League of Legends anyone?

I can't wait until Gangplank gets some nerfs (which is supposedly happening). He's kind of OP right now but what I hate is having people play him because he's OP but doing horrible. My last game our GP and Akali were top and just fed Amumu and Heimer (who was actually doing damage).

I solo queued as Taric the last few games, does not work with an AD melee (our lane matchups didn't help). If I ever do it again, it will only be with someone on my friend list.
Well there's normal elo (that's hidden and cannot be calculated properly). There used to be a method to see it in your logs stored on your computer, but they patched that out since normal games aren't meant to be as competitive.

Then there's elo for ranked arranged 3 v 3, arranged 5 v 5, and solo queue 5 v 5 games. Your elo should appear on your profile after finishing ten games in the same category if it's over 1200. If it's under that, it's hidden from view from other players unless they're on your friendslist.

Oh and Gangplank is everything old nunu was x2.
No matter your elo, you will always think you're in elo hell.

0/4/16 with 20 minion kills is usually a score for complete failure. Except if you're Taric and just heal people :)

I laned with Flippr, let him farm as Cait. Team fights I just stunned and heal. One of them I had a sliver of health and got away. My Q was CD so I used my ult to heal. I was able to go back in and help push to the inhib.
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i'd be willing to wager i could win a 2v5 co-op vs ai game, it is literally a joke and not even fun how exploitable the ai is. each of those 7 games were 15 minutes of torture thinking i could be playing a real game AND earning more ip.
[quote name='crystalklear64']lol at you guys with losses in co-op vs ai

I only have 1 loss. Never play a support in Co-Op AI.

I used to play them when I was in my dorm since my connection was often crappy and didn't feel like fucking up in a real game. Now that I'm home, I play one a day to get my win of the day bonus. I'd rather be guaranteed a win in 20 min than waste 2-3 hours in normal games.
[quote name='crystalklear64']time to decide on a new 6300ip champ. after cassiopea anything will be better :)[/QUOTE]

Only pick Cass if you have some tanky dps with you, same as using Kog
Yeah, just the sneak peek at her abilities makes her look awesome. Right now I'm just wondering whether or not Riot will have a hotfix for her before an entire week even passes xD.
ended up getting vayne, effective but not really my playstyle. still pick ashe over her.

went on a 6 or so game losing streak getting progressively angry at my team/matchmaking always having me be the "top" player to balance out the low guy. Why can't I ever be the low guy? QQ. Anyway, it got to the point where I just said fuck it, and picked Cassiopea. Now used to be whenever i picked her I would get a leave because i get so fucking mad missing her noxious blast I could not stand to be the in the game anymore. For whatever reason I did really well with her this game and ended up winning a 20 min surrender 6/0/2. Unexpected but really glad I scored a win before going to bed.
My friend and I are 4-0 in duo-queue ranked games as Soraka and Sona. Our team bitches every time about dual support, then we combine for a score of 14-3-40 and they shut up.
[quote name='crystalklear64']lol at you guys with losses in co-op vs ai

Speaking of that, did I mention how much I HATE a fed Soraka / Annie combo when it's VS. AI? There's no fricking way to kill them. You focus on soraka and annie kills 2/4 of your players if not more. You focus on annie, soraka heals her for half or more of her health and she kills 2-4 of the people trying to gang up on her.

Why wouldn't stuns work? Because none of my team HAD stuns other than V...good lesson in team building I suppose.
The timing of this is so appropriate

I think it's implying everyone online is crazy? Not sure though. If that's the case, it's very inaccurate. Should read more like "OMG YOU'RE A $$$$$$", "I"M JUST GONNA FEED NOW" (after being 0-11), and "HOW DO I GET PAIRED WITH THESE LOW ELO $$$S" (not realizing they're on your team, so obviously their ELO isnt much better).
[quote name='crystalklear64']i don't get it : /[/QUOTE]

Playing against with people against other people is a horrible experience after awhile. Bots may not be challenging, but it's at least enjoyable most of the time.
for the millionth time, if you think you never screw up and want a pro team, get one together yourself and play pre-mades. or if you just don't like playing with assholes -- get a premade.

i read some of the complaints here and you guys sound just as sour as the people you complain about. i solo-queue normal all the time and expect the worst and still get enjoyment out of it, much more than in a comp stomp where you're not even playing LoL. If I want a "real" game I'll play with a real team -- people I know.

I know you guys have been playing for a while, and i know you like to look at the game competitively, so why not have something set up by now? I'm down for a LoL night. I doubt any of us are terribly amazing at this game, but at least we can not be assholes together, ya? Have constructive learning experiences.

Who's down? What days work?
Strangely enough, that's not the case for me xD. I find myself doing much better in solo queue than in premades.

Which.. is kinda bad, since premade is supposed to show off actual skill.

I'm bad in organized groups.
[quote name='panzerfaust']for the millionth time, if you think you never screw up and want a pro team, get one together yourself and play pre-mades. or if you just don't like playing with assholes -- get a premade.

i read some of the complaints here and you guys sound just as sour as the people you complain about. i solo-queue normal all the time and expect the worst and still get enjoyment out of it, much more than in a comp stomp where you're not even playing LoL. If I want a "real" game I'll play with a real team -- people I know.

I know you guys have been playing for a while, and i know you like to look at the game competitively, so why not have something set up by now? I'm down for a LoL night. I doubt any of us are terribly amazing at this game, but at least we can not be assholes together, ya? Have constructive learning experiences.

Who's down? What days work?[/QUOTE]
The problem I run into with this is people are too set in playing a particular champion, they don't take the time/haven't played enough time to learn what they all do. So maybe you find someone whos a great Sion, you add them and say yo bro lets stomp some heads. Match starts and you've already got some solid AP and CC picks, now this person has no idea wtf to do and they look like they're terrible. But all that comes with time spent playing and seeing what all the champs can do, and most people I've played with do not have that time spent yet.

I consider at least knowing what all the champs are capable of to be standard knowledge before playing competitively. Things like map control and knowing when to push and getting a feel for what the enemy is doing based on the flow of the game also comes with experience, but I am still amazed at the number of people I get grouped with that don't know what all the champions do.
That's how I feel. I'd really like to get experience with an AD carry like Ashe. But when we get an instalock Caitlyn and Corki, what am I supposed to do? Having 3 squishies puts us at a disadvantage. So I'm forced to fall back on my usual tanks/tanky champs.

Sometimes, I feel like jungling, but my team doesn't have a champ that can hold a solo lane well, so I'm forced to not do that. Or I want to play an AP champ but we already have 3, I have play a AD champ.

Also, found this on Demacia Comics

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Funny, but not terribly accurate =p


Anyways, we'd just play normal, so once again -- no real reason to be upset as we learn. And if knowledge is the primary issue I'd wager most here know the general workings of every champ. Just don't blow your shit when someone makes a mistake.

As for depending on only specific champs, yeah, it's bad. Let's not do that. Problem solved. I play an Irelia, Taric, Sona, Miss Fortune and LeBlanc -- not much I know. Hope to pick up the new tank character though (if it's not a Yorick).

And my advice if you want to play your AD carry in a normal -- do it. Instalock it. You should care less how a normal game pans out as long as you get to play what you want. It's like joing a public CS server and trying to buy the "right" weapon to support your team (unless that's what you want to do, of course). Does not make sense.

Premades are all that matter.
[quote name='icedrake523']I'd rather keep picking tanks than be one of 4 AD carries on my team and waste 30-40 min dragging out a loss.[/QUOTE]

Can't see how anyone could care about a normal game loss.

There's fun to be had in both winning and losing situations. So play what you enjoy, instead of pretending that you're in a ranked premade and carrying a team as a tank.
Just because it's a normal game doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously. Hell, not even ranked is taken seriously except by high ELO players.

I don't find losing fun. Ever. So I'd rather pick a champion who I feel gives us a better chance of winning (almost always a tank since no one ever plays them) than picking a champion I want to play and giving my team a disadvantage.
[quote name='icedrake523']Just because it's a normal game doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously. Hell, not even ranked is taken seriously except by high ELO players.

I don't find losing fun. Ever. So I'd rather pick a champion who I feel gives us a better chance of winning (almost always a tank since no one ever plays them) than picking a champion I want to play and giving my team a disadvantage.[/QUOTE]

While this is good in theory, I'd much rather have people play champs they are good with rather than play champs strictly to fill a team need.
All the comments about people being complete dicks in this game are really true. Given that it's a free game, I mostly brush it aside. Sometimes it's a little fucking stupid though. For example, when I choose a champion I don't know (like I did earlier with Corki) and then people literally try to get everyone in the game to report you for playing poorly, what's the point? That seems kind of ridiculous to me. Sorry that I'm trying something new because I didn't feel like playing something I knew how to play, I guess. Apparently, the game is League of Legend(s).

Should be noted it was just a normal, blind pick game. It wasn't even ranked. I only play solo queue when all my friends aren't around (like 5% of the time) but something always ruins it. I won't even mention the Udyr that at Level 1 decided he should turret dive Vlad and not even hit him once because Vlad was standing next to the turret.
I've recently picked this game up due to a few friends bugging me for months about it. I'm liking it but I find it really hard for a beginner to just sit down and learn the game without someone guiding you through. You can easily look past all the peeps trying to get into your head with their attitudes. Problem is just trying to find people to play with outside of who you know.

I'm not much for winning if I'm not enjoying it. If there's money involved or a fancy physical prize, sure. I didn't even know there's ranked games in this game! D: And I know I don't give a crap about ladders and leaderboards.
So, the website of the day on the official LoL page is www.lolbase.net

They are offering custom signature files for people who participate in their data collection. Thoughts? I'm considering doing it just for that nice looking sig file.
The only good AD carry is the one that FlipprDolphin uses :)

And i wont do a 5-man premade with the CAG people anymore (usually), at the most a 3-man (you know who you are!), or a 4-man if wakaakakaka comes back

Yesterday I won 3 normal games in a row and picked whoever the heck I wanted

1) Pantheon
2) Kog
3) Galio

Pantheon is fun because i dont really care if I die using him

All game i just yell MANTHEON and make people laugh and have fun
[quote name='RisenShadow']So, the website of the day on the official LoL page is www.lolbase.net

They are offering custom signature files for people who participate in their data collection. Thoughts? I'm considering doing it just for that nice looking sig file.[/QUOTE]
Well data collection is nothing new. I mean with World of Warcraft you can literally find out anything about a character, and this really isn't any different unless you don't want people to see your stats.
[quote name='panzerfaust']lol ok, nevermind then. i don't think we'd make a good premade.[/QUOTE]

If you want a decent tank, I think I play one. I usually play Amumu and once I get boots, Sunfire and (usually) Aegis, I'm ready to for fights.

[quote name='SEH']While this is good in theory, I'd much rather have people play champs they are good with rather than play champs strictly to fill a team need.[/QUOTE]

Fortunately, always playing tanks (since no one ever does) has made me good at them. So I kill 2 birds with 1 stone in that regard.

[quote name='MogKnight']I've recently picked this game up due to a few friends bugging me for months about it. I'm liking it but I find it really hard for a beginner to just sit down and learn the game without someone guiding you through. You can easily look past all the peeps trying to get into your head with their attitudes. Problem is just trying to find people to play with outside of who you know.

I'm not much for winning if I'm not enjoying it. If there's money involved or a fancy physical prize, sure. I didn't even know there's ranked games in this game! D: And I know I don't give a crap about ladders and leaderboards.[/QUOTE]

Check out builds for champions on Leaguecraft.com. There's also MOBAFire but I find their top-rated builds to be too offensive based for my liking.

I'm guessing you're lower level, so buy wards. People rarely do at level 30 when they know they exist.
[quote name='MogKnight']I've recently picked this game up due to a few friends bugging me for months about it. I'm liking it but I find it really hard for a beginner to just sit down and learn the game without someone guiding you through. You can easily look past all the peeps trying to get into your head with their attitudes. Problem is just trying to find people to play with outside of who you know.

I'm not much for winning if I'm not enjoying it. If there's money involved or a fancy physical prize, sure. I didn't even know there's ranked games in this game! D: And I know I don't give a crap about ladders and leaderboards.[/QUOTE]
Try some co-op vs ai on beginner. It has you against bots, but it's 5 people against 5 bots. It's a good learning tutorial because it's easy to win but yet it teaches you the basics.
bread's done