had my ult (was Amumu) when I needed it.

Too bad Riot doesn't balance 4v5s.
[quote name='SEH']Went into the Chinese LOL client last night and pulled out all the artwork to make these comparison pics. There aren't any champs missing, some just simply had the same art so I didn't make a comparison pic.

Way better than the American version's art. The only one I don't like is Miss Fortune.

Had probably the best games in a long time last night. Everyone was friendly, respectful and fun to talk with. Even players who never played the champ before were nice about everything.
I think our Olaf is way better. Champs like Corki and Garen confuse me. They're almost identical, except the Chinese versions have more detail. I don't get why they'd bother redrawing them just to add small details.

Oh, also, I cant decide which skin to buy, Hextech Singed or Surfer Singed?
I like Hextech Singed more. Much more.

After watching RockosModernLife play Surfer Singed, I kinda dislike them now.

The matchmaking system thinks I'm really reallly reallllly bad. Two days ago I QQ'd that I lost every game that day. Yesterday, I won every game I played. Today, I played one 3 v 3 and at the ending screen I was up against a lvl 14 and two lvl 21s T_T.
[quote name='SEH']Went into the Chinese LOL client last night and pulled out all the artwork to make these comparison pics. There aren't any champs missing, some just simply had the same art so I didn't make a comparison pic.

i know its a subjective thing but i don't understand the boner for the chinese art. some of them look better yea but for US/EU ones that are actually art ie. not a screenshot of the ingame model+filters i find them to be better 9/10 times. And even then, the screenshot+filters look better in some cases.
Last night, I had a dream I played Shen and did really well. So I bought him this afternoon. Just played my first game with him today and I remember why I like Amumu more. Energy sucks late game, he really can't initiate that well, he relies on Vorpal Blade and Ki Strike to do any real damage (the former is laughable late game unless it's on a squishy). His primary role is protecting the carry. Unfortunately, my team's Ashe was retarded. It's never a good thing when Ashe has a worse KDA than Shen (My 6/8/8 to her 5/8/4). Our Soraka was of no use. One of those people who goes 0/3, buys a Mejais, and finishes 1/9.
They just have a much better style in my opinion. Chinese Cho, Galio, Mundo, Alistar, GP, Shaco, and Nid are MUCH better than the crap we've got. There are a few US ones that are better (Olaf, Nunu, and Kat), but for the most part our art sucks in comparison.
Not even sure how someone can think the US GP looks better. It looks like it was drawn by my 10 year old cousin in MS Paint.
Well I feel bad. I just got in a match vs an enemy Maokai and Teemo; my mains. And boy hell did I get outclassed.

Had Jarvin and WW on my team. WW was jungler and Jarvin took top. Which left me in the 1 v 2 lane. Something I'm okay with as Maokai... but against Teemo and Akali I didn't fair so well. Teemo was able to deny me like hell. I couldn't even get remotely close to my minions early game. I was level 2 when both of them were lvl 3. They ended up diving me at lvl 4 and getting first blood pretty easily.

I returned to lane put a ward up near a bush and they were all sitting there waiting for me. Maokai flashed out, then I flashed back. But he still rooted me so it followed. And the three of them dove and got me again in less than a minute.

...that happened twice more. Top was simply farming. And WW, he was just in Jungle. Ended up taking dragon every second it spawned though. It was nice and making up for my lack of farm. 20minutes in, they finally came down to assist me in lane. Enemies still all flocked to me. Which was pretty stupid in a teamfight. They got aced and without any of us down.

:) And that happened twice more too. Game completely turned around. Turned out their Teemo went Tank, and their Maokai went AP. They were better players... no question, but they sure as hell didn't win that game despite me feeding.


All pretty beasty though. Billy had 1900wins, Gorely 1000.
Vlad is getting a noticeable nerf (please be his pool).

Jarvan is getting a nerf because he does too much too well (though in the same post they admit Irelia is the same but she's going untouched).

Tryndamere is being updated to use Fury for his Bloodlust instead of stacks.

Also, I finally realized I need to start buying Ninja Tabi if the opposing Vayne is raping us. Dodge is the only way to counter her Silver Bolts.
[quote name='icedrake523']Vlad is getting a noticeable nerf (please be his pool).

Jarvan is getting a nerf because he does too much too well (though in the same post they admit Irelia is the same but she's going untouched).

Tryndamere is being updated to use Fury for his Bloodlust instead of stacks.

Also, I finally realized I need to start buying Ninja Tabi if the opposing Vayne is raping us. Dodge is the only way to counter her Silver Bolts.[/QUOTE]

I thought dodge doesn't even matter. You can Dodge Xin's 3rd strike, but you'll still get knocked up. Heck, you can even blind him and it'll still occur.
Dodge will block on-hits, but it won't block it if it counts as a spell cast. If Xin has done two attack already, his next is going to knockup regardless of whether or not it connects. Since the final one is not treated as a normal attack. The same goes for having two rings from Silver Arrow. The third will work regardless of she's blinded/exhausted or if you dodge the attack.

I learned that the hard way with Teemo vs Xin.

On this note, the extra damage from Tumble will still go through even if you dodge the attack too. And that will apply another ring.
Rumble is getting nerfed too? I literally just bought him and his pirate skin earlier today. What exactly are they changing on him?
[quote name='SEH']Rumble is getting nerfed too? I literally just bought him and his pirate skin earlier today. What exactly are they changing on him?[/QUOTE]

Nothing was specifically stated.

[quote name='Morphx2']they are changing him into a female, because females are weaker.[/QUOTE]

That doesn't seem to stop your wife from kicking your butt.

BTW Rabbitsuit, Silver Bolts won't proc if you dodge the 3rd hit.
[quote name='Morphx2']I solo queue: I lose

I duo queue with Icedrake: I lose

I duo queue with Waughoo: I win

Waughoo > Icedrake


[quote name='icedrake523']I solo queue: I lose.

I duo queue with Flippr: I lose.

I duo queue with Waughoo: I win.

Waughoo > Flippr[/QUOTE]

My findings.... you two suck and need me to carry you :)
[quote name='Waughoo']My findings.... you two suck and need me to carry you :)[/QUOTE]
Of course I need to be carried, I exclusively play tanks. Flippr plays everything but.

Also, there won't be any new champions or balance changes until after Dreamhack (June 21). So we can keep playing a broken game until then.
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[quote name='icedrake523']I want to play a different broken game then.[/QUOTE]

You and me both. DOTA2 needs to come out already.
bread's done