League of Legends anyone?

There's nothing about DotA 2 that's going to fix any of your problems with the community. Certain people play DotA and its clones, it will never change -- free or not. It's just an endless cycle of people bitching at each other.

See this thread as a prime example.
[quote name='panzerfaust']There's nothing about DotA 2 that's going to fix any of your problems with the community. Certain people play DotA and its clones, it will never change -- free or not. It's just an endless cycle of people bitching at each other.

See this thread as a prime example.[/QUOTE]

>_< you just linked back to the thread we're in, didn't you?
There is a major problem with LoL though and that is if both teams are truly good and play smart, it is an incredibly boring game. You need people doing stupid shit to keep it interesting, you just hope its the other team and not yours.
[quote name='panzerfaust']There's nothing about DotA 2 that's going to fix any of your problems with the community. Certain people play DotA and its clones, it will never change -- free or not. It's just an endless cycle of people bitching at each other.

See this thread as a prime example.[/QUOTE]

Didn't DotA and/or HoN balance 4v5s by giving the team of 4 more EXP and gold gain after awhile? There's nothing like that in LoL.

There are problems in LoL besides the community. Riot hates tanks for one (tank items have been nerfed, Vayne has a bloodrazor that deals true damage which you can't counter).
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[quote name='icedrake523']Didn't DotA and/or HoN balance 4v5s by giving the team of 4 more EXP and gold gain after awhile? There's nothing like that in LoL.[/QUOTE]
You get the person's items and their gold is split among the team. If you sell the items the gold gotten from selling them is split among the team too. Dunno about more gold and exp though. That seems like it'd be OP in HoN.
LoL can be very boring to watch or play if as you said, both teams are quite good (it's a good spectator sport for hardcore players, and few else, unlike a Broodwar or Street Fighter). But to win you really do have to take risks, and I guess that's the excitement of the game. I think the DotA genre makes for a good competitive scene (as a team game involving decisions, not because the champs are "hard to play" -- god I hate hearing that), and LoL really has no excuse not to have some basic features built into it like replays. Really could care less about 4v5s, though there's no reason why the surrender clock shouldn't be shortened if someone drops for longer than a few minutes.

Also, games like this will never have a perfect balance. It's broken so just enjoy it.
Awesome news!

First, the patch was delayed from Tues to Wed b/c of the holiday. Then it was delayed until tomorrow because of more bugs. Now Leona isn't coming out since there are so many bugs they have to fix!


Riot had to increase the vote count to 10,000 b/c of all the downvotes.

I made this thread basically saying since she was delayed, she should cost 3150 IP. Doubt it will happen, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I think I put forward good reasons. Since Vayne it's been 3-week gaps between Orianna and Yorick, Dreamhack delayed a balancing patch, Yorick was a complete disaster of a champion at release (not just sucking but his ult bug that caused you to die 500 times), and this delay. Doubt a Rioter will read it, but they definitely won't if I don't post it.

Interesting how the champions released at 4800 IP seem to be some of the best in the game (Orianna, Rumble, Jarvan). I guess Trundle is a slight exception but he's still very good which just reinforces my point. Also, not saying that other champions at different price points aren't good, just that 4800 is so far very consistant.
All this delay BS is so annoying since this is the first time I was really looking forward to the new champion.

There's a PVP.net patch they're doing which you can read here:
Release Notes PVP.net v1.38.30

  • PVP.net patcher now has a “Region” selector. Players may choose language (English, German, French, Spanish, and Polish) and region (NA, EU West, EU Nordic + East)
  • Updated the filter on summoner name creation and change
  • Fixed a bug with multiple error pop-ups appearing in PVP.net
  • Updated UI for the “Submit Log” interface
  • Updated Custom Game Lobby interface
  • Updated UI for Custom Game creation
  • Added default names to Custom Game creation.
  • Custom Games now have a “Quit” button in Champion Select. Players will no longer have to log back into PVP.net to cancel a custom game in Champion Select.
  • Removed warnings for leaving Battle Training during Champion Select
  • Updated Champion filters in the Summoner Profile
  • Updated UI when viewing other players’ Mastery Pages
  • Fixed a bug that could cause you to overwrite your own Mastery Pages
  • Fixed a bug with viewing other players’ Rune Pages
  • Added multiple rune purchases to the store. Players can now use the “+” and “-“ signs to choose how many runes of a certain type to buy, up to 9
  • Multiple bug-fixes for the PVP.net store
  • Updated matchmaking to make level 30s matching with non-30s rarer

However, there won't be a balance path or Leona patch. It sounded like there were in-game bugs, but that may have been a lie to resolve the server issues. Don't know if they'll do a separate balance and Leona patches or separately. It'd be nice if they did a Leona patch early next week and then balance patch (or even vice-versa), but I might as well hope for Skyward Sword to be released next week.
I actually reallllly hate that one. Reminds me of Sega's Kid Chameleon... and I really disliked that thing...

Definitely buying Valkyrie Leona. Guardian is so-so. Galactic Kass and Dreadknight Sion are awesome. Knight Amuu is alright, still prefer his default.

Also, patch notes!

  • If Akali uses Shadow Dance on a champion, she will attempt to attack the target upon successfully arriving

  • Headbutt ability power ratio reduced to .7 from .8
  • Pulverize ability power ratio reduced to .5 from .6
  • Triumphant Roar ability power ratio reduced to .2 from .4

  • Enchanted Crystal Arrow
    • Cooldown increased to 100/90/80 from 75 at all levels
    • Slow duration no longer scales with level and now slows for 3 seconds at all levels

  • Rocket Grab now has a proper animation.

  • Fixed a bug where Pyroclasm could instant-kill enemies under some circumstances.

  • Tuned Ezreal's autoattack frames to be more responsive
  • Trueshot Barrage cooldown reduced to 80 from 100.
  • Essence Flux mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 70/80/90/100/110.

  • Fixed a bug where Dark Wind could instant-kill people under some circumstances.

  • Grog-Soaked Blade max stacks reduced to 4 from 5.

  • Bladesurge mana cost changed to 60/65/70/75/80 from 70
  • Transcendent Blades damage reduced to 80/120/160 from 85/135/185

Jarvan IV
  • Demacian Standard
    • Cooldown increased to 13 from 12
    • Damage reduced to 60/105/150/195/240 from 60/110/160/210/260
  • Dragon Strike damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 from 70/120/170/220/270

  • Leap Strike can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards to enemies when used in this manner.

  • Shunpo can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards to enemies when used in this manner.

  • Fixed a bug where Void Ooze was not flagged as an area-of-effect spell
  • Updated Kog'Maw's autoattack frame to be more responsive
  • Updated Bio-Arcane Barrage attack frame to be more responsive
  • Updated Caustic Spittle's attack frame to be more responsive
  • Bio-Arcane Barrage
    • Cooldown increased to 17 from 15
    • Duration increased to 10 from 6
  • Living Artillery drop time reduced slightly to increase consistency (Overall slightly faster)

Lee Sin
  • Safeguard can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards to enemies when used in this manner

  • Fixed a bug where Nether Grasp would sometimes only deal 4 ticks of damage instead of 5

  • Flamespitter
    • Damage adjusted to 30/60/90/120/150 from 40/65/90/115/140
    • Ability power ratio reduced to .45 from .5

  • Overload base damage increased to 40/65/90/115/140 from 30/55/80/105/130

  • Ravenous Flock now heals Swain for 75% of damage dealt versus champions, and 25% versus minions

  • Hungering Strike now heals for 80% of damage dealt, down from 100%

  • Omen of War
    • Fixed a bug where the Spectral Ghoul would not spawn if Yorick was silenced.
  • Omen of Pestilence
    • Increased the cast range by 50
    • Improved the consistency of the AoE slow by increasing the radius and rate of application.
    • Mana cost reduced to 40/45/50/55//60 from 50/55/60/65/70
  • Omen of Famine
    • Mana cost reduced to 55/60/65/70/75 from 60/65/70/75/80
  • Omen of Death
    • Updated the visual of Reanimated Champions to better show when a Champion has revived.
    • Removed the health decay on the Revenant and Reanimated pets
    • Fixed a bug with the interaction between Chronoshift and Revenants
    • Fixed a bug with Heimerdinger's turrets and the Reanimated state
  • Unholy Symbiosis
    • Yorick now takes 5% reduced damage for each summon that is active.
    • Increased the Attack Damage and Health of ghouls to 35% from 30% of Yorick's Attack Damage and Health
  • Ghouls
    • Ghouls are now immune to slows.
    • Ghouls take 50% reduced damage from AoE abilities
  • General
    • Mana per level increased to 35 from 30
    • Health per level increased to 85 from 80
    • Armor per level increased to 3.6 from 3
    • Base Movement speed increased to 320 from 315
    • Slightly increased his base Attack Speed

  • Rabadon's Deathcap base ability power reduced to 140 from 155

  • Fixed areas in brush that did not correctly hide units
  • Teleporting to a ward will now reveal the ward to enemies for a few seconds
  • Locally jumping to ward will now destealth the ward for 2 seconds
  • Added minimap range indicators for long range (non-global ) spells such as Nocturne’s Paranoia and Ashe’s Hawk Shot

And Leona info

On the upper slopes of Mount Targon, the warriors of Rakkor live and breathe only for war. However, Targon’s peak is reserved for a special group of Rakkor who answer to a “higher” calling. Members of this group, called the Solari, retire their mantles of war, choosing instead to devote their lives to reverence of the sun. According to legend, the Solari were formed by a warrior who could call the raw might of the sun down upon his enemies in combat. He claimed Mount Targon’s summit, the point on Valoran closest to the sun, for his solar devotion, a tradition which generations of Solari have preserved to this day. Though they maintain their reverence, no other warrior possessed the gifts of the founder – until Leona.

Leona’s parents were traditional Rakkor, both bred for the heat of battle. To them, Leona was a problem child. She was capable of fighting as fiercely as any other – including her childhood friend, Pantheon – but she did not share their zeal for killing. She believed that the true worth of a soldier lay in her ability to defend and protect. When it came time for her Rite of Kor, a ceremony in which two Rakkor teens battle to the death for the right to bear a relic-weapon, Leona refused to fight. For this, the Rakkor leaders ordered her execution, but when they tried to strike the fatal blow, sunlight burst forth, bathing Mount Targon in light. As it faded, Leona stood unharmed and her executioners lay unconscious around her. The Solari immediately claimed Leona, demanding that her sentence be repealed. She donned the golden armor of the Solari and they bestowed upon her the sword and shield passed down from the ancient sun-warrior of legend. The Solari helped Leona focus her abilities, and when she was ready she left to join the League of Legends.

“The sun’s rays reach all of Runeterra, so too must the image of its champion.”
- Leona


Shield of Daybreak – Leona charges her shield with the power of the sun causing her next melee attack to deal additional damage and briefly stun the target.

Eclipse – Leona raises her shield granting her additional Armor and Magic Resistance for 3 seconds. When the effect ends she deals area of effect damage and increases the duration of the defensive bonuses by 3 seconds if she damages an enemy.

Zenith Blade – Leona throws a blade of sunlight that deals damage to all enemies in a line. Leona teleports to the last enemy champion hit by this attack.

Solar Flare – After a brief delay, Leona calls down a beam of solar energy dealing damage and slowing enemies. Enemies in the center of the beam are stunned instead of slowed.

Sunlight (Passive) – Leona’s abilities mark the target with sunlight. Allied champions that damage marked targets deal additional damage and consume the mark.
Kog Maw might be the worst ranged carry though. He's very squishy, has a stupid passive and no escape mechanism.

MF has her passive that gives speed (kinda crappy but works), Ashe has Volley and perma-slow with Q, EZ has his blink, Vayne has tumble, a knock-back, and stealth, Twitch has stealth.
[quote name='icedrake523']All this delay BS is so annoying since this is the first time I was really looking forward to the new champion.[/QUOTE]

The delay makes less since as shes already out in Europe. They really have two teams making two different sets of the same patch for the game? That's so fu*king backwards. There should only be one version of a patch to begin with, but Riot is trying to push intercontinental league play so hard, it seems even more dumb since you'd think it'd be better for everyone to be on the same playing field.

Also, another Rumble nerf...ugh.
They may have done as compensation since EU servers have been so awful. The NA servers should be back up by now but they aren't.

I don't see the Rumble nerf as a big deal, it went from .5 to .45, that's 5%. It's not even a spell on a long cooldown, he can have it up constantly.
[quote name='icedrake523']They may have done as compensation since EU servers have been so awful. The NA servers should be back up by now but they aren't.

I don't see the Rumble nerf as a big deal, it went from .5 to .45, that's 5%. It's not even a spell on a long cooldown, he can have it up constantly.[/QUOTE]

The deployment was delayed (imagine that). Servers are estimated to be back up at 5PM Eastern.
Awesome. I always like to get my Win of the Day around noon, now it will take a few days to go back to that time. Meh, as long as Riot doesn't handle it so poorly again I can live.
Kog'maw scales as the 2nd highest damaging carrying, next to Tristana thanks to her 90% ASPD boots and increased range. While it's true that he has no true escape, not all champions have to (until flash is removed). He has more of an escape than Malazhar, and he's considered one of the best AP Carries.

Either way, I'm definitely glad I bought him. If Kog'maw gets max CDR now, he can practically keep up his increased ranged skill constantly thanks to its boost to 10seconds from 6. Making him a lot more viable.
Unless you're a moron, you're going to get HP on a Malazhar with either Rod of Ages or Rylai's. Ranged carries rarely buy HP, the least they get is Banshee's. Plus Malz has suppression and silence.

You can patch LoL now but mine says it's unavailable. The site says the servers are busy. I'll probably not even bother playing tonight.
[quote name='icedrake523']Awesome. I always like to get my Win of the Day around noon, now it will take a few days to go back to that time. Meh, as long as Riot doesn't handle it so poorly again I can live.[/QUOTE]

It's Riot, its guaranteed something will be handled poorly again. They know of no other way to do things.
Don't bother trying to sign in to play games now, the wait was 20 minutes and matchmaking is down. You can only play custom games or the tutorial.
Had some terrible games today. Literally every game had the following: absolutely terrible player bitching, calling everyone else shit and the guy who says "alright, we all need to just group up and teamfight" then proceeds to walk off alone miles away from team members.
Had some decent games last night. I laned against a Corki (as Rumble) and killed him. Then he starts raging about how I'm a terrible player. Some Im like "Ok, so I'm and terrible player but I still killed you?" and he's like "Yeah, you're awful, you missed your ULT and I would have killed you if I didnt run out of mana", I didnt miss my ULT, but I reply with "So I missed my ULT and STILL killed you, but I'm bad?"
He continued to rage awhile. But honestly a Corki should beat a Rumble every time in a lane, he just has so much more range and a better escape. But I think most of my kills were Corki that game.

We also had a Caitlyn who was bitching the whole time that Icedrake wasnt ganking, when she had mid pushed to the tower the whole time. I think she was one of those people who have an very brief opportunity to gank in their lane and expect the jungler to magically be there every time.
That game is one where it's really annoying to jungle. Our Cait mid was feeding Lux who never overextended much, so it was hard to gank there. Bot our Yorick was so aggressive and pushing them under their tower and kept thinking his ult was Zilean.

Fortunately we were able to hang on and win even after losing Baron. We killed 4 of them, Corki was nowhere to be seen so Waughoo and our Cait pushed to the turret and inhib. Of course I said "Everyone B so we can Baron" but our Caitlyn stayed in base autoattacking minions. Then they all respawned and went after her, so we had to help her. Luckily they went back to defend so we were able to get Baron albeit much later.
I think I have to quit League of Legends :(.

My computer ping has permanently jumped by 400. I'm lucky to actually stay within the 500range too. Tried running it on my desktop instead, but that thing froze up twice in the middle of a co-op this morning. And I actually had to log back in on my awful laptop just to avoid the leave.
Ping is related to your internet, not the quality of your PC.

[quote name='Waughoo']We also had a Caitlyn who was bitching the whole time that Icedrake wasnt ganking, when she had mid pushed to the tower the whole time. I think she was one of those people who have an very brief opportunity to gank in their lane and expect the jungler to magically be there every time.[/QUOTE]

I fucking hate these people. ALWAYS pushed way up the other teams ass, yet expects ganks every two minutes. Heres a tip, if you want ganks, stop auto-attacking creep waves.
My favorite is when I'm in a sidelane and either the enemy team has a jungler or we do. I'll tell my lanemate "don't push the creep wave too much." Which they read is "Push and try to kill them under their tower."
I've been jungling Amumu. It's ok. Farming and leveling is obviously easier, but I'm not that great with his Q so ganks can be difficult, especially if my side lanes have pushed them to their turret.

One game I played we were doing horrible early. Anivia sucked, TF was kinda crappy, and our bot was dumb. And every team fight, my team would focus their Nasus and Amumu, I was the only one who went after their Kog Maw, Janna, and Annie. So many times they were almost dead but the rest of them kept attacking Nasus and Amumu. Nasus' Q is SO overrated. It's a powerful nuke, but he can only do it every few seconds. Annie's stun is what was killing us and Kog and Janna were squishy as hell. Finally they did that and we were able to win.

Waughoo and I did a 5-man premade. Our early game sucked and Karthus died a lot to Vayne. My blue buff was stolen and I died at the start, so my jungling there was delayed. However, their jungling Lee Sin was horrible and their Karma would run into our jungle and we'd gank her. But once we got our builds going, they couldn't win a teamfight at all. I even bought Oracles to stop Vayne. They eventually surrendered.
Tryn's remake to the Fury/Rage system that Ren uses has been confirmed for the next patch. It supposedly really helps his jungle, and his early game survivability issue if you're not dominating your lane.
You picked a good week to go on vacation. Leona and the patch were delayed. The servers were done all of Friday, and Leona was delayed until this week.

I also started playing Jungle Amumu.
Good news everybody!
(Bonus Points if you read that in the Professor's Voice)

They've announced that it'll be a Soft-Elo Reset!
Also, everybody that's played at least 10 games in any mode is going to get a limited edition Kayle skin.. that kinda looks like Ashe, but using a sword.

They also said something about other rewards for ranked players with Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum plates! Look forward to more on that soon!
Well looks like I am back to playing normal games again on my regular account, sirfragalot. My gf and her friends apparently felt the need to just dump me and well now I have all the free time to do normal games and rage my face off :lol:. I used to play on my other account because they were too fucking scared to play normal games, lol.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Well looks like I am back to playing normal games again on my regular account, sirfragalot. My gf and her friends apparently felt the need to just dump me and well now I have all the free time to do normal games and rage my face off :lol:. I used to play on my other account because they were too fucking scared to play normal games, lol.[/QUOTE]

One of us, one of us, one of us!
Rankings as of today (if I don't have the right LoL name, blame Waug)
Also, NOBODY here plays 3v3 Premade it appears.

LOL _____________ 5v5 solo ______ 5v5 pre _____

Worden __________ 46496 _______ n/a
Panzerfaust _______ 62566 _______ 38261
FlipprDolphin _______ 103639 _____ 42097
ExplodingRat ______ 138741 ______ n/a
Waughoo _________ n/a
icedrake523 _______ n/a
RisenShadow ______ n/a
RabbitSuit ________ N/A
Sir_Fragalot _______N/a
SEH ______________N/a
crystalKlear54 _____ n/a
Nateorz __________ n/a
52club ___________n/a
So, is Leona ever going to be released at this point? Riot refuses to give any kind of updates on the status of her release, and instead just answers with the incredibly vague "soon" and "early this week".
x.x Sorry to hear that Sir_Fragalot. Here's to the best.

Leona is apparently ready to go. They're just waiting for the EU servers to be stable in order to patch her in.

xD I'm gonna start ranked games soon(tm)! I want those season-end rewards, so I don't care that I'm not ready. I refuse to sit back and not get at least a bronze plate in one of the three ranked catigories.
Have you seen anything about this patch? I'm looking on the LOL forums, but surprise, Riot is completely silent about it. Some patch notes would be nice.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']
xD I'm gonna start ranked games soon(tm)! I want those season-end rewards, so I don't care that I'm not ready. I refuse to sit back and not get at least a bronze plate in one of the three ranked catigories.[/QUOTE]

You and me both, rabbit. Time to rushplay those ranked!

Maybe we should try a premade 3v3 sometime
[quote name='icedrake523']At 1:19 PDT, Leona is available.

And she's 6300. Who'd have thought of that? :roll:[/QUOTE]

Ugh. Pass from me, at least for now.
bread's done